/hg/ - Halo General

Heretic Hunt Edition

>Current Content Update:
- Warzone Firefight (available on 6 maps)
- Campaign Score Attack
- 1 new arena map
- 1 new warzone map
- 1 new warzone assault map
- 1 new forge canvas
- New bosses, including the Grunt Goblin
- New reqs, including the UNSC wasp vehicle and the Halo 2 Beam Rifle
- Req items available in forge
- 5 new campaign score attack achievements
- 3 new warzone firefight achievements

>Official Warzone Firefight reveal trailer:

>Important Halo Links, Notes etc.

>Latest Halo Community Update

>Spartan Companies:
halowaypoint.com/en-us/spartan-companies/halo general

>Looking for custom games/campaign co-op players/matchmaking squad
Watch the threads for occasional party squads

>Xbox One clips and screenshots

>The third /hg/tage is out!

Previous thread

1st for there's literally not a single good map in Halo 5


Go to sleep Least Coast fags.

I can just stitch the image as long as we can position it properly.
I'll take a look at building a stage with guides as to where to stand later.

I just want to say, OP, thank you so much for not linking the thread at exactly 750 and instead giving us some breathing room. I really appreciate the less autistic approach.

Also nice pic.

>no numbers

Why not?

It was actually made by someone else. He just waited for the other guy, and the other guy never posted.
Was probably hoping that nobody would make a thread and it would all die.

Oh yeah, forgot about that too haha, who gives a fuck about fort mcflurry?

The map is DONE, let's hurry up and take the picture before people start leaving the general.

It's thread #184.
There. Happy?

Warzone maps are god tier. If only we could use them in customs/forge...

Well an area for the picture has to be done first

Some sort of stand or scene would be nice. We could just use something already on there, but if we end up needing to combine 2 screenshots it will be nice to have something more organized

I'm just thinking some kind of simple bleachers


Yes. But I'd be more happy if it was conveniently available right in the OP. Theres no reason to not include it, even if they dont know the proper number they could quickly ask. And if each thread was numbered that wouldn't be a problem to begin with

15th for "TOO BIG"

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Fort Macmurray Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Fire Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

>all those clearly spaced links to all the different resources and info

>but no, putting a 3 digit number is taking it TOO FAR

I don't understand the anti-number fags. It's nothing but a benefit.

No reason to number it. The number doesn't serve any purpose outside of wanting a thread count number despite knowing that number isn't even accurate.

I still don't think it's healthy.
I'm not going to count how many days I've lived past the date I should've died of cancer.

How painful is cancer?

>I can't deal without numbers
>literal autism

That'd depend on the cancer, wouldn't it?
I'd assume skin cancer would be horrible, but something like liver cancer might be easier to deal with.

Nth for Game Fuel

It does serve a purpose... It keeps track of the thread

Even if it's off by 2 or 3 it doesn't matter considering how from here on the numbering would be consistent

If you want to go back and look for something its much easier to look for thread #183 or something than "oh yeah, go look for the one with the funny anime meme image"

I wish Halo 1 was voted for more in big team.

>I wish Halo 1 was voted for more in big team.
Play with Big Red

> I refuse to deal with any sort of numbers at all and purposefully disclude them because they trigger me even though they are a benefit

>literal autism

>he doesn't like plaza

There's nothing to look for.
We don't do anything that's worth looking for.
Anything you could possibly look for is more easily obtained by asking in the thread.

And then you got shit like this...

>MCC is working for me...
When did this start happening?

That's not true

I've gone back to look for images and posts a few times

Itd be easier to know which thread it was on rather than combing through all of the past 3 or 4 threads. Theres literally no reason to not include numbers unless they trigger you. In which case I'd ask why does a tiny ass 3 digit number trigger you so goddamn much.

>numbers serve no benefit
>this is somehow autism


Even if you personally don't think they serve a purpose (which they do) what's so bad about having them? We have all that other shit in the OP?

It's been working pretty well recently.
Had lobbies going for two days now.

>(which they do)
What? Pleasing your autism?

What the fuck could you have possibly gone back for that was worthwhile?

Links to websites and information =/= useless numbers

That only works if a person fucking takes note of all notable posts in threads and keeps a catalog. At that point, you might as well just archive them,.

I just said, images and posts

Sometimes someone asks for an image or you want to find it so you have to go back and look for it

I don't autistically save every image from every thread for future use, sometimes you have to go back and grab it

>In which case I'd ask why does a tiny ass 3 digit number trigger you

You're the one who started "bitching" about the lack of numbers bro.

Then why not just save it in the first place?
Somebody would probably have it saved already anyway.
Archives were a mistake.

Just pointing out that the unique poster count was at 8 before the number arguing began. Now it's at 10 and we have over 40 posts.

It's literally 2 people going back and forth, or possibly 1 person responding to himself to make the opposing view he sides with look retarded.

Whatever the case, don't believe the lie there's "a majority" of people that don't want or do want numbers. Dont let one or two autists speak for you. Most people clearly don't give a fuck.

That is all.

Or more since post count won't go up if people who have already posted post again, you fucking dip.

Playing some Firefight in about 5-10 minutes. Feel free to join.

I'm sorry you retards failed math class and are PTSD triggered by the mere mention of a number larger than 100

Numbered threads are literally a good thing and there's no reason at all to not have them. You complain about useless shit but link stuff like the xbox dvr homepage? What?

>It's literally 2 people going back and forth,
Several different people have disagreed with the one number fag.

>xbox dvr homepage
>easily grab your clips so you can post them or webm them
>oh wow it's fucking nothing worthwhile at all

Because maybe you don't need it or think to save it at the time? Maybe I remember it later and think "I should save that image"

Like I said, I don't save every single image from every thread. Obviously there are times when you might want to go back and get something.

If you don't already know about Xboxdvr or have it bookmarked before coming here you're literally retarded

Who the fuck learns about Xbox DVR through the OP of a halo general post? 99.9% of people here will never click that or only click it once

You're not going to remember an image from more than five threads ago.
Plus, you can still ask "hey, does anybody have x?"

Reminder that there was a guy samefagging about having numbers and got caught.

No I'm not

I wouldn't bring it up because whenever there's a numbered thread someone complains that there's numbers

Whenever there's a non-numbered thread someone complains there's NO numbers

Either way we get shitposting galore

I'm just saying, there's no negatives to including numbers in the OP.

>There's only one number fag!
You know, I actually kind of agree with you. I believe there's honestly probably only 1 or 2 people really pushing the numbering.
But I don't believe for a second that you have some legion behind you leading the opposition. It's you and him, and you're both just as cancerous until you can prove otherwise.

Or, you know, you could just stop altogether. You won't, but I pray you'll at least consider it.

There's a bunch that don't want to bother with numbers, that much is obvious

Heard you talking shit about Helioskrill

If they don't care then why does having numbers seem to bother them so much

>at least four in this thread
>parties full of people that don't want them, mock them, or don't care
Numbers are the minority, by far.

>Whenever there's a non-numbered thread someone complains there's NO numbers
This is a recent development, and is probably just you shitposting about your numbers.

>There's a bunch that don't want to bother with numbers, that much is obvious
But there's only one that does want numbers, right?
Yeah, no.
Either prove what you're saying or stop shitting up the thread. It takes 2 to argue.
Saying things like "that's obvious" without providing proof is redundant.

I like the squid armor.
It looks a little silly, but it's certainly not terrible.

Oh look, it's the armor that I'll never get because none of my friends want to do the campaigns with me or they bought a ps4

I even game shared with one fucker and he only plays Halo5 multiplayer because "story mode in games is retarded" and "I only play games for multiplayer"

Doing H2A on legendary solo fucking killed me, and I can't be bothered to do 3&4 solo again after doing them on 360

3 and 4 are easy, though.

You can get it out of REQ packs now

Yeah. Reach was the last difficult Halo

They are, but they're more fun on 4 player co-op

Stop forcing this meme


Who is the most autistic person in the /hg/ establishment?

Don't kid yourself. Reach was even easier than 3.

Pingas or Mclovin.

>pingas actually has autism
I guess that settles it.

Sigmund gib nombors pl0x

I know but that seems like a shitty way to get it. And I only just started golds recently. I want to do it for the accomplishment, you know? Reminds me of the H3 days where most of the armor was tied to campaign

This is part of the problem

I did 3, 4, and reach all solo right before I bought an xbone a few months ago. Them I did H2A solo. So I'm really fucking burnt out on legendary.

Strangely enough I thought reach was pretty easy, the hardest part was the Space dogfight where you get shredded like butter. Everything else was a piece of cake, just carry a plasma pistol everywhere.


Just gotta hope you get lucky.
It was actually one of the first armors I ended up getting out of golds.

3 is such a fucking joke difficulty-wise.
I was disappointed in 4 not cranking it up but I gave them a pass because it was their first Halo.
But then 5 was also easy as piss.
Reach was much tougher but only if you play it legitimately (sprint makes it super exploitable)

I could never get past the river and the jackal section on Sierra 117 in halo 3. The fucking weapons are all so shitty and innacurate. To this day my highest h3 completion is on normal. Pls don't bully me and no I wont say my username

It's ok user.
No bully.

It could be worse, user.
You could be like me and decide to only melee enemies to the point where your shooting skill starts to decline.
I just really want to fist my enemies to death, is that so wrong?

I won't bully you but I would like it if some other anons posted their best bully Webms

Reach isn't that difficult since there are 2 reliable headshot weapons that give you more than enough ammo, a less-reliable but better-than-halo 3 magnum, and one of the best plasma pistols in the series.

Yeah, I used to think Reach was challenging but them I learned how exploitable it was.
Then again, 3 manages to be even easier so go figure.

I thought 5 managed to feel decently hard.
Harder than 3, at least.

Goodnight /hg/.

That's not an achievement

Sleep tight

>the number of times I restarted Two Betrayals on Legendary because of shitty checkpoint spawns and my inability to realize I was walking too fast through some sections to trigger checkpoints
I don't want to talk about it.

Goodnight, user.
Have sweet dreams of Reach with a good framerate.

>never touched the gungoose
>tried it out during a Warzone match because of random vehicle req
Holy shit this is the funnest thing ever.

Why does this general blow so much?

play it on Heroic, if I can do it you can.
i'd do Legendary but it takes too long imo

Sleep tight Asuka.

>Why does this general blow so much?
/hg/ is not a popular general.
It wouldn't exist naturally on its own.
It's kept alive sold by a tightnit group of a few regular players that continuously debate any new poster that comes to the general.
This is very much /scg/ - Secret Club General

>100 posters on average for the past few weeks
Nigga what the fuck are you on about

You do realize the secret club thing is a meme now

Some retard complained how we were a secret club because we play with eachother a lot (even though our parties and lobbies are wide open for anyone to join) and then he ended up never even playing with us. So we joke about it now.

Of course we play halo with eachother a lot, that's what this general is for.

Climb tight, Todd.
I'll buy your game, too.

This isn't a prank, right? You're not trying to trick me? You'll buy my game?

is there much to do with Halo 3/ODST/Reach etc. on a JTAG/RGH 360