You Didn't Want To Keep That Seamoth Anyways Edition
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You Didn't Want To Keep That Seamoth Anyways Edition
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Finally got a seamoth built.
Now what do?
I thought we were supposed to merge with /indie/ until an update rolls out?
I missed the memo it seems.
How spooky does this get?
Rather spooky when night falls.
Fuck /indie/
I went to indie and it was full of shitposting.
Stay on the surface
I missed the start where he was clipped into the ground, popped out, and went rocketing toward the surface while spinning at hyperspeed
But I did get this
explore mountains.
That's asking how do you drive without using the road.
Search for Moonpool fragments
Search for Cyclops parts
Repair the Aurora
You're transitioning from act 2 of "surviving in an underwater base" to act 3 of "actively charting the underwater depths for science."
>125 MB update
What's in it lads?
Approach the stern from the west, then swim alongside the port side. A little bit before you get to the broken bow section you'll see a small trench, which leads to a hull breach that you can swim up into.
idea for Sea Emperor
>voyage beyond the map limits
>after five minutes you hear a very deep and long moan
>sea emperor approaches to your vision from the veil of darkness and follows whichever direction you face so you can see it directly, it's eyes glowing
>a telepathic, echoing voice tells you a very cryptic poem about the alien civilization who built the superweapon while the sea emperor drags you/seamoth/cyclops and delivers you back to the designated exploration area of the sea
>the sea emperor then backs away while facing you, slowly fading into the darkness.
Better than invisible walls imo
Why would you do that, user? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
I think the game right now spawns reapers and crabsquid to kill you
Somethign like this should happen when you go too far outside the edge.
>how do I post on Veeky Forums without using a computer
I didn't even realize there were readied first time I played. I didn't even have fast fins, just the welder, rad suit and some titanium. I was too scared of stalkers to get rubber
Is there even a limit to how far you can go, or do you hit a wall at some point?
There's no limit. It just keeps going into the darkness forever
Is there any decent use for pipes?
I dunno what the devs intended you to use them for. The Seamoth isn't very hard to get and as soon as you do pipes are useless
I just made a cyclops. What should I name it?
Also accepting new seamoth names.
Ten biters.
Im sure getting the seamoth will be more difficult in the future.
I'm running into a bug where Stalker teeth disappear as soon as I get close to them, and reappear when I get further away. Even knowing where they are, I can't pick them up when they're invisible. Could be the LOD system. Maybe I'll make a .webm if I can be bothered to.
It's intensely spooky when you first start. Once you learn things, it gets less spooky, although some creatures still make you shudder when you know you're vulnerable.
They're decent for caves rich in ore deposits. You can leave the extra O2 tanks/Seaglide at home and maximize your free inventory space. But you'll probably just dump all the gold you find to make room for copper & silver.
In the future, pipes may be used in conjunction with bases, in terms of power, air, and/or resource transmission. Devs are still tooling around with them.
Name it "how long until I get the turning FPS bug and have to scrap this" or "ISHYGDDT"
The only use I see for them are getting somewhere deep without a vehicle. Otherwise its far too much infrastructure to set up to gather shit in a small area.
>disappear as soon as I get close to them, and reappear when I get further away
I had the exact same thing happen when I threw floaters on a couple stalkers eggs because my inventory was full. Not even on experimental. Maybe it has something to do with all the creepvine around?
It just happened with some metal salvage too, at the mouth of the jelly shroom caves. It's gotta be LOD, or something that would affect the entire mesh. Chalk it up to "unoptimized" I guess.
Can sandsharks bury stuff with their burrowing? My pile of scrap got forced under the sand. I was able to recover one poking up a little but the rest were just gone.
ten crabs
Really hope there's a zone someday that stretches down 10,000 meters. I want our version of the Mariana Trench damn it.
Welp. Time for stalker teeth.
>build vertical connectors way up to the surface from a small base near blood kelp
>can't get an observatory above the surface
>all I can get are rooms directly at sea level
>the water clips through them and I can't build any higher
>FPS is now slightly more fucked everywhere on the map than it was before
Got this during the sale, do the larger updates tend to break saves?
Sort of. Terrain and such will change, and it's highly recommended you start new saves because if the terrain has changed to clip into one of your bases it'll just get completely destroyed.
Waiting for my stalkers to hatch. I guess I'll go find a bed to scan or otherwise root through wrecks.
Other than that though, there shouldn't be any problems, right?
Roger, we have uh oh.
I don't see what's wrong. Did you get thrown in an impact?
You also won't be able to get certain new stuff. I think, for example, if your save was from before the power update, you wouldn't be able to get battery chargers if you just kept playing. Not entirely sure though.
I was way down in the lava zone and trying to find my way back out, and on the way I eventually went nearly completely vertical. I got off the controls just because I was curious if I would actually fall through my ship
>cut open a door
>theres an unlocked door on the other side
So I'm chilling in my moth, refilling air, when this faggot biter comes along and rams himself into my windshield. So I'm like "What the fuck man?"
That's too bad, guess I shouldn't get too attached to my first base.
You are FUCKED m8
>park seamoth by a wreck on a floating island to check it out
>come out the other side of the wreck
>seamoth is gone and like a hundred meters lower than it should be
>freak out searching for it for like five minutes
>find it like this, clipping into the island
I don't know what the fuck keeps causing this but this has also happened with beacons I've placed
Same thing happened to me once. I catapulted myself into the aurora once.
Perhaps the bone sharks get to them?
Unless it happens in other place where there isn't aggressive fauna.
This seems to always be that case. There's always some alternative route to get behind locked doors.
And the worst part is there's never anything worth while behind those doors.
I hope they fix these problems in later versions.
I once put a beacon down on the mountain island so I would remember where it was and by the time I made the trip back and forth it had sunk down into the island itself and I couldn't get it back. There's just a weird clipping issue if you let something out of your sight sometimes.
Ayyyy, that happened to me just yesterday.
I had put my beacon at the top of the smaller mountain, because I thought it would be cool.
When I came back, it too had sunk into the mountain.
I figured it only sunk because I had taken it out and above water.
I also had some other weird shit happen earlier.
I was traveling via cyclops and some weird reaper tail popped into existence. It was going through the ground and moving super fast.
The weird part was that it was moving away from me, and it was just a tail. No reaper body or anything.
Then it just vanished. I was too retarded to take a screen shot.
Also, I think one of those mushroom eels (forgot their name) was ejected out of the water because there was some worm thing squirming over the horizon.
Pic related was the best I managed to take.
I think I broke the scanner trying to kill the reaper.
If a reaper turns upside down like a dead fish, does that mean it has died?
I was knifing one of the bastards to death and at one point he flip upside down and just stayed that way.
However, it seemed like he was still attacking, but he didn't really move much.
I went back home to get more knifes but now that I'm back he's up and disappeared.
Did he die?
So subnautica dev just tweeted this:
Just showed a new game prototype to a couple folks here. It's half @Subnautica, half...something very different. Exciting.
why are they making prototypes for a different game while subnautica is already behind schedule?
That's just how the creative process goes sometimes.
You get burned out working on one project and on your downtime have an idea for something different and start laying the framework for your next project.
It happens all the time in writing, and I'm sure just as often with video games.
The option for Reaper Leviathan is gone
Confirm for kill
Now I'm kind of sad, I had 6 harden blades with his name on them.
>why are they making prototypes for a different game while subnautica is already behind schedule?
It's most likely why they are behind schedule.
Also, they gotta advertise and hype people up while they still have their attentions.
But it's more likely what this user said
Pretty much. It's why I think we're beginning to see the death of "games as a service." The reason most games die in development is because no matter how cool your idea is, it has to translate to being fun to play, which is damn hard. Old school game design was done in terms of Minimum Viable Product, and the early access model throws out the baby with the bathwater on that end. Games as a service is even worse in that regard, because it takes project creep to a whole new level. With an unclear date on support and development, the scope of the project is also unclear, and without an experienced team of crack devs, the opportunity for misfortune is great.
The landscape today is big on assets and devoid of innovation; it's just the nature of the beast when the industry is this accessible. We'll probably see a new equilibrium in a few years, but I don't know what that'll look like.
I'm holding a memorial service. No one is invited.
>and the early access model throws out the baby with the bathwater on that end.
I kind of fail to see how Early Access gets rid of Minimum Viable Product.
Sure it gives the devs the capability to change the course of the game and better tailor it to the consumers.
However, not a lot of early access games greatly deviate from their course.
Doesn't the tweet imply that MVP is still relevant?
Subnautica is them testing the waters, and their next project will be a more refined Subnautica.
At least, that's how I see it.
Early Access is now a development process where devs say "Look, we KNOW this idea is fun, so give us your money and we'll make it happen. You Can Trust Us." For the record, I think Subnautica is a good game, even in its current form. If it never sees another update, I'd still be satisfied with my purchase.
But, take terraforming. It's billed as a big part of the game, and we have a few mechanics to demonstrate that. Dig Sand (lol), the Propulsion Cannon and the Terraformer, as well as base-building mechanics, and some cave-diving situations. It's in the elevator pitch description on the Steam Store page, even. Now the devs are cutting the feature. I'm fine with it; I think it's the right decision and I don't think the game needed it.
What does that mean for MVP? I think the devs got lucky here, because it ultimately doesn't mean much. The game loop focuses more on survival, which is why despite the assortment of base-building options we have, none of them are compelling beyond a certain point; we lack the freedom of Minecraft to sate the appetite of that kind of consumer.
But the last element of this is consumer expectation, and how MVP factors into that. The gap between expectation and reality has grown a little bit because of this latest development. This is generally Not Good, although it ends up not being a big deal in most cases. Regardless, being very aggressive with your MVP maximizes your dev resource utilization and gives the consumer a better set of expectations to base their purchases on. Again, the dev team here did well, but we've seen how bad this has been for other, more mediocre teams, working on mediocre games.
>Subnautica is them testing the waters, and their next project will be a more refined Subnautica.
Unless Subnautica purchasers are grandfathered into this new project, I think that would be the worst thing they could announce, and would kind of pull the rug out from under my argument in their favor above.
what happens if you kill all the reapers? like freeze em and stab em? do they not respawn?
important question
I sure hope they don't respawn; nothing else seems to, so it would be stupid for them to be the exception.
>all that.
Jesus Christ, how long have you been thinking about this?
Or do you have a degree for this shit?
Picked this game up couple of days ago but only sat to play it today
Goddamn does the time melt away when you're getting comfy beneath the waves
I've just started up a small base and currently chasing for new parts/specs
Also rabbit rays a cute?
The comf only increases
Cyclops is a mobile comf command center
Normal people form opinions without straining their butts. You watch a film and walk out of the cinema with a formed opinion, right? Same here, but he had days upon days of gameplay to do just that.
>dead on the water
But they're scary!
>tfw lost in ILZ
I just made it there with the seaglide, you must be trying to run into them
Something about trying to get to the active lava zone and ending up in this weird unfinished area that's basically a bunch of rectangular rooms attached together is very, very unsettling
Eventually they're going to be able to steal things out of your hands.
>get back here you little shit
>no :3
Clearly you've wandered into an SCP containment zone.
I decided to change my sub's colors to the brightest ones possible so that I'd be able to see it more easily and accidentally ended up with this
Update. Finally found the last piece to make the seamoth
Cobbled together supplies to make it and took it for a spin
After crafting a radiation suit I went to try and explore the ship but got mad spooked by something huge moving near the front end
fucking liar
Something huge, you say?
Not sure if you ran into a bug or not but I can keep building straight up by building horizontal tunnels with hatches on the top out of each MP room to add another MP room on top of the last, and so on.
Just bobthebuilder your old base back into a new save if you have to start a new one.
Shit man I'm not cut out the spooks it game me and the damn jumping crabs that were running around near the inside of the ship
I need to find a way to make the moonpool as I know I found one part of it but don't know what biome it's in