Destiny General - /dg/
first for if you look real close
Post your Ti-Wiz-Warlock.
is it me you're looking for?
God Petra is so fucking hot
kitty cat titan hat
man i want to spot petra so fucking hard wish i was there when those abs ripped
because joff wants to see if you are better or not
1 spot for nightfall get in here at alak hul now.
nope, iron banner is tomorrow. also would you for the love of god go get those last 2 ghosts you need. it fucking triggers me
>getting sleepy
>might pass out
Anyone need help with something?
My fucking dick.
Petra best girl.
>Destiny 2 comes out.
>Assuming old gear wont' be moving forward.
>Bungie has to do something with all these exotics.
>Convert all the ones we have unlocked in our kiosk into emblems or shaders or skins, etc.. something to just show we had them.
>Takes all the armor perks and aranges them into their respective sub-class skill trees
>Takes all the exotic weapon perks and makes them possible modifiers on legendary weapons
Better at what? Being a shotgun shitter?
What kind of fucking comparison is that
Anyone on PS4 for doing the warpriest challenge? Doesn't even need to be a full run or anything if people don't want to spend much time. PSN is Zaeldren. literally who
Aren't these just the helmets we have now but reskinned?
Last night was your chance senpai but you were "sleepy"
>Aren't these just the helmets we have now but reskinned?
Uh... no?
>the city of your ISP
I hope that isn't the raid armor
I'm down for full run or just warpriest
Also the new raid armor actually looks cool compared to the trash from king's fall
we all know it is
:^) Oh boy, you're in for a treat.
It's sleek and sharp, not a fucking bone narwhal from kings fall.
iron banana already?
Well, the last one was delayed a week, so it's in the regular schedule
surprised they didn't pull some bs and push it back a week since the last one was due to "technical difficulties"
Why did Virus insta-leave?
decision amongst the xbone ranks?
Nipping this meme in the bud, he just doesn't want to play.
Sounds like a plan if we get more interested.
I have quests I need to finish that would prevent me from playing at my best.
I thought Forge wanted to play alone, which is why I accepted the invite. I didn't know he had a full team.
I'd be interested in getting to warpriest or doing a full run. I've never finished a raid and I'm only 320 though, if that matters.
damn you're pic in that pic
How long does it take to get the "Mountaintop" questline done? I really hate doing the crucible and I need it done for the moments of triumph.
That's fine.
>triple kill to clutch the win when the other team is one away
git rekt
but pvp is funnnnn
>hating half the game
*damn you're cute in that pic
rip shit you then i guess you are never getting it done
user please you're too kind
Damn pic your pic in that
I'll get it done, I just want to know how long the quest is.
3 free wins because no other team loads into game
There's at least 16 hours total of gameplay required to complete it.
Depending on how long you play daily and how good you are at crucible you're looking anywhere between a day and weeks.
>2 of them don't give rep
We're on Bungie's wanted list now.
Watch your back
snipers do too much bodyshot damage
agree y/n
I like you, don't go to cosmodrome tomorrow.
agree, headshot or bust
time to lay low
>There are people in this thread right now who do not want to be grossly incandescent.
How does this make you feel?
>not achlyophage symbiote
Definitely agree
Sniper RoF and bodyshot damage should be nerfed for the high impacts
Different reference dipshit.
Full of light != Grossly incandescent.
no. in Halo, Sniper bodyshots would remove your shield entirely and drop your health to somewhere halfway
i mean, if they get their shit together, they could modify the base damage and crit multi on Snipers in PvP (just in PvP) to discourage double bodyshotting
i'm more worried about the (still) abundant special ammo and the matchmaking though
In Halo, snipers were power weapons. In Destiny you can spawn with one.
If Bungie really wants to make this like Halo, they should just do so. This in between thing is not really working out.
Special is still abundant, but even if they limit it to one drop people can always use Invective/Ice Breaker to get ammo. I'd be cool with limiting special ammo, but there are still ways around it.
>in Halo
stopped reading there
303 light shitter here.
Do I ruin my KD and my Control Diamond II rating in Iron Banner and hope for shit from losses? Is it even worth it?
>not heart of praxic fire
Grasp of Malok finally dropped for me today, 3rd one I've ever seen
Life Support
Braced Frame
Feeding Frenzy
yes, it'll drop higher light stuff
>braced frame
keep it, the other perks are shit but it doesn't matter as long as you have braced and truesight/oas/target acquisition scope
It's not that bad. I did all my ~305 LL characters to rank 5 IB last time and it was pretty smooth. Use a fusion rifle is my best advice - 5/7 bolts to kill is usually still 5/7 bolts to kill.
It's worth it for the higher light drops.
Good to know, and yeah it has the oas scope
What would be ideal out of curiosity? Headseeker? Reactive/Outlaw? Can pulses still roll with Reactive?
when is iron banner live?
i need to sleep but also need to start asap with the banner.
Counterbalance, Braced Frame, Feeding Frenzy
Reactive reload is a gimmick in pvp and dont let anyone tell you otherwise.
at reset
That does sound good. Never liked reactive in pvp myself, so fair enough.
I guess 2/3 rolls isn't bad for that fucking gun
this or third eye/spray and play
Fuck it, congrats, you ruined the joke. I genuinely hope you die of fucking cancer, nigger.
>being this mad
>he's never used a Y1 scholar in PvP
top tippy kek
Reactive reload + outlaw is god tier on high impact scout rifles
Usually at 10 am pst
thanks senpai
>shotgun pellets magically dissipate beyond 3 feet
shotpackage return fucking when bungie
I did, it was a gimmick. even with reactive reload active it couldn't 2 HS high armor specs.
Plus it only lasts like 3 seconds. you we better served by other perks that helped you 100% of the time as opposed to some very situational damage perks that may or may not get a 2 HS kill.
>Bungo order finally shipped out
Wew lads, only a matter of time now.
When you use Universal Remote
we're talking about grasp of malok
>run into the #4 player in skirmish
>he pulls off some next level shit
i'm good for the night, no thanks
>tfw beat a bungie bounty emblem in rumble
anyone else know this feel
>destiny on xb1
>can somehow play crucible despite being so dead
kick the faggot
shaxx spit in my face for my rank up package after that
more than once, including other game modes
feels bittersweet
>tfw streamer stack in control
Wow, thats sure a lot PS players I see on Destiny Tracker.
>tfw i've played dysclosure and difizzle in trials
I have seen some next level shit.
verloxs? that nigga is nuts
Incredibly nuts, yes.
Consider me shell shocked.
>beat RealKraftyy in trials
Was he doing a carry?
I'm the biggest shitter in the thread though and I was playing with 2 other shitters ,':^/
Is that a yes?
kraftyy is always doing double carry
I see.
Beat kraftyy in a double carry is very different than facing dysclosure and diffizzle at the same time.
Do something like that, then I'll sing your praises, lagheart
H-How am I suppose to know???
Fuck you faggot?????
Fucking literal who xboner????
anyone doing raid?
I mostly just need the challenge