What arguments are there for and against India being considered a Western country if you define the West as the...

What arguments are there for and against India being considered a Western country if you define the West as the cultures that inherited Greek culture and philosophy?
The indo-Aryan people probably originated in the Mediterranean area and absorbed Greek tradition (its influences on Vedic culture are obvious, especially if you consider their mythology). India is a democracy. Hinduism is similar to Greek mythos.
What are Veeky Forums's thoughts on this?

Do you have any direct examples of links between Hinduism and Greek religion? The only one I know of is Mitra worship and that's with the Romans as a result of contact with the Iranics. If there's any connection between the two it's probably only the result of Persian influences.

>The indo-Aryan people probably originated in the Mediterranean area and absorbed Greek tradition (its influences on Vedic culture are obvious, especially if you consider their mythology). India is a democracy. Hinduism is similar to Greek mythos.
No, they originated in Central Asia, as did Greeks, and all other Indo-European peoples. That's the reason for their similar mythology.

Castor and Pollux were adopted by the Indians and made into pic related. I'm sure there are many more examples but I'm not an expert

>Castor and Pollux were adopted by the Indians and made into pic related
It wasnt adopted you idiot, it is a common Mytheme in proto-indo-aryan mythos that had a Divine Twins in the mythos, it was simply adopted from the parent culture of the Indo-Europeans, hell even Egyptians had similar myths.




>believing 18th century romanticist fairy tales

Sanskrit comes from Greek

Prove it.

nothing can be proven, we only have explanations that are the most likely

>Castor and Pollux were adopted by the Indians
Kill yourself

They were cognate deities, not adoptions

Stop forcing things to fit your dumb fantasies

Oh wait, this is a fucking troll thread

>nothing can be proven
More fries or I'll call your manager

so prove something to me thats as vague as a historical hypothesis. Euphoric neckbeard gentlesir "theories" like indo-european migrations certainly cannot be proved

Buddhism originated in India and absorbed Hercules as Vajrapani, protector of the Buddha.

The West is any country in western Europe and their colonial descendants.

Nothing more, nothing less.

the west is all of europe west of poland, including southern europe, excluding at least some slavic balkan countries like bosnia and albania. Pre-islam the west also included israel, syria, phonecia, and maybe jordan

>india inherited greek culture and philosophy
Nigga its the other way around

Albania isn't slavic


who cares?

Good post



1.The west is greco-roman and christian. This is what defines "the west".

2. the aryans originate around the caspian and diverged and mixed into different civilizations and peoples early on

so no, india was always "eastern", it's own unique civilization, though heavily influenced by islam in modern times, even their religion today isn't the original aryan pantheistic religion they had in antiquity but a more monotheistic version of it.

shit i mean polytheistic


I think its more influenced by western Rome
I mean if we are gonna include Greek Influence then Eastern Europe and the Middle East have to be included