Monster Hunter General - /mhg/

Hey Ho Hunterino edition

>Great news!
-Monster Hunter Generations along with special edition N3DS XLs is out!
-Kiranico and MHX Dex updated

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 / Search
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHO, MHFU, MonHun, /mhg/

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

First for Akantor

The other thread wasn't even on page 10 yet.
Slow down you impatient manchildren.


i want to swim with lagiacrus!!!

Palico loli is mine and mine alone.


thanks, 8-4!

Nice Akantor.

Who else hates gunlance users? Not because they knock people around but because THEY are the ones going to fucking cart EVERY SINGLE TIME because they're using a fucking garbage weapon only suited to low rank fights.


who gives a fuck you autist


>posting it again

that thread is 404ing AS WE SPEAK

i'm ok with a new one being made

I want to give a moofah a big, wet, adult kiss!

How do people even cut monsters tails? It feels like it's impossible when are you playing solo, the monster always turns around to you.

>if i ignore it it will go away

I'm new to SnS. What sort of weapon should I be looking for?

Damage/elemental/status? I'm just not sure what to make right now.

Maybe if you whine about it enough.


>weapons make you cart
>carting ever

Don't forget to join discord for quick, coordinated and fun hunts at:

Turn around to him.


Moofah is perfect.

Palicoes can help with that, Also it's a case of knowing what monster animations lock them down for how long.

Fuck off.

He just keeps on turning or he moves away with an attack, then I have to walk to back to him and reset the dance. At most I get 1 or 2 hits on the tail before it just turns or moves away.

OK I saw it, now what

what are the best charge blades to work towards

>its young
But aren't they saying 'aniki'?

I keep getting disconnected.

Which is weird because the internet here is pretty good.

>a fucking owl
>can deflect weapons if they're not sharpened

Just a heads up if you join my game and are wearing bujabuja you are getting kicked.

I want an Agnaktor plush.

And Moofah loofahs.

Elemental damage can crit, right?



Keep at it. Eventually it'll fall off.

I'm wearing BuKuBuJa, now what?

That, along with confusion blight, is there just in case you were thinking the fight could be fun.

Durr Durr CB is dead shit Durr

Now that's out of the way, I would lean towards any to honest, I like impact phial blast element.
Adept CB is really fun

It's weird because there's more upgrade stages in general and it feels like you can craft from scratch less weapon paths.
Whereas before weapon pathing was mostly just for convenience if you saw something you liked and already had a weapon to upgrade up that branch during progression instead of having to use more materials to make it raw (except in a few instances where you needed to upgrade to a weapon).
Not only does it require you to upgrade more times before you cap out for your current progress point than before, making you spend more money and gather more materials in the process, it makes the different options less accessible by gating them behind having to do that process multiple times to find which ones you like. And there are a LOT of new weapon branches in this game.

I preferred the previous system because it made going down every different branch easy so you can experiment with what you like and feel out each path, now you have to create multiple copies of the base weapon to upgrade to do the same thing.

Maybe it's a matter of preference but it's going to take some getting used to if they stick with this new system.

I want you to feel negative emotions towards it.

>tfw no thicc barbarian gf

Is it true that n3ds doesn't get better textures this time?

If true, what lazy fucking piece of shit devs are these?

Nova has already been kurolisted. Who else should I add?

Honestly, Malfestio is kinda fun so long as you run adept or aerial. Hopping through his beams and shit feels good.

Teegrayxe is good.

It doesn't even get a higher framerate, only a more consistent one. As in, O3DS does 30, just with occasional clustering of it.

But the fight is fun

t. Greatsword-user

I have to report to the Moga Chief's Son and also Captain Tool, says they're in Yukumo but I can't find them. Any ideas?

>catch 3 premium sashimi
>have to fucking race clock to get back to camp in time due to unlucky spawns

I fucking hate fishing.

are pellet shots actually useful for anything? I think back in MHFU they were good for kirin because they homed onto his horn or something?

Maxxx and Togame

>tfw no hot-blooded brachy gf

God I just saw a "git gud" reference. I hate localization.

That's actually pretty hot. First hotty ever posted for Gens.

>made mosgharl for my sexy chocolate slut
>now playing permanently with a constant erection because of flashbacks from that fanart of the busty huntress wearing that suit.

post it again so I can save it please, forgot the artist's pixiv

capcom has been kill since years ago m8.

Pellet magnets are pretty much gone, I think.
Pellet seems to spray in a slightly more focused cone nowadays, but it's still Pellet S.
You're generally better off running Normal S over Pellet.

>tfw no new console MH to get comfy with

>That feel when you realize that Capcom is really one of the few relatively decent developers left despite their fuckups.

Yo did we lose any dlc from x to gen?

>Get Marrow
>no flame sac

You mean this one?

>Wanted to make moshgarl set for that focus
>Farm shit tons of might seeds and fire herbs
>don't even get one
>Give up and just make malfestio set for that weakness exploit
>need to make coatings for when I run out of power lvl1 coating during a quest so I make farm some more fire herbs
>get 14 bumplepumpkins

fucking wew

would stink up those paizurers with my dick.

What SnS should I be trying to make first?

Who's the best /mhg/ hunter and why is it Jhaerin?

alright thanks. I was thinking of using them on the manifesto as i didn't realise how small he actually was.


No, we actually got more than Japan

Female DLC armor
Male DLC armor

Doing Palico and Weapon DLC later

What I hate most about pellet is how it feels imprecise. With Normal S you're pretty much guaranteed to hit what you want, whereas with pellet you need three hits to be stronger than a single shot of Normal 2.
And N2 has no recoil to boot.

SnS has low motion values per attack, so element means a whole lot more as a result than slower weapons with higher motion values on each attack.

Status is also nice but somewhat situational.

Why does it not longer look like that? Or was it censored?

anyone up for farming malfyesto?

i need dem parts and as a blademaster, he is my worst nightmare solo

On Tama's armor, does Resuscitate (attack increase for abnormal status) count for covering myself in bubbles? Or is abnormal status referring to an outside source like poison, water, etc?

i wanna pellet rapid fire. What lbowgun can i get?

>the italian names for the deviants are all in Latin or whatever
i mean it's cool but why

What rank?


Wait so attacking a monster that a player has mounter HELPS them? I thought it knocked them off.

what changed?

Try playing adept.


it looks the same

Yeah I'm a fan of Normal 2. I've actually been getting faster kill times with the quill burst LBG (rapid fires lvl 1 pierce) than my HBG but in general I prefer HBG.

What? Outside the helm covering slightly more it does look like that.

They fixed that shit in Gen thank christ. So if somebody is on the monster you can bash away and it helps the meter.

So it's true then.
Death to everyone involved.
Great, I bought a new 3DS because I was promised improvements in games.
What do I get instead? Shit in the mouth.

doesnt the debuff linger? ive been doing him dirty using aerial but it takes a fair bit of time

I pass then. I need HR parts.

Is Cap the new Efenbaum?

Is there any reason to use any style other than Striker for Lance?

I feel like Bushido is shit desu

>he bought a new3ds and the game

how cucked can one man be

You can adept dodge through both the sleep lazer and all forms of the confusion mist.


Make a gun, it dosn't take too long, and you will wreck him. And you really don't need a armor for LR- Use adept and use the ammo boost art

Your own fault for buying a 3DS before 4U was out 2bhimofam

We lost the Macross Delta cat armor.

>attacking knocks off in 4u
