Fighting Games General /fgg/
I don't know what that is
Why has nobody made a Cozy Meitenkun yet
forgot your trip brick
Post cute Senrans to trigger Brick!
idk my fightcade client might be out of date but it shouldn't let me log in if that were the case
alright we get it, you're gay
How do I reliably do these instant air dashes in xrd? They work like 40% of the times and it feels like I do the exact same thing whether it works or it doesn't.
Can I just mash 99 or is it strict in that I have to do 956?
senran kagura fighting game when??
there is literally nothing wrong with peeing sitting down
i do 96
After Senran Kagura Go! is released.
don't actually play rashid if you're a beginner btw i was just memeing
Theres different ways that work. The standard is 956, but you can do 6956 or 686 too
Who's hype for KoF demo today??
does 96 work? everything I've found online says if you don't go back to neutral it doesn't work.
rammy brown is my wife!!
when they say 96 they basically mean 9[5]6, so yeah you'd have to go back to neutral for a brief moment.
there is a minimum height limit on airdashes so don't do it too fast
i-its for PC right
Already been playing it user. Sylvie is fun, Dino is fun. I'm a newb at KoF but this seems quite good.
>snk is literally hiring people to post luong's ass and other sniff pics over and over because the game is a trainwreck
its a bold strategy considering that sfv failed to sale despite all the sniffs
Valkyrie Drive has a smash mode. I mean literally Smash, with percentages to send flying farther and you have to knock off the opponents to win.
>Let's not make another Senran Kagura game, those sold too well.
>Okay let's make something no one wants and won't sell!
Based Marvy bringing the bants as usual.
My uncle works at SNK and he told me that this is true.
>4200+ LP
>evo happens, LeNastyKoreanSperg wins
>Nash invasion happens
>literally drops to 3000 LP due to Nash and tilt
>I play Ryu
>Finally give in and try to learn frame data
>Shit is annoying to find and convoluted
>Nash is positive on a majority of his moves in a game where a most movesets are unsafe
Every Nash match
>walk him into corner
>brawl for a bit
>he gets v-triggy
>do this again till they fuck up
I feel like I'm running into a wall and the game is not fun anymore guys. How do I make it fun again so I can get my $300 worth.
Shun'Ei seems like he's gonna be very good
Sylvie seems good
Nelson is gonna need a character specialist to show off his mixup game but I think down the line he'll be a very strong pick
KoD is fucking ASS
>Potemkin gets an indirect buff with a number of his problem matches getting nerfed
>which is immediately negated by them adding his worst match up into the game
I can't catch a God damn break
honestly the game doesn't look that bad.
if i was snk i'd look to partner up with riot or valve and make the game f2p on console and pc.
how did everyone do at EVO
>ggxrd = no show
>sfv = 2:2
>marvel = 0:2
side tourneys
>samsho2 4:2
twitch tv/ entropyfails t=01h48m11s
watching this now is I'm being really autistic
>what the fuck was going on with my nose
>I look like a bum
>they didn't put up my full name
shit stream fuck those guys
>user crying extremely hard
this nigga lmao
Guys, if i buy a costume in SFV on PS4, the costume share across accounts or it's linked just to the account i bought it from?
i only entered in sf5 and i got 2-0'd both times.
yeah i have no idea how to play kof ggs though
If you keep making the same waifushit then people get bored and move on. See Queen's Blade, it was huge when it came out but no one gives a shit anymore. The problem is the VD anime was crap.
I was about to change characters if you wanted
i'm actually hbr's cousin and i'm using reverse reverse reverse psychology to make sure that it's working
I agree that Nash makes the game unfun but there is nothing to do about it.
let me axe you a question /fgg/
will GG get crossplay when Rev is out on PC?
>People EVER getting bored of SK
Surely you just. That's like people getting bored of Zelda or Pokémon.
>Shit is annoying to find
are you handicapped
needs more mexihops
If that were true there would be more Luong art. There is literally like 2 decent Luong pictures on gelbooru
I'm on PC too and i can't find it anywhere...
I bet you can't beat me tho
They have a complete game and you want to make it a "f2p" fuckfest? Are you insane? I guess you like buying games piecemeal and paying far more than they're actually worth over time.
gg won't even get non shit netcode.
post cfn and region tho
What's the best looking arcade stick?
What's the best performing arcade stick?
queens blade had consistent decent-top tier characters
then branwen....
v-trigger isn't invincible so you can meaty it
What? PC sign has good netcode
KOF could make bank off of announcers, skins, stages, chat colors, badges, etc.
They could release all the characters for free. The only problemw ith this approach is that you need to invest a lot into servers which could be handled by Riot or Valve.
I'm a SF hater but i'll admit this, SFV netcode is the best shit ever... EVERY other pc fightan i've played i can feel the delay... but with SFV i had no delays until now, only when i played against other country people.
Wish MKX was like this...
t. __________
>pc sign has good netcode
>variable delay in a fucking anime game
I'd take SF5's netcode over that garbage any day.
The one you do it yourself.
Pretty sure that they are going to sell costumes down the line seeing as Klassic Kyo and Nightmare Geese are preorder bonuses.
When will SFV release their 1.0 edition with all DLC included?
>tfw you apemash as ken but the other guy actually knows how to block
t. seth killian
those screws next to the lever and the bottom right screw would make me angry.
They said in the panel I think that they're considering it and seeing if the fans want more
Niceee, how much did that cost you? I was thinking of building a poverty stick with $70 bucks and some shit lying around my house. Is it worth it?
I think this is your link, good job my dude
Maximilian told me that KI has the best netcode. I don't know if it's true.
I would love some dlc characters to give us some more fan favorites. Seriously though, how is Yamazaki not in the latest KoF? AGAIN?
g2a com/mortal-kombat-x-premium-edition-steam-cd-key-global.html
MKXL is coming out for PC right? is this worth it?
Go for the dash and throw and then mash mixup
You deserve every loss you receive for playing as Meth head Ken.
>MKXL is coming out for PC right?
Keep waiting
KI netcode is godlike
Max is fagget though
>MKXL is coming out for PC right?
I'm so sorry..
Yes, 100% worth it.
I paid $15 on the premade box and $20 on aliexpress genertic sanwa kit.
Coming or not its worth it, at least for me.
I like combos and cool mixups, so mkx is pretty gud.
i have trouble vs nash too. you just have to fight them hundreds of times to start noticing patterns and learn when they're going to do their bullshit. it's especially hard with nash cause his frametraps and blockstrings can seem unrelenting.
this nash beats me like 30-0 usually and i am just barely starting to learn what to do more or less vs mash. might win a set in a few months if i don't drop sfv again. the answer is dash and mash more
How does an Octagonal gate change things? Should I give it a try?
Didn't Boon tweet about something big for PC a while back?
KI netcode is actually really good but not very popular on pc. idk about consoles, i still have a 360.
people thought it might but it probably won't
Guys Guise.
Is this the really for-real brick with the crazy Gief or some trip shitter?
circle gate is the best.
you can't even do a hadouken motion on a square gate if you ride the edges.
thank you
I wish I could have played against some tripsfriends and anonybros in some poverty game though. next year maybe.
My stick is squarefag, and I do have trouble doing QC motions sometimes.
It's our resident Melty Blood player
if you think they're vtrigger, don't you just meaty them, and not attempt to punish the airborne ones with a neutral jump j.k.. lol
So is Dizzy God tier? is she the new cancer?
That brick is different
i think that's smart but i can't rely on meaty on an ec connection
It's day 2
doug doesn't play by the rules kiddo
>How do I make it fun again so I can get my $300 worth.
Just play arcsys or french bread fighters instead.
Reminder to play Uniel
It's cheap, fun, and the best fighting game of all time.
No I'm the Ciel playing Melty Blood God
try yatagarasu
>fgg memes me into buying a hori stick because they're all godly apparently
>find out the rap 4 has nearly a frame of input delay
daily reminder to never trust fgg for anything but doujin recommendations
The trick is to NOT ride the gate.