Yu-Gi-Oh! General #2245 - Time for revenge against God edition
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(Current Official Rulebook, last updated 6/27/15)
The Official /dng/ ruling test can be found here:
Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: 20th Rival Collection (July 21st)
●OCG: Booster SP: Destiny Soldiers (August 6th)
●OCG: Extra Pack 2016 (September 10th)
●OCG: Structure Deck R: Machine Dragon Re-Volt (September 24th)
●OCG: Raging Tempest (October 8th)
●TCG: Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack (July 22nd)
●TCG: The Dark Illusion (August 5th)
●TCG: Dragons of Legend: Unleashed (August 19th)
●TCG: Structure Decks Yugi Muto and Seto Kaiba (October 21st)
BEFORE asking to be spoonfed, try the following:
● Read the cards.
● Lurk and read the archives.
● Read the cards please.
● Google your Deck before you post it here. If your deck is/was competitive it will probably have topped an event.
● Most games have single rounds or a best of three match; matches are encouraged as they teach you to make use of your side deck for tournament play.
● Remember to playtest and try suggestions before you trash them, even if someone recommends a weird tech choice. You don't know everything.
/dng/ Yu-Gi-Oh! General
Other urls found in this thread:
First for the new meta
First for Yuya is best waifu.
>making a second thread after the first one
Just use the existing one
What to Darklords need to be meta?
>use the pokemon thread instead of the yugioh thread
lol no
>pokemon shit on a yugioh thread
You fags jack off to Bushiroad all the time yet cant handle a series less shitty?
>LESS shit
I am equally disgusted by bushiroad.
Maybe if they posted a better Pokefu like Hex Maniac this wouldn't be a problem
>look up Hex Maniac porn
>its all cowtit shit
>character art looks like this
What in the fuck is WRONG with people?
>not liking cowtit hexmaniac
absolute guttertrash taste, I bet you enjoy playing qli and think tellars have deep, intricate combos too
There's a Hex Maniac in the games that sells Moomoo Milk
I'm sorry, what'd you say?
needs more ojama
I thought the entire appeal to Hex Maniac was that she was basically Tomoko. Tomoko doesn't have cowtits except in her own imagination
Tellars have some pretty extensive combos... that no one uses because deneb set 4 is better.
Add upstart for consistency
Xth for shota Yuya appearing in the manga
Fatchouli syndrome.
Not sure which thread is real so posting in both.
What do Ninjas need to become half-decent? Hanzo is already great and isn't opt.
>Hex Maniac was that she was basically Tomoko
No, the appeal of both is that they are mojo, which is a japanese slang for gloomy/unpopular women.
So this is the autism of /vp/
More Ninjas that are actually worth searching for and Ninjitsu Art that replace themselves.
Here for setdek petdek, Pretty Heroine a cute and Subterrors and Spyrals when?
>pokeporn still up
Gud jabbu
>High Level Flip Effects
How will Tewart make it work?
he won't
Another box opening. This guy got 2 Alt in a box.
With all these traps with Grave effects, you would Ninjas, who are known to be tricky, would get some.
The new Sentry Soldier of Stone could work.
But also this for that sweet non-targeting bouncing
Most likely, but I can still hope either Subterrors or Spyrals will at least come out half decent.
On top of that it would help if any Dragon Ninjas we get in the future weren't so shitty.
Why is he wearing Carly's glasses?
I hope they all have the from hand ss'ing effect. It's nice that they have searching already from the field. I wanna see what levels the others are
If they can abuse Taboos too that'd be nice. Flipping that over and over is nasty.
We can abuse Taboo if they make a level 9 Subterror, but if it turns out they're all level 10 we can abuse rank 10 instead. I'm interested in where they'll go with the remaining Subterror monsters.
Which is the best Synchro deck nowadays? I want to build a strong one that can summon all Stardust forms or a decent Six Samurai one.
Speedroid resonators.
Ice Barriers
I'm actually just glad that someone is acknowledging the fact that from the very beginning when we TRIED to give our types themes way back when, Rocks always had the FLIP effects. I kind hope they combine traditional FLIP: monsters and the "when this card is flipped faceup but its totally not a FLIP monster guys shut up and stop asking about the difference FUCK Noblememe of Crossout" monsters as well so the archetype at least has SOMETHING over things like Shaddolls and Ghostricks even though I'm not even sure how that'd help
>can't solemn strike flip effects
Wait, really?
>giant golems and railcannons dek
I'm ready!
He's wrong and retarded
That's assuming they don't fuck them up and just make them different levels, at least if that happens we can still abuse Tarotrei.
It just happened to me. Dude flipped his pot of taboos and I couldn't do anything
If they are all high level (which is what I'm assuming) there's got to be a catch where at least one of them has a Cyber Dragon SS effect outside of just Stalagmo. Otherwise the archetype is pretty fucked
Kill yourself autist.
Did you have 1500 or more LP?
I'm keeping Tarotrei in mind too. For her especially I wanna see what flip effects they bring
Full life.
I bet it was in the middle of a chain.
All we have to do is wait for the day they print a Subterror version of W.Nebula.
I doubt the cards will summon themselves. I'd expect a themed Onslaught of the Fire Kings though.
How do I into Aroma, /dng/?
Fap to the cards but don't actually play them.
I don't much know what i'm doing here but rosenix + geartown is amazeballs as is Bulb/Jet + Geartown and Catapult
any ideas?
That is literally the best support for a garbage archetype ever.
Play pure synchro gustos instead.
>pure synchro
>Pure synchro
>Totem Bird
>page 10
What the fuck dng?
this place is dead, give up
What the fuck? Stop bumping this thread. We only need one.
no, we need 2
one for shitposting and another for actual discussion
the other thread is pokemon shitt
anyone know the tag for qli on ygodr?
anyone have a good skeleton for six sams this format? I picked one up in part of a larger trade cuz I've never actually touched the deck.
3 Elder, 3 level 2 Six Sam Tuner (Not Shien's tuner) 3 asceticism, 3 Kizan, 2 Grandmaster, Maybe a Zanji or two, one or 2 kageki, depending. 3 Shien's smoke signals. 1 Shogun Shien if you're feeling saucy.
That's pretty much it, really. Fill in with whatever support and otherwise you want. It's pretty much the protect the Shi'en. Fill in with whatever you want or need. I'd suggest ghost ogre or veiler or both. Don't expect the deck to be more than petdeck tier though, they're not as fast as they should be Dojo.
Also, max out on Six Sam United. You can easily plus off of how fast you flood the field with them.
Thanks for the help. I know it's not gonna be anything special, I was just curios to try the deck since I've never really played it.
One thing that could help is that, I believe, Shi'en is once per Shi'en, so multiple Shi'en's mean multiple negates.
Also, Barkion and Beast are best friends with this deck. You can make Beast with elder and Kagemusha and Barkion with Kizan and Kagemusha.
where i can read it?
Yuya is 14, he's already shota.
Revolver Ocelot card when?