/blog/ - BL + Otome General #137



Rec chart:

BL Downloads:

Otome Downloads:

English Otome Games:

Translation status:
boards.Veeky Forums.org/jp/catalog#s=visual%20novel%20translation%20status

Character Birthday Archive:

Various game/CD info:

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


JP wikis:

EN wiki:

Official twitter accounts:

Game rips:

Artbook scans: mega.nz/#!CN4HCYxS!ysBUl56dooRevfriIm2eU5-X2YkYin6vmY3DQpnWkVw

Touken Ranbu GFC Anthology full volume:



sad general
ded general

We voted to play games and only me and like maybe 2 others started Natsuzora.
Is anyone playing Hanakisou?

Did you expect otherwise?

I'm surprised more than 1 person picked it up.

Weren't there around 20 votes? I expected more people to pick it up, too.

Still better than last year.

And probably more people did pick it up, they're just not saying shit about it for whatever reason.

sounds normal.

>start conversation about game
>maybe 2 others reply
>20+ downloads when leave link to something related to it

Wonfes soon.

I picked Natsuzora up but I'm still in the common route.



I'm playing through Natsuzora really slowly so I'm still not very far into the game.
I also kind of tried the beginning of Hanakisou but decided to focus on Natsuzora more since more people seem to be playing that.


can't wait to see their smiles and optimism gone


I want to read it with all of you, but real life obligations are keeping me away from fun things.





I can't believe he's winning the popularity poll atm

I should've expected it based on how many new cards he was getting, but somehow it never occurred to me he was as popular as he is. Guess the nips crave that chocolate.

Yeah, was thinking that Mutsuki would've at least beaten him though.

Sweet touch with wet semitransparent sheet over dick. Only solution is to collect them all in a book. The school illustration is also nice.
Surprises me as well. I would have thought Mutsuki or shota gramps.

RIP Kamiya in otome games

I don't know why people are surprised about him being married with kids.

It goes to show that 'fans' being delusional entitled shits is universal.

When you market yourself like an idol you kind of have it coming when it comes out.

Notice how it doesn't happen to celebs/VAs who don't market themselves like idols to lonely salarymen/office ladies.

Western fans shouldn't pretend they're superior on the issue when they don't fully understand it.

Doesn't help that Kamiya's entire image was basically built around shamelessly selling himself to lonely OLs. Even has all that merchandise. He's probably popular enough like Miyano for this not to effect him much though.

I think the bigger issue seems to be that he kept it secret and was lying until the paps found out.

I'm totally okay with him winning. Just hope the LE will be drawn by the original artist and not some copycat.

Popularity poll results are up.

Weird. Nie no Akazukin's entry in vndb disappeared.


Mystic Messenger for iOS soon.


Are you sure it even had one in the first place?
I can't find any evidence that it was deleted, but I can't remember if I first found the game directly through dl-site or not.
Maybe you confused it with this one vndb.org/v14531





Who is worst boy in best game?

Are the Vita ports significantly better than the originals?

They come with all the extra stories that were paid DLC for the PSP versions.

ah, too bad this seems to obscure to have had the DLC uploaded.


Yeah, I checked it out there first when some anons talked about it in the previous thread. At least the entry's back there now. The game's strange that it has the option to turn off the MC's breast bouncing every time she comes into the screen.


yeah I added it after I posted that.
weird, do you still have the page in your history?

>This is a paid advertisment brought to you by the following

This reminds me of Yuugen Romantica's Animate scenes.



Well, the series was created by Movic, which is part of Animate.



A lot of fans are upset that he's been lying for years, not that he got married.


passion la-ser beam

Great song, shit boy.

He maybe a bit shit sometimes, but I still love him

>mfw I raised his love level to 35 and he's still a pain in the ass

At least he's fun to bully


I dropped 800 gems trying to get a card from that gorgeous set. I need an art book.



>Please buy 1000


What's Kamiya Hiroshi's famous role in otome or BL games? I can recall a lot of anime characters voiced by him that I like but I can't think of anything /blog/ related.

He does a shitload of BL CDs but he doesn't really do games as far as I know.


I know he was in Brothers Conflict, Kamigami, Real Rode, and Starry Sky

Thanks. I've played all the games except Starry Sky but I thought he might be in more games. (I'm not much into drama cds.) There's a NDS game with him and OnoD but I think it's boring.

I might go back to play Real Rode again. Last time I gave up when the system started to get complicated and I was too lazy to look for a guide.

Just look him up on vndb for all his games, that's what the site is for.






It's a shame this game isn't rated higher.

Kaito is the best looking YumeCast in my opinion, also sounds one of the best in the songs along with Sousei, but still jerkish for most of his route, senpai.

I always want his stuff the most though, damn.

Is SRX worth it? I might be minority but I actually like the artwork.

The anime didn't leave a good impression so far.

Well do you like how it sounds?

>I might be minority but I actually like the artwork.
>I might be minority
Granted his proportions were more alien back then but it's still pako.

I don't mind some hours of technobabble as long it makes some sense, and the romance scenes being worth as well.

Also, Tattsun is in it.

Every time I heard about this people were complaining that the characters looked too "ayy lmao"


Not that user, but he does indeed have one of the best voices of all the guys. It's also nice to get something a little different via style.

Though spaghetti is still best boy. He's already made you his wife.


>edgy characters
>edgy design
>edgy German

Famous names won't help it at all

This design is 10/10.

This one is the worst of them after all

If the German guy won't be an okama I'm gonna be dissapoint


Don't worry, the
are here too.

I wouldn't mind at all if the game would produce Weiss Kreuz level music

Is there any particular reason why Yotsuya wasn't true end? Would've been more fitting.


After playing one route I wouldn't buy the Vita version.
But I still think it's just worth enough to finish the rest of the routes after I'm done with Natsuzora.

>Is SRX worth it?

I am enjoying more that I thought it would, but it's still a pretty shabby work. The setting is cool but not as developed as it really should be, the romance aspect is minimal, and even though there are individual routes there is some extreme copypaste throughout. Still, if I were to rate it on visual direction and character interactions alone it'd be a 9/10, because cute boys doing goofy sentai things on summery Ryukyu Islands to the sound of Okinawa banjos is really what is has going for it. So worth a download, at least.

Incidentally, Rejet staff (Iwasaki and Hosoya) worked on it too, so if you played TYB, Lucian Bee's, or TinyxMachinegun you might notice some similarities.

The anime is just awful.

>Dance Trips