old dignig edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
First for cyborg girls ripe for breeding.
xth for Spiders are best combatants.
>whole argument still boils down to "they have hips"
Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.
xth for git gud as the universal advice for life
humans are just monkeys with EXTREME tool making
we aren't fighting focused at all. we can't really kill shit without our tools. i mean you could make the argument that our tool-making makes us fighting oriented in a way but we don't have fangs nor natural poisons nor high speed nor shit like that
when you look at something like a cheetah or a shark you see an organism extremely focused towards hunting and being a predator. humans aren't like that.
Because I'm playing the void beast of heavy cc and vore.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Fuckin same shit every thread
>that huntress sivir splash art
Looks like I'm greasing the rod again.
don't you mean explosion?
You are taking shitposting that basically boils down to "I want to fuck these robots" too seriously user.
On another note, is Riot finally bringing back fanservice?
>PP Fiora and MF
>These project skins
>SG Shyvana
>Giantess Nami
>Elderwood Leblanc
Also what is with Riot and butts? Not that I mind.
>Hit gold.
>People keep messaging me and congratulating me.
Thank you guys. Thank you. T_T
kill you're self
xth for carrying 1v9
Why does Blitzcrank look malnourished with severe clinical depression in that splash? Is he going to be okay?
do NOT sexualize the robots (and cyborgs)!
robots (and cyborgs) are for CUTE, NOT lewd!
W-where are her panties?
Blitzcrank is an old champ he is getting a little rusty
Because hes a fucking robot in a pool. what do you think happens when you put electronics in water
your retarded
>This skin exists
>I played Sivir the other day in ARAM and actually had fun
Hot damn don't tempt me right now.
>Also what is with Riot and butts?
Riot are cucks. Cucks generally find the butt, thighs, feet, and face the most attractive because the breasts and crotch are reserved for Jamal.
source: i'm a cuck in permanent chastity
>ignoring M I D R I F F
give me one reson karthus isnt good right now
>you can't can you
underpicked does not mean underpowered
Man PROJECT: Fiora is such a nice skin.
Fuck one
Marry one
Kill one
Bully one
all of the above
He lacks the "burst a bit cheaper down" of most mids but he's strong since the roa change. Go play him. He's fun.
Make sure to type outplayed in all chat when you push r.
Marry Lulu
Make love with Lulu
Bully Lulu's womb with my semen after we're married and financially secure
kill the rest
>but muh ult
Telegraphing burst
I've been playing him nonstop since the weekend, I've only lost once and that had an int feeder, this guy is great if you know what you're doing. I usually dont buy crystal scepter though, I go for full magic pen true damage build
Vladdy is both cute and lewd.
kill lulu bully kat fuck ahri marry sona
no, 『JoJolion』
karthus can beat viktor though. if you can make you qs do double damage, you'll win every trade with the guy
In the backseat of my car.
The correct answer is
Bully Lulu
Kill Ahri
Fuck Fortune
Marry Sona
Viktor basically starts clearing the entire wave at long range starting at several minutes into the game
He never has to trade with anybody, especially someone like Karthus. And it isn't really about lane winning anymore, hasn't since season 3.
Literally the only good answer:
Kill Ahri
Fuck Mf
Bully Sona
Marry Lulu
How come nobody has done a nude version of this? It's not fucking fair.
hey friend you forgot one
affair urgot
What the fuck did I just read?
But mostly lewd.
"I will rip your tight Demacian pooci," the expression
>Not bullying Sona.
Shit taste.
>Sona's tits are so big she makes regular bikinis look like micro bikinis with underboob
but even if viktor pushes the wave, a good karthus can farm under tower just fine, while still dishing out consistent poke. not to mention he can gank globally
>sweating man
Which one do you mean? Audience or ring?
>while still dishing out consistent poke
who is he poking?
Viktor also pokes, Viktor also bursts much harder than Karthus in shorter amounts of time. "Global ganks" aren't as relevant anymore when everyone is deathballing from minute 10 until the end of the game.
Karthus isn't a bad champion, or at least not as bad as he used to be. But midlane has a serious problem with a few champions just being better versions of the rest.
E > Q on thresh right?
Nude lewds are always boring. Leaving some room to the imagination is better.
I'm stuck on a school PC for a couple of hours and need something to do. Also can't install anything.
I primarily play aram because the laning phase in ranked/normals bore me
I start Q but max E, yes.
>has access to a computer
>literally all of mankind's collective knowledge at your very fingertips
>"but can't play muh league :(("
You poor thing. How will you ever survive those couple hours?
I need something to actively do without installing anything. I already watch and read lots.
DAT Fiora mane...
Koreans have been using him like crazy lately.
go on /x/ and ready creepy pastas
>he doesn't know
Open mspaint and do some draw requests.
Mby some VladxVayne silly doodles?
So if I have 10 minute queues for top/mid when I'm bronze, just how long would my queues be if I was diamond?
Let's play a little rolling game, /lolg/.
0 = You get to graduate from this game and leave it all behind.
1-9 = You'll have to embrace the despair which is League of Legends.
So who wants to try first!?
If you got lucky enough to find a game, 15-20 mins with a horribly balanced matchmaking and at least 2 people will have been boosted and 2 are master-challenger smurfs.
What was his name again /lolg/?
>Zaun-Touched Bolt Augmenter (Passive)
Damage reduction lowered 5% from 15%
Now stacks up to 3 times.
Duration increased to 3 seconds from 2.5 seconds.
>Terror Capacitor (W)
Shield value lowered to 40/80/120/160/200 from 60/100/140/180/220.
Duration lowered to 5 seconds from 7 seconds.
AP Ratio of .8 removed.
Jesus Christ. Did Riot actually show a change of heart when they didnt push these changes through? Im glad these didnt happen, but it would have been the corrrct course of action for an invisible passive.
I want to be free
I don't think I want to stop playing lol anytime soon so even if get 0 I won't care.
Because they know there main demographic for skins are whore 14 year olds and sad lonely neets which credit cards.
Well, aren't you a lucky one?
Looks like you'll get to spend your holidays on Jabberwock island, far away from this boring videogame!
I hope you'll enjoy the weather and scenery! And the killing.
Daily reminder that I am cursed, as there is no rational explication to why I am always on the bad side of matchmaking
Irelia left "to eat" 5 mins before the end and sivir flamed me, calling me a "trash kda player" when I was 2/0/2 at lvl 6
He also told me to cut my wrists in post game chat which amused me since I'm most likely going to do it regardless of him asking me to do it
But remember, he didn't say "nigger" or "faggot" so he won't get banned by Riot Gaming Games (TM)
he's already trash
those nerfs would have made picking him a reportable offence
The only sad thing is that the actual skins don't match the splash art, not even close. Just look at Warrior Princess
You're good enough to be snakefodder
>Karthus's gigantic pope hat
>hecarims skull pony mark
for what purpose do you continue to post this day in and day out?
Step back fags
tha main man in the house.
Time to blow up everything and swing for lethal on you bitch scrubs
Do you know how hard it is to roll dubs on this board?
I'll never be free.
>having to build an entire snek deck just to make this one card be vaguely functional
lol what a waste
victory is better than V
konami may have forgotten
but I never will
>clickbait trash
I don't think so tim
>not wanting to create a deck centered around your waifu
>not making it work due to sheer passion and love for your waifu
I have over 100 recorded Vennominaga victories on YGOPro, kiddo.
I like you
An experienced Karthus will take a dump on any and all solo laners so fairly moot point. Laning isn't his issue but advances to other champions like Taric.
>having a waifu
that explains your shit taste
he started off decently and then topped it with unbalanced cancer
Routine keeps me in line
Helps me pass the time
Concentrate my mind
Helps me to sleep
>for what purpose do you continue to post this day in and day out?
Autism user, Autism.
>adc shows Miss Fortune
>Locks Vayne
oh shit waddup