/pgg/ Pokemon Go General

Scanner Senpai Edition

About the game

>official FAQ

>What is it?
Pokemon Go can be described simply as the Geocaching of Pokemon. Grab your smartphone, get some exercise, catch some mons, battle some people - the usual Pokemon gig.

>Is the server down?

>general database

>Is it worth evolving X?
>Some questions answered
pastebin.com/spEFYmPw (embed) (embed) (embed)
Fresh with updates!

>Information on spoofing
pastebin.com/KCVr1HjB (embed) (embed) (embed)

>Pokemon moves DPS

>Scanner set up guide
pastebin.com/QX93SCMV (embed)

Other urls found in this thread:


why isnt there just a scanner website

First for I cn't wait for my flight to reach Los Angeles!

I got to lvl5 yesterday and randomly joined blue team without thinking too much. But every single gym around me is red and that didn't change even once so far. Did I make a grave mistake? Or I shouldn't worry too much?

just fuckin go outside what are you 12 years old

-28.028193, 153.378365

Give it to me straight scanner bro's
what am i dealing with here

trying run.bat in the pokemongo-api folder

can any wew lad scan this for me? thank u
38.292743, -122.458325

>Near by list says 6 ratata's
>Flask Map says 3
Which am I supposed to believe?

help fellow bro out, is hard to find poké here due to difficulties

I just got softbanned, what do i do?



I live in bumfuck nowhere in Euro. Would be so happy if anyone scanned, but I doubt anything will come up at all.

I honestly just wanna see how few spawn points I have


You wait for the permaban

I'm 20 and I understand that leaving my house now would wake my parents so I'm not going to run outside for a fucking Pokemon as a 12 year old would do

Instead I will cry about it to you guys

Where did you get this?

Something in between, like 2 ratatas
Watch The Jason Bourne movies

wait an hour and hope it doesnt become permanent in the future


Please scanner fag

>get prestige in a friendly gym high enough to add your ripped pokes
>some fuckwad adds his pokemon while you're fumbling around trying to quickly select the one you wanted to put in
>he didn't even help

following directions from the previous thread

33.38954819412126, -111.84632492047967
Anything cool nearby? Been looking for a ghastly

59.924558 10.499432

Scan pls

I am a 308 pounds male who works from home and doesn't have any friends so never have any reason to go outside. Pokemon Go has given me a reason to get out of my chair and go out into the world. I am 308 pounds and started playing Pokemon Go on the 11th July 2016 and every day since then I have walked 5km+ and according to my "Fit Bit" done well over 10,000 steps everyday. I want to thank Pokemon Go for changing my life and inspiring me to get up, go out see the world, get fit and lose weight.

well now im unsoftbanned, but worried ill be hard banned when waves roll out

Could someone check from here with the scanner?
Wanna see if I should make a small walk.

for the euro guy who lives in bumfuck nowehre

>Requires 25 candies
>Better than 95% of all others
>Better than shit that costs 100-400 candies
Did the devs just go
>I luv X I h8 Y
and assign their CP potential based on that?

>encounter 2 or 3 mons when I go out for a walk
>when I sit at home I can catch one like every two minutes
Someone explain this shit

FUCKING LEAFS can play the game but puerto rico cant

60.199848, 24.942902
Forgot the coords ofc, like a retard.

Good job user, go get fit and confident and fuck all the bitches

whats the cmd command or how do u refresh the pokemon go map

I only stay in one area

Im a spoofer



52.512493, 13.345153
this is one of the bigger parks in Berlin
lots of water if there is any area closeby that has good water pokemon it should be this one
if anyone is willing to scan this, if anything shows up it should be interesting

No I mean where did you download the scanner?

I don't have that folder

spawn points

Open the readme.md file either in Notepad or on the Github page. It explains all of the commands.

Leafs can afford servers

Not to mention 101 places you don't want to walk around with your phone out. Some crack head will stab you and rape your cat

Wich is better

This ?

What are the odds of ban for spoofing a spot in my town and waiting 30 min from last login before starting up nox there? Does there detection only go off of insanely fast travel/teleporting?

>doesn't post attacks

Opening up Paint.exe and putting them both into the same picture so you don't need to make two posts is better.

How do I install pip? It's just a bunch of code in a txt format.

>use scanner with hope that there are pokemon at the end of my street because theres never a single pokemon near my house

>theres loads in the rough part of town which is like 20 minutes walk away

Should I keep it open with the hopes that one shows up?

I literally havent had a single pokemon within 500 yards of my house since I got the game.


Lots of grass spots around here indicating spawns, but nothing really been around this park for hours

>I literally havent had a single pokemon within 500 yards of my house since I got the game.

You're meant to walk user, not sit at home until something spawns between you and the fridge

>that feel when my local park gets charmander


is walking into an area with clearly visible leaves brushing around, and not finding anything despite being in range a server issue or is it on my data service's side?

i call bullshit on the pogotoolkit possible multiplier for evolving dratinis
every single one of these fuckers got a 1.8-1.9 multiplier when the website states 1.8-2.94 as possible

I know, but I dont want to walk really far at 1am, although I'd walk to the end of my street.

so after the

-st I would add -ar 50?

same with ignore


-st 10 -ar 50 -i pidgey

Who /TorontoLaunchParty/ here? Just got here.

I found a safe-ish circuit on ingress I can run pokemon stops

"Your account has been banned for use of third party applications to alter the real /actual position of the GPS."

Someone datamined what the ban screen looks like

Do not reply to any bans except ones in this format

Yup, this seems legitimate, totally.

>sample of 5

I believe you user not


you only get your shoes stolen on that one?

Can you get banned for using the scanner?

Should I make a random pokemon trainer account to use it?

guess im stupid or something

Yep. I suggest waiting longer than 50 though, especially since you're doing 10 steps. I do a ten minute refresh.

Footprint bug will be fixed in a patch rolling out at 2am PST this Thursday

Expect minor other tweaks too

Or this one

senpai pls

>party on a monday
Hell no, I'll stick to farming charizards in sauga.

No, just use your regular account they can't ban you since your player location isn't used here so it's not spoofing

this one
higher cp and higher possible cp

Nice source you FUCKING idiot

It doesn't matter since the next moves in evolution is randomized

that one its xd so it has higher hp

>tfw small town in canada
>will never experience pokestops every 2 blocks and lures everywhere
i'm not sure how some people are already lvl 20 though

Same issue user. 7 dragonair, all low rolled. None above 2.0.

this is a golf course surrounded by other golf courses
there should be a dratini nest around there somewhere



Can someone scan this;
51.53623800 -1.74522800
(I think I done that right)

the local drug shop is a pokestop but I think I should be fine



Look at all the normies user

I kept beating a gym and the faggots id beat would take it before i got out of the you win screen.
I confronted them and told them to fuck off or id kick the shit out of them. It was 2 neckbeards so they said okay and left. One of them put up a 1222 venasaur before they left but i raped it

jesus christ

senpai pls

Literally has drug in the name
>"Ay esse you sum faggot playing dat poke shit"
>Now go buy me some fucking sudafed homes
>Ay puto chicano.

post your stronk Magneton

you must have one right

Do you live near a powerplant or somethinng?
How's the cancer treating you?

scan for me, pls
55.70489, 37.534878

guys on bluestacks is there a way to move normally or do you just have to keep spamming that gps thing bit by bit?

what does it feel like to touch normie skin

51.6403943, -3.030205600000045

Somebody scan please I will thank you in return

Wtf I hate trump now

60.199790, 24.942888
pls pls, should I go for a walk?

I don't know what the term is, basically it's a food cart that's a front for selling drugs

does the scanner always show pokemon that are like 10 minutes from dissapearing?

i could do with more time

How do you know whether or not you are softbanned

How new are u

If I use the scanner, then close the cmd window, I can use the scanner again just from the cmd window of the Scanner folder? Like, I don't have to start from step 3 or anything, I can just enter in the last line of code and the scanner'll work?

There's a perma-spawn of these fuckers at the stop-sign down the street from my house, just mass-evo'd to 19 and this is the first above-500 CP mon I've found

Shit ain't bomb but damn if it gave a throwback to Ash's fuggin ranch of Tauros he kept at Oak's lmao

Post your finds?

is there a way to run the scanner on qpython on andriod?

Did we make a zeemaps yet to meet fellow trainers?
I want to go out more at night but it's scary alone.

I'm not going to lie but I wish I went not because of hanging with normalfags but because of the non stop lures.