/wfg/ Warframe General

Space mom edition
previous thread:
>READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
General: pastebin.com/SYUXsKPv
FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Tierqueer Filter: ghostbin.com/paste/by42s

CURRENT UPDATE: Specters of the Rail
> forums.warframe.com/topic/668132-update-specters-of-the-rail/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/649037-update-18120-vauban-prime/
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if its not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:




reminder that frost is helping

Becca is a cute!

He's certainly not helping that Ember by not letting her in.

So is it 'intended' for people in your squad to get different void relic rewards than you? Because We just had one where my friend got two lex prime part rolls to choose from and I got a carrier prime and a lex prime part reward, and this keeps happening at least every other void rift.

I was under the impression that the rewards were supposed to be identical for everybody in the squad?


I figure I'll repost this: pastebin.com/JX7VK4Kn

>I was under the impression that the rewards were supposed to be identical for everybody in the squad?

that was the old system.

now it depends on which relics you equip.

Here's my Valkyr.

you should probably be better off starting a thread on the forums or something where someone can look into it, because that does sound like a bug

he means different party members getting different spreads
i.e. i see two soma barrels and two forma and you see nova systems, saryn helmet, forma and a vectis receiver instead of both of us seeing two barrels and two formas


Have you heard the radio say something spooky yet?

I've heard strange alien messages sometimes.

>i.e. i see two soma barrels and two forma and you see nova systems, saryn helmet, forma and a vectis receiver instead of both of us seeing two barrels and two formas

Yeah, this is what keeps happening for us. I wish I wasn't functionally retarded when it comes to explaining things. I guess I'll start a thread with screenshots next time it happens, thanks.

That meme doesn't even work here.

When you touch Mag's face, does lightning touch that point the way those plasma ball toys work?

What colour palettes do you guys use for your Warframes?

Fecom, a little more detail perhaps?

everyone in the same missions should see the same results on the reward screen, but each reward rotation,or mission, can be different.

the free ones.

Mine once said "only faggots play with color correction."

I thought it was pretty rude!

In all likelihood, yes.

all of them
go ahead goy

Classic, Saturated, Orokang, Shamrock.

Classic (Other colors are stille locked) Saturated, Free ones, Corpus.

Corpus I recentky got and it becamw my favorite.

saturated and corpus

I'm thinking about getting twilight though

Classic, Valentine, Red/white/blue, and Halloween.

Basically, everything I got for free.

I use Valentine the most, myself, because I am pinkanon and everything needs to be pink.

>tfw stopped playing 6 months ago
>urge to come back
should I?

anything worthy happened?

Do you like sleeks, bugs everywhere, new rng method, longer grind, and ducats becoming even lower soon to compensate?

Don't come back.


I just did and im having fun. Even started a new account for it. Didn't delete my old one though.

Can you send things between them? They're on two separate emails.

>Archwing is shit
>DE makes it even more shit
>Players ask if the camera can be moved out our asses to make it less shit
>DE goes nah bro
>Archwing is so shit not even devs care.

I had a nightmare last night about how DE nerfed my favorite frame by changing their best abilities, and made my favorite weapon an Archwing-only weapon.

Sorry my shipment is so late, guys; we hit some traffic on the way over here because the servers kept going down. But, finally, here's 1/100th of what you ordered! The next chunks will ship (hopefully) with the rest of U19.

I want to believe you.

Gonna have to switch provider if you can't even deliver it on time.

yes just tell me your acc names

but its so cinematic almost as if you are the warframe

>Not Primed

no thanks

Doing the Chroma quest now. Ordis' interactions with Simaris are adorable. You can almost hear him blushing when Simaris notices him and says he would be of great use in the Sanctuary.

Checkup after the update: did they fix the... um.. everything yet?

Any words on the butchered syndicate rep and credit payouts? Or the abyssal drop chance on everything? How about the rework on tears and relics because the new system already reached the samey, boring, grindy and exhasting levels than the old one was yet to climb to during the past 3 years? All this of course on top of teh prompt fixing of the dozens of new gamebreaking glitches server delays.


We do, again, apologize. The servers kept going down because of all the forumites buying plat, and our hands were tied there. We'll try to do better by finding other routes (maybe another game?) and keeping all lanes open.

You wanted PRIMED salt? Motherfucker, the checkbox is right on the order form! You should have checked the whole thing before ordering literally 4,200 tons of salt!

I'll let this one slide, but don't let it happen again.


nice psx game whats it called?

Smoke,infested,tenno,orokang, sometimes fire


Oh user, you're not doing it right.
Let me show you how.

You're fired.

This is what I ordered though?! How can you be so incompetent to give me something other than what I ordered?

I want a refund.

You jest. Surely, no company could leave their flagship game in a such a state of repetural crashing, degrading gameplay and ever rarer rewarding experiences for weeks after the delayed relese of a fragment of their planned big upgraded which was supposed to put an end to one of the games longest update-dryspells, revigate existing players, and lure new ones in.

>syndicate rep and credits
grind more and buy plat, 10o! Don't you want the devs to eat? What do you mean 4000 rep isn't reasonable for a 15 minute survival? Sure, I'll give you 3000! Just 20 minutes for 1000 reputation, guaranteed! :^)))))

>abyssal drop chance
but 10o, 30 runs of shit artifacts to grind out 100 void traces EVERY TIME you want a 10% rare chance on another artifact is SO MUCH BETTER than the old system where you could go for 6 hours on a survival with the proper team build! Buy plat!

>tears and relics
10o, it took us literally 2 years to develop a new, not-shit void system. Do you really think we'd give out a fully formed system instead of a half-baked mess? BUY PLAT. SKIP THE GRIND.

>gamebreaking glitches
don't you know DE is SLEEK

Companion Battle Deluxe.
Breed your own pets and send them to battle.

I need advice for Inaros. Max Vitality Max Steel Fiber Rage and then?

N--no! I'll do anything not to get fired! Please, I have a family to feed!

You think plat is free? I gave you what you put on the order form! Ugh, well, 50% hasn't left the warehouse yet, so in the interest of keeping a valued customer, I guess it's possible I could swap the orders; it'd come with a 200p extra charge, though. Keep in mind that's a 75% discount for ordering primed salt, though.

i like how that quest is supposed to make you feel emotions towards ordis when simaris offers to take him. if there was an option to let him take him i would mash tf out of that yes button.

>pvp vs literal mr1 noob
>he ragequits after 4 kills
Holt shit, feels so good.
Hope he starts hating this game a little bit more and maybe ragequits it too.
I'll go to paradise for saving his soul then

Post lewd pictures of Becca, I don't have any :(


Whatever the fuck you want.

Vigor, nigor


Thank god, they adressed all my concerns!
Now im am ashamed that i only bought 5 prime acceses for my friends.Well, tehre is only one way to remedy it: let me whip out that credit card :D

Also, reading your post i couldn't help but notice that you issed the most crucial advice all warframe players should take to hearth: Market has 100% dropchance, so buy plat today!

because tomorrow it will be double the price, thank you for your understanding tenno
-*edited by [DE]Rebecca

How the fuck do you do this heist? I just cannot figure it out.

>N--no! I'll do anything not to get fired!
Screw up again, and you'll be getting the boot.

wall latch on the blue shinies
don't get hit by lazors

Vigor not worth. Get range, strength, duration and some knockdown resistance. The usual.

I hope they never fix scorchers. I love getting my face melted off from across the map.

You must be in Warbros.

>Giving Ice Spring on Ember.

You can't stop me.

>not having different elemental parkour mods for different frames

absolutely disgusting

my warframe is str_ng.

Sure okay. We were never going to change them anyway. This confirms that everything is fine.

We're glad you're having a challenge in oir game.

>On the Corpus ship map
>Constantly get turned around by the fucked camera
>Get nauseous from the constant zooming in and out of meleeing
>Can't aim for shit and constantly sliding into the walls in the tight passages

How the fuck did they think this was acceptable?

I didn't think Archwing could get any worse.

I only started having fun with archshit the moment I got the good weapons ie. Fluctus, Centaur.

Dizziness is not a problem for me, I'm an Air Force Pilot.

>use radiant
>get forma
my drops are STRANG

How's the update fellow 10o!?
Enjoying it well?

We are working effortlessly on War Within! Stay tune for updates.

At least it's not the BPNPC face.

>ppl still dont want to go fast

i tried to buy platinum but i only got half of it, and the button disappeard.
Could you bring it back so i can buy the other hafl too?

Radiant is literally 10% on a rare.

I've been dumping radiants into Lith M1 since the update dropped and still no Mag P Blueprint. On the other hand, I've gotten at least 2 rare drops with the base 2% chance from all the trace grinding.

There's literally only 1 thing wrong with Archwing's new movement system: no left/right roll buttons (preferably Q and E by default). I actually think everything about *the movement* is fun.

Just to clarify for all the morons ITT who are going to chimp out about "actually enjoying arcshit unironically:" literally only the good thing about Archwing is the movement. The shitty damage, the shitty drop rates, the shitty XP gain, the MOTHERFUCKING SHIELD DARGRYNS, the shitty camera, the shitty lack of engaging things to do, the shitty fade in of objects in the Grineer tiles, and the shitty too-tight corridors of the Corpus are all shit. Along with all the other numerous problems.

But the movement is only lacking one thing to make it pretty much perfect.

the camera is shit

So what's /wfg/ preferred Kavat head and tail?

Tufted + Leaf or Ball-tipped + Peacock master race

PR is not even fucking hiding


Yeah, same. I'm only doing a handful every day because I need FOUR fucking rare drops for the spira.

bind alt crouch to alt
hold alt+a or d
Roll that fat blunt


I miss being able to roll to quickly move horizontally and dodge that corner or whatever. If they implement Q+E rolling, they need to re-implement that via double-tapping.
Also camera makes it vomit-inducingly awful.

That's fucking stupid. I liked the old movement for archshit. I would literally zip through missions at max speed without stopping but if they don't even want to implement a proper roll movement then it's obvious they don't want us to play it.


>DE choice the worse design.

Yep. I think I've hit my breaking point. Fuck this game and fuck this general.

I've had enough of DE's failures fucking with my emotions. This game will never be good and it'll most likely die after Update 22.

>without stopping
user, you can shoot while moving now, no matter how fast. Even if you're holding ctrl + space to get the SUPER ULTRA TURBO SPEED, you can still aim and fire.

Agreed on the camera, they need to increase the FOV and pull it WAAAAAY back. Also make it so that it NEVER changes FOV, because FUCK using melee (even if it has the lowest TTK with the default equipment). And you're still able to roll, dude. It literally hasn't changed at all. Hold A or D and tap shift. The Q+E rolling would fix the corner cutting, too, because you could just make the corner relatively "up" and pull up. Like banking as an X-Wing in Star Wars.

Now I'm trapped in this room. Both in the decayed dimension and this current dimension, there's literally no way out. What do?

>play for about two years
>have around 800 hours a month or two ago
>friends hear about it and want to start playing
>tell them not to
>>pssh whatever you're bitter and bla bla bla
>they start playing
>i deliberately avoid playing with them
>they last a month or two
>get fucked by DE once
>stop playing
>see that i'm playing
>>wow, you're still playing warframe?

i'm not going anywhere, why would i leave solely because two people i don't play with left

Which is the one they chose?


shoot the moving plate

Tennis ball frame

I did. That just takes me to the decayed dimension, where there is also no way out.

... Wait, scratch that, I'm stupid. There's an exploding barrel that blows a hole into the wall.

Too busy. The similar but simpler looking red and white one is so much better.