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Fuck you

nanomachines, son

tracer is best girl

At this point I genuinely hate Pharahfags. Sure, let's take a female version of TF2's soldier with extreme mobility that keeps the twohit gun, what could possibly go wrong?


>mfw 9 wins in row in competitive

>Doing dva and tracer spam in a quick play match
how fuccboi can you get?

She has lovely eyes, it annoys me that she covers them up all the time.

>can basically float 24/7 in the air
>is a bitch to hit with projectiles
>insane damage output
>usually accompanied with a Mercy for maximum shit
>if you can see her, she can see you and you can be damn sure she will fire a 80 damage rocket at you

Tracer a cute, for sure.
But Mercy a best.

>Seagull uses Chrome Genji
>Every shitter Genji I see now uses Chrome instead of Carbon Fiber

Why do people put so much emphasis in account level that you can grind? I just had a 167lvl bash me in comp because I was lvl26. My battlerank was better than his, but W/E.

Well most would assume the more you play the better you are / become

You shouldnt give a fuck though

Thad be Mei. she has something special under those clothes~

I'm so fucking sick of waifu fags. Just play the fucking game, nobody cares which overwatch character you want to have sex with, jesus christ.

hey guys


It's true, up to a point. Level 1-100 is the period where players improve the most rapidly, and you're on the lower end of the curve.

Although shitting on you even if you are ranked higher than him is straight retardation

Post your finest moments
We won 3-2 in the end after I contested

>those exaggerated proportions


>Gibraltar defence
>payload is 0.5m away
wat do

I want to have sex with you.

These two girls walk up to you and ask to be on your comp team.

What do you do?

Guys, how do I do?

so this is why trying to get headshots on moving targets as widows feels inconsistent as fuck

why is this acceptable

Hide behind payload

>pharahfags face when Mcree starts to swat them out of the sky

>why is this acceptable
because.....pic related

>complains when all Genji's use Nomad
>complains when all Genji's use Chrome
you people are retarded

>Manage to get payload 0.3m away from checkpoint with 30 seconds to go.
>Whole enemy team blocks it but manage to keep it in OT with Tracer and Zarya.
>We both get killed by a Pharah ult.
>Widow sits back and lets OT clock run down instead of finishing off the weakened Pharah and capturing the objective.

The amount of shitters in this game is unreal.

right now

>walking two-hit

They do 120, 80 is just what they get rewarded with for completely missing and splashing it on the ground next to you.

How do I git gud with other heros when solo queuing? I can only win with Pharah

>scrubs bragging about their Torbjorn killstreak

can we touch dicks sometime?

shit dmg, shit obj kills, shit kdr, shit obj time and absolute trash direct hits/min. see me after class.

Can't say I'm much better

The servers tick at 60 moron. You only get 20 tick updates. Inconsistent headshots is because you are trash, not because of a constant tickrate.

Why are Genji players so predictable?

>loser genji presses his deflect
>always presses shift towards you or away
>mostly towards you
>play reaper, press shift and he uses shift past your wraith form
>1 tap genji in his head

Literally too easy, keep being predictable Genji players.

More objective kills/time.

Yeah trying to get better, started two days ago.

How the fuck can I git gud at this game on PS4 if I can't shoot shit with the controller?

How the fuck am I supposed play this fucking game solo against teams or even coordinated pairs?

Is there any other player on a lower rank than 41, which is my own rank btw? Can it get worst?

And WHY THE FUCK my victories on ranked gib me no more than an inch of a level and the defeats made me fall two ranks lower when I'm 2-3 affter the placement matches?




I think patreon members get higher resolution version. there are other overwatch themed ones too

Do we have any idea when the PTR changes will go live?
I love the new changes and think several characters are way more fun to play but, after getting several items I've been wanting from loot boxes that will be wiped, I'm just too sad to keep playing it.
>mfw I finally got the pharah mechaqueen skin

So when is MOMari out?


>tfw you are destroying as Pharah, and the enemy team never switches to 76/Widow/Tracer to counter

There is nothing better than having unparalleled freedom to fly up and not take any fucking damage.

>arrive in match with like 5s remaining and nothing capped
>loser team with a bunch of shitters leaving the game
>But I am just in nick of time
>Come charging out of spawn, overtime burning
>running to cart
>scream my battlecry irl
>hit charge and go flying at the cart
>pin enemy tank, kill him with follow-up swing
>smash 3 more enemies around the cart
>team follows me into the breach
>we cap the point
>win the entire match

I like to roleplay as an actual hero

I soloqueue on ps4 and im rank 59 after 40ish games. Just play a carry. Genji is top tier if you are amazing. You obviously arent, so never ever play him. Dont play tracer either if you are a rank 40. Play Roadhog and you can dominate easily. 1 hook is a kill and can try every 6 seconds. 6 on 5 and your team likely wins the fight after a pick. Zarya is another and can be good for killing turrets and even idiots can win a team fight with everyone stacked in your ult (or you just mortar them all to death).

Both will hard carry any game against shitters. Soldier and Pharah are good if you can depend on tanks to push through chokes and zone properly.

>caring about some assfaggot streamer and skins for weeboo shit he uses

>hard fought, evenly-matched 2-1 win on Volskaya
>get this

>The servers tick at 60 moron
that shit doesn't really help much if the clients are on 20 tick you retard

You got carried

what rank / ladder site is most used?

>Check comp leaderboards
>See multiple familiar names in 70-80 region
>Though they were shit when played against them in quick play

And being a solofag I'll never have good enough luck to get up there.

Is competitive supposed to be such an uphill battle? I've played around 200 matches since it released, always solo queue and there were only a handful of matches that didn't have people grouped together.

Why does it ever match two triple queues up against a team full of solos, and make the solos the underdogs? Why can't it just try to make the games solo queue only if I'm solo queueing?

Literally every game I've played had a Mercy in it

do you still get rank down if you leave on character selection screen before the game starts?

What do you guys use to view this? Can't seem to find it on reverse image search

read the op faggot

19-3 as symmetra on defense with 60% tele uptime, 8k healing as Lucio on attack, two silvers and a bronze. It's nothing extraordinary but I deserve more than that, especially since a lose would've sent me to 37





Mccree buff is really unnecessary, if pros can use him in a legit comp at tournaments then he is fine just the way he is.

In the OP:
>Stats and Leaderboards

masteroverwatch for those, watcher.gg and overbuff are similar.

this. Hanzo is great on most modes if the person playing him is good. 95% of the people picking him aren't good with him.

>It's a he stole a highlight from reddit episode

He isnt used very much at pro.

>tfw your above average at every game you play but not extremely good at any

i got to local lands at end up in 1-3 place but anything biger then that im sure i cant do good on

ow 58
smite diamond
cs:go double ak

kill me, i want to make a living out of this but i know its so far off


>play competitive
>we're struggling all the way from the beginning
>no healer
>we only get the payload moving when I use Reinhardts ulti
>that's the only time we ever get enemy killed
>A few lucky 4-5 man stuns later
>We get stuck in the last few meters with the payload
>Everyone has been bitching about the lack of healer since the game started
>I can't change because the push will stop if I'm not there as Rein
>Ask someone else to pick Mercy because she still has time to get the ulti up for the final push
>nobody repicks
>One guy who has been utterly useless piece of shit Widowmaker since the start finally switches
>We need a healer most of all
>Any healer would be fantastic
>a roadhog would be decent
>d.va would be decent
>even Winston would be decent
>fucking Mei would be ok
>Of all the fucking heroes he can pick he picks Mc-FUCKING-Cree
>He sticks to it
>Everyone else start repicking heroes
>Still no healer
>Land a 5 man ulti at the end in Overtime
>Kill three enemies
>Spectate and watch my entire rest of the team get fucked because they're all low hp
>surprisingly we lose

Who the looks at a team without a healer, struggling to get the payload moving and thinks "Yup, we definitely need a McCree in this situation."?

I had probably the best Reinhardt match ever and these dimwitted cunts managed to ruin it. Fuck.

Why can't Mei ice skate around in-game as she does in one of her highlight intros?

It could be a passive ability like Mercy's Angelic Descent.

Play 10 hours a day if you want to be an esport pro

we have the same OW ranking but I play like one match every other day with a minimum of effort

>play comp with Widowmaker "main"
>lose, of course
>potg is Widow missing several shots even though I ult'd (Zarya)

Snipers are the worst type of people.

>Game is getting you closer and closer to your exact skill level after many games
>Gains and losses of MMR get smaller and smaller with every win, lose, win, lose, win, lose, etc. grouping
>You just had an admitted "hard fought, evenly-matched" win
>Where you had a middling performance
>Expecting to go up a lot off it

That's not how it works, you dip. You're going to get more rank if you curbstomp people into the ground and have all the golds. You've found your true skill rating. In Elo systems, you don't just keep climbing the more and more you grind, you only climb when you get better and just win and win and win.

>csgo double ak
>"above average"
kek, OW babbies lmao
keep playing OW

>be out of reach for literally everyone except the two snipers, 76 and the occasional hook - line and headshot from a roadhog

If anyone needs a rebalancing it's Pharah.

>implying it's possible to not be shit on shit:the character

all these poser mcbois

>kill 4 people with my ult
>neat that will be potg
>potg is actually a roadhog who ambushes 3 people with his ult, fails to kill one and gets killed by the other roadhog behind him

>bought overwatch 4 weeks ago
>played it 1 day
>next day PC wont turn on
>went to repairshop
>"its gonna be $250 and a 3 week wait"
>ever since ive been on these threads everyday and watching overwatch videos
>today is the day i pick up my PC

it better be worth it, I don't even know all the updates that came in, except for ana.

>dickhead leaves your team just as you are about to win
>Sudden push from enemy, lose point
>literally 5 seconds left until you can quit without penalty
>said dickhead rejoins and proceeds to do fuck all

Keep being edgy, reaper players.

>I don't even know all the updates that came in, except for ana.
how can hang around here all day and still get it wrong? Ana is only on the ptr.

>gain an inch of rank for win
>lose half a level for loss

>taking PC to a repairshop

I'm you except mine exploded and I'll pass like 2 months without being able to play

>amazing Mercy
>great heals!
>Mercy MVP

Feels good.

>doesn't know how to fix his own computer

I've been on vacation the past month so I haven't had the chance to play competitive yet.
What's about the average rank and how much does your rank approximately change per win or loss?

Should have just replaced your motherboard and or PSU for less than that.


>they charged you 300 bucks and made you wait 3 weeks while they spent 50 bucks on a new power supply and spent literally 2 minutes installing it

l m a o

from what I noticed you just get a shitload for winstreaks and lose a ton for losing streaks and apart from that you gain more if you play dps and do well and less if you play support or play other heroes and do poorly

>pick winston
>give mercy a hot dicking
>she ragequits

feels good.


>He doesn't main Lucio in all situations

>Now arriving to any KOTH map