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gremlin D.va is waifu
>hehe mountain dew and doritos xD

I want Pharah to spank me.

Ana is hot

What did she mean by this?


Never post again

>not liking strong jawlines, large eyes, and full lips
>not wanting your children to have good genes

EnvyUs.Taimou's tournament-quality Blizzard-endorsed aimbot!

Cloud9.Surefour's tournament-quality Blizzard-endorsed aimbot!

Are you ever going to stop posting these?

I always imagine the voice of this post as faggy, nasally, and high pitched because of the inappropriate exclamation point.

Browse less leddit and you won't get the brainrot

The guy has been streaming with a handcam since his channel got spammed to hell by autists who don't know how to snap aim

Results: still destroying noobs


No one doubts these people are good; good enough to be pros. However, you'd have to be a fucking idiot to think there's nothing fishy going on here.

I've dumpstered both of them and it wasn't hard. They're not tournament quality without the aimbots.

post your face when enemy team has a good Mei and she keeps freezing your face, blocking with walls and contesting with icecube

This little slut literally always beats me by 1 point

>waah stop posting evidence of my favorite pro player cheating!!!
literally tumblr

Seagull pls.

>naive children actually unironically defending taimou

Summer Veeky Forums

Friendly reminder that the devs want Mercy to receive the dragon dick

Surefour's amazing Titanfall aimbot cleaning up in a tournament!

Some of the people that play this game are special. Here are the ideas from one of those people

>Tracer needs at least 25 more HP, a big damage boost, and her recall needs to restore her ult progress to what it was before she recalled
>Lucio needs a buff to his healing and Damage
>Bastion needs to have 100 less HP and a 50 capacity for his turret mode
>Winston needs a damage nerf

>I thought you were going to be a challenge!

Why is she white

>mei needs a nerf
another classic

He also said that. He went on about how Tracer(coincidentally his main) is bottom 5(Except when he plays her, he makes her look great), and Mei was a top hero

And still Taimou is on the best team in the world and you are crying yourself to sleep. Funny isn't it

>two threads going on at the same time
Report, sage, hide.

So....this is the power of autism....

>mfw playing as mcree
hes actually pretty fun

>directing people to a newer thread
report, sage, hide

He's making less per month than I make in autism bucks, so I think I'm okay.

He's also going to be unemployed whenever Activision-Jizzard decides it's time to clean up the esports scene.

Someone draw Junkrat with one of these.

That thread has 3 times as many posts as this one.
Also, directing people to a more active thread is not against the rules.
Having two generals is.
Remember to report this.


I hope they add a new omnic character but instead of an ascetic monk or a war machine it's something fucking mundane like an ambulatory D.VA meka sized rice cooker.

>Rice ball : Drops a rice ball on the floor, can be picked up to restore some health. ANYONE can pick it up

>Steam vent : Vents steam around itself over a period of time in a medium area causing gradual damage to enemies

>Normal attack has it puff steam like a smoke ring that does lowish damage but can be fired quickly and does half damage through shields

>Ult : Kicks an enemy up into the air, opens it's lid and catches them inside, cooking them for heavy damage before ejecting them

It walks around on these four little fucking stumps like a retard and has "EDDIE CHONG'S FRIED RICE" written on the side.

This one is suspicious

>Also, directing people to a more active thread is not against the rules.
>Having two generals is.
So why does the newer one get to live?

>gain the same amount of rank for a 27 minute game as I do a quick 8 minute one

Why. Is this game supposed to make me want to kill myself when I see "now arriving at temple of anubis?"

Also fuck sudden death holy shit, I mean apart from the literal coinflip most of the skill in it seems to be a coinflip of which team's comp counters the other, because for "hero switching is an integral part of the game" you get enough time for 1 teamfight and no chance to switch and then it's over.

Because it has 80 posts more than this one, and was posted earlier in the old thread.

>earning over 13k/month

Why the fuck are you wasting your time on Veeky Forums then

>literally 4 Overwatch generals
Why do people get so obnoxious over making new thread?

>13k a month is a lot of money


Keep flipping the burgers and I'm sure one day you'll be there too

He's not making 13k per month

I'm sure there's months where he earns some thousands but that doesn't matter when there's then many months where he earns nothing

There's like one guy defending him

when i retired a few years ago i was making 300

stay mad

I was having so much fun when I was a shitter and didn't know what I'm doing

now I'm just trying too hard, getting frustrated and I'm still a shitter

how do I start having fun again?

There is no need for a hero limit in ranked.

Did all you players actually pay for the game? Is there no way to play for free? Hard to believe so many seem to be willing to pay, but it does look like a fun game!

yea it's like $40 on PC it's not that much, no way to f2p though.

t.Zarya #2

by making friends and play OW together like normal people

I would make some Overwatch friends but I don't really feel like going to Reddit.

>I enjoy endless Tracer spam for never ending overtime
>I enjoy KoTH being 2xWinston 2xTracer 2xLucio
>I enjoy 2xZarya
Yeah hero stacking was a mistake, keep it in QP for fucking around.

why does literally everyone above rank 80 main genji?

Don't go to reddit just use their discord


Objectively he is the best hero in the game.

Because Genji has really high damage and really high mobility and a lot of flexibility.

Do Hanzo's young skins change his voice to a younger sounding one?

His Q is broken

Just be good or chat and random people will send you friend requests.

he can outplay everyone while having very limited counters himself

High skill cap

when are they gunna remove D.va and mei from the game?

Why would I want to be friends with randos?

Every rando is a friend waiting to be made

>remove D.va

annoying as fuck

Can someone post the young and old skin webm's of Ana's highlight where she knocks you out?

Playing against a good genji is the biggest cancer I've ever seen

Why are you bad?

She can knock me out with that pussy dog

>shh intro in box

What separates a rank 50 solo que player from a rank 65, skill wise?

She is annoying

50 are absolute shit
65 are less shit but still not impressive
mostly the difference is reaction and knowing what to fucking do

someone buy me ow so i can waifusimulator with you guys ;_;

I've never gotten any friend requests for playing well and have never considered adding others for playing well, and I have no real interest in voicechatting.

If solo queue: the ability to work well with randoms who use little to no communication. It's a real skill.

Rank 65s can play every role well, and lets other people play whatever roles they're best at

Rank 50s are tryhards who demand everybody else change their characters while refusing to change themselves

You are projecting right now user, maybe go get some fresh air

It's not a waifu simulator, it's a waifu riding simulator.

I'm rank 76 currently and play only one character, also have no mic and never talk to my team other than to tell people to switch off bad characters

Rank 50 will bitch and moan while underperforming
some Rank 60 will adapt to team's playstyle and work with what hes got

What do you mean by projecting

Yeah the rank 50 shitters would tell you to change to Reinhardt instead of playing the character you can carry with

I'm glad I'm out of the 50s

isn't this like saying armored core isn't robot fighting simulator but robot riding simulator wich is kinda of the same thing?

if you buy me overwatch i will call it however you want and also suck yo dick tho

>tfw in the mid 70s as solo queuer
>listening to all the bullshit snake oil that rank 50s and 60s tell each other on 'what makes a good player' in this thread

Can I tell you a secret? There's no easy trick or change in strategy that's going to rank you up. You just have to aim and move better. That's it. If you can kill two or three people in every teamfight you're going to be ranking up consistently.

Post waifu, mistress and second mistress

Ok then.

wow what a slut you are, I hope you are boy

>tfw in the mid 70s as solo queuer
Whoa, grampa.

I hope I'm still able to play games like this at your age!

>the clearly avoidable asymmetry with the skin colours on the third row

prove to me you're not a shitter and I'll consider it

You had a bad experience and you're basing your opinions on frustration instead of reason

Are you saying I am wrong

Not unless you want requests from tryhards. Just be friendly enough in lobbies that aren't shuffled right away.