Fighting Games General /fgg/
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I can tolerate Melee but USF4 should have been there instead of Smash 4. What a shitty blunder by EVO.
""""""""""""""THE CROWD GOES WIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLD""""""""""""""""""""""
third for okazumi
Reminder that smash 4 is the hypest game at evo
>commentators almost ejaculating to the american nigga moves
>sounding dead when sandnigger does something
if you're going to be this biased why even allow foreigners
>this guy
Jack-Off from Jack-O!
>people are UNIRONICALLY watching mkx
>people are IRONICALLY watching mkx
t. Zero
i swear on me mum i'll hurt someone if LI Joe beats my nigga Nemo
>Middle East
That mod is made using Sims 3 hair. How exactly can't Capcom manage to get hair properly done then.
just had a great set tbqh
>the country of the Middle East
Americans everyone
When's Mahvel
Is it Mahvel time yet
i wonder if the venue will fill up by the time sf comes on
it'd be nice to see an fgc event in a stadium not have 3000 empty seats for a change
who is this boner homer
>if LI Joe beats _____
Don't worry dude it won't happen
Red balltop and all white buttons or White balltop and all red buttons?
fucking david lmao
Is potemkin just ass or is it me?
>the crowd goes wild
Top kek
Reminder Marvel will have the hypest finals nigga.
Where do I acquire sports chun-li?
oh wat a coinky dink. i saw u in the /v/ thread too_ you enjoying the stream user?
Some people just like fighting games regardless of the game
What the fuck is up with the lol we fgc melee cucks? Get Smash out of EVO completely. You have 20 events a year with 3/5, SpongeBob monitors, ball pits and whatever dumb shit bracket floating
you realize he's taking the piss right
>Game dominated by USA
>US scene is stale and boring as fuck
>Only reason it was hype was because a Jap players fucked shit up with his mid-tier character pulling off crazy shit
>A french-canadian won
lmao when American Smash 4 players think their scene is good but need foreign player to make it hype
It's interesting how Capcom actually managed to make Chun-Li's ingame model fanart levels of sexy
Killing self if sonicfox loses
>not enjoying glorious capcom banana hair
>amurican education
why are her glasses so big
i'm not a furry but this squirrel is cute
i don't see Xrd finals being as hype as BB's last. won't happen for two years now.
Does anyone at all like Zero in any capacity? From what I've seen even smash 4 players can't stand him
It's times like these I regret getting the game on ps4
Glasses look retarded desu
So she can see problematic and triggering events more clearly.
please tell me skisonic isnt commentating marvel top 8
please tell me we have yipes/persia
>86k viewers
>pretty well populated crowd
I'm fairly surprised, MKX.
desu the banana hair grew on me and I think SFV Ken is the best version of Ken
So, cosmetic dlc only or v-trigger variation for ryu ?
the stadium will be barren after melee spectators get up and leave
No glasses is cute too!
Yipes confirmed on twitter he would be
It could be, but that BB finals was great. Easily one of EVOs best.
don't worry you're not a furry, she's a whale
>Woshige spaghetti
>not hype
It's Yipes/Persia
It's sf3 ken and cvs2 ken you're wrong
Persia isn't a bad commentator but damn is she the definition of anti-hype, especially for a game like Marvel.
Why does Sonicfox gotta be a furry
People are watching because it's EVO. No one gives a shit about MKX as a game.
I seriously want to fucking slam some smash 4 players face in. Just take a fucking hammer and slam his shit into the next dimension for acting like their garbage is in any way competitive.
Give me ONE reason why I should learn Nash over Ibuki
Necalli in a fursuit
It looks like urien costume
If it's v trigger variation I will buy it that would be sick as fuck.
>wanting pg-rated yipes
It's work in-progress yet, I guess that during the week.
the bigger the glasses the worst the eyesight
also why does cassie cage have subzero's costume on? what's going on
>LI Joe beating anyone
>implying it's not urien with his CPT costume
no fun allowed for anything but SF during EVO
that's why half of the time is smash shit and furries win the rest
sonicfox could win with any character desu
More major wins
More in top 8 at evo
i will never not be butthurt over omega juri
Can anyone translate?
mommy please step on my face!
Those fucking MKX commentators suck dick. Jesus fucking christ, especially the neckbeard guy who calls everything a christmas miracle.
>wanting to use the cheese everyone else uses
>giving one character a vtrigger variation and not the others
you can't be this retarded.
"You realize he's just kidding right?"
he has a good chance against Eita, Nash is a good matchup against Ken and Eita cracks pretty hard
Bullshit, who watches games they hate or don't care about?
sonic has some sick defenses, what the fuck was that streak
post fap material, mortal kombat sucks.
Back to wherever you came from
It would do the same thing as denjin just visually different.
They're meme casting this game because it's so shit.
I have the stream on but I'm not watching.
When's Mahvel
MKX is the least of hype
>poong"A PERMANENT SFV PLAYER"ko wrecking people in Tekken
>tekken"A PERMANENT TEKKEN PLAYER"master wrecking people in MKX
Has Tara Strong ever voiced a fighting game character?
you won't have to look at ibuki's face each time you win
I'd consider reinstalling SFV for that
ulradavid x sonicfox
>people are more hype about juri than urien
fucking 09ers
When are they going to fix gief?
lol who's this 80lb manlet
Wasn't she Ferra/Torr in MKX
I'm sure she did one or wto
(((Tara Strong)))