/evog/ - Evolve General

Mines Hitting Just Right edition
evolve.wikia.com/wiki/Evolve_Wiki (Mostly outdated)

>What is Evolve?
Evolve uses an asymmetrical structure where five players, four playing as hunters and one as the monster, battle against each other in an industrialized alien planet called Shear.
Stage 2 is the transition to Free To Play + a lot of gameplay changes.

>What's new?

>I heard the game was dead?
It was (at least on PC). 100-200 players and little to no updates from the developers. If F2P can bring it back is unknown, but as of right now 18k people are playing it.

>Should I "get" it?
It's free. 18GB. Download and test it out.

>F2P Model?
Every week, four hunters (one of each class) and one monster will be in the free rotation. There are currently 24 Hunters and 7 Monsters in total, though some are variations of others. By playing the character tutorials, you unlock one hunter (Markov) and one monster (The Goliath) to keep forever.

Additional monsters, hunters, perks, and skins are unlocked by earning silver keys. Silver keys are earned by playing the game, leveling up, or getting login bonuses. Currently you can't actually buy silver keys, presumably so they can test the unlock rate, but that's coming later.

There is also a monthly login bonus punch card. You get one punch for each day you log in. Beyond silver keys, this can directly award new Hunters and Skins.

>What if I don't want to grind for characters and perks?
You can buy the game and it to gives your account full founder benefits, which gives you 30k keys and most characters.

None as of yet.

>Steam group:

>Perk info(Including how to unlock them)

>Patch info:

Previous thread :

People who want to fuck a Wraith are as bad as furries and cloppers.

when the OP image is just right


wraithfags are really obnoxious. it's satisfying to destroy shitwraiths as trapper.

Off to a good start.

>tfw all 3

Is there a way to speed up hunter/monster levels?

Join a 5 man premade where you guys just let one side kill the other as fast as possible for several games in a row.

Explain to me why Griffin or Jack are good picks vs E.Kraken, Kraken, or Gorgon.

Griffin vs. E Kraken - He's going to be in the air the entire fight, he doesn't need mobility to deal 90% of his damage. He breaks your hook by using chain lightning, the only ability you would need to stop anyway.
Same problem with Jack. Repulse his chain lightning, great.

Kraken is the same argument more or less.

Gorgons now only go acid spray and web spit, whatever theyre called. Harpooning a Gorgon chasing a teammate down can be helpful, but again it deals 90% of its damage through ranged abilities.
Same argument for Jack more or less

Needs to be a 4 man premade with 1 random custom games has a set number of XP you can earn

What's the maximum amount of people you can have in Hunt?

I thought it was 5.

It is 5 but it places you into a custom game then

Because people are bad at aiming. And when you harpoon or use jacks repulse, you slow down the monster to a crawl and he is much easier to hit.

Be nice and cozy out of the Kraken's aoe and range and keep tugging his fat ass away from the medic or support while the Assault inserts himself into its ass.

Same kinda thing with Gorgon.
Can't talk about Jack though.

jack is used against krakens because it hard disrupts their lightning strikes since the velocity of lightning strike is directly related to how fast the kraken is moving at the time of cast. So a slow or not moving krakens lightning strike is piss easy to dodge, whereas a fast moving krakens is near impossible.

Jack also shuts down aftershock for obvious reasons.
Jack can also use the repulsor to force the kraken down to the ground and force it to burn traversals just to deplete repulsor or be stuck immobile on the ground for 8seconds.

I feel like I'm not using Griffon's Harpoon properly. Am I supposed to stop moving when i hook him? The monster always seems to retain full movement even if I'v had him hooked for up to 8-10 seconds, yet whenever I get hooked as the monster I immediately feel crippled.

Pooning a flying monster makes them fall faster

Stay on the ground.
Be to a side or behind him.
Step opposite of how they're going.

With all this talk of Harpoons, I would like to admit I have no idea if it is a weapon, or some sort of deployable. I could swear I had the option to drop harpoon launchers last night when I played, but I was also half awake.

Maggie lays harpoon traps, Griffin has a harpoon gun.

Maggie can drop harpoons traps

Griffon can shoot harpoons

>get to level 20
>win another game
>get to rank 25

??????????? what

you can drag the monster actually, if he's standing still and you harpoon him and walk backwards you'll actually drag him across the ground.
It used to be really fucking obscene then they toned it way down since you could actually drag back a leap smashing or traversing goliath.

They increased account level cap to 50 while keeping the same exp to reach the cap.

please tell me i still got all the rewards (keys,badges,perks etc..) i would have normally got

>bonus keys for dealing 800,000 damage to the monster

Yep. When I jumped from 30 to 50 I got something like 3.5k keys

Post elite skins.

This game will be dead again in 2-3 weeks.


here's your (you) bb

I know you're probably just memeing/baiting but honestly I can see it happening.

They released the f2p version as a open beta but they removed a lot of content while they are reworking it. I'm sure TRS is working as fast as it can to bring that content back while adding new things but it's going to take a while.
Then there's the problem with the new UI not explaining a lot of things and the lack of information for the players.
And another important flaw is that stupid quick play matchmaking/role selector that was made by a third party Rajesh that is simply garbage.
And in the end the game itself is really hard to balance and TRS is trying to find a way to balance scrub pubs and organized matches with one rule set and it's going to take a lot because it's an almost impossible task: how can you make sure that a coordinated team of hunters doesn't shit on monsters 90% of the times while not making the monster shit on low levels 90% of the time?


should i try this game if i like dead by daylight

Yes, definitely.
Give it a try


Looks pretty cool.

>h-hwy, crow
>crow, aren't you scared of me
>huh crow
>scared that half of me is-

>half of you is what?

>n.. nevermind

Crow a best

>Maggie suddenly looks 20 times better

The Trappers have the best elite skins


Holy shit R. Val's is awful.

Ill be posting hydes soon

I got his weapons though


>how can you make sure that a coordinated team of hunters doesn't shit on monsters 90% of the times while not making the monster shit on low levels 90% of the time?

This is what will kill the game, TRS has already proven they can't balance worth shit and the fact they can't figure out how to literally just make premades a competitive/custom only thing is what will bring this game down.



>R. val's elite is ass
>normal Val elite is sweet

So how does Crow's bird work? Do you want to shoot it horizontally or vertically towards where you think the monster is going? I like him, just not great at predicting.


Hot damn Abe is one handsome motherfucker.

They actually made the elite skins good this time

I wonder what Jack's like.

Wraithfags think they are above it too which is hilarious to me.
Patricio evolve waifu fags list after caira.

>twice now my pref has become monster when I have monster at the bottom of the list


Fucking nice

Does anyone understand half the shit that comes out of hydes mouth

I wish there was a r. val skin without shitty neonlights


t. british

same here. I wish they'd make it so people with x as their top pref dont get matched up with other people with x pref. I have assault as mine so I normally get matched with 3 people who also have assault as their top pref.


oi m8 i oughta do a claret run on ur gregory

>slim and crow living alone in a cabin on some remote planet for the rest of their days


>check out solo
>can't earn xp before one bar worth of xp

>Spy,assassin,covert operative
>Are you gonna keep doing that
>Were you looking at my butt?
>WHAT no I wasnt....
>this is gonna a l ong day

>Jack crouches before he drops

Cut off is 5 matches

What was that hyde's ign?

>my butt?
Val butt.

>decide to play some monster rounds
>r.val, hank, blitz on enemy team
hank and blitz markov aren't even the worst part. i just fucking can't stand val. get her out of here. i never want to see this generic man-faced bitch and her knock-off zero suit samus self again. i want her to fucking die.

I'm pretty sure each also gives less xp than normal.

>Boards each hunter would use
Veeky Forums

Parnell would go on /co/, too. Abe would use /tv/.

You can go under the map on weather forecast as wraith.
I did it accidently yesterday, you do it somewhere near the relay where there's tall rock cliffs and just find a corner, aim down and keep trying (at the bottom of the cliff)
I'll try recreating it again and give a more detailed report later.

>using imageboards


What Hunter should I buy. 5500 keys. No Hunters right now.


Guys i have a question
I want to buy founders edition key, because farming is too annoying
Will all monsters and hunters be opened?
And what about perks, will they be opened too?

Ok fuck me I meant trapper.
Which TRAPPER should I buy?


Abe, Griffin, Crow

These are your only options.

Abe/Crow/Griffin are currently the top picks followed by Maggie then Jack. Jack is a good pick if you don't mind running full capacity perks and don't get matched against a gorgon.

Wasteland maggie is ass in every single department.

first 4 rows, no behemoth if you don't get the monster pack key combo for a few bucks more. no gorgon. you also get any updated characters that you get from the key when they release(electro griff).

Are hunter alterations ways of saying were to lazy to hire new voice actors?

Same - both times I fucking stomped as goliath both medics were slim

Anyone know where i can find info on the differences between Goliath and Moliath?

This game is so fucking infuriating as monster sometimes. Fuck markov and his faggot fucking russian voice, fuck daisy, fuck Vala nd her tranq darts, fuck griffins harpoon, fuck those fucking animals that just slightly run out of your range waste your fucking time, fuck not being able to eat a corpse for no fucking reason other than the terrain isnt a flat open field.

The wiki but it's probably outdated.


>fuck those fucking animals that just slightly run out of your range waste your fucking time
this pisses me off so much but it's usually my own fault when i miss it

its because of that I usually jsut use one of ym skills to kill them because its just so much faster and less annoying

There really should be an option for toggle eating.

fuck that pack of dogs that you can't eat for absolutely no reason.

>fuck that pack of dogs that you can't eat for absolutely no reason.
you can eat other predators! why not them!?

Kraken or elder kraken?
Who is better?

They're edible in the update tomorrow.

they're being changed to 3 in a pack and they can be eaten in the coming patch.

Kraken, duh

So when are they going to be happy with the playerbase and slow the game back down again