/twg/ - Total War General

m-muh faction is relevant too edition

>Call of the Beastmen

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>Total War Warhammer
Mods -- twcenter.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?2191-Total-War-WARHAMMER-Modifications

Double click a spell (it needs to be a boostable spell and you need to have enough magic in the magic pool) to overcast the spell
There's a 50% chance that the caster damages itself though!

Select your lord (make sure he isn't garrisoned or in a stance)
Select the quest battle (on the map or through quest log)
There's a button in the bottom right of the quest battle window that you can use to teleport for 5k gold (when the battle's finished you're automatically teleported back to your original position)

Group units with ctrl + g
Select your group and right click the enemy
All your units move and automatically direct themselves to and engage enemies they get close to while maintaining formation


Other urls found in this thread:


Rollan without Beastmen!

First for panzers are /twg/ approved.



>beastmen can cross impassable terrain
>have invisible camps
>can ambush people

If they don't give Skaven the ability to colonize the sewers of cities then what the fuck will the Skaven have that Beastmen don't?

>Beastmen lords start in different areas of the map

I actually like this since it was annoying that all game starts- even for chaos- are in the same area

Rollan with Beastmen

I sure as hell hope so

>there are people who have played for more than 100 hours
>I'm not sure how
By not being a fucking casual or by actually enjoying every campaign instead of rushing through them like a try-hard.
I only have 220 hours though so I'm a filthy casual too still more playtime in one and a half month than Attila after one and a half year

>devote your life to this videogame or you're a casual


>devote your life to this videogame or you're a casual
I've been doing sports, my wife, 'work', miniature painting, pen&paper campaigns, playing ffx and other stuff.
What are you doing with your time user?

> Tomb Kings still not announced

Have fun with your 20$ for half a shitty faction dlc :^)

ENOUG ENOUGH ENOUGH!!! I am tired of all you troll terrorists and cyber vermin on r/totalwar/ calling me a freaking hambone. I am not I repeat I AM NOT A GOD DAMN HAMBONE!!!! I'M NOT A FREAKING HAMBONE!!! GAHHHHHH!! Jesus fucking Christ my heart is beating like a freaking jack rabbit. I gotta calm my ass down. You fucking troll terrorists and disgusting cyber vermin are pissing me the fuck off.

>I've been doing sports

you haven't been doing any sports, have you user?

stop posting this until it's released you cancerous cunt

Historical fencing and Freeletics, but only 2-4 times a week and could've done more. Got a bit lazy, you're right.

You're pretty angry

Have you bent the knee to the Lord of the End Times today?

>bending the knee to man-filth

it seems totally likely that chaos dwarfs and skaven will have their own shitty minicampaigns too
50 euros for game
120 euros for dlc

not that user, but even though I really dragged some of the campaigns out on purpose I still only have 175 hours and at this point I am completely burnt out on warhammer

no way I'll be able to play more until some major new content is released

>chaos dwarfs mini campaign
Don't really think so, maybe the Black Orc rebellion.

>Skaven mini campaign
They're either an expansion faction when the dlc schedule really has changed or they'll be in a Karak Eight Peaks mini campaign

Skaven are going to have a mini campaign focused around the karak-eight peaks, alongside greenskins and dwarfs

But chaos dwarfs are just going to be a normal pack, as ogres come after them

I have the same problem now, but since it's only one and a half week until Beastmen it's not that bad. Haven't been playing games as excessively as when I was younger
Meanwhile I can focus on other things!

that DLC will be at least 30 dollars modeling rats is hard user, designing a single unit card for the skaven will be more expensive then the art costs of every previous total war title combined

all you need to do is give goblins grey skin and black furcoat

but you have to model guns and stuff, and to rename existing mechanics and pretend they are new! thats extremely costly, they have to charge at least 40$ to simply make the ends meet

Chaos Dwarfs no, I imagine they'll be one of the base factions for game 3.

I doubt Skaven will have one either, simply because I can't think of a good mini-campaign setting that'll have them.

it doesnt have to be good as long as it brings in money as it is stapled on the race

seriously though the doomwheel is going to be a bitch to animate especially if they add rats running inside it and have the thing randomly arcing lightning out the sides. If they claimed the jabberslythe alone would cost the same to model as an entire attila faction then the hell pit abomination would be a nightmare. I bet the skaven roster will be barebones as fuck and they'll add in clan packs.

CA have kind of shown that they care a lot about the setting and the lore they represent. I don't think they'd make a campaign if they didn't need to, especially since I imagine even they know how much work it would take to properly represent the Skaven WITHOUT a campaign.

But if you make new barbar faction for attila you just give them different beards and change the colours on equipment

A good campaign would be that instead of the usual zoomed-in map, the only place is Karak Eight-Peak, with multiple levels and differents battle maps depending if you're fighting in the dwarfen area, the goblin area or the skaven area

+ It would give dwarfs and greenskins 2 new LL : Belegar and that goblin with a giant squig

Guys... the Jabberscythe would have costed a lot to animate, can you cut CA some slack please?

The russian leak says that bretonnian and beastmen units will be sold alongside the wood elves DLC

Yeah, I'm just glad they made Charlemagne instead of the Jabberslythe.

I hope the Cygor didn't delay their next historical title more than six months.

what happened to the whole "no dlc for dlc" schtick?

>Black Orc Rebellion
That actually might be pretty cool, imagine an entire campaign of nothing but street-fighting and sieges.

I'm willing to bet game 3 is going to be that Chaos Divided pack at full retail with Ogres added to bring it up to five "new" factions between the four gods and their daemons. Chorfs will be preorder DLC because Chorf players will pay any price to play the edgy manlets

Just finished my first Orc campaign, it was really easy and I have to say, incredibly fun.

Orc Units really are amazing, especially once you get to incorporate black orcs into your army.

I think pound for pound they are the best heavy infantry in the game

Oh and the sad thing, I only played with grimgor in one battle the entire campaign,I've autoresolved every single other battle due to multiple stacks

Fighting with multiple stacks just isn't fun

>80 hours on TWW
>only played 1 battle involving an AI ally
>not a single defensive siege battle

I'm sick of those "3 doomstacks vs you" or "your best army vs a shitty garrison" battles


Okay old guy you convinced me to play around a little, but I still have other stuff to do besides this

Guess I have a game to preorder in 2018 then

>Invited to war: Top Knots
>By: Dwarves
>When I'm Greenskins

Welp, there goes all my hard work securing the southern south eastern badlands. Fuck you you orc loving stunty cunt

I have over 200 hours and I still have yet to fight a siege. Are there civilians and burning?

>playing 200 hours
>of anything

how the fuck do you not get bored? Does your life offer such little stimulation that point and clicking whilst looking at a fucking screen is preferable?

Is this nigga serious

that was for the previous titles, the warhammer one is just too expensive! creating those extra units will cost as much the development of every other game ever combined

It's not like you have to put those 200 hours together in a single month user, games can last years if you play one piece at a time. And TW of all things can take tens of hours to complete a campaign if you take it easy, I find it strange that you would complain about it here of all places.

>Are there civilians and burning?
of course not, moddeling civilians for the various races would have cost the entire GDP of the United Kingdom

he says on a fucking imageboard

Hi guys, CA member incognito here, if you guys have any questions I'd be happy to answer. Currently there are two factions in the office - one which wants to break up factions into multiple DLC packages so that development can be stretched out, the other wants to release full faction rosters for each of the DLCs but offer no additional content after

Pretty Damsels mod when?

1st pls

This passive aggressive pushing of a not so funny meme isn't that great user, you better stop


Tell whoever you can to release the tools to allow modders to import custom models into Warhammer already.

Surely it's obvious which one their fanbase wants right?

>TW fanbase
>being obvious in what it wants

I doubt anyone is stupid enough to think people won't be upset by breaking up factions into multiple DLC packages.

when the real rapists join the fold.

Until the first expansion hits,stick with the first option

God damn I hate furries

Why not release multiple DLCs for each faction as they get done? If a few months down the line you decide to add that Jabberslythe thing or whatever, throw it in a 'Zany Weapon Units' DLC. As long as the price fits the content, who cares.

I'd pay for a DLC that added an advisor for each race other than the old bird man guy.
- sniveling goblin for Greenskins
- grizzled Sergeant for Empire
- snobbish noble for Bretonnia

I'm really insterested in buying TW:WH, but reading about the upcoming DLC made me think about holding it back for a while. If the DLC gets released, I'm pretty sure they will sell some kind of "pack" with the original game and the currenty releaced DLCs included - am I right?

Also, how's the game optimized? Would my GFs Laptop be able to run it with i3-5010U, 4gigs of memory and Nvidia 940M?

>As long as the price fits the content, who cares.

Because it's easier to charge more for less by breaking it into smaller parts and spreading it out. People don't like being nickle and dimed.

>having that shit of a computer

Tell you are gf to off herself (no of fence)

Also it could maybe run it on low, but not much higher than that. It's fairly well optimized, but not a miracle


Where is proofs?

>Because it's easier to charge more for less by breaking it into smaller parts and spreading it out.
In this case you're talking about over-charging for less content, which isn't what I was saying. If a $12 Elf DLC gets broken into two $6 DLCs released a few months apart that's fine.


This isn't going to happen for very obvious reasons, no one will buy our DLC ever.

It is clear which the fanbase wants, however,this does mean that our intervals for releasing DLC are going to be much more spaced out, and the individual packages themselves will cost more.

>Reddit Rats

Leave or remain?

there are older titles too you know

Bretonnia isn't playable in game though

Thanks, your post is as useful as a pile of dogshit

just like your GFs laptop

MTG made me a furry

>This isn't going to happen for very obvious reasons, no one will buy our DLC ever.
Oh, I hadn't heard an official response on release of model-importing tools for Warhammer like every other Total War. Tell whomever thinks that releasing mod tools to the community hurts your bottom line that their views are objectively incorrect and hurtful to the company. On a side note, I didn't know what absolute shit-headed mother fuckers you guys were and will never purchase anything related to Warhammer Total War until there are model import tools available.

>t. previously loyal fan since Shogun I

here's your (You)


Thanks, I was feeling depressed this evening so thought to myself, what better way to get attention than to post on /twg/ and harvest some of these sweet, sweet DLC tears

Look at this casual, back to /v/eddit.

Not an argument.

Mod tools make a community and cause a game to be more popular than it would be otherwise.

Daily reminder that Dota2/League of Legends and Counterstrike started as mods to games and would have been impossible without mod tools.

You're the hero /twg/ deserves, if I had one you'd get a floppy hat from me!

I wouldn't need 600 hours to do a legendary campaign with every faction in any of those games.

Warcraft 3 never had a model importer you fucking dingus.

>wasting some time to play video games
that's ok
>wasting all your time to play video games
you're a sad little guy, why not find something else to do that has some actual worth? says the guys posting on Veeky Forums

>red orchestra
My nigga

I'm sure UNDEAD DEMIGRYPH WARRIORS OF KHORNE (SLANN CHOSEN) is indicative of a modding community that will spawn amazing games like DotA 2 AND csgo


You realize thats entirely subjective right? And I do many other things.

You should feel proud to know that Darth got his own game too then.

Which game was counterdyke a mod to?

Half Life

>You realize thats entirely subjective right?
NO, MY OPINION IS FACT! you're true but don't waste too much time on games


>break up factions into multiple DLC packages

This would probably be best honestly, would let you guys get feedback on what to work on for each package. Plus will keep people interested for longer if there's a constant trickle of content than just a big release every now and then.

That said what ever you guys do you need to make it clear what the plan is. It's not going to stop a lot of bitching but should calm things down more than being hush hush.


>over designed wow tier garbage

I finally see how CA is going to do it

They are going to get people back to history games by killing Warhammer.

Its fucking brilliant when you think about it. Warhammer is without a doubt the most engaging TW game ever, and no history game will ever compete. There is so little more they could do to make history TW games stand out in comparison, even if it was the most perfect amazing flawless history TW game ever it wouldnt come close to Warhammer.

So instead they will ruin Warhammer by releasing endlessly poor DLC lacking units and with shitty content no one wants like mini-campaigns to jack up the price.

CA are fucking brilliant.