Would anyone be interested, if it existed, in an ad network like adsense that cant be blocked by adblock?
Its possible and simple to do by developing serverside
Would that have demand?
Would anyone be interested, if it existed, in an ad network like adsense that cant be blocked by adblock?
>Its possible and simple to do by developing serverside
Wow I wonder why every single ad service in the entire world hasn't done it yet.
fuck off adblock shill
make ads that dont cause cancer
It havent been done, because it cant control the website, the user and the content, and they dobt like it
Like, you cant count cpm, but the model would be PPC and CPA
Another reason is that a lot of sites cant change its serverside or wouldnt allow for security reasons an serverside script
But still, a small company willing to solve that would be very feasible
I suggest you figure out how something works before trying to come up with solutions to problems you don't understand.
Proprietary serverside software that has a 24/7 connection/log for the ad service that the clients place on their own whitelisted servers.
Problem is ad servers and services get blacklisted too fast and adblock is increasingly content aware.
How that works is by blocking tags in html or blocking domains, basically
Tell me how its not possible to overcome that serverside
Lets assume its possible, would people be interested in it?
>Another reason is that a lot of sites cant change its serverside or wouldnt allow for security reasons an serverside script
This is so vague and yet still manages to be completely wrong. Modern websites are essentially one big server side script.
I mean some, like blogspot users for example, it doesnt deal with php, but with js ads work, some people wouldnt be able to use
Im aware how it works, but if you care to explain why it cant be done serverside
You could use the user website as a click redirect to the ad server
Or even some url shortening service
The image would load as base64
How would you track clicks? Is just block your redirect tracker