Salary transparency

Veeky Forums, we know that salary transparency between employees gives collective bargaining power and I've always been open about mine, although it's very much against British culture. Anyway:

>be me, the youngest guy in the office
>new guy comes in, we discuss experience, career progression opportunities, salaries, managerial positions, work/life balance, job security etc. etc.
>I mention which salary point I'm on
>an older female asks me to repeat
>she cross-checks hers and realises we're on the same one, even though she is older and has more years experience
>I casually mention that after I get a qualification certificate in 1 month, it will raise even further
>she gets upset to the point she wants to choke tears and e-mails management
>I go to the toilet and she has google open for new jobs
>she asked for more money and threatened to leave

Next thing, management asks me why the hell I told her what my salary was, and that she asked for more money or she walks. They seem to know she likes her job and will call her bluff, but I'm apparently "creating unnecessary tension".

Who's in the wrong here?

You didn't do anything wrong, but you're an idiot.

It actually is illegal for a company to tell you not to discuss your salary.

you did her a favor by giving her that information, she's the one who dealt with it like a moron

The company's in the wrong, of course. That doesn't mean you won't have to suffer the consequences though.

Both of you are wrong. The company shouldn't be trying to deny you from talking about salary. However, you are wrong in talking about it. There will always be people making different amounts, but there are many factors that go into that decision. People making less than you will often be hurt and jealous.

Not everyone can give themselves unbiased self analysis. She probably isn't worth the raise, but of course SHE thinks she is worth it. It does cause unnecessary tension.

You, you fucking Autist. What kind of retard causes problems like that in a workforce?

Good luck never getting far in a job that requires any socialisation or teamwork, you total Sperg

>Who's in the wrong here?

You. Absolutely you.

The woman is crazy. But it was your responsibility to show enough discretion to not reveal all your fucking personal info to a crazy person you obviously don't know well.

You fucked up giving too much info to some cunt. Own it.

People who don't understand discretion won't make it far in corporate politics.

>socializing with people in his office
>total sperg

don't listen to any of those faggots in this thread.
You did the right thing, but society isn't ready for it yet.

lmao thats funny. fuck the company. do what you want. i hope they get fukt.


discussing salaries is only taboo at shit companies

>Having no idea how to socialise and alienating and making his work mates feel like shit

>Joined as a project engineer on 25k
>Get raised to 27k in one year and then to 30k after that
>feeling like a boss considering I'm only 2 years in, didn't have a clue to begin with and I'm not a native speaker of the language - even though my english was always quite good
>find out that people who joined after me with exactly the same qualifications started on 30k straight away while I'm already basically doing project manger work
>get a letter saying I've been promoted to PM position, salary will remain the same
>pardon? I would like to discuss this, boss
>silence for almost 2 weeks now
>great, more time for me to find a job elsewhere
>1st interview today, looks like a keeper, 35k+2*bonuses a year

I'm about to auction the shit out of me. Get as much money as I can from these old fat fucks, 2 years later do the same.

I make as much as you being a welfare queen in the army


If I was the manager at that firm I would wait a couple of weeks and relieve you. You have the mentality of a 16 year old at his first job. I have no sympathy for those that create tension out of thin air. Yeah, you did nothing wrong however many would pull the trigger on firing you for not understanding how discretion works. At the very least I would delay your payraise a cycle in compensation.

seconding fuck management

Companies who have variable salaries on the same hierarchy step are retarded. If someone is particularity skillful you promote him, not give him a secretive raise.

You should email those cunts that it's the company's policy that is creating unnecessary tension.

just laugh
and laugh at her
and laugh
all the way to the bank

oh and also,

ITT : Ameritards believing every country on earth has shitty labor laws like themselves

In britain the company would have no legal basis to fire him over that single event

>I have no sympathy for those that create tension out of thin air
Tension was created by the management by giving different salaries to people who have the same experience/background and are performing the same job, you dense fuck.
If anything OP relieved the tension by, willingly or otherwise, coming clean.

Looks like you're in to labor law OP. You should look up Sidney and Beatrice Webb. They pioneered the word "collective bargaining"

Your employer is in the wrong here OP, this is the gender gap rearing it's ugly head.

>the only people mad at OP are those who sucks but not enough to be fired or higher ups who wants the status quo

Honestly, I'm surprise Veeky Forums are such cucks when it comes to the subject of pay transparency.

Veeky Forums is mainly wagie ragies who work for good boy points so it should not come as a surprise

you should tell her you got paid more because you're a man and testify for her if so she can sue them for millions. then take a 25% cut of the profits, fuck her, and get a better job somewhere else.

You're welcome.

yes but they could still hinder his carrer

the lesson you should learn from this is don't tell women how much you make. they will always be crazy and make you regret it.

consider the infos on OP, i am absolutly positive that OP and that woman dont have the same experience/background. just beeing "there for x years" dont make the payment rise.

@op: have you autist at least ranted at that bitch for beeing so indiscret to tell the management that it was you who made her realize that she's underpaid in her eyes.

i personally woudl totally fuck her shit up if i talk to that person in semi-private about my salary and the next step of her is to walk to the management and tell them i said this and that insensitive cunthole.

OP don't listen to people saying that you are the one that created tension. The company decided to pay variable wages, a clear recipe for tension

assuming their is a promotional spot.

op... tell us how much you and she makes.

you think exactly like i do.

I'm in the US, but from what I understand it's the same type of thing here. Unwritten rule of "Don't discuss your earnings"

I literally didn't even know that was a rule until i was working weekend side job at a warehouse and around the 1-2 year mark as a late-20's adult and started talking about the pay there.

Some guys were there for 15 years (lifelong job for them vs weekend spare change job for me) and I was making the same exact pay as they were. turns out that place doesnt actually believe in raises -at all-, ran by jews, go figure.

anyway, after the discussion my buddy came up and asked me wtf i was doing and "dude you dont fucking tell them youre making the same as they are" and I'm like ...why not?

It's not my fault you failed so bad you're trapped in a shitty warehouse job making the same pay a brand new guy makes 15 years later

It's not my fault you don't fight for or demand raises

it's not my fault you don't up and leave

never understood that mentality. You should be thankful people bring such situations to your attention

>Thinking experience, certifications, or general competency dictates your salary.

You get paid whatever you negotiate or settle for. If someone you work with has the same position with less experience and makes more than you, then it's your fault for not asking for more when you negotiated your pay.

And no, "user makes more then me for the same job so I want a raise", is not a valid negotiation tactic.

As for disclosing your salary - always try and find out what other people make, but do your best not to reveal your own pay. If you really want to do it then be very careful or you'll end up with a retard dragging you down with them like OP.

LOL I had the exact same moment in my previous job. I'm open to talking about money cause the more information professionals have, the better they can negotiate. This fat cow overheard my convo with an intern and almost chocked in tears. Got my raise later regardless, and left to do my own thing.

Say you'll do it again if they don't give you your raise right now.

Are you posting as the woman or the company?

Talking about money is impolite for this reason. Welcome to society. Yes i'm aware of the current year, your rudeness will still get you shunned

A loyal secretary is nice and all but she's replaceable and she costs less.

Let he be happy and get paid less than a specialized person. There's no reason to tell her.

Probably should have kept your mouth shut. It isn't against the rules, but it fucks with people.

The company can't stop you from discussing your wage. The company is in the wrong for asserting that exercising your worker rights is "creating tension."

The following posters are cucks for management and scabs to their fellow men

This guy is right. She's a bitch for dragging you into her salary negotiation. It makes you look bad after you did her a favour by giving her the lay of the land.

Fairness isn't even a good reason for her to get a raise. She needs to actually be willing to walk. Seriously, women.