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first xd


>enemy team
>professional player Coolmatt69 and his nuthugger squad of mid-70s
>my team
>me and some random level 60s

>there are level 50s on both teams

I don't understand matchmaking. Also I am surprised at how easy Coolmatt was to kill even with his nuthugger mercy and nuthugger zenyatta both healing him

>Monkey was indirectly nerfed hard

>So was Roadhog

>McCree was overbuffed because sniper revolver

>Ana is super mediocre as a healer but has insane utility because of her ultimate and stun

Give Tracer the double-jump.


>being 73 and playing at 5am
>expecting anything different

>>Monkey was indirectly nerfed hard
How so?

>Strike Commander Morrison
>Omnic Crisis
>Snow Plum
>Carbon Fiber
>Captain Amari

Rank 40s is the place where they can't counter Bastion.

I hope the return of McCree will be mark the end of the age of pocket healers.

>tfw rank 79
>play comp last night around 6pm because 'hey, i'll get put in with people around my rank!'
>both my team and the other team have a mishmash of rank 80s, 70s, and 40s
>the poor 40s are getting demolished for 90% of the match because they get stuck in the crossfire from the bigger ranks
>spend entire game trying to figure out how this happened
On the flipside, that match was fun as fuck and absolute chaos.

why the fuck am i getting so many comments for picking mccree in quickplay? some dickhead reaper just told me to switch. i was gold for elims/damage that round and regularly am

Did you win?

>Ana wasn't Sombra after all

can only run 1 of him

>Buff tracer


Double monkey is no longer a thing.
Dva arguably outclasses you at most of your job.
Dva also checks you hard and is super popular.
Zenyatta now shuts you down completely and is also way more viable.
Ana has a stun that shuts down you and your chimpout because you're so huge and easy to hit.
You can't double monkey lightning stack which was the primary reason monkey was picked.

>in the same match

monkey is a waste of a slot by himself and you can't double monkey in comp anymore.

She's next apparently because of all those extracted voicelines from PTR. Seems like she'll be an unironic Spy stand in.

Also I met carnage (the old tf2 pro) earlier

they're calling you out on being a faggot. E Rightclick is still gay as fk.

what blizzard needed to do all along is turn his stun into a silence and he would've been perfectly fine.

Any changes before I digitize it? /v/'s idea.

>monkey is a waste of a slot by himself

>e rightclick

nigga E headshot left click is where it's at nowadays

Find a less meaty and more robotic arm to trace

I like it

Sparrow is Genji's best skin, fight me senpai

Does it seem to anyone else that the game is choke full of bullshit sometimes? Like missing your shots when you could swear you had it, seemingly doing less damage or taking more, enemies hitting their ultimates even though it seems they couldnot, stuff like that. It always signifies the start of a loss streak too

I have no fucking idea. None at all.
I mean, I guess it was..technically? a balanced game? Because we had the same setup - two 80s on both teams, two 40s on both, and then two 70s for both. So it worked out.
But still, weird.
It was definitely a fun game either way, not a stomp on either side. Other than the poor 40s who eventually just started skirmishing to the side to avoid getting slaughtered the second they spawned.

Gentlemen, how do we fix Bastion so he isn't a shitter stomper, and doesn't require the entire team to build around him to make him as effective as an immobile soldier 76?

I hate characters that are balanced around the fact that they pubstomp and are otherwise worthless.

If I flashbang someone but don't have the snap aim to immediately lock on for a headshot should I just go for a body shot? I usually pick McCree if I need to shut down Tracer, Reaper, or Soldier 76 but fan the hammer is so shit that it makes it hard to do so.

I didn't trace but I used the official art as the reference. Overlay them if you don't believe me.

The whole "jump on squishy" isn't applicable at higher levels where McCree can stun and shit on you and 76 laughs and outheals you.

Monkey was good because two of them made up for his garbage DPS and terrible shield strength to abuse overtime being broken. He stays alive pretty long when there's two soaking up lucio heals.

yeah somethings fishy. SIKE then explain my 80% winrate its just u m8

You're just playing him wrong.

Meant to reply to

>i play roadhog
>hooking and one-shotting every single hero except tanks require skills! lol

They need to change it counting as a loss if you're put into a game with less than 3 minutes to go, usually the only reasons theres a space cause someone quit to avoid a loss.

>Bastion isn't measurably terrible.

Revert the winston shield nerf and he's good to go.

Winston works great at higher levels as long as the player has some sense. All he has to do is kill a support.

He's also retardedly disruptive with ults on the point.

I want to hug that Genji

I play him the way the best people say he is meant to be played (Ambushing/dropping down behind people and gunning everyone down before they realize what is going on) and it still isn't enough.

And I hate the idea that I should be forced to get everyone to build around me with le ebin rainheart/Merci combo because the character is a one trick pony.

Mercy pls I wanna fug you too

this game is literally designed to have heropicks outweigh skill at any rank what did you expect boi

Wait a minute. So 76's RMB is an actual mini rocket launcher, not a grenade launcher. It flies faster than Pharah's rockets and soes the same amount of damage while being more portable. Why she gotta lug around that huge rocket launcher when she could have another wrist mounted launcher?

>Stand at midrange
>Oneshot by a roadhogs epic rightclick

really makes me think....

Better to practice the flashbang -> headshot routine until you can get the hang of it.

>Play buffyatta
>Pig doesn't exist anymore

>Play McCree
>Stand outside range and melt him to death with sniper revolver

its a super experimental prototype assault rifle no one else has access to

That guy was a TF2 pro as well

lower your sensitivity by x6

>Got a coinflip victory in Volskaya
>Including the last there were 5 games played.

Just remove that shit from the line up holy fuck.

h-how do you p-play torbjorn on attack owg senpai

You might as well ask how a shirtless fat man can shrug off more bullets than a woman in power armor.

sounds about right for being metzen's gary sue

Unless you're playing against idiots you don't.

Get scraps and make armor for your team

Try to snipe headshots on squishies and unload rightclicks on tanks

The turret is irrelevant except that it makes scraps when it dies (which you need for armor packs)

What mode? What map?

How do you play tobjorn above 45 rank senpai.

Does anyone play this game solo? Seems like it would be impossible to have a winrate above 55% solo

Turret + Payload = Win
Be good with his weapon
Be good at dropping armor packs under teammates feet cause they are dumb and won't pick it up on their own

these rank maps take a horrible amount of time to finish

Mercy is bad af

>somehow managed to get back to my original rank
>game makes sure that I drop as low as possible (again) within the next 10 matches
No real way to get a refund, is there?

Put turret on payload if it's a payload map. If enemy's too smart for it, scout ahead and drop it somewhere inconvenient. PMS a lot. Win, probably.

KOTH maps are just sticking the turret to the side somewhere to catch strafers and then shoving hot metal up people's assholes.

But his turret isn't a vital part of his kit on attack, don't expect it to be much good for you. But his m2 is ridiculously strong, melt down tanks with it. Drop armor fucking everywhere. Rinse, repeat.

Melt the tank

I don't think he'll become Thrall or anything lile that. It's not like he made the rifle like Spider-Man and Batman would. He just stole it from old Overwatch bases that were handed over to Helix security. That's why he's a wanted man in the first place. It's a pretty solid explanation.

i wanna tribb her with my face

Might as well name the game Junkratwatch

are you by any chance a reaper main. because it's always reapers

can somebody tell me if 2 roadhogs 2 lucios and 2 tracers is strong for koth

that shit is super precise and it's a projectile too

>carry your team to victory
>4 gold medals
>only player from your team with a card
>0 votes

Is there a better feel? D.Va on Hanamura.

Blame your team and yourself for not focusing his fat ass for easy ults.

>I didn't know that
so, is it better to play with low settings?

>2 roadhogs
change that to 2 winstons and you have the ow meta in your hands

No. Reaper is boring. Super linear hero with zero depth.

>he thinks that's a high 'main ratio'

who /notashitter/ here

who hurt you

>tfw stuck in 50-60 elo hell

It also gets rid of..some??? of the trees??? I don't fucking know why. But it makes things easier for snoipin'. So sure.


Like most games.

that means people who play on toasters have an advantage over people who don't
>wait, I can shoot THROUGH the trees?

after completing calibration i got 61 as my rank
does that mean i'm a shitter?

Torbs turrent needs a .5 second lock on time.

9 ranks till "LE PRO TIER" is definitely not "shitter tier"

It was the seagull stack...

New patch live fucking W H E N?

If you are a tryharding faggot, then yes. (And naturally the next step is to start using cheats.)

>Roadhog hooks me
>I die

Whoa...so this...is the power.....of blizzard entertainment....

bait hook, los hook, outrange hook
shoot his face all the while

>baiting anything in a 20tick game


>peek out from behind cover to bait hook
>hooks me while i'm behind the cover and moving up the stairs
>trys to pull me through the wall for a good whole second
>then noclips me through the wall to drag me to him
Even the Roadhog looked confused as fuck on the killcam. I still don't understand why hook has to be a free kill all the time. At least make the stun shorter so people can respond with abilities like deflect/iceblock/zarya shield

tickrate has literally no relevancy on hooks you complete moron

kys "I want blink to be invincible" guy

>he posted it again
>he still insists its the games fault and not his

>hook random guy
>they die
>I didn't even shoot or anything
W-what did I do? I don't think it's working right
but I think when you hook someone and someone else shoots them it counts as you killing them?
is that possible or does the hook really do damage?