Destiny General - /dg/

Dudebro edition


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gotta force that relevancy eh drunkenheart?

Yo /dg/ where was u at wen G decided to be rasist?

I dont like this bread. Its old and stale

delet tgis

5th for furry pride

Remember, by killing Crota, you showed him more love than his father ever could.

Iron Banner in 2 days

Get those cru-cru boosters ready

I'm literally just missing the boots for Titan and hunter.
I won't be playing long enough to need a booster.

Still need titan chest. Life is suffering.

>2 more months until RoI


>2.5 more months until PSVR.


>le VR meme
nice one LOL!!

>TFW RoI Raid weapon will be a primary rocket launcher.

Its ok kiddo :^) I'm sure someone can give you some cash for your food stamps.

>le she's poor meme
nice one LOL!!

Dragonheart, you forgot your trip.

doubles, anyone?

>Ship left without him, so he just jumped.

>vex mythoclast
my nigga
hope it gets to Y2 soon

Ded game
Ded thread
Ded orbit

It won't. They said they're only doing things that fit thematically. Mythoclast is a Vex weapon, gotta wait till the next Vex DLC. Look for the new Pocket Infinity though.

>It won't. They said they're only doing things that fit thematically. Mythoclast is a Vex weapon, gotta wait till the next Vex DLC. Look for the new Pocket Infinity though.
Did they also say you're a retard? Because you're a retard.

Oh cool, I didn't know bringing up relevant facts to a thread made me a retard, thanks for the heads up.

>Bringing a random sentence out of context is relevant facts.


It's not random, it's relevant. He wanted a Y2 Vex, I told him when he'd get it.

>It's not random, it's relevant.

different user

they literally stated that the mythoclast and necrochasm, among select other weapons, wouldn't be moving up to year 2. it's a straight fact

>different user

Out of curiosity, what's everyone's favourite soundtrack from Destiny?

The Taniks one is the one that always sticks out for me. I always recognise it and I always notice it in the strike. It really gave off that "Final Showdown" vibe.

Why is there an outline of a Horse's penis in the background?

just woke up famalam

>They always think I'm saying they're the samefag.
>They never understand I'm pointing out it has nothing to do with anything.

autism right here
You are probably evan smith for how retarded you look right now a best

It's to symbolise Bungie fucking me over from exotics for weeks.


>PokemonGo is down
>Everyone is busy
So what's been going on in this shithole?

>not having the app open the background

fair enough

i always preface with 'different user' in a slow thread because i don't want to be accused of samefag

Oh man, I remember hearing this a ton when I didn't have TTK. Nice.

This is another one that I like. Surprisingly heroic sounding.

>All that censoring.

Literally why? You posted teh fucking content.

didn't make the picture

betrayer from the ttk soundtrack is top notch

>Censor locations
>Censor the guy's name

>Doesn't censor the sentence saying "Texas Department of Public safety and the Hidalgo County Sheriff's Deparmtnet located Cerda

Please tell me you found this image online, and didn't try to censor it yourself.

Can't load the damn game 90% of the time. No point wasting the battery.

B-Black lives matter, r-right?! Stupid uneducated nigger.

>pale as fuck skin
Get your fucking eyes checked.

Just because you're white doesn't mean you can't act like a nigger.


Oh wow. I remember hearing this but I couldn't remember from where. It was when I was hunting ghosts.

are niggers aloud to play this game

Post jiro memes

fuck off mustang

That reminds me.

>Rolled into Vanilla strike playlist for shits n' giggles
>Get Summoning Pits
>Start shooting Phogoth in the head
>Wondering why I'm not seeing crit damage
>Get his health down to three quarters before I remember his heart

Holy shit they need to bring up the old strikes, I miss them, haven't played them in like a fucking year.

>someone on /dg/ actually looks like this

>insulting Jiro


The Kings fall oryx fight music is pretty neat

Kek I get it

>replies to every shitpost about him
>posts pictures of himself constantly
>surprised when Xboners tell him he has no place on their platform


Xboners are literally the worst

>5 hours to complete 2 raids
>At least 2 wipes at every section


Enji pls

They're right about jiro tho

Does anyone have that "le sexually confused air force man" post?
That? Agreed. It's pretty awesome.

Shut up john he has a place on ps4

its a hard knock life - for us

>he has a place
Bottom of the leaderboards don't count.

>tfw Fear's Embrace isn't in the soundtrack

I was on the other end of something like that earlier, one enemy was holding up pretty good, while his teammate was crouch hiding all the time (which didn't work), trying to snipe us with NLB which he couldn't use for shit. When i got close to evaporate his ass he whipped out his dank as fuck In Times Of Need. Got 2 kills total the whole match.

Man, I know I'm a shitter but it took me waaay too long to complete that mission. I almost shat myself when Eris told me to do it again for the Touch of Malice. Thankfully I Raze'd the wizard just to save myself and then understood that's all I had to do.

VoG/Crota when?

Yea, that one

When I get back to my house

when the fuck will that be?

This one is my favourite

Hopefully a few hours. I need to grind for a shitload of motes of light.

>dozvati in charge of max grimoire
dont worry m8, only need what, 6 more wins?

>checking my stats
i guarantee you, i wont get those 6 wins after work tomorrow and im going to cry about it


so yeah
is the game still Warlock > Titan > Shit > Hunter?

Hunters are still the best in PvP and 2nd in PvE, so obviously you're a shitter and always have been

>second in pve
thats wrong. hunters are number 1 in both cases

>second in PvE

Defenders are 1 and Warlocks have only ever been useful as crutch revive, so that leaves Nightstalkers in 2nd. But then this is Mustang so I'm not surprised you think you know what you're talking about.

you done with doubles for today or something? i could help out by not being complete shit most of the time
hunters are the best pve class

The Swordbearer little music is great too. But it constantly reminds me as if I'm heading into a Crucible match.

Oh shit, man. Never noticed this one before. I love music like this. Thanks.

Toland pls

>second in pve
Bubblebros can save a team and Suniggers can prevent wipes
hunters can't even compare

you log on right this second young man

>thinking in terms of wipes
spotted the shitter

Seriously? Defenders have a bubble with a Force barrier that creates orbs for every trash mob kill. Big deal.
Nightstalkers have smoke grenades for free invisibility at will, a tether that stops all attacks the second they're tethered and debuffs to where damage increases a lot, along with light of the pack for high orb generation, not to mention the entire last tree of perks for Nightstalker.

Well, in fairness, the only ones we're missing are Phogoth, Sekrion and Sepiks, and that's probably finally coming back in RoI.

Wow. I had to google that to remember.

>Took me a good 10 seconds to remember wtf that was
wew, its been a while.

You'd instantly remember if he said Nexus, though.
Who the fuck remembers vex names? Outside of Atheon you just remember their mind title. Nexus Mind, Restorative Mind, Undying Mind.

>Not having an encyclopedic knowledge of all Destiny strike bosses

anyone up for trials?

Literally who?