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>Nahaz to coach Complexity
I sure love our Professor, but damn, fuck Swindlezz and his gang of merry swedes

>flat mana (intelligence)
Worst meme.
With the recent mana-per-INT nerf, Energy booster is more efficient than ever.
Staff of Wizardry is 120 mana for 1000 gold, Energy Booster is 250 mana for 900 gold, more than twice gold-efficient.
You build INT items for items that build out of them, when mana pool is a primary concern, Energy Booster is a way to go.

why are we so fkn dead la

Hey /d2g/, I am concerned about the current state of techies. In my opinion, he is the most cancerous right now, and it's because of his suicide and attack range.

His attack range is 720, and his armor is 7. This means he can trade hits super effectively, and he can tank creeps quite a bit

His mines also discourage any aggression on him. He can simply put down on mine in the flank, and enemies will be discouraged to walk there again, fearing death.

If they do buy sentries, then they only kill one mine.

His suicide was consistently buffed, dealing insane damage and giving him half a respawn timer, as well as giving him gold and xp for any kills he gets. It also denies the enemy any gold or xp, and will most likely kill him.

So you have this tanky, unattackable support who just harasses the shit out of the carry, bankrupts the support, and kills anyone next to him.

meanwhile, his mines keep getting nerfed over and fucking over again, for whatever dumbass reason

The things that take skill, like putting down a mine and predicting where an enemy is going to walk 5 minutes from now, takes skill. Suiciding and killing two heroes while halving the respawn timer is not.

Reminder that statman without actual game knowledge of at least 4.5k would be like
>What did they mean by this?
most of the of time

If you do end up playing on Chinese servers just remember:
卡了 = "lag" so if you have to reconnect just tell your team that.
3 = chink slang for back
Ro3/肉山 = Roshan


Techies is trash and has always been trash.

>B-But muh TI

The only reason he was banned was because the Chinks didn't think EG would be madman to pick him, and therefor had no real strategy to counter him. Simple vision control makes Techies life a living hell.

>This means he can trade hits super effectively

Techies deals like 30 damage at level 1.

Buy a stout shield and he will deal next to no damage if you have any armor

guys what if techies was a melee with 3.0 bat but had like 150 base attack

I fucking hate this IO meme but if it means no Slark or Pudge arcana then so be it, because seriously, fuck Slark and Pudge.

1st for the REAL best waifu aka: BETTER DROW RANGER


He couldn't get an attack off on anyone by the time they just walked away


i want to cum on that tummy

wr is really dogshit champ tho, drow has top 10 winrate in 5k+ mmr, i dont know where the drow is bad meme comes from




what if io arcana turns him into glados

lmao just run at her

CoL has only one real strategy and is it pick heroes that can five man early then five man and choke in teamfights.

There's a lot of room for them to improve on that.

have you ever thought about harming the innocent and defenceless and realized it's the best because you won't need to bother about self-defense

wtf I hate horses now

wouldn't he spit it right back out? horses weren't evolved to eat meat.....I mean a cat would probably vomit brocoli after eating it

tat poor chick :(

>Real strategy comes from nothing
>Coaching is only guts and PUNCH HARDER KID

that's a mule u dummy, it has a tail

Horse weak. has to eat much smoller buird

Turtle eat SAME SIZE buird

That's monkeys you're thinking of

Law > Theory
Second Law of thermodynamics is in direct contradiction with Theory of Evolution

why did dota start from 2 if there was no dota 1

valve can't count :P


i have no words

You can predict general behavior of a population through evolution but there are always outliers.

I don't know how this is a problem, look how well fnatics 2.7k mmr coach is working out for them.

Because it is well known fact that Valve cannot make a 3rd game in a series so they figured out a work around by making a game start at 2 they will be able to make the second game 3 and in doing so they will break the curse and finally be able to release Half life 3

Everyone knows valve doesn't make 3s and they only wanted to make 1 doter so they started with 2

swindle vs nahaz leaks when

Fnatic coach is probably in the lines of pic related

"Gunman made frequent web posts

Long was a prolific user of social media, with dozens of videos, podcasts, tweets and posts under his pseudonym Cosmo..."


*pounds chest and yells after lan loss*

I'm pretty sure it's actually more like 'oh don't worry about that loss too much big boy, I've got something to cheer you right up'

/d2g/ I don't understand. I won 6 out of the 10 calibration games for the seasonal and my mmr is 867. Shouldn't it be 3.2k or so?

Why does Illidan allways pick useless waifu heroes?
Doesn't he want to hit 9k?

I've always wanted to be Tresdin's squire. I always enjoy fantasizing about entering the fountain with her after a long battle and slowly removing her armor, starting at the helmet and making my way down to her boots. The embarrassment I feel doing this in front of other female heroes only adds to the allure of the situation. She sits down on a stool and commands me to kneel down and remove her boots one at a time. "Is that a boner?" Rylai says. Akasha licks her lips, Rylai giggles, and Shendelzare glares at me. I try to cover it up out of embarrassment, but Tresdin kicks my hands away. "You haven't finished yet." I don't understand because I had already removed her armor, but after she gives me a look I realize that she wants me to remove her shoes as well. I take off her shoes and reveal her gorgeous feet, surprisingly soft despite her being a strong warrior, and extremely sweaty. "Lick the sweat off my feet, squire," she commands me. I hesitate for a moment and look over to the other girls. They all start giggling at me and whispering. Then I feel Tresdin's foot forced into my mouth with the other one covering my nose. The smell and taste of her sweaty feet causes my raging boner to grow even more. "Alright, squire, stand up and remove your clothes." Although embarrassed, I take all my clothes off. Suddenly I feel my position swapped with that of Shendelzare. Now I'm lying beneath Akasha and Rylai, who had both taken their boots off, and were pressing their feet against my member. "No," Tresdin said, "He's mine." She runs over and gets on top of me. It's only now that I realize that she's holding Aghanim's Scepter, and I understand that nobody will be able to interfere with us. Her technique gets more and more intense until I am unable to hold back. I cum inside her pussy with the force of a hundred megacreeps. She gets off of me, and as I lay there quivering in pleasure she gets dressed and begins to chuckle. "Only 9 inches? Pathetic."

>he thinks it works on win/loss
sub 1k mmr sounds about right desu

it's based off of your unranked mmr

unranked doesn't have mmr retard. that's why it's fucking called unranked

does anybody have a 2k account they want to trade or give to me,


Fuck this shitty quest. Why after blink? Either they should lower it to 15 total or change it to all calls, not just AFTER BLINK.

first time I've lost in 10 games.
I guess this is what I get for picking a hero that can't hit buildings.
not sure why I'm in the same rank as these people who are obviously worse than me though. every game looks like this score card wise. I know I'm not good but I'm not bloodstone bane retarded.
my mmr is steadily increasing but it's painfully slow.

It just doesn't make sense how I do very well in most everything, pulling, stacking, denies, rotating, healing, etc and get such shit numbers. I'm not the best but sub 1k seems so degenerate.

here's the thing user:
you're nowhere near as good as you think you are
post dotabuff

First for at sub 5K if someone picks a jungler just pick support, buy 4 sentries and cuck their jungle. so many people get tilted by this and you get to collect your free mmr

>hatfags want their hats GIVEN AWAY TO THEM
If you want your hats try gitting gud first

What did he mean by this?

that american pub players are, on average, very good at dota and he's frustrated at how much he's losing compared to his easy eu pubs

Massive memes ahead but fuck it. I enjoy the game and play decent personally. I'm not the best at the support role but I do my shit well and usually stomp with my carry buds.

Listen man, I'm sorry for getting a single point in the 30% misschance passive, I wasn't really thinking about it at the time. What I was focused on though, was in you getting plenty of gold via broodlings. I'm sorry for making you have a tough time , but I was just trying to make you win your quest asap. Sorry man

I want to be a cancerous smurf what's the fastest way to get 20 on a new account

Compendium and events give easy trophy points

>anime profile pic

yep, that explains the complaining

Is paying the only way?

>play decent personally
By the looks of it you seem like a sub-1k player honestly.
I mean, who even has a sub 50% WR?

The IS a valve game user.

how is ixmike88 allowed in a position of power

>nahaz will be able to turn his epik "hey guys this is the FIRST TIME THIS PATCH THAT ELDER TITAN WENT SOLAR CREST INTO EULS wow what a stat!" into strategy

you're not wrong but you're certainly not right either

he CREATED the position of power

>those last hits

ixmike indirectly created rtz and sumail

Literally the difference of 8 matches. My first 100 games were so horrid its not even believable. Coming from a background of never playing a moba to niggering on Dota 2 it took me awhile to adjust. Even then at the end of the game you can only do so much personally. There is 4 other niggers you have to count on not to over extend, get ganked, Build so memey, counter-pick, or actually play the game. I'm not perfect but fuck if I don't get the shitters more than the 50/50 chance of it.

I generally don't steal last hits from the carry

I meant on everyone in all those games

there was a witch doctor in one of those games with the most last hits

>5th best offlaner NA
>created ixdl and nel to make friends
>paid people's moms 20 bucks for awkward photos
>hasn't showered in a month
>uses his self-produced grease for fuel and cooking oil
>once got flamed by aaron "AYESEE" chambers for bad orchid usage
>has dyslexia
>isn't actually obese, just has a fat-suit fetish
>won a battlecup
>browses reddit
>has good taste in music

How can he live with that?

how do i play medusa

i know linkens+manta is a shitter memebuild, but what is the alternative? i remember theorycrafting about MoM+mjollnir but that was a long time ago

do you just cliffjungle ancients or what

rush rapier you fucking retard

MoM>Bloodstone>Rapier x4

Treads > Yasha > hotd > skadi > situational

>Went 7-1 today
I'm afraid that forced 50% will turn out to be real and I'll get garbage teammates constantly.

>go mid
>1 point in mana shield
>max snake then split shot
>get MoM
>you can now farm everything
>get skadi
>get damage items

You can also pick up a midas early on


but what about all the amazing russian streams on twitch user!

Listen man, I'm sorry for getting a single point in the 30% misschance passive, I wasn't really thinking about it at the time. What I was focused on though, was in you getting plenty of gold via broodlings. I'm sorry for making you have a tough time , but I was just trying to make you win your quest asap. Sorry man

NA is the hardest region
every TI all the players lose 500+ MMR playing pubs on NA servers

that's what unranked's for famalam
grind out your guaranteed losses in unranked

phase aquilla dragon lance if you absolutely must fight early

otherwise phase basi yasha into skadi will make you unkillable and let you battle in the midgame, then you can focus on damage if you're the only clicker or you can buy more defensive/utility items and outlast the other team in battle


That's because NA pubs aren't about playing dota.

They're about babysitting Peruvians and tilted canucks.

watch the RNC stream

just spectate the highest MMR game in client and do your own commentary.

Maybe you will be good at it and then people way give you money to listen to you talk about dota

can't tell if retarded of memeing

that for the love of god you should NOT play on USE

>void 4man chronos
>no enemies in chrono
>against an ulting luna
I fucking hate this game

Dadrock covers on the RNC stream

Whos the fofao of dota

watch britbong stream bro

r8 my desktop please