Why do these two nations always failed to uttelize their full potential, what has stopped them from doing that ?
Why do these two nations always failed to uttelize their full potential, what has stopped them from doing that ?
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What do you mean? Both of them have even ascended to superpower status at certain points.
>eternal anglo
>eternal burger
>Conquer Siberia
>Keep it while the Spanish and British lose South America and Anglosphere
>European Russia alone is 1/3 of Europe
>defeated Napoleon and Hitler
>was one of the only two confirmed Superpowers in history
>Cuck the Ottomans and Persia
>Cuck the Swedes and Poles
>Cuck the Austro Hungariand
>Cuck the Eternal Altaic ending centuries of terror on the rest of the world
>Made Germany the meme state it is today
What are you talking about lad?
Collectivism is fundamentally antithetical to technological or social growth.
>then ends up being a third world shit hole, with nothing but snow and drunkards.
Don't pretend like Russia isn't a dismal shithole despite their achievements
how is "conquer everything from the Pacific to the Elbe River" not the Russians full potential?
would you like to live in a non European Russian town?
>non European Russian town
there isn't much of difference between cities in asian or european part
they're kinda equally uniform, be it Novosibirsk, Kazan or Kaliningrad
probably the fact they arent real states
What potential has Russia not capitalized on? You can utilize your full potential and still end up a shithole.
And Russia isn't THAT bad, I just wouldn't want to live there without being in good with Putin's power apparatus but that's similar to my feelings on living in a lot of countries throughout time.
China utilized its full potential up to about the Tang dynasty then it fell off drastically due to infighting and was taken over by foreign powers. Though really if you want to consider Non-Russian Europe as having utilized its full potential, its just a fractured Roman Empire that never managed to re-unify so China is better off in that hypothetical competition.
I live in a russian city in western Siberia. It's great.
>One of only two countries to ever become superpowers
>world's second biggest economy
What? Both states have consistently punched well above their weight.
>defeated Napoleon
Russian Winter ! = Russian military
>forgetting that they took Paris after that
>Green Crimea
>One became a superpower.
>The other the bedrock of East Asian civilization and is on its way to becoming a superpower.
Yeah, OP, why aren't they utilizing their full potential.
China got its ass kicked by manchu, mongols, japan, dam nam, and the english. That is without a doubt the most pathetic military history of such a large nation
Where are u from? England?
England had only France as real enemy and they failed to conquer it twice, they had luck that they lived on an island or else they would have been conquered by France long ago.
Also there was noone at all north or west of them - unlike China which had enemies all around them.
China has the Himalayas to one side, the Gobi to another, and the Pacific to the third,
The only real threat they face from the steppes.
Meanwhile, Germany has been fighting constantly.
>forgetting that Ney with a few good men ass raped thousands of Russians
Neither China nor Russia are superpowers.
The Plantagenets used to pop over and conquer the French all the time.
>the sport of kings
>meme state
leader of europe, one of of the strongest economic powers of this world, almost no crime,
Can Americans and 20th century fanatics please leave Veeky Forums forever?
The U.S. won't let them. Russias nuclear capability is being nullified as we speak by the new US missle defence system in places like Romania, their economy is being crushed by US led sanctions, while all this is going on the US increases the pressure any time Russia attempts to extend its grasp example held in Ukraine. China's economy is entirely predicated on the US not wanting to pay for manufacturing themselves and want to save a little dough. China's military is entirely defensive, they don't have any offensive capabillities from any other points in the world and if they try to wrest controll of their region the US blocks them from doing so by using puppet states like japan and korea as justification.
I'm missing something. Excuses for what? They're both fairly powerful nations i'm just describing what is currently limiting them in the status quo
Well, this thread is about why Russia and China have historically failed to develop as well as Europe and North America.
America didn't exist for most of the time in question.
Napoleon's defest in Russia is more of his one making rather than that of the Russian military, whom he pushed back.
Napoleon thought he could sustain his army over thousands of miles of land and partisans, then that conquering Moscow would win him the victory, and "the boyars would greet him as their master".
The arabs came from the west - battle of talas.
The mongols and turks from the north.
Japan to the east - WW2 and some more wars
In the south the had vietnamese.
meanwhile england only had enemies east of it.
come again when england is surrounded by capable people on all sites.
>The arabs came from the west - battle of talas.
One meme battle that did nothing to curtail Tang expansion.
>The mongols and turks from the north.
Only one worth mentioning. Though Chinese empires were able to exterminate or vassalize several steppe confederations.
>Japan to the east - WW2 and some more wars
They were literally only a threat during WW2.
>In the south the had vietnamese
Is this a joke? The Vietnamese were able to raid Chinese vassals in the southwest that resulted in punitive expeditions.
Zhuang/Hmong/Yao/Yi rebellions never threatened the existence of a dynasty.
I'm really curious. What's it like? How large is it? A lot of crime? Are the streets clean? How is public transport? Any nice restaurants?
(Citation needed)
>all these bullshit claims
>Muh military
Typical pleb history.
>Beat by Manchu
Retard confirmed. Bribe the gatekeeper then win against some rebel scum =! beat
>Cavalry beats infantry, who knew?
>Modern equipment and professional military destroys farmers with spears, how's that even possible
>Experienced navy with advanced ships rekt demoralized soldiers following obsolete tatics on shitty ships, now you're just fucking with me
Most of the valid fuck ups were in the 19/20 century which China was relatively speaking, the weakest it has ever been in power ranking.
>almost no crime
>leader of europe
>arguably one of if not the most globally relevant member of the EU just voted to leave it
>"man, we don't have much crime nowadays. I know what'll fix that! #REFUGEESWELCOME"
Wow you really disproved him
For China it is already another challenge in of itself to remain united. The states are as fractured as the nations in Europe desu
>mfw those cities I saw in 80 days actually existed