1700 is closer to the year 1390 than it is to 2016. Knowing this...

1700 is closer to the year 1390 than it is to 2016. Knowing this, has society changed more between 1390 and 1700 or 1700 and now?

Society has changed more in the last 100 years than it has in 6000 years before that

you can go further and pretty safely claim that society has changed more in 1900 to today than from 1700 to today.

the advent of the steam/combustion engine has done more to transform how humanity operates in this world than any other innovation since the sail.

human growth had been pretty slow and steady prior to the industrial revolution. so to answer your question, there has been more growth between 1700 and now than 1390 and 1700

You dumbass
History is propelled by the actions of great men, shifts in culture and idealogies
Not anything material

1700 and now. You really can't fathom the drudgery, labor, destruction, cruelty, and overall difficulty of a pre-modern life without being there. Anything before 1850 for the median Western man would be pretty much the same. Farm work, with the occasional famine and death by disease.

Technology yes, society not that much.

I'd say the common people lives were pretty similar in 1700 to those of 1390, but society as a whole was heading to the one we're actually living in.

>right-wingers actually believe this
This is the reason why the "current years" are so miserable for you. And don't be mistaken, I would've preferred history the way you described, but it's simply not true.

>he unironically believes in historical materialism

At least I'm not trying to describe history of the world using terms Germans & French made up in 18th century and taking them at face value.

Like what? HIstorical materialism has been debunked by reality.

>great man theory

Nothing is worse than modernity
Shouldn't you be on tumblr?

You mean like "reactionary" that you autists like to throw around s much?

Reality of your own little world? Stay there, please. Western nations shaped the world into what it is now not because of some philosophical inventions or any one single man, but because we got really good at killing each other through perfecting technology, military-industrial complex, recruitment and tax systems. The only exceptional man in history had been Alexander the Great, and even that's a stretch.

>Reality of your own little world? Stay there, please.

Wow, you truly are retarded

I'm not the guy who argued for the great man theory, I'm merely telling you that you have to be some grade A fucktard to believe in Marxian determinism. Apparently Marxists are so stupid they can't even comprehend they might be arguing with multiple people.

So political realism is magically Marxism? Grade /pol/ knowledge.

>historical materialism

It is marxism and has nothing to do with reality.


I'm not from /pol/, but 85 IQ retards with babby tier knowledge of how the world works (read: people like you) should certainly go there.

>So political realism is magically Marxism? Grade /pol/ knowledge.

>Like what? HIstorical materialism has been debunked by reality.

>>he unironically believes in historical materialism

Only one of these mentions political realism. Only one of these was posted by you.

Or bourgeoise, or proletariat, or production means. Marxist lingo is nothing but outdated 19th century newspeak.