/padg/ - Puzzle & Dragons General

Big Ol' Biddies Monster Edition

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7/4 - 7/17 - Dark & Ocean Metallic Star Dragons Arrive!

>Hel's Kitchen Event

[Duration]: 7/8 (Fri) - 7/17 (Sun)

Go to puzzledragonx.com for full dungeon listings.

7/8 - 7/17: 1 free Magic Stone delivered daily (10 total)

Sweet Decadence

7/8 - 7/17: Experience of a Lifetime

7/11 - 7/14 Gift from the Holy Beasts

Out of the Kitchen

7/16 - 7/17: Black Bowl Dragon-Wd/Lt/Dk Only

7/8 - 7/17 - Noah Descended!-5x4 Board

7/11 - 7/17: Descended Challenge

10x +Eggs in Descended Dungeons

TAMADRA Invades in Castle of Satan

Legendary Dungeon Bonus
Select Technical Dungeons Latent Tamadra invades and 20x +egg rates

Fusion Bonuses
3x chance for Skill Ups during the event!

Normal Dungeons +Egg and EXP Bonus
Normal Dungeons will also receive a special 2x EXP bonus at various timings.

Limited Time Dungeons Egg Drop Bonus
1.5x chance for Egg Drops in the following Limited Time Dungeons: Rare Monster Infestation!, Descended Carnival (Legend) and Evo Monster Infestation!

Previous ded:


its ded f.a.m


That was weird, someone posted 4 minutes before the thread died and we still got pushed off page 10.

OP must have been b& then





Just give up desu ne


A banned op would have resulted in the thread deleted, not archived


Time to merge?


Looks like it, unfortunately.


Can I get team rec's from anyone?

I can clear most every dungeon but Ryune team isn't doing it for me and not enough L. Esch friends.

Can't see any worth while big jim little jim subs

maybe some autist in another general made 10 threads

Yep, look at the catalog
CSGO is behind this

Shouldn't they be out playing pokemon?

you can use Ayomi to fill the dark and green spot for BJLJ.

Counter strike, not pokemon


Nice Hathors, Hathor-poster

Dead game general

Let's move to /mbgg/

We didn't die from natural causes though, we were murdered.

np, i only save the cream of the crop.

Murdered by that damn pokenon game

Christmas rem is an absolute bait right?

You actually have lots of subs for ADQXQ like Apollo, Thor, Wukong, Bride Escha, LAkechi, Bride Iza, Pollux, LMeta. Although there's no one to fill the Dark slot you don't really need it since most of the time your Dark orbs will be changed to something else.



Pretty much. Kirin is irrelevant. Genie is pretty good but crazy niche and no one uses her. RSonia is pretty pointless unless you have some very specific need for that active.

>15/50 Miru, all farmed today
>when I own multiple Kaedes
Why did I even bother with this useless bitch.


does rare monster or evo mat carnival have higher chances of jewels?


someone is deleting my hathor posts in a big boobs edition.

otucucks trying to kill /padg/ send help

What the fuck is that about? None were nude and they're on topic.

i know. i was just bumping the thread with content.

im in fear of reposting my hathor images in fear of being deleted

or banned. banned for posting technically safe for work AND not porn images is a bad time also.

can bluestacks yet?


threads are moving fast today. what is causing it?

is christmas REM worth it for holiday sakuya since the new buffs? also is anything hinted at for summer REM buffs


is this thread auto saging?! its already on page 9.

/mbgg/ here we come

>tfw you're max skilling Hel for no reason whatsoever other than it's currently 5x

she is fun to play. the whole risk/reward thing makes her fun. having two hakus for her would be great.

10 Santa Heras partying in my box now.





We actually died. That's fucking sad.


Didn't think I could beat it

Is she worth investing in?


You've gotta be fucking kidding me

>tfw finally acquiring Zhou Yu with my scrub non-IAP team and a metric ton of good RNG
Now to level the fucker so I can Awaken my Sakuya.

>dacho farmed 30 Hephdras and I can't have any of them

merge with /pgg/ when?

Just use padguide like Normal people do.

Just wait, it'll turn into pgguide


You do realize that they already have seperate apps for Clash Royale Guide and Monster Strike Guide, and those didn't affect the status of padguide at all, right?
Why are you people obsessed with the reskinned Ingress even posting here? God, you people are annoying.

because mods delete posts like this that are sfw

It's only really one person memeing about that. Similar to that one retard that gets his waifu imagedumps deleted or deletes them himself.

Ignore them.

There aren't any nipples or vulva showing but if you get caught looking at that while at work, I really doubt your boss is gonna be like "Ah, carry on"
Then again, this is fucking Veeky Forums of all places
You shouldn't be here at work anyway

S tier lead senpai, have fun grinding to evolve her though.


So ded

Nothing new. Padx updates tend to slow down around holiday season as well.

Cute. Back to Twitter I go.

At least that retard that keeps dumping pictures from their artists' tweets will keep you company.

She's so unsexy__


Something about this artstyle reminds me of Takeuchi's work

Speaking of which, Fate collab when? That would print money like mad, and probably attract a bunch of Grand Order fags too


If Fate collab ever comes, I would roll the shit out of that bait REM for an UMU.

Should I spend my 100,000 MP on tamadras?!
I need like 20 of them

that would be a good colab.

but that pic is a isis and bastet fusion in case you didnt realize it.

Buy Tama Village you moron.

if you dont care about mp or any mp store monsters, it can make you teams become usable quickly.

but be warned, mp is a resource you should horde and save for emergency's.

Yeah, but something, maybe the style of the face, reminds me of Takeuchi's work (the character designer for Fate, Tsukihime, and several other things).

Maybe Gil and Archer could have a new leader skill where linking exactly two orbs triggers their damage and you could fill the board with a shitload of 'matches' to simulate GoB / UBW

Shits expensive yo

Thanks for the tip. I'll wait a bit then. Trying to make a Osiris tpa team and need a lot of awakenings

Coins are a hell of a lot easier to get than MP is. Even if you don't have interest in the ridiculously strong MP leaders right now, you never know what will happen in the future. MP is the most valuable resource after stones.

No. 100k MP is way more expensive.

apparently on topic posting is spamming lol

tbqh i doubt a mod deleted 3 minutes after it was posted
guess he wants to falseflag the okuck

Can join the Miru meme train with Akechi Saria Apoc Escha/Dqxq

yeah there is a mod deleting cuteposting. how appropriate he be a OKUKEK!

When will dark bias finally die


Have you been living under a rock? Green is best color now.

get this reddit picture outta here