/pgg/ - Pokemon Go General

Best team editon

About the game

>official FAQ

>What is it?
Pokemon Go can be described simply as the Geocaching of Pokemon. Grab your smartphone, get some exercise, catch some mons, battle some people - the usual Pokemon gig.

>Is the server down?

>general database

>Is it worth evolving X?
>Some questions answered
Fresh with updates!

>Information on spoofing

>Pokemon moves DPS

>Scanner set up guide

>Scan request Discord channel: discord.gg/GfREGwz

Other urls found in this thread:


first for fuck me i made a dead thread

this game fucking sucks, it never works, and I just walked far as fuck for 2 of my 5k eggs to disappear. seriously fuck this game


bump for comedy

xth for scanning is kill



Look at him. So scared. So alone.

Mulch him

should rename him to Lifeiscruel

SCANNING ISN'T DEAD BOYS, It's just a server issues with PTC, add -a "Google -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD" to your CMD prompt for scanner.

Btw get fucked walk fags :^)

If scanning is dead and Niantic won't acknowledge their broken nearby list, I might just stop playing.

requesting these two images merged.

xth for thanking anons for using best thread

>cityfags have basically infinite pokeballs
>I'm having to consider actually buying the fucking things because no pokestops where I live
Fuck this game.

>Grind 150 Poliwags
>Oh shit my poliwrath got shit IVs!
>Better trash him and grind another 50 more
>Has mud shot/submission

haha no thanks ;)


37.824957, -122.369862

pls scan

>I tossed 200 Pokeballs yesterday and I am coming close to having to dump more

Are all spoofers and scanners fucked?

How do you get shekels from gyms?

Guys I have a WEIRD fucking bug with my GPS detection, on pokemon go and everything else with it

My house is on a pokestop, but now when I get int the apartment, as soon as I take the last 5 steps, my character/gps detection sprints away across the street and away from range

It's like this on google maps and other things with gps tracking

What the fuck could be causing it? It has been completely fine since pogo released and before

Reddit have just confirmed that nincuck have edited their back end code to make scanners impossible to use.

Dead fucking game since these idiots will never fix the 3 paw bug.

I'm getting lvl 13 and ready to use my first Lucky Egg.

>Evolves set
>Go to as much pokespots as possible
>Go to a big park and catch pokeymans

I'm doing this right?

When you see it

no one got banned walkcuck, and scanning isn't dead.

not a single problem except server issues.

Try setting to 'GPS Only', see if that fixes it. Wifi shenanigans is what it sounds like.

Alternately: You're on a seam line between two cell towers and it's fucking things up

>take gym
>go to shop
>click top right that says collect


>Server are down now

... I'll wait when they are up again or I'll lost my damm Lucky Egg.

I hope so

>spoofniggers in denial
>implying there are any server issues

give me good spoof spots

what toaster phone you got?

Servers are down again

>Using cash items with all the server issues that are going on rn
Absolute madman

Explain to me how scanners could possibly be fucked. How do you think that works?

Where? Location?

catching and pokestopping is a waste of lucky egg time.

you basically wanna spend all 30 minutes evolving, which is about 50-60 evolves I think.

45.030011, -93.319311
40.764922, -73.972721


get rekt

Daily reminder that if you only spoof while your phone is charging or it's night time, it's okay.

Whens the daily reset?

I just tried putting my phone out the window near me, like a few inches out

It sprinted back to where it should be

if i wait a few moments inside it goes back to the wrong spot


Apparently, there's some hacker dudes who are downing the server. Maybe they are fixing servers, maybe they are adding new servers, just wait for the updates, Niantic never got such a huge playerbase in their entire launch.

Reset is account based, exactly 21 hours since your claim.

This means you can claim every single day at the same time, and still have 3 hours of wiggle room if you need to scramble and take back a gym.

Can anyone scan this position for me? my scanners down and I've seen a few pokemon on my nearby list but can't track them because >3 steps

53.803024, -1.561696
53.803024, -1.561696

As you were saying?

>related, bluestacks and scan both working

Read the Note, idiot.

Because I waited troll replies I didn't open the egg so I was safe.

First time expecting replies saves someones life i think.

fking servers are down right as i get to a spot with 2 lures!!! ¡! ¡!!!!!!!!!!!

lmao how come people never cover up their passwords? Holy shit.

Bumping this for scanbros, SCANNING ISNT DEAD, just have to use google account, PTC down.

How'd you fix the crashing after catching a Pokemon?

this is why I started spoofing

Reporting you. :^)

>84-93 snorlax
>low cp

How is your scanner working? You using a google acc for it?

My option is called 'device only' and setting it doesn't work

not him but after connecting the servers you can just go into Bluestacks settings and remove your Google account, it'll stop the crashing but you'll have to log in again every time you start up Bluestacks again.

or alternatively you can get Nox which is way better than Bluestacks, but it doesn't work for half the people that try it.

Do you need to specify that it is a google account?

There are no words...

Okay? Go ahead and report the spoof account lol? Good on you walkcuck lol.

yes, scroll up in the thread for a fix.

helpful image for scanbros.

god damn it bob

What the fuck am I even looking at

>your typical walker

>you wanna see my package buddy?

so let me get this straight
leveling in this game consists of catching about 200 pidgey's, using an egg, then evolving them?

iktf bob


Why'd Bob approach him to begin with?

sounds about right, and pissing off the walkcucks, which is by far the best part.

>He thinks 200 pidgey's will be enough

>cops lives matter
no - ALL lives matter

>Servers go down whenever I try to play
>Area is somehow filled with lvl 20+ players with 1500+ cr pokemon.

Feels like I might as well give up trying at this point, I don't see how I'm going to catch up.
At least I didn't spend any money on it.

>Caring about IVs

IVs literally dont matter when you spam tap your screen and can dodge every attack when youre the attacker.

Have fun evolving that "perfect" pokemon with 100 candies only to have its RNG give you Bubble and Wrap.

Just waiting for the injector :^)

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA NIGGA you need to show some more respect to papa bob

Should I power this baby up or save my candies for a proper evolution?

holy shit this simply cant be real

Can someone please tell me where I'm suppose to put this .bat file for my scanner to reset every 10m?

Link: reddit.com/r/pokemongodev/comments/4t8ohw/autoupdating_pokemon_go_map_scanner/d5hm1rd

It just says:
>Put this in a .bat file

Where? Do I have to name it something? Will it automatically be detected?

Nah man, no need to get autistic with it. Level that bad boy up.



200000 pidgeys

RIP in piss.

I have a feeling if I start caring about IVs this game will become boring quickly. I'm not willing to min-max this game to the point where I care about invisible stats. If my pokemon can reck (non spoofers) in my area then I'm satisifed.


>being a moron

open a notepad, paste it in, save as .bat

Yep, here's an example of what a google account command looks like:

>python example.py -a Google -u username -p password -l "51.48947519999999, 0.06758830000001126" -st 10

Keep in mind servers are iffy so it can take a while to scan.

It is shit. Only somewhere around 44-55 perfect IVs.

What is this?

Lol thats the first thing I did, does not seem to work. Oh well.

IVs are simply a way for you to know what you should eventually invest stardust into. That's all.

You shouldn't even be using stardust before level 30 anyway.

44-55 perfect what?

where can I see this "IV' shit? I don't see it anywhere. I'm fucking confused.

I'm going to kill myself

1670 Honoapiilani Hwy, Wailuku, HI 96793

Lickitung Nest