Rainbow Six Siege

Fucking huge effort edition

Go play the game homo hitler

first for tachanka buff

we ded until BRs

>rank up in ranked
>get stuck with total uncarriable shitters next game
>rank down

This is why ranked in this game is bullshit. The rank system is meaningless, I've seen complete shitters at diamond level who throw all 4 black eyes in the objective room or place frost traps in the middle of a hallway in plain sight

This is the only game I've ever played where I've ran into teams who simply cannot be carried

>ubisoft keeping a tight lid on brazilian operators

they better be good, I've never seen a company be so discrete

Because they literally do not care about this game

What happened to the previous general? It definitely wasn't dead enough to let it 404 like that.

Essential attacking operators, descending order:
>Thatcher / Twitch

Essential defenders:

What's the goddamn song that plays on the jukebox on Clubhouse? Sounds like "Rouge Nation" or something but I can't find it.

Been without internet since the 9th, anything changed?

because it takes actual effort to construct a preview video or trailer - and to announce it.

Considering they buffed Pulse out of nowhere, they give 0 fucks about the game.

>Ubisoft accidentally makes a good game
>Leaves it to languish in the closet under the stairs while calling all hands on deck to try to rescue The Division
I hate these Frenchmen so much

I always thought it was Bad Nation

>trying to rescue Tom Clancy's The No End Game

They dug their own grave on that one.

Yet they have a major CSGO killer on their hands all they need is a FUCK HEUG update for the BRs and we could gain even more players

Ubisoft is still afraid to embrace the F2P model. They sold the game at a significant discount, but they need to make this game free as shit to draw the audience

>make game F2P
>F2P can only play in F2P lobby at the beginning, until they "git gud"
>give everyone who bought the game exclusive shit, skins, legacy status, something so we aren't mad as fuck
>free fuccbois can only play recruit at the beginning
>sell Operators for $2.00 or obscene amount of renown
>everything costs 20x more - Red Dot Sight for gun is 2,000 renown
>restrict playing Ranked w/ F2P until they have 5 Operators on both ATK and DEF
>continue selling operator cosmetics a dollar or three at a time
>make unlimited $$$$$

The only thing you need to do is make DEF recruit have 2 reinforcements, cause having 1 right now is still fucked and I don't know why they still have that

But bam, look at that, massive playerbase

Pulse got buffed.
Talking about pulse. I've had a faaaantastic time hunting pulse players now that everyone wants to play him. Good times!

Ubisoft really doesnt give a shit about the game, but the devs behind it do. They have been updating and changing the game much more than most other groups would.
Its such a shame that ubi seems to give them zero marketing budget despite the game doing so well. So they barely get any trailers or anything, only at the very last minute. Fucking jewbisoft. They sure as heck wont shut up about the division though despite literally nobody playing it anymore.

the pulse update is why I quit

I'll come back to try and BR's and shit, but Pulse told me Ubisoft gives 0 fucks about fixing this trash game. Pulse was literally, 100% fine.

Fix fucking Tachanka so we have a reason to use him.

They change things according to how people get used to playing against them. Pulse was barely used because he was useless. Now he has a use, but he is still easy as fuck to counter. kapkan was buffed because his traps proved useless overtime for example.
Chankers is a difficult one to make useful though. If you add a shield to his MG, he is overpowered, if you dont, he is useless. Coming up with a thing that would make him useful is a tricky thing. I guess combining him with pulse is the only way he is of any use and even then, very rarely.

>its a "on my screen the appear and kill in in less than a second while in the kill cam they're spraying at me for 3 seconds" netcode episode.

To my understanding all they did with pulse was make the scanner easier to understand its literally the same

>Pulse was barely used because he was useless.

This is actually literally a lie because his pick rate before the patch was 10 to 8% (depending on which system you play Siege on)

Pulse has now become the highest picked operator on every platform, except PC.

Pulse has always had a 100% healthy pick rate fluctuating at just below 10% - given he is a dedicated roamer, him having a slight rate below 10% is completely acceptable and entirely understandable.

They changed the scanner from vague blips, to a real time feed. They also increase visibility through it.

It was a massive change. This "quality of life" terminology that implies all they did was make him more comfortable to play is nonsense.

Holo or ACOG on CB-SFW?


any operators want to operate?

these fucking 5 minute queue times are killing me

On the plus side, if I ever get too confident in myself in anything, playing Siege quickly quells that. All these people one shotting/panic firing/silently killing me before I can react takes any hubris I might have had, and stomps it to death.

don't forget
>win first round
>just barely lose second
>3 teammates instantly d/c

About Pulse and his change the devs stated this
>This patch and balance change arrives in advance of the ramp up to Season 3, which introduces a Brazilian CTU
Maybe the BRs have something to do with Pulse?

we ded comfy general now?

Silencer, Suppressor or Comp for the C8? Considering all the deaths I've had to silencers I feel obliged to grab one.


Obligatory mention of way too many hackers ruining the game. Will try again in a few months


The BR heartrate is 2-3 times faster than other operators, because they are on coke.

>not "Mother Nature"

>tfw I live in Nevada and go there regularly

I need to buy thermite goggles so I can take this photo

Look for oxyacetylene welding googles

>go into casual
>diamond with ridiculous W/L on other team
>wipes all of us with very obvious hacks
>other guy on his team toggles onto my head next round
>say something to the effect of "why do hackers always seem to show up in pairs"
>entire enemy team at once bombards messages into chat
>"who is hacking?"
>"ur just fucking bad kid"

Shit like this makes me want to play on console, I swear.

So your basically telling me ubisoft actually playtested season 3 and found out the BRs countered pulse hard so they decided to buff him?

I dunno that sounds actually smart

I've been speculating that BRs will be about firepower. Maybe they are set up so they just lay into walls/windows and noticed pulse was vulnerable due to waiting at these spots.

Maybe it it completely unrelated. Who knows.

Pretty much. They improved the visuals of Pulse's cardiac sensor with patch 3.4. Maybe the BR attacker's gadget fucked over the pre-3.4 patch cardiac sensor's visuals too much, so they probably decided to fix Pulse's cardiac sensor.

every fucking time

>I dunno that sounds actually smart

Which is why we know it's not reality

>playing as kapkan
>reinforce objective walls then spend rest of round placing traps around the building
>round starts
>head back to objective
>castle has barricaded every single doorway
>start tearing down one so I can at least be CLOSE to the objective
>enemies immediately breach and headshot me while I'm tearing it down
>team goes on to rage at me for both dying right away and destroying castle's wall

fuck my life and fuck this game

I can't decide if the Russian SMG is good or not.
It has no recoil, but it feels like it will never get a kill unless you headshot.

>playing as krapkan

>not playing comfy russianbros

what's your twitch?

>first round defense
>knifed through a wall because lol ubisoft
>"sorry man"
>second round attack
>get sprayed down at spawn
>"sorry about that"
holy fuck you faggots
saying sorry doesnt mean you're anything less than a little shit

>picking castle on Cafe just so you can pretend the windows won't get everyone killed every single time

Remember they are further gona buff pulse. In the gif they showed a red blip on the compass rose when you ping someone. It did not launch this recent patch but they will add it soon. So another slight buff to pulse.

>BB shield can't be broken

why do i still play this shit

It can. It takes, I shit you not, 30 hits from most weapons - give or take a couple of rounds. Some guns blow it up in 27 shots, some take like 33.

It's absolutely and utterly fucked, but yes, it's practically indestructible.




>fix doc
>fix castle
>fix IQ
>fix blitz
>fix montagne
>add a second reinforced wall breaching operator so Thermite isn't a fucking must pick 10/10 times


I'm legitimately fucking mad at this shit. I'm so fucking done with this trash game.

Why is Thatcher so low, he is must have with Thermit.

Are queue times normally this bad at this time?

In all fairness, giving an op a one-use, destroy-able ability ends up not being very engaging to use that ability.
It would be like Pulse losing his toy permanently to a Thatcher grenade. Losing your ability too easily is just a reason not to play an operator. Look at Twitch. If she didn't have the F2 there'd be no reason to pick her.

Since this is going to lead to a theory debate on how to fix BB, the solution has been, and always will be, simply having hits on his shield cause Recoil Kicks, according to the pattern every weapon has when firing. Alter BB's recoil patterns as necessary such that a defender getting the first shot forces BB to retreat, lest he be unable to hit anything. Horizontal sway would be best for this.

Americans are asleep.

Eu server

>Siege will never be Valve game

>kapkan & jager picked more than mute
>fuze under twitch
huh, wouldn't have thought

You understand most deployable gadgets Operators have (mostly defenders) are single use, not engaging, don't require input from the player and are easily destroyed.

A fuze charge can eat up all of Jagers protection - Bandit just batteries shit and it can be eliminated by a good thatcher grenade. Rook literally just presses one button and his ability is done.

Blackbeard needs to things - a severely reduced health on the shield, that would absorb multiple hits before breaking. The amount of shotgun blasts it takes from semi autos right now is perfect, but if it could only take maybe 5 shots before breaking, that would be ideal.

Additionally, like you suggested, having the shield kick when hit making it difficult or impossible to return fire, forcing BB to regroup, rewards players with good aim or reacting fast, while still giving BB a significant edge over the opposition (Other Operators would simply be dead)

His shield needs to act like a mechanism that saves him from a bad outcome - not allows him to play the game with impunity from being killed if positioned corrected.

I think at the end of the day you are severely underestimating the benefit of "not being dead" as it relates to his shield, and there is still a huge tactical benefit with it even only having the ability to take 4-5 shots. He might not be a 100% of the time pick, but he'd still be the thing you fucking hate peeking you on windows.

Because Thermite is fun to play since he's the one blowing up doors, and Thatcher is not.

The potential meta in the game has always been that if they are bringing a Thatcher, and you don't bring Mute / Bandit, they essentially wasted 20% of their potential operator super powers. So if you think think will bring a Thatcher, bring someone else. That then feedsback on Thatchers pick rate.

It's entirely possible that due to the DLC operators not listed on this chart, it skews the data slightly in odd ways. I still think it makes 0 sense having Twitch above Fuze, but Fuze was always the shield operator of choice because of the charge + his shield (ever since the Blitz nerf) Maybe because Blackbeard is so good at window peeking and clearing rooms from places where Fuze might normally be, it dropped Fuze's pickrate by just a bit.

Keep in mind this chart was for PS4, on PC Fuze has a 11% rate compared to Twitch at 9%, so it does fluctuate based on platform a little bit. Overall trends tend to be similar on all platforms, with Thermite / Ash / Rook / Pulse dominating the top, Kapkan being up there since the buff, Blitz having been shit for months since his nerf, etc etc etc

it aggravates me that the DLC fuckers aren't on this list, cause I want to see how often Blackbeard is picked.

>"Losing your ability too easily is just a reason not to play an operator."

>people won't play a guy who can survive 1-6 head shots if he can't survive 35 head shots

How do I play this map? It's one of my favourite maps and I never get it in MM. I have all maps turned off in preferences except for this one and I still haven't seen it in about my last 30 games.

He who controls the top floor wins.
For defenders, it lets them move without Glaz slaughtering them. For attackers, it lets them do things other than try brute forcing their way through defenses, and denies movement to the defenders.

Nah nah, I literally mean how do I get into a game where this is the map we play on. I never get it.

map voting is a feature too advanced for our small indie devs.

Thanks for the tips though.

by buying the seasonpass and all the weapon skins,
only then ubisoft will listen to you

but this season pass is a fucking scam

>players who insist on barricading every last fucking doorway

>Triggered at Ubisoft not making sense

Are you new?

>playing valk
>Castle barricades every fucking doorway of the objective knowing fine well I was just placing cameras
>try to get back in
>kills me for breaking his barrier
Fucking nigger

2 more weeks

till what?

information for the BRs then like another 2 weeks to wait for when they release

You guys are retarded. The blip on the compass was just marking North.


Is there any real reason to take a Silencer unless you are a Defender? I figure damage > stealthiness when it comes to attacking.

>hurr durr
kapkan is a good pick now


>Friendly last operator standing

How the fuck does peeking work in this goddamn game?
Any time I do I practically leap out of the corner but the enemy always managed to only show the smallest amount of body

>alone against their full team
I was Kapkan, too.

console or pc


>Heavy armor operators
>good picks

What is Rook

how can i start playing other characters? I always just play Rook/Sledge and Smoke/Ash as backup.

I just cant find any use in Buck, Pulse, Chanka or any shield that isn't blitz, Mute etc.

Just play them don't be a metafaggot pick who you want to play thermite/rook aren't always must picks

Yeah, for his armor plates. Nobody willingly picks him as soon as the operator select screen starts except for that guy.

>hop into game for the first time in 2 weeks
>while everyone is connecting/joining, guy on the other team named IMMA HACKER is blowing up all chat saying how we need to kick the hacker on our team
>if we don't he'll hack as well
>no fucking idea what any of this is about
>game starts, run 4 feet and get revolver headshotted out of a door thats has a barrier on
>stare at my computer screen, fag in all chat screaming I TOLD YOU SO YOU SHOULD HAVE BANNED HIM
>report him, turn off game, go back to reading my book
Fuck this stupid ass shitty goddamn horrible community

Only been playing about a month and I seriously haven't seen a comunity as bad as this since League

Been really getting into this game recently, how has pulse been buffed? I played him a few minutes ago and didn't notice anything new (I last played him weeks ago).

His gadget is now easy for brain dead players to use. Instead of just pinging the screen it tracks people constantly. I'd say it was a useless change that didn't do much, but honestly almost nobody knew how to use pulse prior to the patch and it baffles me that this buff was even needed to make him "viable now".

>Go 10-0 every match for a week against level 50 silvers
>MMR goes up
>Go 0-5 every match against level 180 Platinums for a week
>MMR gets reset
>Repeat infinitely

is it just me or what the fuck?

>when you place a sneaky jammer on the upper floor preventing a fuze charge that would have lost your team the round

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