Consciousness is in the brain

>consciousness is in the brain

Where else would it be?

in my dick

Good thread

>he is not a physicalist

>consciousness is in some realm that is merely asserted and could not possibly proven

Meanwhile, everything about consciousness is pretty much explained by the physical object of the brain. Neurons transmit and process information, the totality of it is you, deal the fuck with it philosofags.

>he thinks he has no more objective value than a rock!

Value is an innately subjective concept.

>it's a "I'm so autistic I think the hard problem denies consciousness is rooted in the brain" episode
>it's a "I'm so ignorant I think philosophers are still pushing substance dualism" episode

trap sprung faggot

That's just begging the question against the value realist.

>he isn't a non-reductive physicalist

>choosing not to sit at the emergentist grownup table

But I am, user.

Tell me the source of value objectivity without using theology

ITT: Starbucks employees rambling about how "duuuude, you like, can't know stuff foreal"

>begging the question
Please, elaborate.

Your first episode is not even a coherent thought, or it doesn't contradict what I actually said.

Literally every philosofag who believes in a god or souls for a start pushes this nonsense. And pretend-philiosofags that frequent this board as well. Try again.


>he believes in objective values
>he is not a moral error theorist

"Consciousness is in the brain, pack it up folks we've solved consciousness" has about as much explanatory power as "Digestion happens in the stomach pack it up folks that's all you need to know about we derive chemical energy from food".

Where consciousness arises and how/why consciousness even IS in the first place are two different issues

>You cannot know nuthin
>You cannot even know that you cannot know nuthin

Glad you admit to being a monster in human skin physicalist. Usually your kind try to at least keep up the pretense that they're creatures capable of morality.

>Why are you so sure?

>Consciousness is in the brain, pack it up folks we've solved consciousness
Is that really all I said, or did you just read enough to make a decent enough sounding strawman?

>Where consciousness arises and how/why consciousness even IS in the first place are two different issues
Which would be a fine point to make if all I talked about was where it arises. Oops.

I'm just propping up strawmen cause debates about consciousness are like my anime, but w/e sounds like we agree

The soul

>being this spooked

I am laff.

Consciousness is a spook


Copulas are a spook

Read the fucking book.