>TFW neet highschool dropout kiss less virgin in Ontario Canada
How can I fix my life and become normal?
I don't have any experience but I have a desire to get a good job and become successful
>TFW neet highschool dropout kiss less virgin in Ontario Canada
How can I fix my life and become normal?
I don't have any experience but I have a desire to get a good job and become successful
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join the military you slob. it's canada so you'll never have to worry about going to war.
they're extremely picky for that reason
There's no chance they'll take a NEET like me. Id love to though.
Lol this is the last place to be asking that kind of advice.
I'm in Ontario too, where you at? I'll come over and smash your bum
You can't even finish high school?
All you have to do is show up and you fucked that up? You think you are going to succeed at anything if you fail shit that basic?
I'm not proud of it..
I'm.not a homo
Ontario high school is ez pz. Pretty sure there are ways to finish the OSSD through online courses.
>I'm not a homo
neither am I, but i thought maybe it would cheer you up. I'm altruistic like that
There are but it's hard
I struggle with the material. It's a lot to learn and remember and I struggle to study. I need help
if being normal doesn't come naturaly to you don't fight it, find your (((passion))) and devote your life to it
No seriously.
How the fuck did you fail out of a modern Canadian high school?
How is that even possible?
>How the fuck did you fail out of a modern Canadian high school?
stop shaming me
I am legitimately curious.
We push actual retards through that system with ease. You could show up and masturbate in the halls every day and still get pushed through. How is it possible to fail at that if you show up?
Hire a tutor then.
>inb4 no money
Then ask the teacher.
>inb4 muh bad teacher
Find some grade 12 who needs volunteer hours.
>if you show up
I don't think that's the problem.
I'm just retarded, I have trouble remembering, I'm really dumb I can't learn even 1/5th the speed of normal people
You're too lazy to ever be successful. You can tell yourself you want things but you'll never get off your ass to make it happen. You'll quit everytime it gets hard or you fail. You're the thing that humanity hates the most. A lazy coward.
gonna highjack this thread.
>be 27
>make ~65k/yr,(3k/mo after taxes thanks trudeau desubakasempai)
>gf leaves me because i invested in a commercial property and became poorfag, got renters and am now money fag
>become angry and want to make money in finance
I work for a university so tuition is free. Unlimited night classes and I'm monk mode for the forseeable future.
What degree should I aim for/what job should I go in to. I suck at math but with enough adderol I can pass most classes.
my main asset is my ability to bullshit/talk up.
I was in exactly your situation, and now I make $200k in the US. Complete high school through the Independent Learning Center then apply to the University of Toronto.
Sales. It's all about the hustle and easy once you swallow the redpill.
>Complete high school through the Independent Learning Center then apply to the University of Toronto
It's extremely difficult for me.
I think i'm simply not smart enough to do it, do you have any advice for me? I get distracted at home so I'm thinking about taking adderall and ephedrine or something and going to do the work in the library for 8 hours a day or something
Suggestions on what degree to get? I fucking hate math, but I'll learn it if I have to. At least the fundamentals.
I'm signed up for intro to business accounting and macro economics night classes starting this month.
I dropped out of college and going to learn a trade.
Your best bet is to finish highschool online and join the army as infantry. It's 45k/year and will let your set yourself up and maybe build some character.
BA or Marketing. Either should only require basic accounting courses.
i thought the Canadian military was very picky because low budget and we're not in combat with anyone? Seems like a NEET would be the last person they'd choose
>that feel when probably not going to become successful
>I'm just retarded, I have trouble remembering, I'm really dumb I can't learn even 1/5th the speed of normal people
have you tried consulting a psychologist or something? are you sure you don't have attention deficit/problems, family problems or something?
this is me, but I'm not even retarded. I learn fast...
for some reason, I became really lazy and a coward when in uni. then, I had health problems (lymphoma). now I'm a fucking NEET at 30... and don't know wtf to do with my life. "tried" many things, but always end up leaving them.
I haven't
Maybe i will later but i just want to figure out what to do for now. Should I just take stimulants and then go to the library to bang out a ton of coursework? How should i do this?
>it's hard
GED is 2 days out of your life. Just write the test and get over yourself.
But then I can't go to university, it's essentially useless for me.
>Should I just take stimulants and then go to the library to bang out a ton of coursework? How should i do this?
how about you try to make sense of the things you are being taught, and finding the usefulness in the topics?
also, I wanted to ask. what are you good for? what do you like doing? what are your interests? perhaps you'd enjoy being a worker?
life isn't as easy as saying "I'll study then I'll be successful". lots of architects end up driving taxis, lots of engineers end doing whatever they can to survive...
are you being pressured by your family?
I went with a GED. What the fuck are you talking about?
>what are you good for? what do you like doing? what are your interests? perhaps you'd enjoy being a worker?
I'm not good at anything.
The furthest I've ever got in any subject or field is past beginner stage before giving us.
No I just want to go myself so I can actually become someone
I'm tired of wasting away just drifting through life, although I guess my parents have a part in it
In Canada? I thought you needed University-stream courses to get in? Seems like that'd be a loophole then
Yes in Canada. I'm in Ontario also.
You don't even need an OSSD or a GED. You can apply as an adult if you're over 19 without either of those, you just have to prove that you're smart enough with an entrance exam.
The fuck? I thought that was only for meme colleges
What did they mean by this?
>Admission Requirements
>>Adult students may be considered for admission if they meet either of the following conditions:
>Have graduated from high school without at least six OAC and/or 12U and/or 12M courses (or equivalent) and have two or more years' work experience prior to the first day of classes; or are at least 21 years of age and have two or more years of work experience prior to the first day of classes
>The university will admit only those applicants who, in the opinion of the Admissions Committee, are adequately prepared to undertake university courses on the basis of previous academic training and/or life-skill experience.
>>Applicants must submit a personal assessment letter outlining the following:
>why they feel they may be successful at university
>current career aspirations; and
>work experience since the most recent attendance at a school
>Applicants are encouraged to describe any employment experiences, leisure activities >or volunteer work/community service that demonstrates good citizenship and >leadership qualities.
no one is actually dumb. you just need to learn how to learn and put effort into learning.
never read past a word you don't know, get rid of bad habits like jacking off every day or taking drugs, start reading anything.
i try this but i just completely forget ALL OF IT.
I'm just legit retarded man. I was trying to read some book about personal finance and also reading random Investopedia articles and after I'd read half a page, I had difficulty recalling what I even read.
Read a chapter and I had to sit there and concentrate on trying to recall what it was about.
i also get distrated easily. should i just go to the library to focus therE? would that help me
It basically means that if you can hold down a job for 2 years they consider you competent enough to take on the challenge of coursework. If you're over 21.
The thing I hate most about High Schools is how they lie to children to make them think that graduation is not optional. Because it is.
>if you can hold down a job for 2 years they consider you competent enough to take on the challenge of coursework
Lol. I honestly don't think I'm capable of that as of right now
>i try this but i just completely forget ALL OF IT.
everyone forgets everything, m8. you don't actually need to memorize, you need to understand things. sure the tests ask about the topics you are told to learn, but the thing is, you shouldn't remember everything, you should LEARN and (try to) UNDERSTAND.
once again, perhaps you need to visit a psychologist, you may have real mental problems.
>once again, perhaps you need to visit a psychologist, you may have real mental problems
This is what I'm most scared of and I don't want to know that i do
You don't even need a full time job. Just get something that gives you a paycheque and throw in some volunteer work.
If you can't do that then you should really reconsider the whole university thing.
no place besides mcdonalds wants to hire a neet with no experience
if i have a hard time recalling what I read, I make sure to really slow down my reading and try to imagine what I'm reading as I read it. any word that I'm not 100% certain of, I open a dictionary or google it, then re-read.
I even make sure to do a short meditation just to get mind right and focus my mind everyday that has really helped me so much. practice is the only way to get better at anything, even reading and learning.
man, once again, life isn't as simple as studying to become "successful". you seem to be obsessed with that. you should try having the life you want instead, or at least a happy life.
and what if you have mental problems? you are a human being, just like everyone else. plus, a psychologist could actually help you. hell, perhaps you are just stressed or something.
hell, if you read some threads in this board, you'll learn that even stupid people can make a shitload of money... and that won't change their lives too much.
do you like music, or sports, or selling stuff, or...?
So work at McDonalds.
You think you're better than that? Guess what, you're not.
>you should try having the life you want instead, or at least a happy life.
I don't know what I want
I just want to move out of my parents house and be proud of my accomplishments right now I'm just wasting away. if i were to die tomorrow it's as if I never lived at all.
>do you like music, or sports, or selling stuff, or...?
I don't like anything, i just do some things and am interested in various subjects because i have nothing else to do, so I need to be occupied with something at least. I look up to successful people and it only depresses me further because they've made something of themselves while I have nothing to show for it.
All these billionaires, world-famous inventors, pro athletes, geniuses only have 24 hours in a day, just like me. But they actually put it to work and were efficient and i just sit around doing nothing because i have a mental deficit and i feel like shit. i just don't want to live a life of mediocrity, but i don't know where to get started i fucked up so much that even if i start now i'll only get somewhere maybe by 35 years old
It seems like it'd be tough to stay there for 2 years, and my parents keep pushing me to become self-sufficient but i'm so far overboard it's like futile
user, I have a 19 year old brother who still lives at home and works at a pet store, he's a loser but he's doing something at least. You have to remember that someone has to do tho shitty jobs in the world, and you may be one of them. You should clean restaurants and various other places for money, while I'm only 17, I work at a nice restruant after school and make around 11/12$ an hour which is good for Texas but the guy that comes at night told me he makes 60k+ a year just to clean the floors at places, find an odd job that doesn't take any education requirements and take it. You have to start somewhere.... Good luck
>You have to remember that someone has to do tho shitty jobs in the world, and you may be one of them
I don't want to be that guy.
I want to be the successful guy who everyone looks up to and always annoys for advice and money. I want to be the guy who actually gets treated well by people and whose word actually has weight in society
I work in a kitchen and everyone listens to me. My voice carries and my opinion is valued.
It's not about what you do, it's about who you are. If you are a leader people will follow.
I'm a tid bit new to Veeky Forums and use it on my iPhone so idk how to reply to you but here's the deal, everyone has hopes and dreams but your going to have to realize that you might not reach all of them. I want to succeed and go far in life and hopefuly that will happen but I understand that I might get a boring desk job and hate it but that's the way life works. You put yourself in this position and your going to have to make the best of it. Either go full force and put all the effort into getting a high school degree and do something with yourself or sit there and be sad that you can't be rich and famous, you messed up so you need to get a shitty job that gives you enough money to leave your parents house, I bet if you went to them with a plan they would be more than glad to help you get out of there. I feel sad that not everyone gets a good job and a happy life but it's the way things work. You need to accept that you may not get everything you want and settle for what you have
>I want
too much
I just don't want to end up as a regular pleb guys.
I look around and i see all these people in their 30's and 40's who have soulcrushing jobs, they have no money to spend on things they like, they have no passions, their physical bodies are decaying rapidly but more importantly, their mind has already decayed decades ago.
I just don't want to end up like that and I'm getting scared now
The people who earn the most in their 30's and 40's are the ones who have spent their 20's S P E C I A L I S I N G in a given field and becoming very good at what they do.
What are you good at?
If nothing, then, imagine you're 30 years old. You wake up very happy and full of energy, full of life, ready to start the day. What are you doing?
stop being entitled. that happened to me too, and I learned hard that shit doesn't work like that.
You obviously have severe anxiety and need to talk to someone about it.
I also think you also have ADHD. Talk to someone about that.
I can't fathom what your feeling and it truly makes me sad that you have to go through this, you haven't tried to follow in your parents footsteps? I feel as if you want all these things but don't put forth the FUCKING EFFORT! If you want to stop being a bumb ass then you can. But only you have the power to change it, you always have and you say you want the changes but you don't do what you need to to make them. If you really applied yourself to accomplish one thing then you can, not everything comes at once. You have to do everything one step at a time but you want everything to just happen
I think you guys are right.
i need to seriously sit down over the next few days, in a cool, calm room and just write down ideas to create a plan for myself to then adhere to and stick. Re-reading my posts i guess i am kind of all-over-the-place and unsure of what I want to do or what exactly will get me there.
going to make a plan of like
>Get job
>>What are my objectives of getting this job? blahblahblah
>>What do i expect to learn?
>>How do I intend to achieve this? What do I have to do?
and then followed by "What are the next steps and how do i go further past this", i think this is a good idea
rather than what i'm doing like "Okay i need to get a job and become succesfull by going to university" but then not actually quantifying that by researching out ROI of different majors, how to make the most of it and what to do
I think i just need to shift my thinking more to a
"What calm, rational advice would I give a person asking me my own concerns/questions?" because it's easier i think to give advice to a third party than to follow oyur own advice for some reason
That sounds like a great idea, try and better yourself and but in effort. I know I'm young but seeing my brother fuck up so much has taught me a lot. You need to decide on one thing and set your sights on it and not give up no matter how much you want to. If you stick to the one thing you can make a profession out of it. You can do it user but it takes work, I hope everything works out
>try and better yourself and but in effort.
but i think the problem is that's so ambiguous and unquantifiable.
it's like saying "Just read books and learn stuff", if I don't really think and try to write down what i learned to solidify concepts in my brain then it's pretty useless. It's like tracking progress in the gym? If you go to the gym "once in a while" and just do random exercises with no set plan or methodical approach to the situation then it's extremely inefficient and you're just wasting time more or less
>You need to decide on one thing and set your sights on it and not give up no matter how much you want to. If you stick to the one thing you can make a profession out of it
Yeah. i think the brain seems to be naturally make up reasons as you start doing things when they get hard. like "Maybe this isn't for me... maybe this isn't the best way of doing things.
so i think a better approach would be to really really research things on a full stomach, when rational and sane and sober and write out your conclusions and stick by them no matter what
I see you have good intentions, it's just s matter of knowing how to follow through on them, I really hope this was helpful
about being kissless, be honest are you over weight?
A little bit
thanks user
i just kind of feel alone sometimes. i wish i had other people to work with who could motivate me to get better
I'm a 30 year old, in shape, kissless virgin, guy with an engineering degree who makes minimum wage. Any advice for me? Linkedin is shit
Hello, OP. I dropped out of HS to become a pirate.
Dropped out because shit sucked (my grades and the average people) and I had ADHD (I know now) so I always felt like it wouldn't really matter if I went and wasted my life living like shit, but being adventurous. The world wasn't losing an Einstein.
After spending a total of four months in Somalia "being a pirate" I started up a security services company specifically to fill the niche for "sea-security." We're aiding the establishment of a stable and propsering economy for those savages by removing the "fear barrier" to entry of more undeveloped markets (having your shit ropped by dof cuiter konts).
Planning on expanding towards Indonesia where pirating is taking off (compared to Nigeria and the Gulf of Guinea where increased federal policies have helped to cut down on such).
The point of this story is that we're "omegas." We're not normal, we won't be happy normal. So we shouldn't be normal, because we can't be normal. Don't give a shit about regular indicators of success (no matter how cliche both my statement and the actual abstract idea of middle class success is).
All that matters is that you're satisfied with your life. I used to be obsessed with fucking around with girls, because I thought it would make more of a man. It would show to the world I'm a masculine dude because I can fuck more girls than a frat bro in a party school. Now I don't give a shit about that sort of stuff. I just want to raise a family and be left alone to my own projects, because fuck the world.
Literally any other mos is fine, don't fall for the infantry meme
Hold up. I just moved to Ontario from Quebec. I have a Quebec HS diploma, but it's not equivalent to an OSSD. I needed at least 3 more courses in CEGEP to pass equivalency (I had finished one semester but normally you need two, as is the case for me).
It's a pain because I kind of wanted to go to at least college but more hopefully university (if I had a choice I would seek out an Actuarial Science program). I've only been here in Ontario for a few weeks but I feel like I'm scrambling trying to find a path to get there but the academic advisor I talked to before moving there, who said they would put me in contact with some people here, hasn't followed through. I need to e-mail them soon but in the mean time, I'm looking at alternatives and this has piqued my interest.
I've autodidactically been teaching myself Cal 2 over the summer, so I think I could have a decent shot at this. I just didn't even think something like this existed, but I suppose it makes sense in retrospect. Where can I get more info on this?
Join the military
I want to make it, guys
I'm going to start applying to tim hortons' around me
You probably won't. Changing habits is extremely difficult and people usually do not change. If you really want to change you need to do something radical in your life - go to another country, join military, have clear goal that you could measure etc. Also read a book about habits (search amazon).
I need to move out guys
How the fuck do I do it??
That could be your first goal. Find a job (fast food will do it), save some money, start looking for a job somewhere else and when found, pack your shit and move.
Will I be able to afford it with a shit job?
Take two jobs then, and save your money. You won't have time to think about nothing else than your goal to move. Every time it's hard just think that it is temporary and you will soon be moving out. When you move - move to a rich neighborhood (country, state). It's very important to have successful and nice people around.
Not immediately, but you will eventually. Also, follow on another user's advice and attend the Independent Learning Center. You've proven through your grammar in this thread that you're not a complete retard. Education needs to be your biggest and brightest commodity.
go to darkforum.biz earn shit load money and spend it on liquor and broads like a normal ass american
>How can I fix my life and become normal?
You can't. Sorry.
I told you last week to kill yourself.
dont go fastfood and retail you will want to kill yourself and the customers.
try getting a general labor job, assuming your in decent shape. or go the data entry route and sit in a chair filling out excel forms all day.
OP your problem is you aren't good looking. If you were a HS Chad you would have lived an amazing life even if you failed all of your grades. Nothing tops prime hs pussy.
>no one is actually dumb.
Lol, my 15 year old cousin whose has failed every single HS subject has a better life than you ever had since he is a chad that fucked the hottest girls you can even imagine.
Life is a scam.
Okay thanks guys
Ill try to work in the mean while to save up a ton of money for it
Good for you but what's the point of posting this all the time? How does it help anyone
Get qualifications and go to college. Liberal arts will get you pussy and you will get a job afterwords (Not a great job, but you'll be earning money)
>highschool dropout
If I was you I would focus on education, and have work be a side thing.
So your main focus should be getting a high school diploma or equivalent. Then think about college, even if its one course a semester.
Jobs should be something you do on the side. Even if you manage to make $80,000 a year, your education should be first. Get a degree in something your'e interested in, but which also has a good starting and mid-career placement rate, salary etc.
I'm thinking just working some wageslave job with low intensity while I get this school shit done
>tfw sad
try r9k
Why do you always spam this
Is it just one person with severe autism or a gaggle of you?
Bump in case someone has more advice for me
You don't need a ton of money just a modest nest egg to find apartment/room and have some cash just in case. If you set a very high bar of how much money you need you will never leave. Just work and save for 6-8 months like crazy and then just do it. Find a job and move to more upper class civilized white neighborhood in another state. Also start watching videos/reading and learn some trade (whatever you like). Plumber, automechanic, fixing computers/phones, drive truck, construction whatever floats your boat, those are just examples. Or maybe something oil/nat gas related (and moving to one of oil/gas states). Market is bad now but it could be nice investment for your future. If you become good those professions can make you much more money than some shitty office wage slaving.
Yeah I have a few thousand so I guess I'm on the right path but how much would you say I need?