/dbd/- dead by daylight general

newfags will never get this save edition

fuck all the copypasta

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i cant believe you fags let the old one die without making a new one, is game ded already?

ded gaem

dead meme


The only thing dead is the general.

No one wants to play KYF
No one wants to play SWF

We're all lone wolves here

>you know what time it is

Time to lose all your hooks?

>saving last ebony memento mori as I burn through all my special shit to prepare for prestige
>group of 3 prestigers and some other dickwad at high rank
>map is shelter woods

You can guess how that turned out! That's right, a chainsaw in each of their rectums. I wish the ebony moris were a little more common, I fucking love just deleting retards from the game. Even had a few of them quit on me as I did it in previous matches but I still got the 1500 from a kill, as well as the 600 and the 1250 from them quitting kek




So who's gonna main Nea based on the name alone?

secret stuff leaked from reddit

post it, I'm not going to the cancer node.


Hmm, sounds like she can boost other teammates to me. Maybe if she finds a teammate she can increase their abilities like repair , heal sabotage speed etc. for a duration by laying hands on them for a little bit. Probably can do it to herself as well.

hopefully it's the qt from the trailer that was already on the hook when the niggress went into the basement.

I'd prefer a killer named Nea which plays with electrecity... extremely unlikely though...

Alright Jason, I'll do my bear trap ritual soon.

I think Trapper could beat you up though!

Yeah, all the killers thus far have been nameless in their status as killers, so I think Nea is a survivor. Shock Therapy could be anything though.

Isn't the next map set to be swamp-themed? Or maybe it was an asylum I think. We know they aren't releasing Crawler as the next killer, maybe we'll get a map archetype + killer + survivor?

>It's time for the Daily Rituals
>Today's involves trapping 4 individuals
>Rotten Fields, what a delight
>Against 3 Jakes and a Dwight
>They waste no time and get 4 gens done
>But there were 3 bunched gens they shun
>I stand on the other side of the farm
>With all the traps, ready to arm
>Hook everyone at least twice
>They constantly perform rescue missions to save their buddies
>At one point, they're all in the basement trying to patch each other up
>One by one, they fall
>Another on the hook
>Another sacrifice, it's a Jake
>Another bear trap, piece of cake
>All that's left is the Dwight
>Should have made a right

I'd like to see a map that isn't almost entirely outdoors. Even if it's a big building with lots of open areas and plays like an outdoor map.

Even more "leaks" lead to belive that asylum will be the next map. Combining that with the chivos... would be nice for it to be a killer.


Yeah you're right about the asylum. "Shock Therapy" is definitely tied to the asylum idea/theme, a la electroshock therapy treatment for depression and other mental illnesses. I'm not a huge fan of the spoopy haunted asylum/violent mental health cliche-trope but it'll probably be a great map environment.

You know what I would have liked?

A spectator mod we can all gamble on with full camera controls.

>Level fucking 30 Dwight
>Well, he probably knows how to play, at least.
>A generator explodes within 2 seconds of him putting his fucking fingers on it
>He promptly throws down a pallet as the killer shows up to trap Meg in with him

Why? Why are they all fucking like this?

Do you want to enable Skypefags even more?

I don't see how that's an issue.

A spectator mode usually implies no participation.

You said full camera control. People will just spectate their friends, move the camera to see where the killer is, and notify them through Skype.

Unless, of course, you are suggesting that it be completely random. In that case, I am 100% on board.

That's retarded.

Of course it be completely random.

Spectators shouldn't see names until the match is over. All you're doing is observing and betting blood points on the outcome for your amusement.

Essentially, you're playing as The Entity.

This general will be dead by daylight

It's already daylight... that's why I cant play the game, can't see a thing.

>find fun game to play
>said game was coded by lobotomized chimps

You playing with friends or something, spoopy? That game was a clown fiesta.

None of my hooks were broken, so, the hell was going on here?

What's the issue?

It's just

None of 'em did anything. Maybe I just got lucky and was always in the right place at the right time but they couldn't even start a gen.

I think it was maybe a party because I don't watch my hooks too carefully and they got rescued most of the time.

Tricking people into being altruistic is great for stopping gen progress

One dude got over 10k but I guarantee that was mostly boldness. Doubt he got a pip.

Maybe. I've had plenty of situations where the killer lucked out and managed to always chase people around in such a way that they were always near the other survivors during the chase. Makes it impossible to safely work on generators and nothing gets done.

it's dead but I won't stop believing.

is everyone a rank 1 trapper now? personally can't win as survivor anymore because of this, and i don't think i'm that bad (used to be rank 1, consistently climbing ranks after reset but stopped playing for a few days). literally seems impossible to escape the killer considering how people have eyes now

There are times when you know it's going to suck.

Whenever I play this way late at night it's just me and the high rank people. I swear the only available hooks that round were in the basement.

Still I'm glad for the points I did get.

Yes, that would be quite shocking.

But electric chics in horror isn't that rare.

Doesn't Dwight's leadership perks already do that?

Heh heh...

Sorry to burst your bubble kid, but the max blood points you can have is 500,000.

It's all right here: deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/Bloodpoints

>Unspent Bloodpoints will cap at 500,000.

killer survivor
which more fun

I always play killer, I have played survivor once and thoroughly hated it.

Little trick: if you release LMB right after skill check while sabotaging, you won't make that loud noise.

>trapper carries me to basement and sets trap under my body
>I am lucky enough to free myself and not get caught in the trap
>now I need that achievement so hard
>go to infinite spot because I don't want to die now
>eventually fuck up and die
>Meg comes and saves me from camping mad Trapper
>he downs her
>I run away and get the achievement
I am a terrible person.

bullying the wraith!


It's a passive buff that affects an immediate area for a small boost, I think this would be a much more potent buff that has to take time to be applied and only lasts for a certain duration of time or something like that. Just guessing.

if you type in the pre-lobby chat
you can see how bad the killer's internet is by seeing how much time has passed between each number

its not as good as a ping indicator, but its pretty accurate, as far as i can tell.

He begins downloading porn after start of the game.

is he going mental lads?

Dude's been unstable for like a week now.

Infinity-juke spots already do that.

if they deploy a patch, which day of the week does it usually come out on?

Yesterday, but they revert it because they broke it

Are these the most retarded devs ever or what

>Watching old stream

>Will you guys be changing the spacebar mashing from struggling to a skillcheck? My keyboard hates you


Uhh.. what? That didn't even answer the fucking question.

Wait you can't change bindings now? WAHT? WHAT WAS THEY THINKING?

Worst is when you try to disarm a fucking trap in front of a hooked survivor



>have an item
>killer hooks someone in the basement with an item
>they die and drop the item
>killer hooks another person on that same basement hook
>cant unhook him because it defaults to picking up the item and cant target the survivor to unhook
high quality game development

>A survivor on a hook with an item below them and a trap in front of them


>trapping basement hooks
c'mon man

Oh they fucking do it, ebry tiem

I was chiding the killers who do that. Of course if they tapped basement hooks they're probably sitting down there and waiting for you anyways.

>Hooked survivor on the same hook as previous survivor
>Bear Trap
>You're injured and have self heal
>AND saboteur

I would fucking Alt + F4 if that happened to me, killer is a whole lot less frustrating when people don't infinite.

Forgot the best part

>on top of all this killer is literally sitting on the hook

This is why I play on Japan region
Most Japs have no clue what an infinite is, probably because they don't read our forums due to bad English

Man lags are even worse than hook camping.

It's those god damned Chinese changing their region to Europe/US on purpose because they know the host has an advantage.

I should change region to China when playing killer then.

Pretty much. Get back at those Chinese dogs, fuck em all to death. Just pick whatever country is furthest away.


>shelter woods
>no shelter

but there is a house

It's more of a shack, and the basement inside of it is scary. I feel more sheltered next to tall rocks.

It's a shelter

But not for the survivors


That does make sense actually.

how is the trapper supposed to bm his survivors he puts on hooks?

wraith can just "BING BONG BING BING BONG BING BING BING BONG" and the hillbilly can just rev up that saw.

i need a way to bm those infinijukers. the best i can think of is place every trap in the vicinity on him, but that isnt really an option most of the time

Oh, fuck off with that. That's a dude and you know it.

Most killer's go-to is to just repeatedly hit them while they're on the hook.

Just farm points setting your bear trap right next to him. Sometimes they will struggle right away so you get less free points.

>Infinite-juking autist survivors power the gates
>They sit at the gates for a solid 3-5 minutes expecting me to run up to them so they can BM me
>Just chill in a corner of the map setting my bear trap over and over again
>Max deviousness

have you ever struggled off a hook before

a few times. Never when I actually needed to though.

Only once and I managed to escape and get the achievement for it

I just spin in circles

nigga you always need to

Give me some more secondary coils you stupid fucking game.

>struggling to kill myself faster cuz teammate is on top of hatch and waiting for me to die since killer is camping me
>actually unhook myself
>killer immediately downs me and puts me back on

That has been the case everytime, not when I know no one's coming and the killer isn't sitting right on top of me.

You should signal with hands and take as much killer's time as possible when he camps you.

Yeah, when teammates are repairing generators. In the situation I gave, killing myself faster was just doing my teammate a favor. They knew I was being camped and saving me was impossible, and I knew the hatch location and they were literally sitting on it. So I attempted to escape so that they could escape sooner, and actually did unhook myself. Unfortunately since the killer was literally staring into my eyes it just earned me a very quick down and re-hook. Didn't struggle and was killed allowing teammate to escape.

does the wiggle meter increase faster the faster you spam A/D or is it a static amount as long as you hit a certain speed?

as long as you meet the criteria to not be stopping it's the same speed unfortunately.

Since when do we have that spot on the hill where you stuck as survivor and why is it not fixed?

since launch. yes it's bullshit

>expecting them to fix something that they could fix in 5 minutes
dont be entitled

>Have some friends who casually play the game in KYF
>I just got a begrimed chain

Should I meme on them?

Do it once for laughs but then leave it off.

if you get mad about infinijukes you're just bad

No joke, I actually trapped some Chinese Wraith fucker with the rocks.

I and Claudette were the last survivors left, but I got stuck on the rocks trying to get the last gen. Of course, the crows notified the killer of my location, and he got a hit in. I thought that was it, since I was already limping.
But then he got stuck.
It was fucking hilarious to see this idiotic camping fuck trying to wriggle out with his bell and hitting the air with his axe. It was delectable. I crawled to Claudette, she healed me, we powered on the generators, all was well.

If you get mad about hookcampers you're just bad