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We need a cute Norwegian hero

hana song

how to counter tracer?

I haven't been able to play the hero I am the most useful with since this patch hit. It was basically a patch that made me useless as a player.

We already have one, her name is Ana

Ana is Egyptian

who's good in ranked right now for each role?


>when your solo healer ana spends all game trying to snipe the enemy widow
Man it's just QP so I'm not mad, but I can't imagine how bad comp is right now

nth for throwing every game that has an ana on it

Xth for holding on tight to the things you love the most.

MMR needs to be stickier for how fucked competitive play is right now.

Play a better Tracer

Play Roadhog

I dunno how the new McCree fares against her.

you made me vomit

Whoever you're best with
Whoever you're best with
Whoever you're best with
Whoever you're best with

Blizzard fucked up so hard, I literally cannot stand seeing this bitch swallow all my ults, her voice is annoying as fuck and I hater her I hope she dies in a hole


>"Sorry I'm late for our date, user. I had to put my little Fareeha to bed before coming out. Do you like kids by the way? :^)"

Hana is the best hero in Overwatch. Prove me wrong

Post your h a n a s o n g pictures here

Make her swallow your cum.

>play qp
>have fun
>people are cool
>play ranked
>everyone flips out as soon as you don't follow the meta
>everyone is a massive dick
>go back to qp

>It's a "Defense Matrix drops just in time for Defense Matrix to come back up just in time for Defense Matrix to drop just in time for Defense Matrix to come back up" episode

Fuck D.Va.


What's the difference

>implying i'd get a date with ana

i'm an inferior male and Ana is financially secure and constantly off fighting battles, why would she bother with me?

I like making them.

loseston more like
thanks blizzard

For real, if she's old enough to put to bed and mom to leave, the kid has gotten past the worst ages.

I love all these qt D.vas in quickplay desu.





It's a shit game enough as it is, only a huffed up 15 year old can make sense of what the fuck is happening on the screen.

Bring McCree's range back down with maybe a 10m increase to what it was before. MAYBE.

Buff Flashbang to deal 50 damage, reduce its explosion range slightly

That's SO lewd, you do realize this is a blue board right?

fuxk the new meta should be her + genji for jacked swordplay kills

How do you justify bastion existing when McCree puts out just as lethal damage while being mobile and having no spread?

I swear the fall off and spread hampers bastion more than anything. You have to really trace people and they can dash out fast asf

McCree just clicks you twice/thrice and you die at the same range, no spread whatsoever

>be me
>like Captain Amari and Tea Time emote
>bought it just after the patch came out
>ready for some spicy bm in ranked
>restart game
>skin and emote are gone
>send one million tickets to blizzard forum
>still no response
>they scam me a skin and an emote

>new balancing patch
>fixes a lot I had problems with
>play comp
>lose game after game after game
>go down 4 ranks to sub 60
>feel like I should stop playing but I just can't
is this what chronic gambling feels like

>"Don't be so negative about yourself, I enjoy spending time with you... is there something wrong with me?"


Oh my gaaad this new ranked is horrible... I don't know about you high-level players, but at the bottom of the ladder there's always a useless Ana (even on attack) AND the hero limit is killing the game.

It's right back to square one: attackers always lose. And here I thought they couldn't make ranked matches any worse...

I can get lewd-er user. Like [spoile]touching your wee-wee.[/spoiler]

>two dvas every match
>like a super mobile reinhardt whose shield you can't break
>also broken ult

fun fun fun

>Norway gets a waifu
>Sweden gets Torbjorn

What would Blizzard mean by that?

>reinhardt, winston, and bastion mains suddenly picking ana to try her out
>she does no fucking healing and dies first every time

So far i really like this patch but im really scared to try comp.

You can touch mine if you pretend to be d.va

That random streak of hair coming out in front of your hat

>the hero limit is killing the game
literally kill yourself


C T R L + S

D.va summer skin with her in a bikini fucking WHEN

it is already the meta, genji+ana is in every game. Sometimes also ana + reaper ( literal uncounterable aoe instagib ). You still need a second healer though, lucio or mercy.

>dva was shittiest tank
>now is the most OP tank by a far margin

start playing stuff that counters and goes through her defense matrix until they fix her
Symmetra, roadhog's hook, reinhardt, zarya


>Reduce it's explosion radius slightly

HAHAHAH I've already thrown it next to peoples heads and see them not get stunned.

If you reduce it anymore it won't even fucking exist.

He's fine how he is.

The Ana horde is a temporary issue. Calm your tits everyone.

Literally reported (you).

What's a good baseline sens @ 800 dpi to start with?

Please don't touch my wee wee it's really sensitive down there

Having moderate spread is a pro for a gatling gun, not a con.

>implying a '"professional" gamer would ever go to the beach

pick something between 4 and 8

>d.va is no longer a free ultimate charge
>means she is op

nope, roadhog still wins

looks nothing like her, stop posting this stupid tumblr shit

>just play nothing but fag heroes for at least three months


i'd rather not

>DVa, McCree spammers everywhere
>someone takes Ana so I can't even practice her
>teammates definitely aren't adapting to new changes let alone old ones
You're playing solo. Stop. You know how many retards play solo and pick whatever they feel like?

She's also a actress which also means she likes to fuck in public places and what's a better place to give head than the beach


>McCree is supposed to be the high mobility hero killer
>he's infinitely better vs heroes with larger hitboxes
>blizzard seriously fell for the "Flashbang counters Tracer" meme
>Blizzard can't make him good at his role, so they're gonna buff his numbers to make him a monster again


>This is your date tonight

Do you accept?

>TFW you were winning a KOTH match until someone leaves and it becomes a stomp towards you

I hope this does not count as a loss because of this.

one dva is fine

there's always more than two in every game because double dva is unbeatable though

>play ranked

not until the fucking sudden death shit is fixed and they add a proper stopwatch mode to it

Never, people bitching about Thunderbird and Devi ruled out future "controversial" skins.

Fuck no

So just to check, I am going to lose rank for leaving after a teammate quits, right?

Even though our Mei spent the entire last round walling us off on purpose? Even though everyone on my team pushed up to the Lijiang bridge and left me to hold off their push through the back on my own? Even though I was the only one to try and do anything about the Tracer eating us alive as a support?

Fuck I hate competitive so much, I want to just go back to Quick Play and wait until the ranking system isn't garbage but my friend dropped to low 40's and insists on playing comp with me until he gets back up

Did you guys hear the stealth related voice lines from the PTR?

They're going to fix it by removing it in Season 2.

Yes everyone knows. Next hero is The Spy aka Sombra.

Not in Overwatch. Why would you want anything that hampers your ability to get kills as quickly as possible?

Would be nice if bastion could actually cover a wide area in lead, but he's more of a focused laser as it is at the moment. Anything he's directly pointing at is dead. Everything outside of that point is killing him very quickly.

Not very much like a real gatling gun at all

>Play Overwatch
>See Ana on your team
How well do you anons accept your inevitable loss?

I saw the Devi thing, but has there actually been a controversy over Thunderbird? SJWs bitching don't count, I'm talking an actual authority taking issue with it.

Is it safe to assume that playing ranked under 70 would be a disaster since everyone is wants to trying ana in ranked for some god forsaken reason?

Seriously? I feel like I see McCree's fucking miss by a mile with it and I still get stunned

>people keep leaving comp because they can't double stack now

Fuck if you're going to play comp at least learn another hero incase the one you want to play as is chosen

not very well

That's what quick play is for, dicking around and learning how to play a hero. People need to understand the new heroes and the best way is to play them.

I've been playing ranked since it debuted on PTR, and right now it's at its awfullest state... Why couldn't they limit Ana out of ranked, at least for a while?

And I'm not sure why the limit on heroes in general. Maybe "max two" would have been okay. The "eSport scene" should play with their own rules anyway, but now Blizzard is forcing this bullshit on everyone. I can't understand nor stand it.

>implying it's not still roadhog
>if you make full use of your sippy cup it's literally 25% of your ult meter

If you're playing solo in comp, you should be decent with at least one offense, one tank and one support.

>Pick Ana
>the only time we actually push is with my ult

feels good m8. It's good for getting those reinhardts that just keep holding their shield and never walking forward to move up.

>our team has a main healer
>pick Ana for backup support
>"oh boy an Ana picker on our team"
>match starts
>healing and sniping everyone
>save a few of our teammates
>ult a Roadhog and he tears up a few guys
>genji jumps on our point, fall back to take care of him
>team dies
>stall enemy for 20+ seconds
>first death
>enemy takes point
>audible sighs from team
>enemy full steam push second point and wipe us

>"This fucking useless Ana, she didn't even ult all game"
>"Fucking Ana lost us the game"

>have gold star in objective time and objective kills, silver in healing

supporting is fun

What the fuck is up with the aiming in this game? It feels like mouse smoothing is on but you cant turn it off.

No, max two is cancer. And I like ranked better.

Honestly I don't know how d.va can win 1x1 with zarya. Zarya can also protect her teammates from her. They go 2+ d.vas, you go 2+ zaryas.

Zarya also works extremely good in pair with symmetra, allowing her to go for suicide runs under her shield.

Shield also completely negates d.vas ultimate and converts it to +50 charge.

I'll take things that never happened for tree fiddy, alex

Please answer pic related

You don't have to believe me. But it really did happen.

Do you have the feeling that the next game is your big score? Where your luck turns around? How it's all uphill from here?