Dota 2 General - /d2g/

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>/pol/cucks on d2g

Hi and welcome to /pol/.

Also dota sometimes.

why didn't OD bring his girl?

this is a waifu thread

>this /pol/paranoia

If betting is against TWITCH TOS.

Why does Twitch allow streaming DOTA 2?

DOTA 2 store (the fucking hatboxes) is basically a rigged CASINO FOR FUCKSAEEEKE

>supposedly a homestory style tournament
>have ODautism sperging out tryhard casting every single engagement

Get him off

26 memes too late

>redditor and shitskins are STILL furious they're inherently unwelcome on Veeky Forums due to core 4chanian culture and values

literally zero hype

nice patch dotards

>tfw core 4chanian culture and values directly oppose rule 3
I think it's just /pol/fags who are delusionally thinking that people say nigger and cuck unironically.

How do i get into a battle cup team ?

>There are people in this thread right now who voted for Sanders
cringe comedy gold

shitskins out tbqh

u need friends

>using the word 4chanian

ugh, blitzposter ended up being a false flagging redditor

all the hypebros are watching evo and funposting on /v/

it's also core Veeky Forums culture to mock the hotpocketing freeman lad

you do not grok this website

Reminder that if you post without an image you are one of two things

A) Reddit scum
B) Mobile poster

Both are disgusting and you should just leave to a more newfag friendly board like Veeky Forums

>Make generic /pol/bait posts
>Collect /pol/(You)s and Anti-/pol/(You)s

What's the exchange rate for /pol/(You)s to regular old-fashioned (You)s?

you are now aware people think trump has a chance

>/pol/tard not being able to distinguish every single person on planet earth who disagrees with them from one another
Just go back to your fantasy world, okay?


at this point i'm afraid when TI come around i wont even make time to catch it this year


Who in Valve thought that would be a good idea to make an event that requires friends.

what if there was a patch after the summit for abyssal underlord?

By your logic, so are happy meals.
McDonalds confirmed for dankest wigwam on plains.

What are these values?
Sexual lust for traps?

beats having tons of neets complaining about bad battlecup matchmaking

>Veeky Forums culture is ascribing to the rules like a good little cuck
what did he mean by this

le cuck meme

Its a LAN where the top 3 was known going in. OG/TL/Wings in some order. Also TL has been playing really boring heroes and OG has started down that train of "we have a strat, we will keep doing it till we lose" like TI4 VG

lmao @ grant trying to get on the couch

>not having shitposting images on mobile

>not tethering to use your maximum reaction image potential with zero (0) risk of punishment

exchange rates per board to one standarized youvote:

dead boards (e.g. /p/,/trv/,/n/) : 100.0
semi dead boards (e.g. Veeky Forums,Veeky Forums,etc) 5.0
/pol/ : 0.5
/v/ : 0.2
/a/ : 0.1

there are many boards it is simply too easy to acquire yous from hugboxers

>its another gooks dont speak up episode

There is a leftist hugbox on that cripplecuck site.
Go back there and never return.

So what the fuck is icefrog gonna do about the pitlord situation.

Pitlord hasn't been balanced in fucking centuries and they plan on releasing it during TI, so we only have 2 options.

It's OP
It's shit.

Wich one will it be.

Why is this beta virgin having tattoos?

Why don't YOU go back to /pol/ instead?

disdain for minorities and leftists [and in general anything reddit likes]

MOst heroes have been OP in release.
Just that retarded dotards were retarded adn thought they were shit.

Go read about release DOTA 2 Magnus (he even got buffed in the following patch) and people kept saying he was shit fucking lol

From all what I've heard he'll be more on the shit side.

good to know most people think this is boring as hell then

Thanks icefrog and valve for this amazing state of the scene tb h

I don't think anyone played him competitively when he got his Atrophy Aura. Everyone moved to Dota 2. Maybe he will be in the middle. Firestorm has always been bad since the nerf, its okay at pushing but shit at everything else now because its a Macropyre but for his basic ability. No one will stand in it.

nice logic berniecuck

if you don't like /pol/posting it's you who should go back to plebbit, because here on 4chins REAL diversity is welcome

Hey threader :)~~~~~

deep post user

>a trumpcuck playing the reddit boogeyman

atta boy

> blaming the patch when we've got a piece of shit bootleg memester studio casting

>going on /v/eddit
oh well it explains a lot

4chans vocabulary is one thing. Blatantly posting /pol/ posts in other places than /pol/ is another thing.

>visiting d2g before TI6

rofl, why are you here

In this case is different, its pitlord, this shit has been reworked a million times. They didn't just change his numbers, they changed his entire playstyle a bunch of times during my wc3 years.

>get 5 man double vac wall and double pipe initiations all game long and bring us 20 kills up
>still lose to a position 5 support abaddon who BoT'd in and destroyed an open ancient 71m in

i don't know guys. you told me to get good and i did and it still isn't winning games. forced 50 is actually real. no one paid attention to racks or the ancient. they just let themselves get ratted despite all ahving boots of travels themselves. i don't know how much more i can put up with this shit.

i'm literally the only player on my team in these games. the rest are thoughtless passive bots.


>drow is now meta
>huskar is now meta
>OM is now meta


this is the worst /d2g/ thread in the past two days

Redditors get out

What's the point of that post, m'virgin?

You trying to meme plebbit to be something other besides the homeland of utter mongoloid leftist and berniecuck trash?

od actually gives a shit about the production quality. his casting is shit but bless him.

>Ruined by this chink idiot who never fucking speaks up because he has a sore throat from sucking so much cock to get on that couch

It's time


I think the last one and the one before that which were infested with /pol/ were worse, but the thread is still young.

Btw, underlord when? TI6 all star match?

>ODPixel yelling like a fucking Hitler to production crew


>Kuro sitting like a zen master with legs corssed

What is wrong with KKY's arm?

i was traveling for a while

i'm back now though

d2g has always been hype and fun during majors, lans, honey pots

not in recent time

>huskar is meta

what a time to be alive


are you kidding me miracle is cute metro without being overly feminine and gets loads of pussy with that calm demeanor and being a literal millionaire

>a trumpcuck calling anyone a virgin

atta boy

> this cuckpedaling


Oh yeah guys, BY THE WAY what do you think about going morph offlane??

(i am totally not a berniecuck who posts more offtopic cuckoldry than the "pol-boogeymen")

Huskar has situationally been meta the past year when paired with a Dazzle tho

hey there reddit

>Watching some high level pubs inbetween matches
>This 7k~ MMR player is buying Mask of Madness Shadowblade Sven instead of HotD Echo Saber
Even if he treadswapped between every spell cast he wouldn't have mana for all of his spells in a fight.

Like literally why not get the blink.

And now he pops god's strength to try and kill an enemy, uses stun once and is OOM.

Nah. It's the blunder of the year.
Huskar versus a fucking Jug and Legion? Two heroes with high physical damage, pushing, and a way to purge off spears? Yeah, that's going to go well.

How did OG get 2-0'd by these fucking shit gooks?

Your cuckpedaling might have triggered someone, if we didn't have REAL cucks in real life being mad about getting called cucks, m'cuck.

No amount of macros will ever salvage your reputation, I'm afraid.

Legion Commander can't purge the spears, but when she duels him he is muted and so spears aren't active.

>triggered /pol/tard STILL spamming cuck like the word has meaning anymore

Well I think Morphling is a bit too level reliant for offlane. His damage is pretty bad unless he gets levels, and he's not exceptionally good at trading either. Sure he can morph str and survive, but he'll probably just get denied and zoned.

what are the BEST naga siren cosmetics?

Remember guys, if you dont enjoy talking about politics on every opportunity you're a cuck and a redditor and you want USA to become communist!!!!!

>tfw Ogre will always be shit

cuck cuck cuck cuck

She can purge stuns, but not spears?
How the fuck does that work?

> guys I'm totally not mad about getting called a cuck, because you see you use it so much it has no meaning now h-ha-ha gotem


>People feeding and responding to trolls and shitposters.


>inb4 the butthurt /pol/tards spamreply calling you nigger and/or cuck

OG doesn't need to try hard to win tournaments any more, so they're fucking around

Burning Spears debuff is entirely unpurgable. Slark Death Pact can't purge it, nothing can.

>Wings is going to win TI6

>thread is just cuck post

At least do it right.

> samecuckfagging THIS obviously

holy shiet kys or at least learn how to false-flag

Quality dota related post, my friend! /pol/tards are LITERAL parrots, my god. Go buy a dictionary.

OG is fucking trademark in 'Get Dazzle/IO to TP and save you' thing.

And it is practically uncounterable.

Stay safe boys and girls!

whatever happened to lobster doom?

Excellent Dota related post, my good man. Cucknigger to you too, fellow /pol/ian!

I'm the OP and I didn't samefag, I tried to make a point and both you and that guy misunderstood it.

I don't have a problem with /pol/ per say, just general off topic posting in completely unrelated threads.