>buff zen to ridiculousness >give mccree weird sniper buffs >give d.va bad buffs >don't fix hanzo's arrow hitboxes
lmao so-called reputable game developer cant even balance a game properlhy
Christian Nguyen
>people call her blueberry >she's purple
Colton Price
lets start this off right
Kevin Edwards
start the map by holding the choke instead of holding right in front of their doors
Owen Hughes
Just got four gold medals and a 19 player kill streak with DVA. I was good with her before the patch now shes an absolute monster.
Nathan Miller
She is officially blue
Carter Jackson
The patch literally only made more heroes viable than before
Good patch
Jaxon Johnson
time to get your eyes checked mate
Tyler Ross
Tracer is so useless Tracer is so fun How do I cope?
Aaron Campbell
who is the best defense hero?
Jordan Rivera
>that hitscan >that smug >dat ass Best girl.
Brandon Ortiz
She just is.
Nolan Walker
>you are powered up get in there! OH SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
Kayden Robinson
>play genji >flank the enemy, killing high value targets, causing chaos among their ranks >use ultimate at best opportunities wiping out 2-4 heroes every minute or so >get 3 gold medals >lose anyway >"worst genji i ever seen" >"LOL we had a genji?"
love this episode
David Phillips
>4 games with teams made up of Anas and Dvas
this is e to the z oh twiddle dee-gusting.
Asher Kelly
Daily reminder that Mercy is best waifu
Camden Brown
>attack hanzo
Joseph Robinson
That little archway choke between attack's spawn and the first point is a deathtrap
Zachary Sanchez
Post sexy widowmaker please
Nathan Cooper
Asher Diaz
“Please,” Randy Pitchford says, on his knees on the street corner. His jacket is in tatters, heavy bags are under his eyes - he obviously has not slept in weeks “Please, 15 dollars. That’s good, right? And we’ll give you a Borderlands game! People still like those, right? A-and some of our paid currency! So you can get a funny skin!” “I just need…I just need a little to help me get by, I made some bad decisions, they’re gonna break my thumbs, they already took Anthony’s Wii U, please, h-help.."
John Gomez
Tfw atleast a million people across the world came to Mercy alone
Camden Wilson
Easton Edwards
I agree with this post btw.
Jack Reyes
You first.
Jordan Morgan
>hanzo exists
Angel Sanchez
>our ana ults our Reinhardt >at that exact moment mercy flies in front of him >gets hit instead
David Parker
Why is Tracer so bad at this superhero thing?
Joshua Nguyen
>Defense is an actual class type
Joseph Carter
this actually gave feels
Bentley Morgan
Leo Flores
mfw Ana ults me as 76, man was not made to go at such speeds.
Anthony Cooper
She is perfection
Kevin Wright
Sheriff McCree skin with a 'reach for the sky' ult line fucking when
Luis Bennett
>all defense are shit and outclassed by offense
Carter James
That butt is too pixelated.
Christopher Ortiz
That's so "Battlefield sniper doesn't understand why his team doesn't appreciate him sitting on a hill 500 meters away from the objective."
Andrew Brooks
Fuck blizzard for trying to get rid of all the good overwatch porn on the Internet
Dylan King
why are people this mad over small things like whos gonna play ana i was a reaper
Ryder Ward
It's starting to get genuinely sad.
Thomas Hall
Julian Butler
Kys Randy
Jose Bell
How's ranked today? I'm a bit scared to touch it.
Ian Campbell
Genuinely think Bastion is sleeper decent
Not sleeper op Not sleeper broken
Just sleeper "playable". In that he kinda works in that pros have played him, and he does make a good surprise pick
Basically needs rein shield though
Charles Collins
I'm waiting.
Benjamin Green
Help him. Spend 15$, c'mon, help this poor man get his son's Wii U back.
Luis Ortiz
>start match >3 people pick Ana >pre-match 60 seconds go by as they silently play chicken waiting for someone to switch off of her >out of pure stubbornness, no one does >we lose bad
Jordan Wood
These fucking hitbox changes are unbearable Are you fucking happy faggots? Because of all your bitching about Hanzo, who wasn't even meta, now everyone else who isn't Pharah and wasn't a problem, including Reaper and Genji, are now shit. Congratulations. Enjoy your endless flying whores.
Adrian White
He already has a reach for the sky voice line.
Grayson Price
>yfw mercy whips out her pistol and fucks shit up
Tyler Torres
>Someone was playing as Rein >I try to be smug to another teammate while saying catchphrase >Rein won't stop saying "Catchphrase" >I start saying it over the mic Fun
Adam Wilson
It's not like they tried too hard, since nothing happened.
Christian Wilson
This pic is fucking with my eyes, holy shit. Something about the combo of the blur and colours
Jason Rogers
i always laugh when i see a bastion sneak up on the enemies
Jack Hughes
junkrat and bastion are the only two good ones
Benjamin Nguyen
Matthew Phillips
>zen and sniper mccree running rampant >pharah is a problem
B8 is looking a bit weak there m8
Thomas Wilson
Rest in peace my handsome japanese dragon man
David Phillips
Is it just me or is Tracer now the least popular of the Overwatch gals despite how much she's been used in the game's advertising?
Wyatt Ross
If you have nothing better to provide than this tumblr shit, then maybe you should leave.
Dominic Roberts
>my team is lvl 9, lvl 22, lvl 41, lvl 80, lvl 88 and me at lvl 160 soloqueue >their team is lvl 180, lvl 199, lvl 232, lvl 255, lvl 321 and lvl 355 stack
Fair and balanced matchmaking. Every game is like this since I hit lvl 100. Pretty much quitting the game because of it. Levels dont matter past a certain point, but literal shitters that have 2 hours played are not at my skill level nor are they a match for people with 300+ hours played.
Her hype was fun in the beginning but now its time to chill out with the waifus like Mercy and Widow
Justin Ramirez
Jackson Ortiz
May he rest in peace and be reincarnated as a badass dragon.
Josiah Lee
Your post made me imagine a bastion being air dropped behind enemy lines
Then I imagined, what if there was a birdman hero
That could fly and shit, and his ult would be picking someone up and flying them over the enemy. Doing an attack run carrying turret bastion. Or even tank bastion
Justin Nelson
That's not Symmetra.
Jace Allen
>they already took Anthony’s Wii U,
Post Burch shenanigans, please. I'm trying to collect all the ones relating to him being a cuk and a hypocrite.
Dylan Bennett
What's the deal with these updates? The download speeds are outright lying to me and pausing themselves while the PTR server tries to steal download time.
Easton Martinez
I hope this ends up being better for Hanzo in the long run. As in, they buff his stuff elsewhere.
I actually like Hanzo.
Christian Barnes
>all these ana's in quick play >i just pick winston and fuck em over mfw
John Jones
I picked Ana in QP and this happened. When will all the spergs leave QP?
Austin Martin
Shit, you're right. I forgot all about her even though I played as her a couple of times last night.
I guess she's the least popular then.
I blame the super busy outfit. Despite her name, she's got nothing on her default to distract you from the asymmetry of her attire.
Cameron Fisher
>flying in and stealing their defenses Okay, actually, that would be pretty fucking good.
Birdman hero when? >steal their turrets >steal their bastions >steal their reinhardt
Nicholas Jones
>tfw i have 5890 overcoins >tfw i wanna spend them but summer skins could be announced soon
tracer - posh reinhardt - paragon zenyatta - the purple one
i wanna save 2000-3000 just in case and only want one of the above tracer skins
Lincoln Garcia
Isaac Gomez
when is the patch dropping man
Jonathan Thompson
You sure you didn't get banned because of your shittaste?
Josiah Thompson
I like the colors of her outfit a lot, but yeah I definitely notice a lot that her outfit isn't very symmetrical.
Kayden Taylor
Matthew Rogers
It's times like these that I'm glad consoles don't have chat.
Gabriel Taylor
>defending team ignores the robot the size of a VW Bug "sneaking" behind them while they're camping the payload on Dorado >AWAKE! JUDGEMENT GUN MORPHING! >TEAM KILL
Wyatt Adams
Yeah I don't get it. Quickplay is basically now the designated Fuck Around mode. Comp even has seperate stats.
Maybe they're just too bad for Comp?
Anthony Jackson
This morning
Elijah Powell
Can someone tell me if Mei's Ice Block healing charges her Ult now?