>passively invest your money now so that when you are 65 years old with a heart condition, diabetes, back pain, partial blindness, erectile dysfunction and early stage lung cancer, you can enjoy all the millions you have earned over the years
Passively invest your money now so that when you are 65 years old with a heart condition, diabetes, back pain...
You seriously are so poor you can't invest 5k a year?
my dad is about to retire and in great shape... speak for yourself and your inferior genetics
>t. the 1%
What's your alternative?
Daytrading pennycoins shilled on biz?
Besides, at 65 you still want to live and have medical expenses, in your hypothetical scenario. Imagine how much it'd suck to not be financially secure then.
so, slave away all your good years because you need to pay does medical bills when you are 65?
What is your alternative?
Blow all your money and be poor?
Besides 65 is such hyperbole. You can become financially independent by 30-40. And you're certainly still young enough to enjoy life then
>You can become financially independent by 30-40.
Not everyone is an investment banker you idiot
You don't need to be an investment banker in order to save and invest money
Your defeatist attitude is why you're poor. Why did you even make this thread?
>What is your alternative?
Sadly none, I'm 38 and with a horrible eyesight, imagine when I get to 65.
Friend of mine is 41 he got a ton of money in the bank, but he cant do shit, he fucked up his back working in a car factory, all that money only helps him have the latest electronics.
If you're so poor that you can only begin to enjoy life with your meager savings then you need some new priorities.
You don't need to be in IB to make money.
I'm 28 and making 110K as a real estate agent. I work maybe 50-55 hours a week.
I also have some properties that bring in ~25K a year.
Imagine how bad it'd be to be 50-60+ and still have to work for a living?
Too young to die, too old to live
As a 20 year old who is doing extremely well for himself, I have hopes for a future with the Veeky Forums elite trend in black market bulk stem cells with the intentions of rejuvenating every cell in the human body/ prolonging my life without having any of those problems.
20 year old also doing very well for himself here m8.
What's your situation?
200k in govt debt from top 5 law school with no job lined up.
Should I just move to Delaware and start trading based upon court cases I know are going to go a certain way against corporations or just flee the country?
also 20 years old here, I have 16 billion in assets.
>200k in govt debt
My fucking God, and people still pretends that college isn't a massive scam.
"Go to college user or you will be looked down and don't get a good job ever".
End up flipping burgers anyway.
Imagine literally starting your life with -200k dollars, like, when will you start living, at your early 50's?
Imagine the money you could have had by now if you studied a trade and worked a well paid and chilled as fuck job (and useful) like electrician.
Yeah it sucks, if I could do it all over again I would have never gone to college. Wasted a lot of time and money.
18 yo here, I run a 3b$ hedgefund
America's Student Debt system is terrible. I mean There is flaws with Britain's but 200k is ridiculous, especially when you have to repay it as soon as you graduate. Here If you don't earn decent money you don't have to pay it back.
Yeah well when I was 15 I sold my first company to Bill Grapes for $1 billion drollars.
5yr old here. I make 3trillion by shilling shadow coin while making boom-boom in my pants.
Fetus here. I make 7 bil a week running a coltan mining facility in the congo
If you aren't financially free by the time you're 7, why even continue living?
im a sperm cell and i reside inside the nutsack of the most wealthy man in the universe.
Honest question: why do you make these threads? To mask your frustration at never having the prospect of being rich in your life? Or because you gambled away whatever chances you had and are now filled with regret?
I'm seriously curious how someone got so broken.
lol fucking WAGEKEK fetus
I feel like it's not about money or anything financial at all for him. He is terrified of growing old, it's all about mortality
Time traveler here my parents haven't been born yet just came back to get rich on fiat before the collapse ww3 and alien invasion, 7 billion next week on tgd your grandkids will thank you
theres no point
Yeah, what is the alternative then, jackass?
I'm 16 and I founded Apple.
Health, Quality of Life and Wealth are different things.