OT: 44 days until the next MF stream at aka6's
OT: 44 days until the next MF stream at aka6's
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw you remember GBM is on NRG
the mf rework needs to be reverted
i want my waifu back
I love Lissandra!
She soft plush and QT!
>Very Useful Links
>6.14 Patch Notes
>Ask Riot: Haz keys, no haz bugs please?
>Nexus Siege Mode
>Ryze Champion Introduction
>Champion and Skin Sales
xth for best girl
i want to lick Trundle's nipples until he lactate in my mouth!
5th for I Annie's Panties should be an MR item of plus 30 and should smell like spaghetti O's
brand just afked until i called him out on it and we were playing with a new garen who was building sunfire vs karthus, was a tough game but if i wasnt shit i think i could of carried.
oh well guess something to work at
also xth for best champ
Guys? He is apparently queued solo, he is 0-2 in placements. He does have a diamond border at least
ah come on man
>They're finally gutting the real problem with Malzahar-His passive
About fucking time. Although now he's going to be utter shit tier because of all the other nerfs he's eaten to try and compensate for it
>GBM went from Top 3 mid in Korea to NA relegations trash
Remember when people said he'd dumpster Bjerg and take his throne as best mid NA
She's unironically far better than she was pre-rework though.
This overpowered tittymonster bitch comes into your lane and demands you clean her sweaty underboob with your tongue as payment for carrying you
what do you do?
>not 15
do you even attempt to play this shit game?
Lissandra deserves to burn in the lowest depths of Hell. She should be strung up to a cross and have her nipples flicked by Satan and her ass poked with a fiery pitchfork until the end of time.
You are dressed well today. I hope you have fun at the park with your friends, I also made you a lunch in case you get hungry and tonight we're going to Pizza Da Chams.
Love you honey!
but i didn't afk?
i just took some time shopping
i didn't even see you say anything
vg vs vg on na +5.
This has the better OP.
Put some effort into your OP, fag. No one cares about futa6 or your shitty waifu, next time list actual resources like the other guy.
y dont u play him then?
>Rivenfags this desperate
Noxian Whore
Of course he also at least posted the resources
why samefag tho
because if i did then you guys would be just as mad like when people get upset at moosh playing gp every game
Not that guy.
because it's tomoka
which male champ's underwear has the best musk?
i'd say renekton, i bet it smells and taste good.
Vlad is love Vlad is life. I will get a bf as cute as him!
these games have devolved into everyone picking the same champion every game anyway
oh I meant in like ranked or normals
and who cares if people get mad at you in vgs lmao
>44 days until the next MF stream at aka6's
What the fuck, MF's pic will take so long to be done. At least the results will be worth it, it's look good so far
Where can I find the progress of the pic so far?
vg vs vg on na +4
>worth it
Ok. So, I've played a lot of league games. Clearly you can see it there on the left. So, I've seen a lot of shit. A looooooot of shit. I've reached a point where I really dont care about the bad and just have fun with league.
But this fucking game, this match that I just played can only be described as absolute and pure fuckatry. Dont take this as the salty ramblings of a retarded vayne mayne, cause I genuienly played like a retard this game, but thats the thing, we all did. I couldnt possibly be mad or sad for losing after the complete dumbfuck fiesta that was this game. I dont even know what to talk about, the ryze, the sion who would ult toplane into our base to gank bot, the countless back and forth throws that lead to our almost 30 kills down win.
This game was amazing, you really had to be there to see it and witness it all, and you would have probably laughed your ass off.
>not wanting people to get mad at you
>decent with ekko
>but not good enough to carry entire games alone
how do i git gud
If it comes before Veigarette's pic I'll laugh so much
i like having fun but i also like getting good practice in. old season 1-2 vgs had good players that helped me improve. the new vgs arent near as good but if thats what it takes for people to put up a challenge so i can get good games in, then i'll take it.
i for one appreciate when moosh plays gp because hes picked all the time in my elo and I need to learn him down pat so i can deal with him
because i wanna spam rumble and illaoi atm
i just want friends and people to like me okay ;(
>Lord of Darius
More like Lord of sucking dick, am i rite?
Noxian Cutie.
is this supposed to be some sort of punishment ?
>i just want friends and people to like me okay ;(
I'll be your friend if you make me angry, I like challenges. There's a Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up right now. Comme and play Jayce!
and then I see his dick
and then he shoves it forcefully into my mouth
-the immortal words of an actual gay/bi brown vladfaggot
uninstall the game until the hotfix
vg vs vg on na +4.
begone foul creature
I'm cute and so is my main
>is fat
Xth for team that is fucking themselves over by getting rid of Piglet, the best player they've ever had.
I don't know if I can support them much longer with shitty management, but I'll see how long I can last.
Such is the life of a TL fan ;_;
fucking destroyed
fucking destroyed
fucking destroyed
fucking destroyed
fucking destroyed
fucking destroyed
fucking destroyed
My bmi is healthy
Some of the hentai women you post seem to have the same bmi
You wretched thing, you disgrace the ground you walk upon! I curse you, foul being, unnatural of taste and revolting to the eye! Leave this place and never return!
It's piglet himself, he said that he was burnt out from playing league so when fabby asked they let him play
>implying BMI is an accurate way to measure anything
At least Hbox won evo and your CSGO team is bretty gud.
All TSM has is the League team
Piglet made his own choice to join TLA dumbass
>being a fat, hairy britslag
>muh bmi, muh skandinavia
please don't come here
TL literally plays better without him, because without Piglet, they don't force themselves into a protect the ADC comp 9 out of 10 games. Though what Piglet has over Fabby is that Piglet wouldn't be down 51 cs to Doublelift at 10 minutes, and Piglet wouldn't still lose lane after getting a kill at level 1.
Medicine is pretty adamant about it.
Only people who argue are haes hams
her iconic stacking magic shred is GONE. her +100% attack speed was absolutely gutted. weeewww she got a gimmicky q buff whoop fuckin doo. i want to go back to 2014. fuck riot. ruined so many great champions this game once had
Their dota 2 team is like top 2 / 3 in the world and has a chance of winning like 6-8 million or whatever the first place is for ti6 since ends up being.
I wonder what goes through someones mind when they are literally down 50cs from their opponent in competitive
hey man not all of us are like that...
>implying medicine has anything to do with aesthetics
LMAOING at your existence.
Actual photo of the vladfag.
Please direct yourself to Veeky Forums and ask if they believe BMI is accurate fatty
>Post yfw your lane opponent locks in Kennen
>Magic Shred
Nigga that's like saying Old Sion's stun+bubble combo was iconic. That shit was dumb as fuck. New MF makes a fuckton more sense and actually has something to differentiate itself from other ADCs. Not to mention objectively being stronger in her current state.
i don't want to sleep alone anymore
>All TSM has is the League team
They also have leffen, if he ever gets his fucking visa's would have thrashed Hbox like a fucking catholic priest with an alter boy.
>Nigga that's like saying Old Sion's stun+bubble combo was iconic
It fucking was you double nigger.
Pool Party Jinx when?
Old Sion was a cluster fuck new choo choo is best boy.
I'm not a fan of the new Ryze. I liked how mindless and braindead he used to be. I don't like having to think about my runes or when to use my ult. There's plenty of champions that require thought. Leave the facerollers alone.
>a Thai recipe catalog
>authority on anything
Overweight is a medical term and its what you accuse me of
>that's like saying Old Sion's stun+bubble combo was iconic
Your implying skill has increased to 95.
>playing in a high gold account
>enemy team has a smurf
>i'm better and carry the game
>he gets mad as fuck
I'm the best player in league
>implying anyone clicks or is interested in any of those links
>implying you have a say in anything when you're a fat fuck
Ok :^))
Why did my Azir ult kill someone when they came out of zhonya's
>it was you double nigger
Sion's Icon was being this goofy as fuck Ahnold champion, whether or not he was AP or AD.
Didn't they sort out his VISA issues but for some dumb reason he still couldn't go to EVO?
And this is the exact reason I'm okay with a lot of Riot's big VGUs, that shit was not only unfitting for what Sion looked like it was also gay as fuck to play against.
Go play Annie you chucklefuck
Nothing special, sure they're a higher elo but they goof off all the fucking time and almost never play seriously.
Boosters on the other hand are pure cancer to play against.
>calling roles in a bot game
No I'm accusing you of being a landwhale.
>a support doing anything to me
nice joke, user
Azir ult odes damage on contact.
Why is sona so much bigger than her peers?
I'm quoting established facts tho
Move mouse over her, and click.
That's synonymous, no?
by how mad he was i dont think he was goofing off
i think he was carrying his buddies but so was i and i ended up carrying harder so