I am tired of all the wagecuckery anons. What programming languages do I need to learn so I can become successful and create income for myself?
I am tired of all the wagecuckery anons...
Other urls found in this thread:
>How do I get rich programming? Btw I don't know anything about programming
>tired of wagecuckery
>wants to get into programming
Gotta start somewhere user
Have you tried researching this on your own before you decided to shit up Veeky Forums you retarded faggot?
I bought a lot of crytocurrency that panned out pretty well thanks to Veeky Forums.
I thought I would try again.
It's literally a reddit or Google search away to find resources and links you immense faggot. Python, Shell, Pearl, C++
Why are you so mad at me user? Is it because I didn't use a sad frog image? I am just trying to get the opinions of my fellow anons.
For finance or HFT you'll want to learn Python, SQL, C++ and possibly C#. Maybe R.
I do python, sql, and pl/sql.
Is this more like as the user said for finance and or high frequency trading or is this applicable to build apps with as well?
>I know absolutely nothing about programming but I really want to make millions of dollars doing it, please spoonfeed me
Holy shit you are so clueless
Python and SQL for data management, basically automating the logistics side of your business applicable to building smaller apps that complete tasks. C++/C# and R for HFT and related topics, can be used to building larger programs.
For some reason my autocorrect fucked up and I sound like a complete Pajeet here. My point is if you wanna do other, more useful things like building more complex programs, you're probably better off learning C++/C#. Java if you want to be edgy.
What's edgy about Java?
Android development is big.
it's all about Lisp and OCaml, buddy. Only things I use as a quant.
Programming is a meme unless you are extremely good. I am decent at programming in c# and have qualifications but can't find a job in it.
I even make games and apps in my spare time scripting.
It's shit IMO.
If you want to do app programming, iOS uses objective c or swift, android uses Java. If you want to do game development, you probably want to learn c++. Web Dev is html/css/js with the language of your choice on the server, plus some sort of database (MySQL, Postgres, mongodb). Pretty much anything else can be done in a scripting language like Python or ruby
Then you're not good at it. Or you're in a shitty market. Move to Silicon Valley and get your pick of jobs
Computer Science will be a dead industry in 30 years don't do it
none, experienced developer speaking here.
if you want to earn money with this sort of labor you should go into finance and do ETL development. Basically clicking together graphs that may transform data. Payment is way above anything i've ever seen for no brain usage at all (100keuro and above)
if you are a sadist you can go the second route, that is pure database development (around 80keuro)
slaves (employed) get paid at most 50% of what you will earn as freelancer. And this is after all taxes insurances and shit is paid
oh and then there is the lowest tier: game development.
Working at a fast food branch as a slave is better than game dev
Sounds easier when you say it.
that little bit of extra learning until you get into it is well worth the extra money afterwards. Even if you fail miserably on your first 2-3 jobs as a freelancer.
Would it be hard to get into ETL from client-side webdev? Are there any other programming areas good for a freelancer?
Not to be rude, but do you mean masochist?
Android market is saturated with shit, I'm sure there's a good market for android malware though
depends on what ure doing or trying to achieve
if u wanna have a job in the programming scene as a start , ull need to learn the standart programming languages like java , basic or c
This will bring u the best opportunity job marketwise , with languages like phyton ,c# or ruby u wont find many companys who wanna hire u
they are however a good addtion to the standarts
and dont even touch mobile programming and the other shit not worth it!
What bank do you work at
If you really weren't a wage cuck, you would get someone to build your apps for you. Otherwise, just learn Java and install CodenameOne in netbeans. It will make cross platform apps.
Source: I'm a mobile app dev
How much does it cost to hire someone to build my app? Lets assume it's an not too complex app
Depends who you ask. MentorMade will do it, but they are expensive as fuck. Meanwhile I'm about to launch the site for my own app contracting buisness. Cheap apps with quick turn around. Still depends on the app. If it's really simple a few hundred, otherwise in the thousands.
if you don't genuinely like programming, give up now. Unless you're some genius programmer with a stackexchange outreach of over 1 million, Pajeets and Bruce Lee programmers coupled with online freelancing have basically lowered the wages for programmers overall.
www.codeacademy.com (this teaches you the very basics. It does not teach you how to trick Google into putting you on the first page)
As for programming... you need a little bit of graphics art too(no to mention animation). Games are where it's at.
Try to create a quality Minecraft game, obviously you'll need some game design experience, ask /v/ for that.
For creating apps I suggest you use Corona dev kit.
For creating easy shitty platformer games for both PC and Android then I suggest Construct 2.
Don't use Unity unless you're very experienced with bug fixing and optimization.
Again please learn about server costs and how to shill on social media before learning Html5, PHP/SQL or it'll be for nothing.
You can make a crypto faucet shill for bitcoins/satoshis with a lot of ads on it.
Some vanilla massage porn websites or some niche (cute, moaning, yelping, orgasm moaning)
If you plan on making a website, a really great one to kill all websites. I suggest making 4chanx, an insanely processor-heavy website full of graphical insanities which can morph into anything, imagine a website with the animated user interface of a video game. Imagine a website which can seamlessly change between layouts and functions: imageboard, blog, forum, youtube, e-bay, twitch, skype. A universal website capable of switching on a whim.
Imagine a website which let's you play DnD right inside it, without any javascripting. Java is for pussies.
Imagine a Veeky Forums video game where everyone wants to become Moot, the almighty admin. But the thing is that it's not a simulator, it should be the real thing.
Revolutionize the industry and save us, OP. Well you'll probably not gonna do that, but who knows.
Software developers get outsourced all the time.
Learn SQL. Get into data architecture and business intelligence.
>slaves (employed) get paid at most 50% of what you will earn as freelancer.
20% tops friendo, youre in a very good place if you get 50%
>Move to Silicon Valley
you need to be really good for that you fucking retard and he said extremely good
programing is for autists and the only way to get rich as a non autist is to code something wins the meme lottery
what the actual fuck
Programming these days is Pajeet tier. They'll wage you under the table because they'll program for less than 5 bucks an hour. Patricians are moving out of the code monkey field and into consulting or just leaving IT altogether.
>What programming languages do I need to learn so I can become successful and create income for myself?
This is the wrong question to ask.
Someone who has a complete and thorough understanding of calculus, discrete math, graph theory, theory of computation, data structures, algorithms, principles of programming languages, relational databases, modern computers and the fetch/execute cycle, how numbers are stored with two's complement and how floating point numbers are represented etc. - people who know all this cold, don't have to worry about "which language to learn". Because they can pick up most languages very quickly.
Also, APIs and frameworks can be significant, so you might be learning more about Node then Javascript, more about Rails than Ruby, more about Android than Java, and so on. So even if you know Javascript, then there are various frameworks you can learn.
You need to learn the theoretical foundation of all programming languages. You can play around and leap ahead and learn a language a little, but there's really no shortcuts for a good career as a programmer.
And the main way to do that is to go to a good college and get a CS degree.
the way 2 get this competency is NOT go to go school.
its to work on ur own projects that ur interested , and learn use the latest frameworks, that the oldfags cant be botherd to fuck with.
those are actually the ones google is using.
jade/pug as a prime example.
college teaches u the libraries and languages that are irrelevant unless u go to work for a very old company , languages that were being used 30 years ago.
Please user, calm down!! don't you see these anons want to make a quick buck!! you are talking here about the fundamental difference between a wagecuck and a real software engineer able to learn, recicle knowledge and someone who goes to school to expand his ideas... these cucks want to get an answer like :"Learn Python in 3 weeks and you will make $800,000 per hour"..... I think you have not undertand the dynamic of these places.
>Programming these days is Pajeet tier. They'll wage you under the table because they'll program for less than 5 bucks an hour. Patricians are moving out of the code monkey field
Not really.
I've worked on various projects that involved outsourcing to India or China. It's very difficult to find Indian programmers who are good, cheap and reliable.
If you want to save money, you may as well put up a sign in your city that says "Hiring computer programmers, minimum wage, no experience necessary". It would be easier than going halfway around the world.
Some big western companies have had success in India - but it takes a lot of effort. You really need people at the top with a big long-term commitment to outsourcing IT work.
If you're committed to learning and success and enjoying it day after day, month after month, year after year, you will do well.
I have met a lot of people at school or work who went into IT but don't care about it and are lazy - they'll never do well.
I am a pretty good programmer but I know people who've designed abstractions, solved problems and designed architectures that have blown my mind. So as good as I am, through their extra experience and focus, they are even better. And I am above a lot of people.
Unlike many things, the only barrier is yourself. There are not people saying no to you. For $25 you can get a Google Play account to post Android apps on. For $120 a year you can get a decent VPS to put up a web site, e-mail server etc. The skies the limit.
The idea that there are millions of good, entrepreneurial programmers is absurd. I'm certainly not worried about "programmers" in India making $5 an hour.
Actually - there is a lot of CRUD $5 "programming" work that needs to be done. Good for them. It's like comparing McDonalds to a Michelin restaurant though.
>NOT go to go school.
>its to work on ur own projects that ur interested
You're right that if you don't work on your own projects you are less likely to have success. That doesn't preclude school though.
> college teaches u the libraries and languages that are irrelevant...languages that were being used 30 years ago
The English language was being used 30 years ago as well. Languages do not have to rot like a fruit. Plenty of people are programming Lisp into their Emacs editors and elsewhere, and Lisp was invented in 1958. C is 44 years old but is in plenty of kernel code, libraries and applications.
This doesn't matter any how, since good programs teach about data structures, algorithms etc. and programming languages are grafted on top of that. In one class I even made my own programming languages with the proper lexers and so forth. You're better off learning about lexers than some specific language.
thats all well and good , but you can do that all on ur own from ur bed by surfing the web and using Ide's .
u can use the cash u would spend, 2 pay a sales partner or market your app, since thats really what apps and software live or die on.
new languages are innovated to make shit easier btw.
no one codes with punch cards or hexidecimals or even assembler for most tasks.
sure it might be fun but ....
>you can do that all on ur own from ur bed by surfing the web and using Ide's .
As you're supposed to spend three hours studying for every hour in class, you're going to be spending those three hours in bed reading in any event.
You're trying to say you'll be much more productive in that fourth of four hours by not going to school?
This has not been my experience. I have never met anyone lacking a college diploma who could explain mu-recursive functions to me, or a host of other things. They're usually even shaky about explaining the difference between an abstract class and an interface in Java.
ironic putting a photo of someone who actually gets paid millions for doing nothing, aka wearing pretty dresses, and posing in front of cameras.
> I have never met anyone lacking a college diploma who could explain mu-recursive functions to me, or a host of other things. They're usually even shaky about explaining the difference between an abstract class and an interface in Java.
googles search function dosen't have a college diploma.
and its not paying off student loan debt either.
>she needs hundreds of thoasands of dollards of debt hanging over her head to motivate her to study
how did you ever figure out how to pass elementary , middle and highschool, pray tell?
No user, not everything can be found on Google example: discernment.... it is not just to look for the answers, it is important to know whichone is the good answer and when to apply each one.... that comes with education.... WATCH OUT!! I said education and not school... some people think they are the same, but they are not.... even most people NEED to go to school to get an education.
trial and error .
does you good to have to fuck around on stack overflow and api documentation
*rolls eyes*
also. many curriculum are availiable for free.
and u can buy the books of any major language at barnes and nobles , but if u have a hard time figuring out shit on ur computer, ur not gonna do very well in computer programming....
We are talking about the same thing faggot, all that is education, and that was my point (not everything can be found on line)... most people are not willing to put the time to learn (trial an error, read several answers, several bookd, stack overflow etc....) most want a very fast answer.... and I am an old oldfag and I have worked with many programmers form several countries I can count with one hand (and I have several fingers left) the people who don't go to school and are able to know the difference between universal princpiles and specific techniques for a programing language.....people want the fast easy answer, that is why this user is asking for a specific language... when the real answer is learn the principles of computer science, algorithms, numerical methods etc... all those things are independent of language.. that is why an educated programmer can pick up several languages.... while somebody just surfing the internet is unable to change and make the correct abstractions.
still have to pay off that crippling student loan debt before the bank will loan you that money for you're shitty app startup that gives a believable AI to ur particular cartoon girlfriend?
thats 2 bad .maybe in the next lyfe.
>Go to school
>Can't afford it
>Can't get enough financial aid
>Can't get a job while in school because employers don't want students with schedules that need to be negotiated
>Work a part time job and learn programming independently
>Be insulted by catposters on a Taiwanese Mexican Sugar Dancing forum.
If school weren't so ridiculously unattainable for me, I'd do it, but I've essentially been boned out of finishing it until I'm 30. It doesn't make sense to just not try to learn anything because you aren't in college.
mfw this idiot think that not everybody can work and study Maste in Engineering and laughing my ass off at idiots like you when they can't get a job, strt a busines, analyze information lol if you think education is expensive, try ignorance Oh wait you are already living it.
Even women and children have been encouraged to code to the point that wages are a joke unless you have a lot of experience and live in a tech city
Even then they'll pass you over for some shitty "girl coder" who puts love hearts in their comments for diversity points
still trying to pay of that debt?
>mfw he things everywhere is like America
Faggot detected
they don't have tuition at Hogwarts?
well they don't have it online either.
and online was made in america.
just like every big software/ internet service company.
Python is all you need unless you are autistic
I live in the middle of rural England and managed to find a high paying job straight out of Sixth Form when I was 18 with a few examples of programming projects I've worked on in the pasts a handful of languages I've learnt the basics of. It's really not hard to find a job. 21 now and paid too much could easily go into (and have had offers) to most Java jobs paying ~£45k-£50k.
Have a look at this site user.
What kind of projects/ how difficult were they?
Various bits and bobs really, here are a few examples that I used on my CV and Interviews:
- Web app that did menial calculations and could produce graphs and make sense of large sets of data passed in
- A PHP powered online wallet for cryptocurrencies (I know). Host wallets on server, log transactions and shit between different accounts and external wallets. This showed ability to interface with Bitcoin wallets APIs and managing data in relational databases.
- Java web app for managing support tickets and managing payments like in a computer repair shop where they log the issue, progress, prices etc and generate receipts.
Then I just sort of spoke about how I'm really interested in all the new technologies such as AngularJS, Node, MongoDB etc.
So to answer your question about how hard they were: It depends.
You're not going to be able to make stuff like that in a week but if you give it a good amount of time and actually enjoy it (this is key) then you could be making stuff like this in a matter of months.
A tip would be to build up a presence on sites such as StackExchange and GitHub, contribute to projects and create your own even if they do exactly the same as an existing solution. It's all a continuous learning cycle.
As I mentioned, it is a hell of a lot easier to get into this field if you're genuinely interested. I'd recommend watching 'thenewboston' on YouTube and go through his beginners Java tutorials. If you can get through them then you'll probably be fine to learn whatever.
FYI I only started when I was around 15 - 16 but I do have a genuine interest and find it fun.
Appreciate the info, I live in uk too and it's informative to know the standard of projects required to get an entry level role
I have been on github but feel like I;m nowhere near that level proficiency yet... like I can read and understand the code... but if I was asked to create it from scatch, I would not know how
Most programming jobs are boring as fuck and you have to deal with legacy code and software.
t. Programmer
I know what you're saying about GitHub being somewhat overwhelming and I had the exact same issue. This isn't a must and I think a presence on stack overflow is more important and can be somewhat easier.
For an entry level job I don't even think you need all of that stuff either, as long as you can show you have an average to above average set of skills then they'll probably have you. Think £20k-25k. If you're a contractor then it could potentially be more. If you've got a degree or any education in anything related to maths/physics/computing that will help too.
Unless you actually enjoy programming you will fucking hate it.
If you know Java you will have a job.
>but my Python or C++
Yeah it helps to know that but it won't guarantee you a job. You want a job then Java.
>but their are better languages!
Cool, learn Java.
>won't Indians steal my job?
Thats a possibility for all jobs not just programming. Also even Indian Java programmers are getting more expensive to hire. Trust me no matter what if you have Java knowledge you will be hired.
or just say u know java.
its not hard to learn if u have to learn it(and you already know some other language). its basically C.
learn c++ and nodejs instead.
then u will be a real ass nigga no fuckin games.
> Automation
> Neural networks
> Navigational data
Unless we go back to the stone ages, CS will be around forever.
> Mfw once got hired at a company still using IBM lotus notes
>2 years after quitting they wanted me back at nearly 2x pay to rewrite their system in Rails, which I had been telling them to do for the last year of my employment with them
To the people recommending to OP quant finance and HFT: isn't it only possible to get into this if you have the right pedigree at a top university such as Ivy or is it possible to get into this by demonstrating your skills by say for example building good projects or making good contributions to open source?
First you need to improve your logic and math skills, any language will do it.
*any object oriented language.
>I'm tired of wagecuckery
Lol, no you're not. You're just emotional right now and it's the only reason you made this thread. If you really wanted to get out and live a better life you would have done more research than just post a two sentence thread on an American pedophiliac image-board.
>What programming languages do I need to learn so I can become successful and create income for myself?
Programmers don't make big-bux. You fell for the Zuckerburg, Gates, McAfee, etc. meme. Programmers are literally the bottom of the food-chain for computer science. It's like being a prop trader instead of a front office risk manager. For one you need to come from a good target school, be able to network well, and have the foresight to think years in-advance. For the other you just have to be autistic (not even joking).
You don't get rich by working hard and grinding. You get rich by delegating the grind to insecure and meek geniuses and finding ways to make a profit from their work.
Just look at the entirety of /g/. The majority program and they're at the bottom of the societal ladder.
t. Someone who fucked over his autistic friend to make big money and now lives comfortably, while his "friend" is literally living with his parents because I gave him crippling depression
It's a doggy dog world out there. If you can't find a way to be successful on your own, then you're not gonna make it. Plain and simple.
You must be an evil mastermind. I can picture you laughting with the albino cat on your lap. So what did you do do him?
Also, if you can program, and you have an idea, you can create something that scales like nothing else. So perhaps someone as uninspired as you has to fuck over people to get where they want to, but speak for yourself.
>t. Someone who fucked over his autistic friend to make big money and now lives comfortably, while his "friend" is literally living with his parents because I gave him crippling depression
>doesn't understand the concept of kharma or the golden rule
enjoy being tied to ur bed and slowly butchered alive to the space jam soundtrack ...
>First job
>Entirely self-taught
>Previous guy wrote a 20+ branch if-else statement nested 3x
mfw he could've used 1 if else and 1 switch statement
Sins of the father, sins of the son.
I took a lesson from Gates and Zucked him. Kept the first round of shares low (think triple digits) and then gave myself a hundred million.
Also promised him that I'd make him CIO after all was said and done. Too bad he fucked up on closing with (fake) deals I had setup. Dropped his ass flat legally :^).
I am inspired only to make money. The only thing that matters in this world is who you know and unfortunately he didn't know anyone. ideas are worthless without execution.
I was a poor farmer's son born in Kazakhstan and I prayed to God to give me the opportunities to become mega-rich and he has. If he was fair and knew I was going to be a blight on the lives of the weak, he would have made sure I never left such a shit country.
But here I am, on top of the world. You're only alive once, so make it count.
Learn Python and applications in a lab setting. When biotech blows up, you'll be sitting pretty.
I would learn fortran or cobol. All the boomers who worked their whole lives are retiring with that knowledge. It's old and not taught very much at all. Therefore it's in demand.
But you will more likely than not need a degree to get these good jobs
Is 25 too old to become a programmer?
Wow You are a real winner, congrats!
Thank you.
>non wagecuck tier job
>entry level
>no related degree required
>no professional experience required
how fucking delusional are you OP.
Software dev here.
You don't need to know a fucking programming. All you need is a goddam innovated idea. Once you have that hire a bunch of Indians to implement it. Then if it is a good idea it will get popular. Once this happens you sell to the first nigger who offers you money in the million dollar range. Leave them to deal with the shit Indian code.
around Kazakhs never relax
no, I learned at 28, and got a job at 29 as a software engineer.
$62k, not much but I'm going to throw my resume around the market to see if I can get some more bargaining power
What resources did you use to learn, user?
most of what I've seen on teaching a programming language is just a big ol meme
So you want to learn something that every indian learned his whole life?
But with Matlab/Simulink+Python+Engineering you can make around 300k in germany.
Programming + special knowledge makes it possible to earn a lot money nowadays.
it changes all the time what the market needs but has the least available professionals. you question should be in 5-10 years being proficient in what programming language will make me big bucks?
so far the demand increases generally for programmers with no end in sight. maybe you just have to adapt and learn new stuff constantly to get good money.
i'm a c# dev it's medicore pay but i like the language it's not suffering to code in it and the dev tool is pretty good. java pays better but i fucking hate the thing and eclipse feels like shit.
>its basically C
nah... c is 3rd gen language java is 5th gen.