previous ded: Truely ded now edition
The thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems out of blocks, in space or otherwise:
Corneroids, Space Engineers, Starmade, Avorion, From the Depths, Factorio, REM, Robocraft, Machinecraft, Garry's Mod, Homebrew, Besiege, Infinifactory, Scrap Mechanic, GearBlocks, and anything else welcome. Also, all these games are ded. Only ded games may join, otherwise they must have their own thread.
WebM for retards:
Space Engineers:
>SpEngies for retards:
Server: NASSzone
>/egg/ approved server:
From the Depths:
>/egg/heim idea bin:
>hrpbk2 wix com / machinecraft
>upload/download designs at
>TT Mech template:
>Helpful starter guide:
Homebrew - Vehicle Sandbox
Scrap Mechanic:
Robot Arena 2:
KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People
/egg/ - Engineering Games General - Formerly /svgg/
First for /kspg/ is ded and should stay ded
fuck off we're full
That is not ded which can eternal post, and with strange CLANG even ded may die.
First time player, everyone laugh at me
sphaggetti, small, and unoptimized/10
>those tiny resources
If you own the game install RSO and angels infinite ores. If you don't cry for a upload here. Generate a new world. You'll still learn the things they just improve how resources work and are generated.
>go to wageslave
>last thread didn't even reach bump limit
come on guys
If I liked FTD's building depth, will I like Empyrion? Can I make nimble aerospace/space fighters or is everything flying shopping carts?
One that actually works this time? Last one I got from /egg/ just prevented all resources from spawning at all.
Is sponges still super CLANGy? Do moving parts still lock when you go too fast? Do they still explode when you stop? Do large builds still fuck the game? Are blandeds still more resource intensive than anything you would do yourself? Is it still KEEEEEEEEEEN?
what you think
Moving parts lock but as far as I can tell that keeps them from exploding when you slow down. Large builds still fucc my computer but I'm not sure if that's because my rig is going on four years old now or if its KEEEEEN. Blinids are probably still shit unless its a mod planet with more densely packed ore.
>10 gb memory leaks
it's not keen
*it is keen
what the fuck am I doing
some based user uploaded it for us on the last thread, its working for me I guess
>Memory starts leaking.
>It ain't KEEEN starts playing.
can you repost the link?
t. original uploader
Are there any orbital physics mechanics in Space Engineers yet?
now gb2 kspg
Yes and they have been there since fucking forever just remove the speed limit you stupid KSP fuck.
what's ksp, and thanks I'll look into that
It's not leaks, it's pointers and callbacks. Had to make a pagefile (!) on SSD (!!!) to play spegie planets.
Dumb frogposter.
>Some bugs are born, made to wave the clang
Who let fa/tv/irgins in? Bastards made it past interior turrets with forklifts loaded with decoys.
>doesn't work in map generator
are you the same user who had problems with RSO before?
if it's not working for you now, and it worked for that other guy who is also a piratefag, that sounds like something on your end.
>It ain't keen, it ain't keen, I ain't no unfortunate one, no
I meant map editor, works fine when just starting a new game, but I want to skip the shitty burner micromanagement early game stage and have electric drills to start with.
No one said mods were perfect.
Chaika is brain cancer that spreads through quick reply. Feel free to smug anime girl me, this is the only (You) you're getting.
Rhodesian bushwar spawned superior music tbqh famalam
>they finally patched robocucks so we have fast speeds back again
Thank fuck.
>reading the patchnotes
>see this when they talk about all the bigs the previous patch last week brought
>"some unintended bugs which frustrated a small but significant number of users over the weekend."
>bugs that affected LITERALLY every player in the game
>small but significant amount of users
What the fuck.
>read further down
>"We know a small number of users were adversely affected by this update"
Robocucks get out.
Free Robocuck day of prem time. Use it to color your shit.
Did anyone here ever play shores of hazeron? Could you tell me a story about it?
Its not really /egg/, but Earth Defense Force just came out on steam.
30% off on the first day of sale.
I know a guy who tried to get me into it.
Never heird of it. Looks anime, low discount, jap PC port. Guess I'll observe how it unfolds.
Its a cheesy as fuck game based off old monster movies, where aliens invade earth using giant insects and robots. The series has been around forever.
You pick a class and go fuck up literal tidal waves of bugs and robots. Its alot of fun in multiplayer in the harder difficultys, trying to unlock bigger and more explosive weapons. The map is also totally destructable. You can level the entire city as you "save" it.
>has never played earth defense force
electric ducted fan?
energized dick fucker?
eclectic derail figure?
Why does it look like that 2007-2008 RTS they tried to make playable on consoles but from 3rd person?
Yeah EDF:AI had impressive graphics.
>Playing survival because I want to actually have to manage resources.
>Start on crashed ship so I at least have something I can use in case ore spawn gets fucked up.
>Put a good 12 hours into getting a basic mining ship going and a good supply of ores.
>Come back with mining ship from getting silicon for glass.
>Main ship is drifting away at a steady rate.
>Dock and check what hit it.
>Refinery got hit by a meteor and blew up.
>Took three modules and an assembler with it.
Fuck meteor storms. Last time I forget to turn that shit off.
Its made by Sandlot. They are known for letting the graffix take a hit so that they can focus more on fun shit.
I don't mean graphics so much as the general shit brown/piss yellow color scheme characteristic of 95% of late 2000's games. And it does kinda look like RTS zoomed in all the way, but my favourite games of all time are deus ex and system shock 2 so.
>meatyores travel at the speed limit
>have mod that increases in to a max of 500m/s
>meteors obliterate all of my shit
>turrets can't even turn or fire in time to stop them
I played it last year, but haxxus made it subscription based and development is just so slow. I lost interest, but it's still one of the few games that can give the sense of immense scale when it comes to space and galaxies.
Turn off cyberdoges as well. But leave the spiders.
Meteor storms are shit because they aren't proper random events, they hit your exact location and failry frequently. I've lost countless ion thrusters while looking for platinum to those things, KEEN just don't understand the concept of fun.
I don't think KEEN understands anything
no loops/10
>One lab
>One engine.
>Researching Sulfur processing.
How many fucking hours did it take.
> Compiling SECE
> The compiler itself is loading so many fucking structures into memory that it reaches 3GB of memory usage
> All because of the XML deserialization shit
I reiterate: XML is cancer
So what IS RSO, anyway? From what I see it increases distance between resources. Seems... pretty boring.
Oh man, Hazeron was fun for a while. The graphics and lag kind of turned me off from it, though.
>never heard of Earth Defense Force
New Factorio mod hub is locked behind a login, is there anyway around that shit?
Yes, buying the game. Which sucks, because my copy is legal (steam sharing) but unless I want to fuck up my friend's access to it I can't do anything. I get that the devs like their money and all that but they're kind of being jews about it. Won't go on discount - fine. Mods locked behind permanently linking your account to them? Not fine. Not fine at all.
Alot of mods are uploaded to github and stuff like that, but not all of them. It sorta sucks, but hopefully someone finds a way around the stupid log in shit
Well it turns out hydrogen thrusters suck on planets. Screw you KEEN I like them the most out of all thrusters. Also if you're gonna have cyberdoges include interior turrets on lower part of the ship, or they won't give you 5 minutes of peace.
disable the fucking dogs.
I did, now I'm alone in this world. Only RC SPRT. ships keep me company among distant asteroid fields. Testing this silly ship I've created in singleplayer.
Speaking of aesthetics. Any advice?
It appears to be sinking for one.
dazzle camo
the answer is always dazzle camo
Put the rangefinders in the turrets instead of in a spin block
make ship longer
How the fuck have I not heard of this game before now and why isn't that kind of chant a thing in every game.
This is one of my biggest issues with Spongo, SPRT isn't very good company.
What do you like to listen to when you engineer?
It's been out for I think like 6 years or so. It's stupid amounts of fun with a friend due to the ridiculous weapons + class abilities (mechs, trucks, tanks, etc.).
Its meant to be low. I don't really like hydrofoils
>watching moon anomalies documentaries to copy one design to be my next mooonbase
>needing approval from other boards to feel good
it might mean we get newfags
we need new blood
to sacrifice
Newfags bring only prison architect and robocraft clones
where can we find new autistic blood then?
the whole multiplayers anime/mecha/kaiju thing with humor combined looks ludicrously good and fun to play.
Dead like mengies
It makes trains a must. Trains are fun.
It was amazing. But then retard dev forgot he was making a game with less polygons than minesweeper and added subscription. Then it became shit.
Overhauls resource generator.
Patches are more spaced, but further you go, the richer they are.
Makes the game a bit more challenging
suspension is hard
do you vape bro?