Blade and Soul General - /bnsg/

Postponing the Apocalypse Edition

New Content [July 20, 2016]
>Server Merges(ish) [July 14, 2016]

>/bnsg/ servers
Mushin/Poharan/Jiwan is for NA
Windrest is for EU

>/bnsg/ Clans Info (embed)

>BnS Resources (embed)
>Soul Shield and Gear Cheat Sheet

>Automated Equipment Suggestions

>Mods (embed)

Previous thread: 148773910

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Keep ya chins up!

Shut the fuck UP, you shitposting faggots.

Xth for fuck the chinks

who /noruby/ here?




Why would you go on the internet to tell lies?

good morning bnsg

Daaammmnn Karlie

Morning, Telenna.

get your eyes checked user

>Jiwan blonde never came back
>WR Yun never came back

Just fucking end me right now


Asura 4

NA #772803

why am i still up

I'm /nosapphire/ instead

I'm /abillionfuckingdailypouchesicanteventryopeninganymorewhatthefuckncsoft/ here

good night na friends and qt eu friends

No ruby, no sapphire, at least the next event lets get one, right?

>put in my character's name as a joke
>get six votes

What if I play on both?

Then you're a slut.

>get put on there as a joke by someone else
>somehow get 8 votes

How long are the new outfits going to be in the shop? This is important.

2 weeks

nice mods

Who else /TooBusyToCatchAnyLobbies/ here?
If so, then this late-coming expedition to the frequently-traversed sights offered by this cycle's Daily Challenges should be right up your alley!

Running Daily Challenge circuit (Nexus / Cold Storage / [Talus]) + Jin-Jin, NA#773260.

Your final chance to further your Gemstone collection approaches, user. Don't let this opportunity pass you by! Though if you don't draw a gloriously rose-colored Ruby or stunning Sapphire from the Pouches earned off the sweat of your character's efforts, you'll be in misfortunately good company...

Wasn't expecting that much adoration for Patrice, when I slapped that cat's name onto the poal. Nice to see that appreciation for our fine feline familiars is alive-and-well in these threads!

>alle is a patrice shitposter

i love you even more now


Nope, i'm disbanding

i love you gt

Thanks, i'm really liking it too.

I'm sorry, Gen. ;_;

Would you mind carrying a new 50 with 300ap and awakened profane gear?


Not quite, my good user. Seldom post without tying an new screenshot to my unspoken name in some form or another, much less commence in any funposting on the side, but even /I/ know when our classes' Cats deserve the respect they rarely receive!

Briefly debated shoving my own name onto the ever-expanding list of selections instead of Patrice, but I figured such acts would tread a touch too egotistical for my liking.

By all means! Join-in, there's still PLENTY of space left on this ride. As there likely will be for quite a while to come.

1(2?)/6 for Daily Challenges, NA#773260.
Come brace yourselves for incoming disappointment in the presence of your like-minded allies!

>spend 5 million gold on legendary weapon
>get 3 ap boost because lol 3 gem slots
>reset barely ever happens

why did i bother?

How should I go about getting a Stalker Razor? Should I just keep using the wheel of fate in hopes of dropping one, or is there another way to get it?

search it up on marketplace

Get to level 15 and buy it. If you're on Jiwan/Soha/Dochun, I'll buy it for you.

Alright, I'll join, thanks for the carry! party chat ded btw ;_;

Kyoppi said this lobby would fill.

1-4 mirror
5-8 fabric
9-0 racechange

Of course!
Aside from my usual greetings, you didn't miss much. Mentioned that we may have to draw from the horrible mire of bad skill and BRs known as "The LFP Pool", or possibly convince enough randoms to stick with us though standard Party recruitment, provided the thred remains ded.
Turns out that 2:30AM isn't the most lively of times to get one of these rides rollin'. Go figure, huh?

Kyoppi might be made out to be a liar on those claims, should they not make an apperance towards the cause! But I'll gladly take anyone else still in need of these three missions all the same, really

(Still) Running Daily Challenge circuit, NA#773260!

Just a few more able-bodied participants, and I'll quit yapping about this lobby every couple of posts! Surely re-stating the obvious isn't contributing much to the q u a l i t y discussion here.

Goodnight bnsg

Good night, my love.

good luck

Super late night CS and JSY
NA #776249

Give me your PJs.

Morning hugs to start a day.

Goodnight /bnsg/

>tfw forgot to do asura daily

do it with me
fast 20 minutes

Who was the girl singing in no seku discord earlier. Tabbing out makes my game crash but when I asked who it was everyone started memeing me with random names..

reading ssp area chat is great

It was luu

It was that one guys sister. I forgot his name. His characters name is something hellscythe

I know right?

Oh. Someone did say that but I thought it was a meme.

Euclideun hellscythe or something, I know who you're talking about

lmao nigga on BLAST


go to bed luu
and stop saying that word


Gonna rub your head kiddo.

Watch your back

Do you have a link to that mod?


no, suzuni, i'm bored as hell

>2 million players at launch
>now down to a few thousands

this game is so dead...

>few thousands

Says who

pretty much every mmo is like that

>tfw no /bsng/ bf

Right here user

Are you a girly, stuttering faggot?


i'll be your bf kizuna

Life isn't fair

I liked it better when no one said anything.
Now it's just another "1v1 me kid" outlet.

Not that user but I do.


Do you play in EU?
N-no, of course not. What does that have to do with anything?

So you're a little stuttering faggot looking for a boyfriend on EU, I wonder who you are!
and if you're cute

Are you looking for a lynboyfriend?

>black padded coat is extremely popular
>so popular that there are 6 versions of it

Thanks a lot Allegreza, I'll make sure to repay your time somehow!

Let's meet!

>You will never ERP with Alle

Kill me, user.

I'd get bullied if I posted my cute self here.


>Noxxen finds a new waifu
Netopi on suicide watch!

did you just defile my waifu?

>haha stutter typing pretend to be gay so funny -_-


I want all anime LARPING autists to leave. Starting with Rilo.

What server are you on?

Alle please come over to EU and teach our friend Krull to read! The only word he knows is "memes". Let's help this poor lyn for once.

My pleasure, [Namedrop]. Don't let those [Reward Pouches] give you no sass, 'ya hear?

Still haven't the slightest idea why we barred from entry to the LFP pool, when pitted against the doldrums of Talus' premiere Dungeon. An Awakened Profane weapon should /totally/ meet the requirements for that place; wouldn't have expected the guards there to be picky about the blades you're expected to brandish.

i luv u

Alle where is the crimson victory speech!?