List stocks you feel have a good chance at going up, then show your homework, post links or anything to support your claims
Undervalued stocks and dd
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They're all going to keep going up. You look at them and do your own homework
BBRY and nintendo
Nice try, Shlomo.
GLNG. they have pretty much finished all their floating re gassification projects. LNG exports are ramping up steadily. With japan and alot of the world dismantling their nuclear power projectsc the only option is nat gas plants for efficiency.
Meet is still good for an easy 30% gain. You just have to hold for a few more months
$EKSO The industry is expected to grow 4000% in the next four years.
GFA is going strong I would buy and then sell I am an expert stockman
Buyout incoming.
I also bought MEET today. Wanted it below 6 but got impatient and bought slightly higher. Also, I thought SLCA has topped out, but it still keeps rising. Would buy on market downturn.
Nice dubs putting these on watch list
>Nintendo is looking good wish I could have cought it a few days ago looks like it could keep trending up
>tfw you work at a large tech mutual fund
>tfw looking at what ppl say on here vs hundreds of hours of corporate research and calculation
Is this board retarded or are the suits? When has this place ever been right?
>inb4 ppl ask me to talk I signed an NDA
this board is where people come to name the latest vehicle for their P&D fraud.
My thoughts are we all have stocks we know about and everyone should so homework and dd, but as a whole we could share info and reasoning not just memes. 1 person doing dd can do ok a group working together can do a lot more. Surprisingly some of the meme stocks have proven profitable when cought at the right time.
Does your mutual fund deal with worthless penny stocks?
Because that's usually what this board focuses on.
Never said just post penny stocks. I said if its undervalued list it and explain why. If you are such an expert then help out. If you recognize a problem but do nothing about it, then you are a part of the problem.
I think RNN may bump up from .25 to .35-.40 after the 12th.
*Investor meeting on the 12th
*Phase two of Archexin and Suppenexin looked promising as cancer treatment drugs.
*Stock is at 52 week low.
*Fundamentals are shit but revenue is way up and no outstanding debts.
I think it's safe to put a small amount in, then average down if it falls below .20 before the 12th.
This isn't a moon worthy stock but it's cheap and could be a nice addition to a short term portfolio.
Who /GXY/ here
Galaxy entertainment? Why do you think it's undervalued
>this is one of my picks that seems undervalued, they say the price is right. Seems like it could go up and make profits.
Dis Disney
Handful of movies coming out in the future and Disney Paris. Could be a good long term investment