We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging. Report and ignore it.
How fares your empire, /gsg/?
This day in history, July 18th: 390 BC – Roman-Gaulish Wars: Battle of the Allia: A Roman army is defeated by raiding Gauls, leading to the subsequent sacking of Rome. 1290 – King Edward I of England issues the Edict of Expulsion, banishing all Jews (numbering about 16,000,000,000,000) from England; this was Tisha B'Av on the Hebrew calendar, a day that commemorates many Jewish calamities. 1342 – Mu'izz al-Din Husayn defeats the Sarbadars in the Battle of Zava. 1925 – Adolf Hitler publishes his personal manifesto Mein Kampf.
* The R&I may sperg out if you download this ° Talex and his Grandi Youth may harass you if you download this
Reminder to report and ignore 'report and ignore shitposting'.
Luke Powell
it will once you leave
Alexander Gray
Are any of the mods in this list even good?
Adrian Anderson
Thanks snake man !
Daniel Flores
>1290 – King Edward I of England issues the Edict of Expulsion, banishing all Jews (numbering about 16,000,000,000,000) from England; this was Tisha B'Av on the Hebrew calendar, a day that commemorates many Jewish calamities.
>numbering about 16,000,000,000,000
Isaiah Anderson
They're all broke to shit
Dominic Edwards
Talexios Comnenos
Jack Anderson
unHPM, LoS and Rob are playable and fun. Liquor and Visegrad are just mememods
Alexander Thomas
Oh christ
Christopher Scott
No, they are all mememods, broken or complete shit
Ian Diaz
t. steam group falseflagger
Adrian Morris
t. R and I afraid that people may download other mods than HPM.
Oliver Williams
t. steam group
Ryder Evans
ultimate shitpost heres your (you)
Jonathan Hughes
They are all great !
Gavin Long
steam group shitposter false flaggers discord report and ignore rob grandi hpm meme meme meme meme me me me eme
Jacob Perez
Eli Sullivan
who /steamgroupandproud/ ?
Matthew Ortiz
This is a Grandipost
Jayden Barnes
li literally all me
Lucas Foster
Getting sick and tired of this fucking meme game
>Play as Germany >Pick my allies carefully,only puppets join my faction,no shitaly no Japan >Nips declare war on the US and is getting BTFO >Italy does nothing >Spain asks to join my faction >Ok not like it happens often,ill let them >Declare war on Allies >Can focus my armies on the west since I took out the SU already >France capitulates >Almost ready to invade Britain >Suddenly Spain declares war on El fucking Salvador out of nowhere >They were guaranteed by the US >War was supposed to be over next month,now Im at war with the entire planet because Spain felt like declaring war on fucking this
Parker Ward
Hudson Hall
>doesn't just play Liquor sim
Matthew Foster
Jonathan Hughes
>he fell for the faction meme
Ian Johnson
I might as well,I can't have a single ally in HOI4 because they ALWAYS go full retarded,every single time.
Carter Long
these posts are me
Justin Perez
/gsg/ is unique among the generals here on fourchan's gamer board. it's more than just about the game. the general preserves a unique ecosystem of banter between regulars and creates a tightly knight community where all can feel welcome. so waggle your willies, post your favourite grossgermaniums and have Fun friends! welcome to /gsg/
Wyatt Edwards
Based janny Based Cobra
Jayden Morgan
>play as Italy >decide to keep good relations with nazi germany and have an on agression pact >i'm expanding and have turkey and the balkans in my faction (romania soovus smth) and conquered greece >justify war on iraq >UK and france guarentee it >okay >make a coup communist coup in france and send my best light tank divisions to it as volunteers >almost to paris as my panzer + blitzkrieg doctrine annhilate everything while the commies help defend the land >germany declares war on USSR >ok >french commune joins commintern >fuck but okay this cant get worse >nationalist spain joins axis (coup was mostly based in the southern half >fuck >france joins the allies >germany declares war on the french >I watch as the commune are annhilated and idk how to withdraw my volunteers who were my best troops >im just sitting here >dreaming about rome as the world is on all out war cuz of hitler going full retard what should i do? i don't think my faction is strong enough to defeat anyone...maybe the USSR but still i don't want to get attacked by the UK from behind
Matthew Diaz
wew mass reporting actually works
Logan Myers
*willy waggler rally call*
Jayden Howard
Hearts of iron 4 is good with friends
Chase Thompson
>still wrong op
Andrew Harris
Cobra isn't even online right now
It's just too early in Colombia
Connor Russell
You don't need to be online on steam to post
Carson Sanders
bumpa cars
Jace Ortiz
>not allying Italy In HOI4 they are very strong, almost as strong as Germany. Way too much manpower, and any difference in tech is quickly covered in only a few years.
>Spain doesn't join Axis often Happens in most of my games desu, though often not until at least 1942.
>Suddenly Spain declares war on El fucking Salvador out of nowhere Never happened to me, but that's fucking hilarious. Possibly even realistic, I mean all of the countries on the Axis were after territory. Did you think you could just string Spain along without them wanting to reclaim territory of their own?
Lucas Bell
tred slow
Charles Long
Sounds like you're new at this game. Italy should be able to defend itself against any major power really, if it's in the hands of the player.
It's your own fault really. If you don't want to pick fights because you think you're too weak, and you refused to ally with anyone with decent military strength, what did you expect to happen?
Leo Garcia
>Can't declare war on anyone >Can't even guarantee >Retarded limitations on joining and inviting others to factions >Can't Lend-Lease >Can't get any experience other than through le ebin squats and oats Is there any reason to play a democracy in HoI 4? Start in 1936 and you're literally only building factories. Start in 1939 and prepare to get your shit pushed in.
Adam Gutierrez
yeah its my first play through without rage quitting i have like 150 divisions and like 30 tank divisions (light tank with motorized and support towed artillery maintenance recon and engineer companies plus a line of light SPGs) my navy is decent do you think I can take on the USSR or UK? all the balkans except hungary are in my faction btw plus Turkey
Austin Rogers
Honestly I wish there was an option for some sort of custom ideology or just remove that "non aligned bullshit" since when did the king of Saudia give a damn about world tension?
Xavier Walker
puppet them
Gavin Edwards
I don't know what you can do m8, I'm not in your game.
I would advise not taking on the UK though, because it's very difficult to naval invade. If your navy is comparable then it's possible, but still difficult.
The USSR isn't super hard to beat. They have a lot of dudes but it'll be a good way for you to learn the warfare side of the game. They'll also be spread across two fronts, fighting in Armenia and Ukraine. And you said they're at war with Germany, so you can give them some help.
Kayden Johnson
how am i doing
Camden Johnson
I understand that they try to mimic the real life history in which some countries tried to make hell break loose and others tried to ease tension, but this is a bad way to go about things. It makes democracies boring until someone else makes a move. SOMETHING gives me the impression this was designed for multiplayer games.
On top of that, it's historical but boring. But considering that fucking Singapore alone has many times the resources of ALL OF FRENCH AFRICA COMBINED (which, I remind you, has ZERO OIL) Paracucks aren't concerned with historicity past the setting of their games.
Brayden Smith
You just have to wait a few years for the tension to pick up. And if oyu don't like building factories well go play EU4.
Isaiah Brooks
not this again we get it, you didn't cheat
Jonathan Murphy
epic grobgermania mein brüder xDxD
Oliver Bennett
its so retarded Iraq has less oil than USSR and shit its like only Europe and the pacific islands had resources its so hard to get rubber too which is retarded
Asher Jackson
it's not legit m8
Christopher Flores
Yeah, that pic is actually really old
Owen Anderson
Reminder that the R&I wants to drive out Darkest Hour because it distracts people from Liquoria.
Jackson Gray
What the fuck is unHPM?
Jeremiah Baker
It's a mememod created by the steamgroup to create drama around hpm
Camden Price
>Germany exists Shit game senpai, better restart as Farnce.
Ryder Bennett
>its like only Europe and the pacific islands had resources Don't you know that Africans are brilliant and hardworking people that only never advanced because they have literally zero resources at their disposal, you bigot?
What are you, some kind of Shadow-Hitler?
Jackson Baker
Okay, but what's actually in it?
Benjamin Powell
Someone make a years of rice and salt mod for V2, thanks me lad
Brayden Campbell
Oliver Barnes
>developed an inferior double pincer movement 2000 years after Hannybail and Bai Qi Mhmm
Camden Thompson
You can make grossfanciums by doing the release trick with Prussia against Germany but then you run into the problem of having kr*uts in your empire
Samuel Kelly
Systematic Extermination?
Bentley Bennett
The unHistorical Project Mod. It adds some meme stuff to HPM. It's quite fun
pic related
Alexander Brown
i'm ironically Libyan Italy tapping Libya for oil in the game is ahistorical itself but Libya also has very little oil in the game (and 2 rubber somehow??) its triggering
i don't get what this means
Leo Powell
You're ironically Libyan? Are you like those people who waifu entire nations?
Jackson Turner
Waifus are haram 2bh I'm actually Libyan and living in Libya posting from Benghazi rn
Ryder Gutierrez
>pop wont improve literacy because no writing system >cant get writing system because I need 4% literacy Oh uh I guess playing an unciv isnt allowed in HPM
Leo Young
wtf kind of civilization had less than 4% literacy? ancient egypt?
Jeremiah Rivera
I've seen ai Ashanti take the decision several times nigga, you can't be worse than the ai
Jose Brown
Many of the African nations included in Vicky 2, especially in NNM, are barely post-tribal. Some are arguably still tribal. As such, it's not surprising that fewer than 1 in 25 can read and write.
Nolan Taylor
I wanted to be great Zulu empire But they start with 1% literacy Then I lost all my clay to Boer republics railroading
Dylan Gonzalez
what's the name of the mod you're talking about?
Henry Lopez
Bought EU4 and all the expansions (not the unit packs and music crap though) and just started playing my first game.
Picked Holland but I am having trouble breaking free from Burgundy, it's already been 25 years and I'm still their bitch. With mercenaries I am able to field a force of 20 regiments or so but even after them getting their tits slapped by France they still have an alliance worth 45-50 regiments.
Should I just be patient or what? They're allied with Gelre who took over Friesland and Utrecht with their help, I'm like completely boxed in.
Just trying to make money now and getting England/France and all of the HRE to like me (went with Diplomat ideas).
Kevin Martinez
The battle of the red river is nnm stuff and its pretty easy to get literacy that is to the boers
Thomas Foster
He was talking about HPM. I was talking about NNM, which is integrated into HPM. New Nations Mod.
Elijah Gray
>Italy tapping Libya for oil in the game is ahistorical itself But not entirely impossible. It would've technically ben feasable at the time had they tried it. That's what the game reflects in its decisions (or should reflect): viable alternate histories. Things like Italy looking for oil in Libya or France extending the Maginot Line.
Caleb Davis
you paid hundreds of dollars for EU 4?
Juan Roberts
yeah but why does Libya only have 8 oil while persia has 200+ oil? also why is the oil only in sirte?
Jackson Thomas
why was the ignore deleted??? this is a travesty!!
Thomas Morales
Got it in a sale like a few weeks ago but I had to go on holiday. I think it was 60 bucks or so
Justin James
>Still no torrent for this game
Noah Jackson
Looks like Aurora, which probably means that it's brilliant but will be forced out of here by shitposters embarrassed that they're too dumb to play it.
Lincoln Hernandez
It is pretty close, but not as deep as aurora
Joshua Nelson
Looks mad? Does it run natively on Linux?
Brody Bennett
Anyone got some tips for plays as Buddhist in CK2? I'm playing in the area above India above that large impassible terrain.
Christopher Walker
>try shot with manpower nerfed EU3 >lets do Knights, i remember Ottomans being bastards every time i did them >ai cannot handle lack of manpower >perpetual ai wars >game ruined because EU4 design choices are being pushed in >MP balance
Thanks Paradox.
Zachary Young
>EU4 designs choices being pushed in What they still fiddle with EU3? Why?
Parker Watson
Ottomans can't handle anything in the 1399 start
>have to devote all their troops to battling the timurids >all the christians around them are guaranteed by france and castille >big european power always ends up being DoF >venice guaranteeing everyone >can't handle the bosphorus strait or it's constantly blockaded by castille
It's a pretty hard start. 1453 is more balanced.
Jaxson Moore
They don't. The 5.2 beta patch predates EU4 as far as I know and manpower was broken in singleplayer as well.
Bentley Price
They reduced manpower growth a while ago...50% was it? 15 years to gain manpower pool back. Thats the funny thing, they didnt have issues with Castille or anyone beside Timurids for 30 years. Even with conscripts they simply couldnt handle the manpower costs.
And then Regency happened and well...go figure.
Juan Morgan
They doubled it from 5 years to 10 years for complete manpower recovery.
John Richardson
Is it acceptable to play Victoria 2 completely naked?