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Ashe & Sona are The Best and Cutest Girls on League

Old: 54 and 58% Win Rate Edition

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Which champions are bulls?

Which ones are cucks?

Which ones could be my wife?

And which ones could be my wife's son?

>base skin
shitters and otp smurfs

>legendary skin
either really good or really bad

>ultimate skin
ultimate shitters

>limited skin
hextech shitters

>other skin
absolute gods or copycats



I love Lissandra!
Ashe a shit lmao

Post futa

my normals mmr is too high and i can't pubstomp noobs anymore as efficiently,

how do i lower it? i want end season rewards in ranked so tanking that is a no go

Farming the jungle is for shitters, it's more important to get your laners ahead and put their laners behind and secure objectives. The enemy jungler zac had 96 jungle creeps, more than double what I got, but his lack of pressure lead him to lose the game.

This site is dumb, I only play tanks in the jungle where I go blue smite and rush sweeper second back, no shit my warding is bad compared to toplaners and junglers who sit on yellow or blue trinket


Have you tried improving and playing at your own level, you chickenshit?

fuck you

Why aren't you playing FULL damage supp Lulu, user?

Autistic jhin hatred and brewposting stops He really dies didnt He?

ask an lcs player anything

>how do i lower it?
you can't, I've been stuck with masters in my normies for months being just a silver shitter with around 20% winrate.

i worked hard for my plat 5 man i don't want to troll the others who are gold 1 mmr, you should be thanking me dumbfuck



if you get masters in your normal games then you can get at the very least plat if you try hard enough

How good is Kat right now?

>2 (two) ardent censers

hmm, why not get Mikael's?

Why not mike's crucible? If you practice self-casting it it becomes a qss that heals you


>Plat 5 main
>Wants to cheat the system rather than play legit.

The memes are true. All of them.

Because the best part of the censers isn't a unique passive.

>expecting KZ players to know anything about the game that is not jumping on people and oneshotting them every 3 seconds

meh, i can do it better, i guess

Is 7.5 cs/min good?

I thought my warding was at least above average...
Does this mean I'm bad at warding or is it possible that I have quality over quantity?

We know is not unique you mong, but getting a mikael's would be better, since it also has the shield/heal thing too, and it's a free QSS for everyone in your team

If you make any attempt to ward in an intelligent fashion (aka as you leave a fresh fight) you warded just fine, because it's likely you'll be there again or someone else will be.

Zack its okay i forgive you, best friend.

what the fuck

i wanted the AP and didn't care about keeping any of my raging teammates alive enough to change my build

I'm a Bronzie
So I'm pleased.

forgot pic

playing against a juggerdraven makes you want to kill yourself

>I'm the only Gold shitter
>I'm the only with a silver loading screen

wake me up

>implying teammembers stay grouped up enough for mikhial's to be useful
We're talking about League, user...

The only thing that matters is you get more than your opponent. If you lose three CS while harassing them and they lose 6 you're doing just fine.

>he doesn't know

You can use mike's on yourself to break any cc


Oh yeah, im good as fuck.

Recheck on that armaa guy?

how does bloodrazor top lane sound?
i feel like it has some serious potential if the meta shifts back to tanks after the unavoidable irelia/trundle/gp nerfs

what champs should i play to satisfy my vore and degradation fetishes
>inb4 degenerate


You're also the only one with a high KDA and the highest win rate.

So YOU'RE that asshole I ping-beg to ward the bush and you get ganked because you're too busy fucking CSing.

I've seen you repeat it four times in the thread son, I know

I wasn't ever in a position to really be CC'd

Cho'gath, fellow degenerate.

The one time I took smite top I almost killed the enemy laner in a lv. 1 fight imagine if I had a summoner that actually did something

Kat is just ok user.

Tahm kench

Tahm, you fucking retard.

to be fair people are still taking teleport, which doesn't help in duels either
having a blue/red smite actually helps in duels later on

Why are Jews so bad at jungle?

Cause they always die at their first camp.


Challenging smite is also a great 1v1 me fgt spell.


>Up all the time.
>Guaranteed CSing.
>He doesn't know you can drive by smite camps (don't even need to kill them) for additional effects.

>I almost killed them 1v1.

Or you can git gud. Reality is it's a preference thing.



Reddit bring it up the dank memes once again

>get champion shard
>rent it for a week
>shard doesn't come back after that
but why

>anything antisemitic

you don't really want to be permabanned from all subreddits and have a band of sjws come to your house to burn it


>Rengar complains in all chat about the damage you deal
>You're J4


>try to get good at mid lane
>1k ryze
>against 345k talon and 140k tf main D4
>try to get good at mid lane again
>10k yasuo (yasuo is fun f-fuck off)
>against 365k leblanc main D3
>she just does Q+W and gets me down to 50% of my hp at level 2
>flashes into me under turret and constantly kills me in this fashion

who wants sjokz nudes?

>tfw I'm literally Chalenger
>tfw my warding is shit
lmao git gud niggers
>not having insane map awareness such that you know where the enemy jungler is at every stage in the game

Didn't expect much more from a Yasuo tho

honestly isn't this kind of pointless especially with trinkets and sightstone around
in itself it's pretty a pretty meaningless statistic right

>no wards
>insane map awareness

wew lad

>He doesn't check the junglers CS to know where he has and hasn't been

>First champion I've ever played
>My most played champ by far
>First pentakill with her
>First ranked pentakill with her
>Always play her in promos even if enemy team comp fucks her in the ass
>Champ I'm best at
>Almost never have a bad game with her, feel like absolute shit if I do
>She gets a legendary skin, and it's glorious, except for the splash, kinda meh imho

There are no words to describe what I'm feeling right now, other than pure joy

Not really. If you have a low score with free wards it means you're literally absentminded and/or walk into shit blind because you're a baddie.


how do i not tilt like this guy

>gp top manages to hard feed rumble
>it's another shitter that decided to play a champion for the first time in ranked
Why is this fucking SHIT always on my team?

>Shib with the extreme warding

how you dealing with the perma banned Sona state !?

it doesn't account for buying red trinkets though and putting down wards can be situational

Do you have w/r above 50%?

Don't worry about it then.

If you get an early sweeper as the jungler which you should be doing it thinks you're a shitter

How can a guy be the best guy while his r63 is also the best grill?

Vlad is truly a gift to us all.

when they're not on your team they feed you, you win and proceed to brag about how good you are

It's another round of, "Guess that champion!"

They are literally never on the enemy team.

yes they are

If you're embarrassed by your numbers user, don't post them. We can't judge you if you hide them like a little bitch. :^)


Prove it.

>tfw no Elizabeth Bathory skin

he ate the soul and body

There is one inquisitor-like champ Vlad would love to be impaled by.

>Score keeps changing when I refresh
Wew, it seems quite reliable.


Put'em back on ya ugly cunt.

i don't have to, it's fucking obvious
or do you think riot hates you (only you) to the point all the feeders are put on your team?
that's selective memory at its finest.

God i hate the Lucian/Braum botlane so much.

but we won so it's k :^)

Wayne's hatefulness and cold, brooding personality just make her cuter.


while a nice tactic, will remember btw, the CS counter for junglers has been known to be bugged even after 'fixes'

It's Riot's forced 50 trying to hold me down.

Blood magic? How tragically primitive.

afraid of having good taste?