/pgg/ - Pokémon Go General

Scanning edition. Alternate: No one's making new threads edition.

About the game

>official FAQ

>What is it?
Pokemon Go can be described simply as the Geocaching of Pokemon. Grab your smartphone, get some exercise, catch some mons, battle some people - the usual Pokemon gig.

>Is the server down?

>general database

>Is it worth evolving X?
>Some questions answered
pastebin.com/spEFYmPw (embed)
Fresh with updates!

>Information on spoofing
pastebin.com/KCVr1HjB (embed)

>Pokemon moves DPS

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


18°22'44.37"N , 66° 7'18.84"W please

Reminder to not go full autist and cap more than 10 gyms if you only want the stardust.

Asking for help getting my scanner running from last thread.

Seems like reinstalling Python did...something. Now the map shows in the correct location instead of the ocean when I open the page, but no pokemon. Any help? Here's my output:

E:\PokemonGo-Map-master>python example.py -u [username] -p [password] -l [location] -st 5
[-] register_background_thread called
[-] register_background_thread: not running inside Flask so not starting thread
* Restarting with stat
[-] register_background_thread called
[-] register_background_thread: initial registration
[-] main
* Debugger is active!
* Debugger pin code: 241-669-959
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
[!] Your given location: [scared]
[!] lat/long/alt: [coords]
[!] login for: [login name]
[+] RPC Session Token: TGT-6865636-Rag7FOPe0Z0k0 ...
[-] get_api_endpoint: calling get_profile
[+] Received API endpoint: pgorelease.nianticlabs.com/plfe/84/rpc
[+] Login successful
[+] Username: [username]
[+] You started playing Pokemon Go on: 2016-07-16 23:22:14
[+] STARDUST: 100
Exception in thread search_thread:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\python27\lib\threading.py", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner
File "c:\python27\lib\threading.py", line 754, in run
self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
File "example.py", line 392, in main
ignore = [i.lower() for i in args.ignore.split(',')]
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split' - - [18/Jul/2016 03:12:03] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -

Repost from last thread.

How far from home have spoofanons gone without a softban? How far is it safe to spoof in general? I don't live near many good spots at all, so I'm sort of at a loss.


2 days and scanbeggars have already ruined the general

just make an alt account and do it yourself fuck. most of the pokemon that show up will disappear in less than 5 minutes anyway

Wait, I thought it is 500 xp per evolution, so 1k with a lucky egg?

>eggs are all trash
>can't find any 10km
>when I do they're trash too

Life is suffering.

40.160537, -103.214384
I'm baaaaaaaaack

How long should it take from typing in your username, password, and location to a map popping up? I think I'm stuck in an endless loop.

fuck you

just a heads up to spoofers, south beach florida is fucking lit

any clues what could be causing this?

you can spoof as far as you want
you HAVE to wait a realistic amount of time before you log in to the spoofed location

how to teleport on nox? People said just download nox but it doesnt let you teleport only move slow as fuck

I spoof everyday but I only go about 15 minute drive from my house to the city center and chill in and around the parks

download the newest version or add -i randomshit

>started work 20 minutes ago
>already wish it was over so I could go back to catching Pokemons

>tfw you realize your addicted to a shitty f2p mobile game

46.60608, 10.82225
if someone would be so kind

>>can't find any 10km
>>when I do they're trash too
>Life is suffering.
Kinda sucks that 2km mons and 5km mons can also be found in 10km eggs.

And even then, imagine you do manage to get a 10km egg with a 10km mon, and it's an eevee.

>all that fire

Please gib scan

40.765018, -73.972717

anyone got that spoofer/walker pic thats a parody of the neet/wageslave

40.160537, -103.214384
Scan pretty please. Heres some pepes (Black market)

egg doubles. so yes.
and it takes 4 pidgeys per evo.
so 1400/4

44.437990, 11.879140 Help, tell me there is something here :(

the gps button on the right side bar, its under the scissors button
hotkey is ctrl + 3
you have to click okay after selecting where you want to teleport to in order to set the location
its in the white bar at the bottom, hover over it to see the button show up

huh, , the -i thing worked. but i downloaded it like 20 minutes ago, has there been a change since then?


Debugger won't work when I try to do this Python shit. It's putting me in the ocean no matter what coordinates I use.

What would be the source of the problem? A Python script? The Example file?

Any scanbros on? I would greatly appreciate it.

41.881678, -84.5723001

Please and thank you.

Can anyone scan the Milwaukee area for me? Not a big deal but I figure a lot of people play in that area.

No issue with softbans yet? Sounds like something I want to do if I can get it set up right.

Will the devs lift bans if I can feed them enough bullshit? If I waited several days to spoof to another continent and several days to spoof back? All I care about is getting good shit without a ban.

Do pokemon spawn say out of towns or cities at all? I'm staying at camp for work and it's in the middle of nowhere....

I went for a drive out in the country and didn't find any.....

So I evolved this Eevee last night...

>was ranked #1 on heroes charge
>tfw the realisation I had played everyday for 4 months
>at least 3 hours per day

I hate myself sometimes

thanks user

10.015867, -84.213560

>46.60608, 10.82225

here's one of my local metro parks

>mfw people actually try to make this game competitive
>mfw people actually think level matters
>mfw people don't realize how easy it is to take any gym regardless of CP since the odds are stacked in favor of the attacker
You faggots should stick to over watch or something not everything has to be about competition

Use your brain, user. If Niantic actually starts going after spoofers they will look for the following things:

>completely repetitive behavior with no deviation
>extremely accurate GPS signals
>person constantly jumps between locations in a time frame where it would be physically impossible to get from one to the other

These are the things that can easily be automated and will thus be the first to get fucked if they decide to take actions.

charizard incoming.

never softbanned yet just take
this advice very seriously and you should be safe

45.07153659999999 7.653737999999976

Scan please? -20 if possible

right now we dont know if and when there will be actual bans
all we are getting is soft bans ( cant catch pokemon, cant use poke stops ) for X amount of time, X is determined by how far you teleported
you can realistically wait 12 hours and teleport to the other side of the world
play for however long you want, wait another 12 and teleport back home
for all they know you went on vacation there

Lat. 60.800831
Long. 21.410896

Can scan bros help a brother out?

sorry for spamming

Any idea why it does 100 steps even though i typed -st 10

40.160537, -103.214384

43.0389° N, 87.9065° W

Oh, yeah, my bad. I didn't think that far.


Do you think they give a shit? I wasn't all that surprised when soft banning came in as a deterrent, but I would be sort of surprised if they launched a crusade against people who aren't really costing them money.

There's always a possibility, but I was just curious as to what /pgg/ thought.

>found a single 10k egg
>never got the hatching animation for it because I filled up the 10k at a time when the servers were shitting themselves
>never got any pokemon from it

>1 AM
>out of pogeyballs
>decide to go for a bike ride and hit the local pokestops
>nice and cool, especially for my hot as fuck california town
>stars and moon out in full force, look amazing
>get 40+ pokeballs
This game is pretty good. I dont ever get out of the house like this


40.160537, -103.214384

>tfw you'd do this but you remember you live in bakersfield and there's too many meth heads out downtown

Anyone know how to fix this on the scanner?
Even the original thread has no fixes

If you're still having issues, just delete the whole Pokemon Go Map Master folder, and all the files with it, and just download it again; do the pip install requirements whatever thing, and try again

>stage 1
Wow this game is so much fun, oh shit I got myself a strong pokemon. Check this guy out. Fuck yeah we grabbed this gym, [team] rocks, we got this!

>stage 2
I got how this works, I'm now working on my levels, popping eggs before going on an evolving spree, starting to see good xp gains, I'm on my way

>stage 3
This is getting a bit tiresome.. and I already have all the pokemon that spawn near me... tired of these pidgeys, rattatas and zubats. Maybe I'll spoof a bit to find something else.

>stage 4
Haha, this is great, fucking walker idiots. I'm at all the good spots, I've got dratinis now! And Lapras, multiple vaporeons, all the good shit, I'm slowly becoming unstoppable.

>stage 5
Why am I even doing this anymore? This game is beyond shallow, the combat is retarded and there's no real point to this, just makes me wish I was playing a real pokemon game with 5000% the content instead
What stage are you lads in?

>Lat. 60.800831
>Long. 21.410896

If you're going to ask for scans, at least post location like this

60.800831, 21.410896

Literally retarded: New thread edition:

Currently waiting on being able to make a pokemon club acc, but if any scanfags could scan my area in the meantime that'd be great.

48.602917, 11.627292

Hardly. I live right on the edge between a forest and a larger city.
When I go into the forest I can walk around for an hour and see maybe a single Weedle.
If I go into the outskirts of the city I get fucking swamped in Pokemon.

I am fairly sure they are using some map with the average density of GPS signals for it. Which fucking sucks because I'd rather run through the woods than sit down at central station. The cities already have all the Pokestops, they shouldn't also have all the mons

Trying to l2scan but I keep getting an error where it says "ImportError: No module named flask"

how 2 get flask?

32.72954846, -117.15164781

32.813377, -117.2389512

a-anything there senpai?

>41.881678, -84.5723001

44.437990, 11.879140 halp :(

Can you do

-1.272516 , 36.81513199999995

Thanks lad

pip install -r requirements.txt

>Do you think they give a shit?

I doubt Niantic themselves give a shit. But if the majority of legit players find out that there are people cheating they will start to get mad and blame every single failures of theirs to take a gym on them and that is when Niantic will ban a few thousand cheaters to placate them.

seems to work fine now. anyone know how large 1 step is in the thing? seems it's like 100m or so.


40.160537, -103.214384
pRETTY please m8

>over watch

>complaining about the content of a 3 week game

Ok scan anons pip is working if I open up the cmd window inside my scripts folder

it still doesnt recognize it when I try to open it inside the map folder forwhatever reason

4, can't wait to get to 5 so i can do something else.

im at stage 4 i think

Because it's running the pip executable in the right folder. Why do you think people kept telling you to run it from \Scripts

>t-they'll totally make this a great and complex game soon

Adding trading will only serve to exhaust the content faster because you'll fill your dex quicker.

Fighting friends is useless because the combat is so garbage, just spam tap.

Adding new gens? Sure, now you got more pokemon to collect, but it's still the same empty core behind it.

>retards complaining about cmd not recognising
>not even restarting the PC

Can we ban all scan requests?

all these people bitching about pidgys and ratatas while I sit here catching 100s of fucking doduos

fuck this shit

im surprised there are any. maybe i install it now.

Scanfriends, please if you would be so kind.

29.562387, -95.133748

40.160537, -103.214384
One scan please.

Ive gotten blank lines and got a syntax error once when trying to setpath user I already admitted i have little-no clue what the hell im doing
ive restarted pc 3 times

it'll probably come to that when we start filling threads in an hour with 600+ of them

the 'arg' variable doesn't have any value, which is why the split method is returning an error (can't split anything when there is nothing)

I don't use it myself so I don't know the program, but I would assume you are skipping some step or fucked up the order of them

What I dont understand is the complaining its free fucking leveling
even you, level your shit with those dudebros


Man wild ones are saving my day.

This slowbrow is phat as fuck and has water gun unlike my shitty evolved.



>-1.272516 , 36.81513199999995

I'll write up a "how to install for retards" pastebin in a few. Just gotta make sure it's retard proof

Actually can we ban people who are supplying the scans? They are just making people ask more.

>it's a "scan bro won't scan because you don't know how to write coordinates in the proper format" episode