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>nth for 3998 mmr

I've always wanted to be Tresdin's squire. I always enjoy fantasizing about entering the fountain with her after a long battle and slowly removing her armor, starting at the helmet and making my way down to her boots. The embarrassment I feel doing this in front of other female heroes only adds to the allure of the situation. She sits down on a stool and commands me to kneel down and remove her boots one at a time. "Is that a boner?" Rylai says. Akasha licks her lips, Rylai giggles, and Shendelzare glares at me. I try to cover it up out of embarrassment, but Tresdin kicks my hands away. "You haven't finished yet." I don't understand because I had already removed her armor, but after she gives me a look I realize that she wants me to remove her shoes as well. I take off her shoes and reveal her gorgeous feet, surprisingly soft despite her being a strong warrior, and extremely sweaty. "Lick the sweat off my feet, squire," she commands me. I hesitate for a moment and look over to the other girls. They all start giggling at me and whispering. Then I feel Tresdin's foot forced into my mouth with the other one covering my nose. The smell and taste of her sweaty feet causes my raging boner to grow even more. "Alright, squire, stand up and remove your clothes." Although embarrassed, I take all my clothes off. Suddenly I feel my position swapped with that of Shendelzare. Now I'm lying beneath Akasha and Rylai, who had both taken their boots off, and were pressing their feet against my member. "No," Tresdin said, "He's mine." She runs over and gets on top of me. It's only now that I realize that she's holding Aghanim's Scepter, and I understand that nobody will be able to interfere with us. Her technique gets more and more intense until I am unable to hold back. I cum inside her pussy with the force of a hundred megacreeps. She gets off of me, and as I lay there quivering in pleasure she gets dressed and begins to chuckle. "Only 9 inches? Pathetic."

source pls

what did he mean by this


1st for America

>you will never go down on Suma1l

Immortal 3's when?

nth for Traxex is the best waifu

paki subhuman detected

i bet going through puberty is making him so thick down there :3

>when you're winning but you lose because one player just goes full tilt and AFKs

i'll never understand it honestly like holy fuck

1 week before group stage

i'd love to let him lose his virginity to me.

CC&C more like CC&SHIT amirite? :DDDDDD

This attacker game
>Void builds shit items like siffusal manta linkens
>starts building damage
>starts killing people in chrono

Is it worth it to play ranked at 3k if I don't play carry?

who started the support void meme?

>when you had a great game but only realize in the end because of how stressful it was
is there a better feelerino dondorino (XD ;) )

Sadly, Beesas is is going to win this because infamous new carry is shit at pushing towers

Some massive fucking faggot

Moderators ban this disgusting pedophile already

Of course not
t. support player thats still at 3k after 4 years
kill me

my cpu is at 80c should i even risk playing dota

you mean MSS?

Absolutely not.

On my way up to 4k I played against so many good supports, who made big plays for their team but their carries were so retarded they lost anyway.

Please tell me that he got the boot from the his own team

They got rid of Beesa and Rime, MSS is "standin" for FDL now
They will make it official soon

>iceiceice hacked too
this guy

his cock is probably so cute

>Rime will never kill himself


>tfw actually had the exact same amount of games played on each side

>tfw forced50 ;____;
people who believe in forced50 are mentally retarded

You don't even know what forced 50 is you baka -_-;;

this is b8

why are bounty hunters in 3k so garbage /d2g/?

>bf deso eblade meme
dunno you tell me

Is the jewpendium worth?

Unless you are willing to play dota 10 hours a day or spend a couple hundred bucks no

Its over in less than a month

you can just buy the immortals and shit from the compendium for like a buck or less in a couple of months anyways user

So Reddit got hacked ?


did le pupper squad get em or something?

Yeah page has the Jihadi John and #voom hashtag.

Bet the account that was hacked is the EG manager kid.

> Play Homoback
> Get an octarine
> Get hit by Arcane Curse
> Literally lasts until I die and never goes away
ahahahaha this is so random lmao i love iceforg balance ahahaha xpxp

>He hacked reddit
i'm fucking dying

>not facing silencer so it doesnt pop
you suck

1st for ACTUAL best waifu, other waifu fags need not post TY in advance

wtf iceiceice has the #voom and jihadist thing on his twitter

It is LITERALLY impossible to leave 2k bracket once you're there, regardless of your individual growth as a player

>all of these twitter profiles


this is b8

Stop playing support, idiot^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

1437 got hacked also

What is your typical build up on her?
Phase>Aquila into ?
I am a newshitter so it will help alot if you can elaborate further

>on an int hero

are you serious nigga

aquila lol

Got a source for me fampai?

>he doesn't know about the hot new aquila invoker meme

2k shitter here, been learning to play wd on my new account and i've been rekting literally everyone (in a 2k all pick calibration) is it viable to get to 3k by maining witch doctor, cause so far he's probably my best winrate %, also anyone got tips?

I usually get cour/ward tango, rush arcane boots, roam at 6 and rush a blink, then wards/ags and luxury after that.

The reason I get blink over sb or bkb is because blinking into trees/cliff then ulting is more effective tha something that can be countered with a dust imo. Is there anything i'm doing wrong?

I thought she would benefit from the mana regen and armor provided. Stats are greatly appreciated too

Get medallion instead

play timber if you're a 2k shitter. Literally a free win hero that can't die unless you dive tier 4s 2 minutes in.

>Muh 32 armor
>muh 32 health regen
bullshit BULLSHIT

>null talisman
>brown boots

>hot new

I dont know if this is legit since people awhile ago compared aquila to medallion as to GoodAquila, BadMedallion


What do you think did they mean by this?

Only if you pick INITIATORS

So raindrops instead of the casual mana regeneration? got it

Do you also go for phase and bottle in there too?

Violently Orgasming Over Mindbreak

rather patrician hackers if I'm being honest

they're just a bunch of edgy muslims looking for attention

they openly stated their own personal twitter accounts too so maybe they'll get a slap on the wrist by their moms idk

I don't think it's a good idea, WR is going to be shit until she gets either maelstrom or aghs and a mediocre item like medallion will just delay her and then she still needs a mobility item and maybe bkb

She's not like Clinkz who has an absurd physical attack orb, she does no damage outside of powershot until she gets maelstrom or aghs

WR is actually shit right now there's way better heroes to be playing

>hacker is from bengladesh

>>She's not like Clinkz who has an absurd physical attack orb, she does no damage outside of powershot until
One thing ive noticed is her really good attack animation.
Especially if you compare it to clinkz.

I really want to play her, i dont think the changes nerfed her much

>WR is actually shit right now there's way better heroes to be playing
like who drow and sniper? top kek

? ? ?

>>like who drow
>>top kek
>she doesn't know

liquid withdrew from the tournament

fuck off voom

play her like dendi
early initiator with max shackle, blink maelstrom, then transition in a carry
if you go full greed aghs first and shit you're gonna lose


jesus christ user are you blinded by your waifu or something


>no god emperor hero

Her attack animation and range is decent and her base damage is okay but it's no searing arrows

Even when she was 'cancer' I don't think she was overpowered and the nerfs were unwarranted. She requires a lot of farm to truly come online and she's not even that great at farming. Lategame she's a complete glass cannon with shit survivability/escape mechanisms...reminder she's a fucking int hero cosplaying as agi so low armor and hp.

>top kek


>climb 400 mmr
>lose 200

this is normal right, like this happens to everybody and shouldnt discourage me from playing, right?

if your in a party i guess

hey look on the bright side user

you still gained 200 mmr

Those werent even significant nerfs

>this is normal right

No, it's more like
>climb 400 mmr
>lose 390 mmr

Stop fucking whining you teamstacking fotmspamming baby

i don't queue in a party and i fucking pick troll warlord

i'm not a fotm spammer just an autist who enjoys troll

im afraid of falling back down to 3k

i'm 4100 right now and its giving me anxiety

Shackles are significantly harder to land now, she has nearly zero kill potential if she whiffs shackle, it's a big deal.



kill yourself

>no mighty skeleton hero

>All those years of playing Morph when he was shit tier have paid off


>TI2 rolls around
>its time to shine.avi
>post TI2 nerfed to the ground

sounds like you just want the Ring of Basi, and you're just blowing more gold on the Wraith Band when you really really need your core items.

>Pick Timber
>Get carried to victory