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I love dick.

fuck off


and we return you to your regular scheduled shitposting

BM spec of the century



me f a m

Daily reminder that the absolute worst people who play this game, started in WOTLK

>Guildies treat me differently the minute they find out I'm a girl

Help ...

Why is the word class fantasy so retarded?

Anyone else that can't kill the constrictor tentacle on yogg saron?

reminder wotlk was objectively the best expansion though, just look at the numbers

b-but i started in wotlk :^(

Should I level a female gnome priest or a female draenei shaman?

>guild wants me back for Legion
>i dont think I can do another season of hardcore raiding


Literally everyone, who has more than 1 character or did a loremaster at least once?

My hair clips through my goggles now.


So are we gonna have to wait all the way till Legion launches before the shitposting stops? Or at least, we got some NEW shitposting?

>Guildies treat me differently the minute they find out I'm a gorilla

Help ...

just checked my item restore screen on the missing shirts have been sold and learned, but not added to the appearance tab

PSA: check your shirt xmogs, chances are their gone from your appearances tab after u log out.

what the fuck I was playing an hour ago

>mfw I see a wrathlet talking about vanilla and nostalrius

Horde > alliance

Daily reminder that Tauren females are LITERAL LIVING GODDESSES and that females of ALL OTHER RACES are subhuman trash

>Guildies treat me differently the minute they find out I'm a nigger


What's prot warrior like now, and how is it different than WoD?

Why'd they ruin all fury warriors by forcing them to titans grip

it sucks dick, don't listen to him

>you will never cruise STV again
>you will never experience the vanilla community again


>Guildies treat me differently the minute they find out I'm playing naked


tfw wrench is horde and big boys are playing on the shittiest server possible.

Just kill me now.

Draenei shaman or mage?

Bagnon's still not fucking working with 7.0, so what's a good alternative inventory addon to pick up in the meantime?

Kill yourself shitskin.

Same playstyle since cataclysm, spam 123.

I've never played pvp before, whats the best pvp server to play in?

>read official forums
>they are below 10k achievement points





Mage, shaman is complete shit this expansion, holy hell shaman is bad currently.

Tichondrius is down bros

They used to laugh at me
Called me names

Kronos 2 is up and running senpai, just go play.

Expect it to happen more and more as we approach launch.

>you have to play the game for more than XXX ammount of hours before your opinion matters


>mfw someone says that WOTLK had a good community

I want to fucking strangle these people to fucking death

WOTLK had the ABSOLUTE WORST playerbase this game has ever seen, holy shit

If you want to DPS pick mage, but if you want to heal, go with a shaman.

I skipped cata, how does it compare to wrath? I liked prot then.

Wew lad

>wrathbaby detected

last thread i asked for advice on finding a tank to healslut for and nobody answered

o-ok ._.

The absolute worst people started in WoD. You'd have to be retarded to pick up the game during Draenor.

t. vanillashitter

>only two breasts
even blizz put in more


>Still forcing this garbage meme.
Have a (you).

my old server's community peaked in every way in cata

Who /Arms/ here?

We fucking did it bros.

You're CUTE Looking for a Tauren bf?

Fuck off degenerate

>have to mangle the source to get something fags might consider attractive
Never change, fan art


Made me giggle a bit.

literally everyone who has access to dalaran

>started late MoP because I used to play on private servers
>already have 9875 cheevos without even trying and skipping half of WoD

Like damn how do people have less than 10k?

masters have given me a (you)!

thank you!

not helpful though

No, the correlation is that low achievement points equals shit opinions. But yes, if you are a mongoloid who hasn't played the game enough to even reach 10k achievement points, you should stfu and let the elders speak

If you have less than 10k achievement points in fucking 2016 then you shouldn't be even be able to post on the forums since you barely even played the game at all

Is priest the only class where all 3 specs came out good?

>have to get a character to level 70 to reroll as a demon hunter on another realm
Wtf is the point of this if I wanted to I could just boost another character on that realm

>shitter with no mythic experience giving opinions on raiding
>shitter with no arena experience giving opinions on pvp

every fucking time

>Both healing specs are trash
........ lol


Feels so good watching feral suffer after wod :DDD

Sure can't wait to watch every shadow priest blow chunks and give ret paladins totally undeserved damage buffs. Praise StM.

There are sexual roleplaying websites and RP realms & ERP guilds for this

I don't get why people bother RPing in WoW, it's pretty trash and gets boring instantly

probably, i also heard pally's seem to have gotten out better then they started mostly.

Doing 3s vs rogue shaman warrior
warrior gets killed
he fucking gets up and kills us. Do warriors have a way to revive themselves? What the fuck?

>could just boost another character

you gave your own answer, time to give blizz some more money.

DH has the best 3rd spec where you don't play at all

post cute shoulderless mogs


uh they're cows


@ Silvermoon (Alliance)

What class are you playing?

Artifact Weapon revives you for 8 seconds. If the target who killed you dies, you stay alive.

Holy is great

We're on the pre patch. There's no artifacts.

will we have dalaran as a city to slack while watching other people gear?

i can't tell if this is bait

it has literally 3 damaging moves, one of which you just have to spam in succession

Kill yourself muslim shitskin trash.

we borderlands now

>Starting more thread wars
good job

>tfw no more unstoppable fun on the Ashran
>tfw no more Loot-A-Rang
>tfw no more Honor/Conquest farm
>tfw no more facebook games
>tfw no more glyphs
>tfw no more priorities/complex rotation
>tfw no more World of Warcraft

Hows the patch faggots

>tfw finally look as perfectly round as possible :3

Why is the orc lore so SHIT

>Using a pre-WoD title.