League of Legends General - /lolg/

Diana, Nocturne, Bird Dad, and Daughter edition.

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xth for rape.

second for git gud as the universal advice to life

Why does Illaoi's W (just the auto, not the damage from the tentacles of course) feel so fucking weak? It's like it does no more damage than her regular autos.

Biggest Breasts
Most busted and busty

>There are people who don't think Akali doesn't need a rework.

But user, they added hp% damage to it just like with every other tanky champ.

xth for I want the ivory scepter

Post art of your favorite champion

Then post music you are listening to right now. If you are not listening to music then listen to rain on the internet and post that here because rain is fucking awesome to listen to.


Get IBG and then it becomes REALLY strong.

>leveling it up gives it literally .5% per level
>meanwhile Shen's Q caps out at 21% max hp damage at level 5 AND has flat damage coupled to it

Like, I know everyone jizzes their pants over %hp damage, but Illaoi's is so fucking low it feels inconsequential. Coupled with the fact that it's maxed last you're doing like 4% max hp with it.

>support a Draven
>think he's going the Tyler1 build
>he took biscuit
>built IE after GB
>played great in lane but kept trying to 1v1 a Zed late game
This makes me so mad

why wouldn't he build scimitar?
he could've removed the zed ult


Reminder to dodge if you have Kalista on your team.

Doesn't remove Zed ult anymore.

>tfw I keep forgetting I filtered Tyler1


Because she's supposed to be stronger when there are tentacles around and weaker when there aren't tentacles around user
If her W was already satisfying with it's damage alone, getting slams from it would be fucking broken
Also like this user said build trinity asap

It's an auto reset and a tool to have her tentacles slap. It does enough by itself. If against no tanks then build trinity first or second and enjoy.

But TF's passive is redundant with cleaver

Shen's Q doesn't have flat damage though.

It's an AA with a %HP bonus damage, just like Illaoi's.

>le J4 top meme
He's a shit top laner. Stop picking him

nice bait

Is that fucking Nocturne? VU when?

Why do weekends end so quickly...

How the fuck do some people literally have more than five hundred games played so far this season and remain hard stuck in shitter Elos like Plat I?

I don't understand. I barely even have 100 played. I started in Gold V this season and I'm already at the same Elo as this shitter. How the fuck do you not learn this game incredibly well at that point? With that much time invested into the game, you'd think he'd at least be decent, but he's still absolute fucking shit.



but if you want your W damage to feel good that's all you have to do user

It's people who just play on autopilot and make mistakes, don't recognise them. Flame the team a bit. Etc.

What Elo did you start off at this season??

How do you still have the motivation to climb when LP gains are so fucked above Plat 3?

>actually believing proficiency scales linearly with experience and time investment
>implying you don't plateau instantly unless you're constantly going through a cycle of learning, reflecting, and practicing as opposed to going through the motions

Also, pattern recognition and the ability to learn from mistakes actually are NOT inherent, and it's totally possible to not have those qualities.


It's still fine to build Cleaver and TF at the same time.

Plat 1 isn't shitter
You're not really asking why people learn at different rates or don't care to learn because you're not that dumb
You're just raging and bragging
fuck off

if their team has mostly squishies can I build BG first instead?

>I made it to ___ rank in ___ games
You're literally the only one who cares

Is today national shit adc day?
Because I've been getting them in all 4 games.
Bloodlust and attackspeed do not make a good adc.
Please, just fucking build damage and autoattack. I will support you, but you have to fucking carry.

Seriously, this. There are niggas that have 500+ games and are in Silver 3.

I didn't know /lolg/ had class


Some people are fucking stupid and don't know how to learn from mistakes or just lack common sense. Even a shitter like me can climb out of Plat and get into Diamond by just not feeding my ass off. Then again D5 is just Plat with a different border.

I've had near 1k games and still plat 4/5. I just play the game. Having fun is the main objective, getting good is secondary, and climbing is tertiary. Some people learn differently or don't learn at all/dumb luck. You're basically bragging right now.

You mean Ghostblade?
Sure, but that's a real spicy meme.

I want a nerdy league boy with a nice upper body and nice dick to post newds.

>watch old Dunkey videos
>see old SR and get really sad
This is not the same game I played 4 years ago. I want the fun back

Don't play ranked if you aren't there to climb and therefore get good.
Having fun is why you play, getting high rank is why you play ranked.
I'd much rather play with a bunch of jerks who actually give a shit about the outcome of the game than a bunch of ap vaynes playing for fun because it's just a game.

If you don't care about climbing or getting good fuck off to normals you normie

>literally the most popular video game music score ever
If you didn't post a shitty generic theme from Princess Mononoke I would take you seriously.

I have some B5 friends, and there are two kinds of people from B5 from what I've seen.

There are people with a million games, and a roughly 50/50 WL, stuck in B5.

Then there are people who have a sub-33% winrate in B5, and their MMR is actually way lower than B5, they're only B5 because it's the lowest division.

Don't ever join my ranked, or my ranked's rank again.

>my face when these soloQ kalistas randomly ult with no forewarning

That shit tilts the fuck outta me

literally the most broken champions in this game
congrats m8

Can Kallista ult Tahm while he's carrying someone?

if you eat an ally Lucian while he's using his ult he fires his bullets continuously despite being eaten

>get dumped
>understand how all you anons that sleep alone feel
this is terrible ;_;
but i have a vagina and will have someone filling it in less than 24hours...[/spoilers]

whores out

fuck you bitch

garen-teed replies

dont have any of aurelion so have this instead

Jeez who would ever roll on such a stupid thing. it's not like i want to masturbate or anything, baka.

Rolling for someone fertile.

I only play middle Jhin

Rolling for breasts.

With Yasuo do go for a zeal and hold it or go straight for the PD/SS?

give me the bad pussy

Again, those are secondary and tertiary. If the outcome of the game is definite then there's no reaosn in cheesing a little. Getting a high rank was my initial purpose but it get's to the point where the game is out of your hands.
>bunch of ap vaynes playing for fun because it's just a game
Fuck people that build shit like that for 'fun and it's just a game', it's even more annoying when you tell them why it's a bad idea and they do it anyways.


>Get literally the most fertile champion

Nice game lolbabs.

nice one

Jhin mid is retarded OP. He's honestly a mid champion.

I love Lissandra!
She's best waifu and best freljord
Fiora has canon child birthing hips

>die to any assassin in .5s
>mid champ
Hahahaha, no.
Just because you won a game with him doesn't mean he is good mid.

>Try out the new mememode
>Everyone in team picks squishy adcs
>"This mode is about clearing waves lol xd"
>Everyone keep dying to the tanks and assassins
Nice game lolbabs

>+18 (99 lp)

o no


Waifu roll

Please give me justice

im going to sleep anyway so give me that


that is insanely cute

Just my fucking luck to get a bird.

I'm okay with lewd snek I guess

Adc'c need 20 items to clear waves effectively.
Meanwhile a tank can get a tiamat and win.
When will people learn.

give me that good shit, I need inspiration


>Cheating on Elise

What the fuck Spiderbro I thought you were cool.

fuck it, let's go


Pantheon, I hope he gets a Project skin one day, I think he'd look cool with it.


Yeah nah. Rerolling



>Play meme mode
>Get ridiculously mad
>Outright raging, spamming ? pings on everyone.
>lose first half, enemy team was a full team of supports with one carry and they would just stack up in one lane with five shielded ballistas.
>Start second half
>Realize I'm getting mad over fucking nothing.
>Apologize to team
>Start running around to every lane dropping and defending ballistas
>Team starts working together really well
>Slowly chunk out each turret
>Last minute
>Just barely about to kill nexus
>Blue screen of death

It wasn't the IP that mattered, but the lessons learned.

>tfw addicted to rushing youmuu's > trinity on all toplaners

How do I stop

>normal up
>jhin vs jhin bot lane
>enemy jhin rushes IE
>my jhin rushes ghostblade
>tries to meme up and gets styled on because he does no damage



>People ship DianaxLeona instead of LeonaxPantheon

what is wrong with you people


Those days are dead user

I liked them too...but they destroyed Pantheon's lore.

if you actually believe that go play something else like a dresup game or something

>No Taliyah


League general is more deaded than evolve general, how does it feel to waste hundreds in a dying game?

>muh MS
>muh arpen

Maybe if you bought damage, you'd do damage. Keep being shitters.

I spent 20 dollars. Even if this game dies I'd say it was worth the money.