most active general edition
/r6g/ Rainbow Six Siege
Other urls found in this thread:
First for Tachanka buff
White Castle when?
Something to spark conversatoin:
1) Why is this game so fun/addicting
2) How has Ubi fucked this game up so bad
its fucking dead
I ask again now!
How the fuck does peeking work?
How I do I not throw my entire body out of cover when having a little look?, I use walk and lean but from the opponants perspective it looks like I'm a good half meter away from the wall
The game is fun and addicting because it simply rewards game play on a multi dimensional aspect - it isn't JUST down to who shoots better, like Counter Strike or other games. You can better position yourself, implement unexpected strategies and otherwise fuck with your opponent in exciting ways.
Played a match where I started breaching the roof on the defenders room, and as the defender was panicking trying to deal with my shit, buddy kicked in the door and blasted him. You can't do that in any other game. We all have epic stories.
>Ubisoft Dun Fucked It Up
Ubisoft has fucked it up by, simply, not understanding exactly what it is they have created. It's been almost 9 months, and Doc still can't actually heal your team mates without exploiting the DBNO mechanic.
Other grievances
>Nitro Cell seems designed to be a trap type weapon, but is used 100% of the time as a shitty grenade, that is way more lethal than normal grenades and can't be thrown back
>sloppy implementation of Pulses update which is laughably not play tested cause it behaves super awesome on the left side and not at all on the right of the screen.
>Blackbeard's shield takes 30+ rounds of direct hits to destroy, and bullet impacts does not affect his aim in any way despite the shield being on his gun - making him literally impossible to kill in various situations
>Only one "Thermite" style operator who can breach reinforced walls, forcing Thermite to be a must pick and a handicap if not picked
>Nerfed blitz from an often picked to must-pick operator, to fuccboi status, and have not bothered trying to tweak him since
>tachanka has for the duration of the games existence been a fucking dumpster fire and Ubisoft is totally okay with this
>IQ still has not been given any utility beyond seeing where gadgets are, which is not important - and how Ubisoft does not understand this is beyond me
>other obvious flaws with operators since launch that go unaddressed while adding unbalanced new op's
In summary, while Ubisoft is adding two exciting new mysterious characters that will undoubtedly be OP, there are a fuck ton of characters that need to be balanced to make them better - which go neglected for whatever reason.
When the BOPE (??) operators are added to the game, the roster will be 26+1 characters, however of that only 16 or so will be worth playing. If Ubisoft simply balanced and updated characters to make them viable, we'd have a larger roster of good characters to select from which would make the meta more diverse, the game more strategic, and the game more enjoyable as you have more options to choose from.
As it is right now I want to choose characters like Doc, Montagne and Tachanka. I want to set up a massive entrenched turret that can slice through an entire team, or be an impenetrable mountain that puts fear into the heart of the enemy team. But these characters are dogshit, and they will never not be dog shit. You are better off selecting memebeard, Thermite, Ash or Sledge just like everybody else.
>thermite doesn't get garage
>"thermite please"
>"the last time I did it you all died so I'm not opening it!"
Peek fast, not slow. This will make it so you can look around the corner before the server updates your position on the enemies screen, giving you a window of opportunity equal to your ping to line up a headshot before the enemy ever saw you.
You look like you're half a meter away from the wall because your camera is in the middle of your body. Your legs and shoulders can stick out, even if your camera hasn't rounded the corner fully yet.
bumping with some of my old webms so the general doesnt die again
I'll help out
>It's a "bunch of clanfags playing casual for some reason cant stop being dicks in chat" episode.
Yeah I can understand premades queueing in casual because ranked has so many fucking cheaters, but there's no excuse to be a faggot, especially in casual.
1) Why is this game so fun/addicting
Because it is basically CS + where economy has been replaced with the ability to approach from unconventional angles. In addition they give something for dead players to do, and that role is often crucial. Also gunplay feels satisfying and every operator plays differently.
Valk is like puzzle pirates, castle is like danielfromSL, pulse is like,ru, thermite is like VIP escort.
2) How has Ubi fucked this game up so bad
Bad netcode, bad nonsensical hitboxes. If they fixed that and buffed the fuck out of BB, I honestly wouldn't mind.
Also I'd like to bring attention to how horrible and lazy the weapon skins, even paid ones, are. It looks like an intern made them and it saddens me to see them as a 3d artist. Honestly even arma3 reskins look better
>Buff BB
I don't even like the idea of having weapon skins and when most of them look like someone vomited on their gun there's really no reason to buy them except to make other people cringe.
Delete this.
>buffed the fuck out of BB
>wanting a buff for the most OP, gamebreaking character
Fuck off shitter
goddamn y'all dumb niggas he means that he wouldn't mind blackbeard being even more broken if they fixed their netcode and hitboxes
I came here to operate, not get aroused. Also I have white camo weapon skins on all of Buck's guns and the white hat/facepaint headgear as well. Gotta be optimal camo.
So you finally fucking post the full picture
I hate shad too desu, but he's the only one that makes decent games.
Finally got all the achievements. why did they have to be so grindy
>Criticizes the weapon skins
>Posts shadshit
>grinding achievements
for what
when are they going to fix this shit
What the fuck is /aco/ and what games?
I just think shadmans art is fucking disgusting as do most people.
It's a board on Veeky Forums, I'm sure you're familiar with that site, right?
>An update to, and in response to, the previous news post I made earlier today, u/Its_Epi has confirmed that the French flag charm will be available to all accounts currently on Rainbow Six: Siege.
We are deeply saddened by the attacks in France on Bastille Day. Out of respect, we ended the Bastille Day Challenge and will be applying the French Flag charm to all accounts that own the game as of today. We will update you with the date that the charm will be added to your accounts next week. -Its_Epi
This is in response to a community reaction to the ending of the Bastille Day challenge asking Ubisoft to make the French flag charm available to all users as a show of solidarity in light of the Nice, France terrorist attack. They may or may not have already had this action in mind before hand.
>be french
>play siege
>wow this guy who teabagged me has the french flag equipped! it's good to know there's people out there who stand with us in these dire times
Old news, bro.
Really wish the cheaters didn't ravage this game in the high levels. It's so incredibly difficult to find a game in ranked at plat. I get like 10+ minute queue times. The only times I've had sub 5 min qs is when I pair with my silver - gold friends and pub stomping low golds and silvers isn't fun, nor is it worth the ELO. I want to get better by playing better legit players :(
Don't play ranked
I wouldn't but I don't have as much fun in casual when you don't really have a set goal to work towards like "I'll try to get Plat 2 today, and maybe Diamond by the end of the week".
Siege was filling that itch for a comp shooter after I quit CSGO and there's really nothing else like it that I could substitute for. It's balls
That rank does nothing maybe gets you a cool charm but really? I like siege since it has a simple easy progression system
The challenges albeit some of them are super simple but that is a reason to play and complete them to get more renown etc...
Not just the in game challenges but the Uplay challenges as well from pressing shift + f2 then clicking challenges section.
so the discord is dead and the teamspeak is empty, does anyone want to play ranked? I'm close to being Gold 1
Is the actual game going strong at least
ded general and maybe ded game?
Game usually peaks at 12k from Steam reports, which doesn't count people like me you bought it directly from Ubisoft so I don't think so.
still alive somewhat
/aco/ is (western) adult comics
when the rest of Veeky Forums complains about shad's content (loli rape, racemixing), /aco/ complains about his proportions and lack of development as an artist
Like the guy above you said as well steamcharts doesn't account for all the people who have the game straight through Uplay.
As well GeForce Bullets or Blades Bundle promotion where people chose the game of ass ass ins creed... So i'd say it's still pretty populated and much more so than the division now.
chose the game over* assassins creed.
What happened to all the links
op is a redditor too stupid to copy/paste and include previous thread
We're dead till BRs
What happened to this thread? Did a new game come out or what?
people are playing so they cant respond
Previous thread was just like this too, because the general died and was down for like 8 hours.
I've been playing Smite and Evolve, with Siege every so often.
Basically this
Play some other games while prepare for the BR onslaught
can i get a fucking team to play this game, solo queueing is so dogshit, its actually WORSE than csgo
Teamspeak has people in it was down for a few days
>guns that shoot themselves on accident
I'll queue with you, I'm on the TS and discord
Yeah. Siege is great, but I hit level 50, realized I'm utter trash at it and have put it to the side while I consider if I should bother playing it anymore. Might just stick to playing my Kirby games. I wish I was even being sarcastic when I said that.
you don't really understand the game fully til like level 120 or so
Nigga there is nothing wrong with kirby games
The PvE version of Bartlett University has to be coming in Season 3. What's taking them so long?
croc of shit, it depends on how fast you want to learn and how much effort you put into learning. i was diamond by level 80
>leaked gameplay of school map
You mean pvp?
Wait this drone shit is real? I thought it was a Rainbow Six Siege universe tech?
Fuze's gadget is so inconsistent, they need to make it less random. I can stand on top of one and won't die yet I'll behind two walls and a counter across the map and a stray puck will kill me and my team.
I was upstairs on Hereford on the top of the stairs 3F and a fuze used his gadget on the window in the main room and it flew all the way through the doorway and exploded down the stairs, killing me.
Shit, yeah I meant PvP.
I'm also glad they changed the size of the drones since the E3 trailer. The drones in the E3 trailer were like the size of pens.
>IQ dies to a planted nitrocell
I was thinking about siege when I woke up today. Thinking how since it launched, its been consistently the most fun multiplayer game I have ever played. It has its frustrating moments, most of them were nearer to launch when it had some major issues that were ironed out. Sometimes I get even pretty upset by stupid stuff, but damn its a fun game. I dont think a multiplayer game has had me this into it since BF2. If only my big brother was still around to play games with me. He would have loved this game.
I wear the skull headgear for castle so people dont have to suffer looking at his nigger face if I manage to kill people. I do it out of the kindness of my heart.
how much damage does Buck's skeleton key actually do?
man, low ranked players are crazy bad. I'm playing with a friend so it's all shitters and it's so attack sided. Everyone just groups up around the objective and lets attackers into the building with zero opposition, it's insane how I'm just allowed to have free range of the entite building outside of the objective rooms. I don't get how you guys get stuck anywhere below platinum, these players are incredibly ignorant of how the game works on a fundamental level you can abuse them all day.
I'm stuck because I simply hate getting stuck with 5 shitters I have no control over and if one quits its pretty much a guaranteed loss.
I force my friends into quick play unless there is 3 of us minimum.
Ask the admin to make a permanent link and put it in the OP
Why you play with him online, wherever he is? It's a (basically) online only game after all.
enough to make me wonder if I should stop trying it out
>montagne as the goal keeper
>the ball still goes through him
What is it with people in casual in the game lately? I stopped playing ranked because I got tired of the bullshit and frankly didn't feel like going tryhard every single match.
But for fuck's sake it's like casual and ranked have fused because I get matched against stacks of Plats/Diamonds or else I get teamed up with clanfags who try and tell me what to do, watch my screen after they're dead, and ultimately take the game too seriously for casual. Like do they not get it's fucking casual and yes I want to win but I'm also just playing to have fun?
One guy kept bitching that I was picking Glaz because 'he doesn't help' even though I was getting 2-3 kills per round with him, I don't fucking get it.
would throwing a laser on Buck be useful, just for the skeleton key spread?
Anyone play on Xbox?
I play on PS4 and gave up finding people on here, can't imagine it'll be much different on Xbone. It's pretty much all PC players here.
Who knows. I played some games last night with two teens who kept whining on the mic every time they died. One of them even asked if we were playing on casual or not. He also didn't want to get revived because he somehow downed himself and blamed it on the "game's bullshit"
I played a few games last night with these tryhards in casual, they kept trying to boss everyone around and insisted nobody picked their operators(They were Valk/Frost babbies). They were both 150+ plats that I honestly couldn't understand why they were even in casual.
I'm a gold I either getting matched against plats and getting stomped or getting teamed with them and stomping. It's annoying, the matchmaking in this game sucks cock.
And I swear the netcode got worse over the past few weeks, I keep shooting people and blood splatters out yet I do no damage and/or I get killed in the process. Oh and Pulse is even more of a cunt than before, why they decided to buff him instead of Tachanka or Doc is forever beyond me.
People who used to play ranked don't wanna cuz theres hackers and shit so they move down to casual and it sucks
>made a long post about a match
>solve the captca
>you mistyped the captca after the green check mark
I've never been this mad in my life
I used to play ranked but then my squad kinda dissolved and I took time off from the game. I don't wanna wreck my rank when the season's almost over so I'm just waiting 'til the update drops to go back but in the meantime casual is a cesspool.
Still better than the ones that make you look for retarded street signs only to tell you're wrong when literally everything else were bananas.
Low DMG to players, unless you're point blank.
Only for emergencies, or in extremely close quarters (e.g, blueroom in clubhouse basement).
Remember, the skeleton key's spread increases immensely when you aim down the sight.
>increases immensely
>play ranked game
>someone leaves in first round so we're now down a man and doomed to defeat
>still manageo to win the first two rounds
>two fucktards begin killing each other at the beginning of round 3 part way through
>lose the round
>round 4, immediate friendly fire breaks out between these two guys
>yell on mic that they need to calm the fuck down and it's annoying as shit
>round 5, get into fight
>winner is looking proud as shit tea bagging and leaning
>walk up and shoot him in the head
I'll never play ranked again I swear. I encounter shit like this in Quick Play I can just leave, or I only have to deal with it for 3-5 rounds. 7 rounds of this shit with a 100% guarantee there is nobody getting added back in is just needless disappointment.
reeee blackbeard
>inb4 pic related
No, the reason to never play ranked again is the fact you can string together 10+ wins in a row and only gain 2-3 ranks but lose 3-4 out of your next 10 and you'll lose at least 2 ranks regardless how you lost and what your opponnent's rank was.
I mean, the fact the ranking system is still considered a beta at this point of the game should say everything.
my gamertag is NENGSHISHANWEN
the mic on my headset stopped working but it doesn't matter because i carried myself to plat 3 playing solo so i can probably carry you too (:
or we can fuck around in casual, i enjoy casuals. if anyone adds me just send me a message saying "r6g" or something because i get friend requests from randoms often enough to ignore FRs
I mean honestly I could not care less - I don't think ranked should be some sort of bullshit leaderboard like it is right now, and it should be almost like a second leveling system you participate in for 3 months, and you race to the top.
So instead of constantly racing for ranks, it'd be progress, with those who do better progressing faster
>"EXP" gain for "Ranked Level" based on some bullshit equation of individual merit / how you contributed in the match (score), whether you won or loss, how much you won or lost by, and the level of the opponents, how many players on your team
>winning against lower level opponents grants a smaller exp pool than winning against higher level opponents
>losing against lower levels would give you a very small amount of EXP while those guys would get a much, much higher reward
>playing consistently well and playing regularly means you will shoot ahead of the shitters
>matchmaking is less dependent on being 100% perfect since, if matchmaking is utter shit in the current system you are heavily penalized, whereas getting into a bad match / "full plat stack" means you can still earn some progress even if you get stomped
>the better players would still be at the absolute top, the shit players still feel like they would be making progress and as a result more people would be playing ranked
>reset ranked levels at the end of the season and issue the rewards
It's such an obvious solution to the problems I'm surprised nobody has done it. Blizzard's Overwatch has similar complaints with their ranked system, winning 6 matches and losing 1 means a net loss in progress, and it's just not enjoyable on any level for anybody.
>smoke hiding behind a bookcase
>start shooting through it
>ping ping ping rounds don't go through
>smokes me
>last teammate falls off roof
Next game
>me and blitz pushing up on point with thatcher close behind
>3v3 now I'm dead
>1v2 now
>look at buck
>lvl 67
>if he would have pushed up with thatcher we would have won
>instead he shoots a camera and runs back upstairs to unopened hatch at last 15 secs
>look at account
>it's a woman
The memes are true they can't think beyond themselves