Ethereum DevCon 11 days away. Where are you going to be when this skyrockets? If you don't have Ethereum, tell us about which method of suicide will you be utilizing 14 days from now.
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unless they have an exclusive announcement for a killer dapp I have a feeling that this conference will be mediocre of add no new additional value.
My personal conspiracy is the ETH price is only propped up until DevCon at which point the massive dump will begin.
Then again, they could announce something actually impressive.
i hope it's good. i spent over a grand to get in
The next big dapp that will overshadow the DAO
To get into ETH or DevCon?
DevCon, you'll basically have insider knowledge and can build a consensus sentiment with other attendees.
That sentiment can very likely determine the ETH price
Price would only go up from devcon if Chinese get into it. There's a good chance they will though, state media is promoting it. This is 20-50% up.
Price will only really go up if pos is successful, and there's business uses of the network.
This has been said for the last 8 months now. I've got $2k in this stupid coin. It better go up. I'm holding out for a $20 billion market cap, then I'll sell. Pablo Escobar did better than any of these cryptos so let's get going.
I have so many ideas for dapps boys. There is so much low hanging fruit here. I want to start making contracts. I quit university to focus on blockchain. Vitalik Buterin is on to something big. There is a new field of math here, only just emerging with assertations and other new bleeding edge spooky cryptography. I'm good at math. I want to pioneer this new field. I want to get my name out there. I want to do something substantial so Vitalik will meet me.
>mfw this failed scam hasn't crashed yet
Aren't they just playing weekend at bernies after the fork
Why do you come and post on these forums when you have no idea how this currency works?
>it has value because I say so
If you niggas were smart you'd buy paypal
>If you niggas were smart you'd buy paypal
Why would the price skyrocket? Is there infa about there being a big reveal of some kind?
t. interested
Bump. Why is this such a slow board?
Any big news will cause a price increase.
eth is a mess
>investors lost millions in the DAO debacle
>investors lost millions in the ETC fork debacle
>zero (0) useful apps, except for gambling, a highly saturated market
But feel free to lift the burden of some of the heavy bagholders that bought in at $20 bucks!
go and read some of satoshi nakamotos essays and stop being such an annoying cunt.
I have like 25 ETH waiting in the shadows somewhere
Call the cops I don't give a fuck
>Aren't they just playing weekend at bernies after the fork
5 star post
And you know the rest.
>I have so many ideas for dapps boys
I bet none of them are trustless
To the moon
won't they upload everything just like last time?
> thinking szabo is the inventor of bitcoin
you do realize he does lectures and has openly endorsed ethereum right?
it's not like he didn't create the precursor to bitcoin called BITGOLD or anything
you do realize this, right?
The Foundation will most likely release (or atleast announce) the Light Client and Swarm (distributed file system).
As with value.. i dont see ether surge in price.
The Foundation itself is focusing on building the base platform and everything they do is still aimed ad building a Solid base system.
There will be no surge. this is not the shitcoin to get in and enact a get-rich-quick scheme.
I mainly see a mostly steady growth over the next few years.
Potential for a faster rise may exist sometimes next year if and when there are more general use applications built on top that drive demand for ether.
Having said that.. i'm an Developer, not an investifag.
yeah well here's the thing about nick... If you go to that website you will see Nick Szabo posts everything online.
So.. if you're a Computer Scientist (in 2007) you have read him before, you've probably even heard of bit gold if you are particularly into cryptography and banking.
I'm not saying Bitcoin was an easy invention, but it's not very hard to imagine someone reading up on bit gold and building the system based on Nick Szabo's logic.
Also, Nick has nothing to gain from remaining secret. He tried launching bit gold already and would probably have won a nobel's prize if he could document inventing bitcoin.
>satoshi invented what will be the platform to deliver the biggest wealth transfer ever
>governments are scared shitless
>precedents of stateless currencies attempts got creators in jail
>nothing to gain
Nothing to gain from being secret about it, everything you listed + more from being honest about it
Also governments being scared of blockchain is at a top level completely untrue. Your middle manager might be because it will cost him a job in 10 years, but government is ecstatic about blockchain, just listen to hilldog
>> Also governments being scared of blockchain is at a top level completely untrue.
Correct.. the mid to long term plan is to phase out paper money entirely, so every transaction can be tracked, analyzed and datamined.
A Public Blockchain is the wet dream of anyone that wants this.. a Public, open ledger, that everyone runs (instead of the fed paying the server bills).
State run Blockchains will most likely not be entirely neutral. It's very likely they will still introduce methods to have the Fed have the ability to revert/block/change Transactions that are deemed illegal.
This is one of the things to look out for in the next years.
>szabo being satoshi
This has to be the dumbest conspiracy theory yet. Szabo is a fame whore. He is literally worse than Craig Wright. If he could claim inventing bitcoin and get away with it he would have done so already.
Eth mooning
They are showing off the Lightning Network.
My brief understanding is that it's a layer on top of Ethereum that allows for up to 1,000,000 transactions per second.
They're showing off 100,000 transactions a second.
This is a big deal, as scalability of blockchain technology has been a big concern.
For comparison, Bitcoin can process 7 transactions per second. SEVEN.
if this is all they have expect a dump
Even if that's the only thing they have expect a pump. Bitcoin is great blah blah but damn is it slow.
Bitcoin being slow has little to do with ETH.
The primary use-case for ETH is smart contracts and dapps, not as a traditional cryptocurrency. The DAO imploded and the ETH price still hasn't fully reflected that. I'm bullish on dapps in general (not just in ETH).
Bagholder detected