League of legends /lolg/

Loyal fox girl edition
old: eyosongive.us

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Can any rioter ban the fuck outta yo?

Post based champs

>no counterplay.xyz
>no lolgboosting.xyz


haha nice meme XD


piss off


you mean trash

this thread is better
if you want links go to reddit you autist

Can someone give me some helpful tips and tricks on Janna? I'm not bad I just think I could be a lot better
Also I'm sometimes stuck on what to build later on


Just played Renekton for the first time in an ARAM. Was gonna reroll because according to my team no one else knew how to play their champs but I thought "why not, he seems fun". Now he's for sure my next Champion to buy. The most fun I've had with a Top Lane champion since Cho'Gath.

I went BC > Tiamat > Merc Treads > Ravenous > Dead Mans > Steraks > Maw, and I used AD runes with Fervor of Battle. Is that a pretty standard Renekton setup? I almost went Spirit Visage but I wanted Maw's passive to stop their burst a bit. Keep in mind I'm still retarded.



Best girl.
Best hips.
Best wife.

might as well redirect everyone to some site for every question they ask, and delete this general

what champion should I play mid to get out of silver

is leblanc a good idea


Veigar's wife.

xth for fertile witches.

>Poppa riot forbade her from marriage
>Saying bold faced lies like "best wife"
I'll never understand.


I'd put my dick in her.

don't think so, teamfighting with leblanc is hard and that's a skill you'll need to learn. try annie, malz, ahri, vik, morgana, brand

But LB is really old and uses magic to make herself appear young, she's probably barren

>top wants to pick yasuo with exhaust
>enemy top picks darius
>tell him its a hard matchup
>"it is not, trust me"
>mastery 7 with yasuo
>0/6/0 at 15:00
>goes afk
it's all my fault, should have dodged when i saw he picked exhaust

is malz not permabanned anymore

Anything that can shove and roam
No one in silver knows how to deal with roams
I'd say Diana would be your best choice but anything works as long as you can pressure sidelanes like there is no tomorrow

Be playing against a Ryze.
Mercs, Banshees ~146 MR. Anymore I'll be neglecting ad on the enemy team.
Die. Q -1.5k damage.
Damage dealt. 3k in 3 seconds.
There's just no winning against this fucktard of a champion is there?

Karma mid is literally FREELO

by stop whining about shit and getting rito to nerf it

Nice fanfiction you got there.

Why is kha so strong all of a sudden

gets fed in everyone of my plat 1 games and gets fed in all challeneger streams i see

.vg. vs .vg. results

Fiercest and most beautiful girl on the rift.

>jump in
>get a kill
>jump out

people play for themselves and not the team so they don't have hard cc or buy pinks for him

I love Lissandra!
I agree with this
That's wrong you idiot

dang thx for explaining to me how he works user XDDD

not like nobody played him up until 2 weeks ago!

thx for answering my question buddy! XD

Urgot. Not even trying to meme. Nobody knows how to play against him, or even knows what he does in Silver. Even my teammates expected me to ult someone who was halfway across the lane your ult can do that at rank 3.

Once you get past laning phase, the rest should be a cakewalk. 3-shotting their carries while being a ranged tank is h-e-fucking-larious

this is some low level aram game holy shit, half the people have heal/clarity

Can you do this in League?

She's around the same age as Swain
~mid forties
You're not exactly fertile in your forties.

>not taking DFT on Urgod


>gets kill
>doesnt die
>gets very ahead

they told the faggot that sent the ticket she couldn't marry
because she's already my wife

She stays young by bathing in the blood of inferior girls (Sona, Ahri, etc. etc.)

forgot link


>she stays young by absorbing the semen of young men

>Implying her touching sona wouldn't cause a massive war between her and Swain.
>And then because Swain is so in love with her, a filthy demacian, causing a revolt and break down of the Noxus power structure
Don't be a retard.

>absorbing the semen of young men

I volunteer as tribute.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

I would willingly become LeBlanc's human dildo

Will League ever compare to this?


Did they actually think that pathetic hotfix would stop the tittymonster?

I switch between DFT and Thundermeme. thunderlords gives me the instant damage that i want, and DFT gives my more poke damage for the long trades after tear. Either one is good

No, but the dozen other inevitable nerfs will. Enjoy.

Xth for Katarina
best girl


Believe me I'm enjoying every moment of it while it lasts. This shit is so busted it's hilarious.

why does dota2 look so awful

excuse me?

He's Silver 5 with 17 ARAM wins, so yeah his ARAM MMR isnt going to be very high.

For comparison I have significantly more (80) ARAM wins, and this is what my games look like.

Can you explain to me when she gets this big power spike?
I fought one in a ranked game yesterday, but it was kinda sad as we wiped the floor with her. Never got to see the titty rage in action.

I know it has to do with her new passive scaling CDs, but still

Sona is an Ionian who lives in Demacia for the dosh.


>support is so infuriating to play with that after two deaths I convince her to support mid so I can farm in peace
>feeds the other lanes instead of mine
>don't have to look at her ugly champion, bad skin and awful playing

Congrats your models look like late-XB360 models, that doesnt make them not vomit inducing ugly.
You could have Crysis' graphics engine and it'd still be disgusting to look at in the worst possible way. League is pretty no matter how bad the graphic settings are.

>Summoner's Rift: Brown and Spring edition

She was an Ionian orphan who was adopted by Demacians.
She is a Demacian.


>league players using facecam on stream/youtube

for what purpose

It's personable and just more inviting.
Even if they are kind of ugly, it helps.

Daily reminder that CLG willingly gave up Pobelter and Doublelift for Stixxay and Huhi

because you get outcasted by the lol twitch chat unless you're like chinese/korean/few exceptions without a face cam

>support picks Veigar
>watches as I die because he can't do anything
>stop helping during ganks when we clearly would've killed them
>don't ult even when for sure it would have killed someone
>just walk away when we get engaged on, leaving Veigar
>farm bot the whole game
>lose us all 18lp

When are Riot going to do something about half of the toplaners / junglers being able to go full tank and still instakill the enemy carries?

Can't back their reasoning on Pob, but Aphro is a better component to keep than DL, and if they didn't throw out DL Aphro would have walked.

Nope she's a yellow monkey.

* ᴮᵘᵗ ᶰᵒᵇᵒᵈʸ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ

>azirs win rate
>azirs play rate

user you're a couple of months late. Metagolem's been dead for a while now

Nice hyperbole.

Veigar goes swimming in Lulu m8.

ADC mains are such whiny bitches and seriously should fuck off

>High skillcap champs aren't played a lot and when they are people lose on them because they can barely hit the skill floor let alone the ceiling
Wew lad its not like this has ever happened before with other champs in league!

>have not played league in two years
>downloaded it again a couple of weeks ago
>have been trying to play normals but i keep feeding like crazy
>can't remember jungle monster respawn times
>destroyed no matter which role or champ I play
>can only have fun by playing ARAM

is this the end of league for me?

>champions in league of legends

>It's an enemy team won't stop walking on my ekko ghost episode
I don't know what they expected

Yeah I'm not great. I started Ranked with only 3 months of experience because I'm an idiot and kept accidentally queuing Ranked instead of Norms. I started Silver 3 and made it to 1 but dropped to 5. I play aram early in the mornings with friends to fuck around, but I'm starting to see how it can help you improve.

Thanks for the link nigga, looks like I'm doing alright.

-10 meme points for taking the low hanging fruit.
Apply yourself next time.

I've been only been playing ARAM since like season 3 or 4.

Naw my man. If you really want to get back to it, just practice how new shit works. It's relatively changed.

If you were originally looking to escape, you might be in the perfect condition to do so.

Really, because what TSM's doing has me thinking otherwise picking up a total no name and making him work, excel even.

As good as Aphro is (or can be at least, unironically has been getting outperformed by Biofrost as a whole this split) you can only carry so much from the Support position. Having a special talent at your carry position is an almost invaluable boon.

Not even getting into the fact that Doublelift is literally a lead shotcaller for TSM alongside Bjergsen which is a hilarious thought in itself. Yeah the team synergy got them a spring split NA title and I'm not gonna take away the inarguable best showing for an NA team EVER internationally, but it feels like they've put their potential ceiling lower with those roster changes.


>enemy gets scared
>back off
>ult 3 seconds later
every time

Once she completes Eye of the Watchers and Ardent Censor her E gives her ~21% movement speed and teammates ~16%. Now mind you that's with just one point in E, leaving you to decide whether or not to max Q or W first. The AP combined with the bonus heal and shield from Ardent means she's zipping the entire team around while spamming ridiculous shields on everyone. This is the first power spike.

The next spike occurs when she puts her next point into R and the CDR just starts to get ridiculous. As the components of Athene's start to get built it all just stacks together and the team can just barrel down lane and never take any damage. At this point her E is usually around a ~3.5 second cooldown which means she can keep her team sped up nearly indefinitely.

God help the enemy team if she ever gets to lvl 16, cause then everyone is literally perma-shielded and sped up.

In short Eye of the Watchers -> Ardent Censor -> Athene's = team sanic

>Shitters whining about Rylais

It's finally been viable after YEARS of being shit ever since the mage itemization update last year and has created mage parity the likes we've never seen. With all the mobility creeped cancer shit in the game god forbid mages have something to counter it with

What the fuck? Did they nerf Baron?

Let me preface this by saying that I haven't played LoL in many months. I decided to log-in to dick around with my favorite champ Nasus in a CUSTOM GAME just for the fun of it. Just farming everything and raping the computer AI. Nothing special at all.

I wanted to end the session by getting executed by Baron. He dropped like it was nothing. I killed him as easily as Nasus kills dragon. Last time I played LoL, I would've been lucky to get Baron to 50% hp with this same amount of items before he killed me. I'm confused.

>support picks veigar
>land all his stuns
>get me fed
>get lots of double stuns
>always ult at the right time without ksing
>got us all 24 lp

People who play this game have the memory span of a goldfish

and yet adcs still have no decent health items

What would be the ideal ARAM team?