buying plat? ISHYGDDT edition
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first for sasha
hey, i still dont have jet kitagg wtf
Is your PC cool /wfg/?
Are you cool on your Summer day(s) guys?
I always play on a a hot laptop.
I worry it will melt, but I can't stop farming.
literally best melee
it's winter where i live
I also use a laptop. But I have a cooler on it as insurance.
Keep warm.
>Not Cleaving Whirlwind or Astral Twilight
Cooler? Is that a fan? That better be.
So what was the point of having 200 loot tables if they're still going to vault shit?
breh this is gonna be the coldest winter in years
Keep warm and get some hot chocolate.
>player count following SotR is dropping off a cliff
>WF has LESS players now than before the update
SotR is DE's biggest blunder.
See I know that feel though, East Coast is bi-polar with their temperatures. Seasons don't matter to it.
holy fuck tierqueer stop using that image wrong you absolute mongoloid, it outs you as a faggot even when you're not being a faggot
PC version can die and consoles will keep them alive.
when I first said 2016 was going to be the Year of Nothing™, little did I know this was on the way
I am an anime otaku and I will post anime pictures whenever I damn well feel like.
I did not watch thousands of hours of anime for some sperg to dictate which images I get to post.
I bathe in the tears of autists like you and the thought of your red angry face crying as you have a meltdown on Veeky Forums over me having fun makes me rock hard.
Fuck you.
already happened
if pc dies, consoles will 100% follow
>I am an anime otaku
the whole CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING is used when you're putting up thoughts and recomendations up for consideration of people on the thread, i'm not judging for using that image, but for using it completely wrong
Kill yourself
but thats wrong you fucking retard
This game seemed fun, what went wrong? was it PWE?
>I do it for fun
someone post the bingo again
I hope this crap finally dies. Stopped playing this mindless grindfest months ago, but every time I see the general on the frontpage I am reminded that theres still people trapped in this shitty "game".
Best orokin cell drops where?
>blacklight retribution
wuts dat
PC version be comes china only, re-open PC > console transfers so the whales can move there if they want and you just end up weeding out all the people playing on 8 year old laptops at 10fps.
Improvement honestly.
f2p shooter
its a copypasta you dipshit
>but thats wrong you fucking retard
I am objectively correct.
When is capture getting revamped? Right now we have this ugly thing where the capture target is an immovable object moving at incredibly high speed and using weapons that are objectively superior to the playable versions (see: the faggot with the glaxion) and capturing them means you sometimes lose all buffs if the capture target is a nullifier and you get fucked by enemies unless you clear the whole room before capturing them because you're stuck in the capture animation for like 10 seconds.
How would you give capture a makeover?
i want a warframe with windwaker graphics
capture is fine to me, its challenging and quick.
you don't have to be full of advantages to enjoy the challenge faggot
don't you want the capture target to be unarmed and moving at snail speed too?
just use shotguns, jesus christ
capture is actually one of the gamemodes where I feel they kind of got the "challenge" right
ready for the capture re-work? okay, here we go
make all capture targets like a simaris scan target
there we go, gotta catch 'em all
>do suisei ~15 times trying to get lith m1
>giving up hope
>do it one last time
>get lith m1
>I am an anime otaku
oh I am laffin
well done 10o! Now you only have to farm 100 traces and you will have a juicy 10% chance to get what you want!!!!!
repeat process ad infinitum
>not just pubbing the fissure a shitton until someone else ends up rolling the rare
It's like you don't understand how to grind.
>identifies himself like an anime otaku
>call others autists
nigga come on
Used to be a F2P Shooter with interesting mechanics... then the developers started to focus on the PS4 version and the PC version died.
do you think steve jacks off to hentai
>sweet xp
>easy and fast
well, no reason to bother, aren't sortie credits still fucked?
being able to pub farm prime parts without going to recruiting chat is the only thing I really like about this update
>YES Frame and hope Mr. Chill shows up.
Just be Mr. Chill and hope your teammates won't die.
We got a live one.
why would you choose frogbutt over gottagofast in the first one?
because I bought frogbutt with plat that i bought with money, so i have to use her for all stealth missions now.
I like this game guys.
I actually really do.
Feels like mass effect.
>mass effect
let me guess
I like mass effect. I didnt even mind the shit ending.
yes! I'm hoping it doesnt get too bad because i'm super casual and just barely getting by.
Have any of you faggots heard the amazing Furi soundtrack yet? Better yet have any of you faggots played it yet? Its a great game if you are hating this "game" right now. Game is hard as fuck, but it feels so good when you finally get it right.
>I'm hoping it doesnt get too bad
Good news, it gets bad. Then it gets even worse.
I wonder how many players the PS4 and Xbone versions have compared to PC, is there anyway to check?
user, if you're going to talk about a game, at least introduce the gameplay to us.
Looks pretty good.
well fuck I need to play this, and go grab the whole ost
>Excalibur umbra comes out
>All of the gold trim is gone
How mad would you be?
>$5 has been deposited into your account
Aint going to lie, furi's soundtrack is pretty great though
just put moonalo elite armor on.
insta spikey gold bits.
I have targis but I'd still be fucking mad.
That doesn't sounds like the Danger I know, rip 2008 electro house. Waiting for the game to go on sale before I buy it
not mad at all, if it looks better
Your right, I apologize user. Ill keep that in mind for next time, I have my own gameplay if you want to see that. (though I rage quit at that boss you show there in my own gameplay, that last part is hard as FUCK)
Yes, you do. The game is great, and feels really rewarding when you beat that boss thats been pushing your shit in. Also a fun fact: the character design is done by the same dude that did Afro Samurai
Dont understand the greentext but yeah, it is pretty damn good.
According to the comments on Scattle's songs, it doesnt sound like their normal stuff either.
Its free if you have a PS4 and PS+ right now its also up on skidrow and is a pretty small download
fuck off
>An ever changing techno-blob
>24.99 on Steam
Well i guess I'll have to wait...
You didn't tell me there is a potential waifu in there.
it's statistics you fucking retard
its literally objective
Where the fuck are the nightmare missions since the new starchart? I want some mods but i cant find any
>have doubts about shit
>need general directions
>can't ask the thread without tierqueer showing up and replying to me and trying to convince me his guide is objectively better than anything i can find
How do you guys build Inaros?
servers sleeked for others too?
>he doesn't know
they're right next to DE's common sense and recent good updates
Yeah, the price point is pretty steep. Even more steep when you bundle it with the OST.
You meet her pretty early on too. She has an "orgasm" for her final attack prettymuch too lol
there are no nightmare mission nodes at this time.
only nightmare mod alerts.
get into one of the autism clans and ask for advice They're all ded, but for general questions they aren't bad.
War Within when
You get the quest key from void jew.
>You meet her pretty early on too. She has an "orgasm" for her final attack prettymuch too lol
we wuz end of august maybe?
Stop that.
go out
guide is the BEST place 2 go for frame advice
if you get triggered so hard from an opinion go on fucking reddit, I don't go there so you're safe
jesus you're clearly a massive newshitter who has no clue how to play the game, why do you think you know more than someone with 1k+ hours
You buy the mission bp from bar for 50 jewcats (might be more, but its been a while)
>he still doesn't get it
>Not liking sniperwaifu best
Crazy waifu is alright but Angel halo and sniperwaifu the best.
Tierqueer please, this is just sad.