Stay sharp edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
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xth for Lablonk.
well 0/6 is my duo so ;C
Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.
i want you to stop posting
What's the website that gives you an overview of how people on both teams are doing?
Like it tells you who is on tilt and such.
I will! Until I wake up tomorrow, good night /lolg/
Xth for Katarina
best girl
i pray my dick get big as da eiffel towa so i can fuk da world for 72 howahs
Is there a way to talk in whispers while in-game? Got messaged while in-game and /w or /whisper or /r wouldn't work.
Xth for Annie a cute!
If only we sites in the OP that would help newcomers find sites such as though
the most important part!!!
any of this shit worth crafting? I already have cosmic reaver kassadin.
xth for scripting in Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums games
it's /r
it should work
You can alt-tab. go to the tray on your taskbar, click on the Riot logo and it should bring up the client so you can message them.
But /w,/r, and /whisper should work.
why doesn't anyone in this game like me
I endeavor to not be abrasive or mean, yet the only people who interacted with me beyond a brief chat/some games the past few years have just turned out to be the biggest jerks
and for some reason in custom games it always feels like everyone's out to make my day miserable in particular
and if I try to coordinate I am completely ignored, though I think that's more of a skill difference thing potentially but not wholly
OS Teemo is awesome. But sadly, it's a Teemo skin.
Brolaf is so fucking stupid. Cryocore Brand is worth it if you play Brand, especially if you play ARAM a lot.
hot damn thats a lotof essence you've got. I take it you bought one of the chest packs.
Vlad vgu when? Too cute to wait.
Spirit Fire is good. I personally like Brolaf but I bought it back when it was considered a good Legendary. His VO would prob get annoying for some people.
Breast waifu!
Breast support!
yeah, my autism knows no bounds.
What the hell. That's weird as shit.
I'll keep the alt-tab method in mind. So if I type /r it'll work automatically and fill-in their name or let me choose who to reply to? Battle-net actually does this well.
post the songy you're litteraly listening to at this moment
Oh shit thats Spirit Fire? Looked like Cryocore to me for a minute.
Spirit Fire is the best fucking skin ever
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
I wont lie
I want to go skiing in Orianna.
/r and typing the message automatically replies to the last person to send you a message.
>finally learning to carry as support/adc in soloqueue
Just don't die desu
Xth for getting cheesed by a Pantheon Fizz bot lane as Jhin while I get stuck with a Volibear support that int fed after I asked him nicely to pick a decent support
I should just quit this game and play golf instead. At least no children play it
Don't be so controlling and stop using words like "endeavor" in casual speech when "try" works just fine.
>tfw youll never be spraying execution witch fingernails clawing through them as vladimir
unlucky life
im listening to this song exactly now tho
because you talk like an anime villain nerffie
>Inb4 edgy 16 year olds call me a wigger
>play worse than the enemy team
is hashinshin autistic
whos this jizz wizz
Can't think of a champ that fits.
I've never played it but Drakengard has one of my favorite soundtracks I've heard from a video game.
That's not me and I don't actually have a problem talking to people. Actually people tend to like and praise me and I for the life of me can't fucking understand why because I am surly and incompetent as hell.
Is zed still pick or ban?
you migh tliek this
it's because we feel sorry for you
>its a "Dyrus 4 man queues with QT, IWD and Annie Bot and people are supposedly entertained by this" episode
Aside from QT these guys are all washed up right?
>decide to ranked at 3am
Why am I not surprised.
the fuck is this
he's banned sometimes because he's an annoying fuck, so you should still pick him if you're decent
I feel bad for you, weld. You missed the glory of 6.10-6.12 Vlad because you didn't adapt to the update fast enough.
Rip 6k hp 400+ ap, first blood under enemy tower at lvl 4, non-existent banrate and various other beautiful things.
even QT is washed up
>decide to play ranked
>placements so far: 5 games, 3 wins / 2 losses.
T-there's still hope, right?
My heart and actions are utterly unclouded.....!
They are all those of 『in』.
>go gank bot
>enemy has a zhonya already complete 10 mins in
Nice game lolbabs
Not him, but it's an organ some moths have. They emit pheromones, so they wave them around at night to attract a mate.
>Implying QT isn't washed up.
Never been big on Gucci, but I like Asap Rocky. Hip hop and rap is objectively the best music to listen to while playing any game
you need to be over 18 to post here
>it's a ranged jungler episode
When will this meme end?
This is the only Blank Banshee track I've heard
Sounds like a Flying Lotus track
Alright I guess> If you really felt sorry for me you'd buy me an Iron Fossil when it comes out.
Vladimir is not a vampire what the fuck?
If qt wasn't high as a kite 24/7 and actually tried he'd probably be in the top 20 players. He's legitimately a good player but he makes more money off his personality and occasional good play than just tryharding.
>being so much of a loser you recognize anime characters
no thanks
>Not knowing Evangelion
You for real mate?
>Aside from QT
Annie Bot is a cutie, please don't bully him
A hardass band director in high school directed the word right the fuck out of my vocabulary
I don't think I'm "controlling" at all though, my calls are simply validated a lot whether or not people respond to them. I do get irritated when people CONTINUE ignoring such calls however all within the same game. But I would not voice that, as that would be whiny, and people leave games when whiny people whine, I've seen it happen to whiners before, they tilt the tilters and the tilters do what tilters do best which only makes the whiners whine whinier and dear god it's an infinite loop of tilt and whine I'm craving cheese now this sucks.
You must really be fucking sheltered if you can't even recognize moots waifu m8
This is obvious bait but I'll bite. If you recognized a character from a TV show or movie posted here, how is that any different from recognizing a cartoon character from an anime you watched?
I only watch good anime. Like one piece.
>being this young
what's a good final build for trundle? not sure whether triforce/sunfire or titanic/black cleaver is better. And for lifesteal should I get a bloodthirster or ravaneous hydra?
and who do I go after in large scale teamfights? whoever is infront?
Kill yourself, faggot
Evangelion is garbage so it's not like you're missing anything.
QT makes more money being stoner then TryHarding like the others
>Anything but a massive troll
not him, but that doesn't even look like Asuka
I don't recall any team he was on doing all that hot.
Just because he's your man crush doesn't make him not washed up
because normal, functioning people dont watch foreign cartoons and watch tv/movies that other normal people watch to socialize over
Nigga this could've been decent bait, why'd you have to fuck it up?
>Long Orange hair
>Wearing iconic white nightgown
>Fucking eva sync hairclips
How does that NOT look like asuka?
>Normal functioning people
Do you know where you are Mr. Hotshot?
>normal people don't watch foreign media
>I only watch good anime. Like one piece.
Ok mate, gotta admit that was a good joke.
Yes but sadly we don't because people would rather nickname the thread and post leads rather than make it useful
>because normal, functioning people dont watch foreign cartoons
I sometimes watch French, Spanish, Japanese, and British media. Speak for yourself faggot only being able to speak one language.
How is he a troll?
At what point do we stop playing ladder, anons?
seems like a current recent trend of mine, not being able to adapt fast enough. maybe im just getting old and out of touch/too stubborn to adapt idk.
However I did get to enjoy the stacking revolver vlad days, as well as the season 3 ap jungle item that gave cdr and spellvamp days, as well as the season5 dominance that took people an entire year to figure out, which made no sense since games regularly went 45+ minutes so vlad was always good then. I'm sad but not that sad overall I guess; ive seen and some shit vlad could do that would blow your mind
yeah BB volume 0 is some good shit, one of the best vaporwave albums ever made. just perfect length, nice mix of tracks, and memey but not overboard.
heres another feelgood track that im on now
when we reach the top
no, cartoons. aka childrens shows
way to twist words you autists
G5. Everything between G5 and going pro is exactly the same.
you sound like a faggot, just play the game and don't get all high and mighty/pissy. maybe people will stop disliking you so much if you aren't so ostentatious. everyone makes mistakes including you even if you can't see your own.
>watch that video
>IWDominate is still shitposting about Tyler1
>Dude I gave money to Tyler1 and called him short LMAO
How much of an assravaged loser is IWD? Fucking get over it
>not watching french, japanese, and british TV shows and movies
>not watching Spanish soaps
Excuse me there are other things than childrens cartoons
>Because it's animated means it's a children's show
Heavy Metal and Cool World is for children guys, you heard it here first.
Get fucked Malzfags your cancer has finally been gutted
How can he not be your mancrush, the dude is lovable as fuck. He's also better in soloq than he was in competitive play.
>he hasn't already stopped
This seasons ladder is a joke and is only good for making money boosting people.