League of legends /lolg/
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So I assume people are talking about Illaoi so much because she just got off free week I guess?
Also new skin when? I don't like the void one.
She's just strong in general
i only got it because it makes her not a nigger
This, it's her only skin and it looks ugly. I want her to have a Pool Party skin too.
Right but she's been strong ever since she was buffed but people have only started talking about her in the last few days.
>tfw dunkmistress Illaoi and Ao Shin Aurelion Sol are inevitable
ps: i love you
I want to know who thought it was a good idea to change how you see TP channel in fog, really fuckin me over
People have been talking about her since the start of the summer split
nigger faggot
t-thanks '='
What do you hate the most when you play against your main?
>be gnar vs yasuo
>super oppressive in lane, have to farm with q and stay under tower
>all he does is autistically push the wave
>jungler gives me a few ganks
>he's 0/3 at this point and can't lane against me
>still autistically pushes the wave, so can't roam without losing my turret
>he literally does not leave the lane, while I'm trying to help out my team
>lose because it's a normal game with Veeky Forums
>he ends 1/9/8 but has a giant cs lead up on me
>He's unranked partying with silvers while I'm in boosted diamond
transnigger faggot
>check shitter mid's profile to see if he even plays yasuo
>zed main
>I banned zed
woops fuckin ass
mexinigger cunt faggot
impossible to care for waste
>ban a champ
>"wtf why you ban that champ??"
>uhh why didnt you hover him then?
>"i didnt think youd ban him"
i think mundo needs another skin :)
>muh Cass skins
>it's been literally ten thousand years since the last Annie skin came out
wait your turn
That team is 4/5 cancer, senpai. Holy shit.
She's ugly as fuck brother
>literally fucktons of skins
>what is Hextech Annie
fucking retard
idk maybe they should just delete her ya know
Riot insider here, there will be a new cass skin on the next PBE cycle, possibly the one after that if we don't have it ready to ship by then.
pedos are not welcome here
don't fucking make threads if you're not going to at least link eyoson
That Zyra ADC guy start it yet?
then why haven't you people turned imthem over to the fbi???
>cass is finally in a strong state
>bitches about not having a good/new skin for her
fuck i forgot sorry
>takes 5 years to get
that's literally longer than Cass has gone without skins.
I love how the mage update pretty much just increased the damage of all champions involved and made itemization cheaper
>anons are still somehow optimistic the assassin update will delete Rengar from the game
>after the mage update
pool party, and hes shit now
rip u angry purple dick
kill yourself you zika infected banana huffing shitskin
are you guys ready for season 3 all over again?
>riot spends all that time tentatively changing rengar on PBE for his first rework
>2 years later he is being reworked again
assassins everywhere
kayle strongest she's ever been.
i'm ok with this
>mfw Kass doesn't even come out of the update in a positive state
I play Cass
I like the mage update.
what keystone do I run on el cancer bug of 40% damage reduction
also do I evolve W or R third?
I like how everyone forgot about the beaner mundo skin already i own every mundo skin but its one i will never purchase
It's like Riot doesn't know how to balance stuff or something.
Also what is Ryze.
this is how you play support correctly, right?
A champion who will get two more reworks before Yorick gets his
>assassin that depends on maximizing burst to get kills for resets
>one of the keystones gives more burst
>"I wonder if that's the one I should take..."
Please stop
>15 deaths
That's not how you play anything correctly. Ask that nasus for lessons he seems pretty good
>not going sotrmraiders on all assassins
if watsu ok'd it then there is nothing wrong with it being put in with the op
Why Don't I see Tryndamere in games? He's easy to play and fun, and shits on most current toplaners.
Piss off.
haha EPIC!
Why does League not feel like League anymore? I'd say around 2012 the game started to change. I miss simple kits, I miss shitty spash arts, I miss 520 skins and I miss old SR. Maybe it's just nostalgia talking but do you guys know what I mean? The game is objectively better in every single facet but there's little charm or soul to be found in season 6. Anyone else?
i tried to fight but my team didn't follow gg
Having an exam about plants in 12 hours, wish me luck /lolg/, i'm going to sleep
>stormraiders shaco
>more deaths than kill participation
just because you aren't worth much gold doesn't mean that suicide is OK.
What happened to Hotshot?
>Has a dynamic preference
I think you might want to call it a day, since I've seen you post 3 losses in a row now.
Go to the in client vg chat and play some games if you really want to keep playing league, but sometimes you should just stop.
he doesnt post here anymore I guess he got too embarassed as everyone knows he fucked giraffes
going for the next one right now WOO
hopefully i'll have more ashe players on my team today
I know what you mean desu senpai
It's because league's funny/quirky/colorful side has been replaced by copycat grimdark dota skins, and it takes itself far too seriously now
>no holiday map skins
>no journal of justice
>no cinematics etc
Season 3 was League's peak.
>you will never 5 man fiora ult and get raged at when you half health the entire team
I duo'd with my friend literally 2 times and I got that emblem. I really think Riot is making it so easy to get the emblem so they can say "See! Everyone likes dynamic queue!".
>can't post this gif here
Fuck you too Hiro.
I wanna dress shyvana in girly outfits and teach her how to cook!
>copycat grimdark dota skins
>not dawngate
League killed Dawngate then stole it's aesthetic, wearing it like a second skin.
>all the rando rings and gold trim on shit
tfw Rush hated us
>it takes itself far too seriously now
This. I miss the old goofy pirate and zombie. Now Sion has been replaced by a hulking grimdark monster war-machine and Gangplank has been warped into an edgelord who literally disemboweled people in his lore.
>implying WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR posting isn't GOAT
>tfw Shyvana probably eats shittons of food because she is a dagron but she is still thin and pretty
Gangplank I agree with but how the fuck can you hate COOOWAAAARDS
why don't more people play Tryndamere top
this will be -THE GAME- i'm really feeling it
just look at those picks and names, absolutely marvelous
its to exposed the boosted grill gamers
gg no tank
because my jungler and support always goes squishy
>tfw rylai's will never be reworked to be a non-perma slow
>CS Riven
ALL on the top. Get your asshole ready boy
Because he's easily countered cheese?
>Consider the following: Hecarim e now functions similar to volibear q where the movespeed is reduced when not moving towards enemies.
if you win you gotta say in all chat
more like quacktheKEKlord
All on top.
Tank Girl skin for Jinx when?
Pool Party Jinx when?
Jinx skins when?
I'm changing name.
Give me suggestions to change to.
No lewd things please.
people ban him when he's decent because he can initiate from anywhere
that might make him have a bad winrate but people will still hate playing against him
>teased during pool party
>still no pool party skin
Yorick should get a new skin desu
That was the shit I loved. When league got into a festive spirit. Those halloween and christmas maps were comfy as fuck, man.
Riot pls.
Jinx already practically is wearing a swimsuit, considering her tiny top and skimpy shorts. What more do you want?
Xth for Katarina
best lady
Not whatever the fuck slayer and mafia is
I play Cass
I want a new skin after 3.5 years
Yeah, but it slows his flanking and roam power until the point where he initiates. It's a charge after all, you don't charge away from your enemies